Is it possible to monitor and log actual queries made against an Access MDB? - sql

Is it possible to monitor what is happening to an Access MDB (ie. what SQL queries are being executed against it), in the same way as you would use SQL Profiler for the SQL Server?
I need logs of actual queries being called.

The answer depend on the technology used from the client which use MDB. There are different tracing settings which you can configure in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\ODBC If you use OLEDB to access MDB from SQL Server you can use DBCC TRACEON (see I can continue, but before all you should exactly define which interface you use to access MDB.
MDB is a file without any active components, so the tracing can makes not MDB itself, but the DB interface only.
UPDATED: Because use use DAO (Jet Engine) and OLE DB from VB I recommend you create JETSHOWPLAN regisry key with the "ON" value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\JET\4.0\Engines\Debug (Debug subkey you have to create). This key described for example in, and corresponds to allow trace OLE DB queries. If this output will be not enough for you you can additionally use TraceSQLMode and TraceODBCAPI from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\ODBC. In my practice JETSHOWPLAN gives perfect information for me. See also SHOWPLAN commend.
UPDATED 2: For more recent version of Access (like Access 2007) use key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access Connectivity Engine\Engines. The tool ShowplanCapturer (see, to download also in english) can be also helpful for you.

If you're accessing it via ODBC, you can turn on ODBC logging. It will slow things down a lot, though. And it won't work for any other data interface.
Another thought is using Jet/ACE as a linked server in SQL Server, and then using SQL Profiler. But that's going to tell you the SQL that SQL Server processed, not what Jet/ACE processed. It may be sufficient for your purposes, but I don't think it would be a good diagnostic for Jet/ACE.
In a comment, the original poster has provided this rather crucial information:
The application I am trying to monitor
is compiled and at a customer's
premises. I am trying to monitor what
queries it is attempting against an
MDB. I cannot modify the application.
I am trying to do what SQL Profiler
would do for a SQL Server.
In that case, I think that you could do this:
rename the original MDB to something else.
use a SQL Server linked server to connect to the renamed MDB file.
create a new MDB with the name of the original MDB and link to the SQL Server with ODBC.
The result will be an MDB file that has the same tables in it as the original, but they are not local, but links to the SQL Server. In that case, all access will be going through the SQL Server and can be viewed with SQL Profiler.
I don't have a clue what this would do to performance, or if it would break any of the data retrieval in the original app. If that app uses table-type recordsets or SEEK, then, yes, it will break. But this is the only way I can see to get logging.
It shouldn't be surprising that there is no logging for Jet/ACE, given that there is no single server process managing access to the data store.

Keep in mind that the file sitting on your hard drive is simply a windows file. So, there is a big difference between a server based system and that of a simple text file, or Power Point file, or in this case a mdb file just sitting on the drive.
However you can get the jet engine to display its query optimizeing via showplan.
How to do this is explained here:
The above article also shows how to access the jet disk read statistics, which I also find extremely useful for optimizing things.
Just remember to turn off that data engine logging system when you’re not using it as it creates huge log files…

you could write your own profiler, based on a "transaction" object that will centralize all instructions sent to the database, You'll end up somewhere with a "transaction.execute" method, and a transaction table in your access db. This table can then be used to collect transaction's instructions, start time, end time, user sending the instruction, etc.

I'd suggest upsizing the tables to SQL Server. There is a tool from the SQL Server group that is better than the Upsizing Wizard that is included with Access.
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access (SSMA Access)
Also see my Random Thoughts on SQL Server Upsizing from Microsoft Access Tips page


What does Microsoft SQL Server do?

I understand that this is painfully generic and broad. Nonetheless, all the answers on wikipedia and yahoo (none here that I can find) are pretty useless.
I know T-SQL, C#, etc to some degree. I understand the idea of a database. However, I have NO idea what I created when I made a "server" on my computer through Msft SQL Server. Now I can make databases on that server, and I can connect to them with Visual Studio (sometimes) to use with LINQ or "raw" calls.
Please help me understand (or direct me to an article) of what this myComputerName\SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server thing is. I assume the databases are stored locally...somewhere. SQL Server provides access to the DB files? Why can't they be accessed directly?
Thank you if you even read all this. I really can't narrow the question down.
I guess one specific question is "Can I access the databases without SQL Server running?" Where do I even get the connection string?
You are asking multiple questions, here.
However, I have NO idea what I created when I made a "server" on my
computer through Msft SQL Server. Now I can make databases on that
server, and I can connect to them with Visual Studio (sometimes) to
use with LINQ or "raw" calls.
Please help me understand (or direct me to an article) of what this
myComputerName\SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server thing is.
The layout of a database server is as follows:
Instance a
database aa
database ab
Instance b
database ba
database bb
So, when you install MS SQL Server, you install a MS SQL Server "instance". In this "instance", you can create a number databases. Each database has database files, the exact location of these depends on the settings you chose during installation.
I guess one specific question is "Can I access the databases without
SQL Server running?"
You do not usually open dbf(mdf -ldf) files (the database data files) without MS SQL Server, why would you want to ? You should use the backup/restore features inside MS SQL Server.
Where do I even get the connection string?
The "server" is a process/service running on your computer which can be connected to over the network and provides the API to access your database.
"Why can't they be accessed directly?" Is like asking why do I need Word to view Word files, can't I use Notepad for that. Sure you can, but not really.
Another reason is - imagine multiple processes need to access the database. If each reads and writes to the same files, something WILL break if they don't coordinate. Having a separate server process encapsulates all this.
"Can I access the databases without SQL server running?" I mean yes but actually no.
If you want a database that your program accesses directly (or let's say, your program is also the database server in a sense) - then you can use sqlite, or for simple tasks there are also ODBC drivers for CSV, so you can use CSV files as if they were a database. A dedicated SQL server is always better for bigger more complex tasks and data models though.

How to migrate shared database from Access to SQL Express

I have been using MS Access databases via DAO for many years, but feel that I ought to embrace newer techniques.
My main application runs on end user PCs (no server) and uses a shared database that is created and updated on-the-fly. When the application is first run it detects the absence of a database and creates a new empty one.
Any local user running the application is allowed to add or update records in this shared database. We have a couple of other shared databases, that contain templates, regional information, etc., but these are not updated directly by the application.
Updates of the application are released from time to time and each new update checks the main database version and if necessary executes code to bring the database up to the latest specification. This may involve the creation or deletion of tables and/or columns. New copies of the template databases are also included as part of the update.
Our users are not required to be computer-literate and should not need to run any sort of database management software beyond those facilities provided by the application.
It all works very nicely with DAO/Access, but I'm struggling to find how to do it with SQL Express. The databases seem to be squirrelled away in locations that are user-specific and database creation and update seems at best awkward to do by program code alone.
I came across some references "Xcopy deployment" that looks like it could be promising, but there seem to be references to "user instances" that sound suspiciously like something that's not shared. I'd appreciate advice from anyone who has done it.
It sounds to me like you haven't fully absorbed the fundamental difference between the Access Database Engine (ACE/Jet) and SQL Server:
When your users launch your Access application it connects to the Access Database Engine that has been installed on their machine. Their copy of ACE/Jet opens the shared database file (.accdb or .mdb) in the network folder. The various instances of ACE/Jet work together to manage concurrent updates, record locking, and so on. This is sometimes called a "peer-to-peer" or "shared-file" database architecture.
With an application that uses a SQL Server back-end, the copies of your application on each user's machine connect over the network to the same instance of SQL Server (that's why it's called "SQL Server"), and that instance of SQL Server manipulates the database (which is stored on its local hard drive) on behalf of all of the clients. This is called "client-server" or "server-based" database architecture.
Note that for a multi-user database you do not install SQL Server on the client machines, you only install the SQL Server Client components (OleDb and ODBC drivers). SQL Server itself is only installed in one place: the machine that will act as the SQL... Server.
re: "database creation and update seems at best awkward to do by program code alone" -- Not at all, it's just "different". Once again, you pass all of your commands to the SQL Server and it takes care of creating the actual database files. For example, once you've connected to the SQL Server if you tell it to
it will create the database files (NewDatabase.mdf and NewDatabase_log.LDF) in whatever local folder it uses to store such things, which is usually something like
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA
on the server machine.
Note that your application never accesses those files directly. In fact it almost certainly cannot do so, and indeed your application does not even care where those files reside or what they are called. Your app simply talks to the SQL Server (e.g. ServerName\SQLEXPRESS) and the server takes care of the details.
Just to update on my progress. Inspired by suggestions here and this article on code project:,
I've created a wrapper for the ADO.NET methods that looks quite similar to the DAO stuff that I am familiar with.
I have a class that I can use just like a DAO Database. It wraps ADO methods like ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, etc. with overloads that can accept a SQL parameter. This allows me to directly replace DAO Recordsets with readers, OpenRecordset with ExecuteReader and Execute with ExecuteNonQuery.
Each method obtains and releases the connection from its parent class instance. These in turn open or close the underlying connection as required depending on the transaction state, if any. So a connection is held open for method calls that are part of a transaction, but closed immediately for a single call.
This has greatly simplified the migration of my program since much of the donkey work can be done by a simple "find and replace". The remaining issues are then relatively easy to find and sort out.
Thanks, once again to Gord and Maxwell for your advice.
This answer is too long to right down... but go to Microsoft page, there they explain how to make it:
I hope this help you!!

Lotus Notes ODBC Connection

I need to connect and send/receive information from an MS SQL server in my Lotus Notes app using #formula in realtime (I can connect using an agent, but I need to use inline code for this).
The commands themselves seem pretty straight forward, but setting up the configurations seems to be a topic with scarce documentation. Apparently I need to install an ODBC driver. Where would I find that, and do I install that onto the server or onto the workstations that will run this app?
If any Lotus gurus could step me through setting this up, it would be greatly appreciated.
You'll need to install the ODBC driver on the workstations that run this app, if the users will be triggering the ODBC connections. If at all possible, I highly suggest setting this up on the server side, and having it run via an agent. That'll save you from a few headaches, including having to maintain the ODBC connections on each workstation and worrying if each workstation has access to the data and server.
You first just want to make sure your ODBC setup is correct. You'll need the appropriate driver, of course, and the connection information. This site has a walkthrough to give you an idea of how to setup an ODBC database connection
If you have MS Access you can use it to test querying from the ODBC data source. Once you've tested the connection works, you'll just refer to the data source name (DSN) in your #DbColumn, #DbLookup, or #DbCommand formulas.
Back to my suggestion on setting this up on the server side, that would mean you'd keep a copy of the data you're querying within the Notes database itself, and then users would be interacting with read-only data in Notes. You could schedule updates regularly on the server side of that read-only data and effectively create a cache of the data in your Notes environment. Then that data would replicate around to other replicas of the database, but remove the trouble of the ODBC connection being needed everywhere.
If you need realtime data, though, that solution is out the window and you'll have to go with a local solution. In that case, you might want to look at the LCConnection class or using an ADODB.Connection from script, as both will allow you to create DSN-less connections to data sources. You'd then save the trouble of requiring ODBC data sources on each workstation, and only have to worry about whether they can access the server from their workstation.
I would add another option to Ken's list. It involves having the server do the queries of the external database (therefore you are only setting up ODBC in on the server - you don't have to deal with it on the workstations). You create an agent that is launched on the server using the 'run on server' technique. When the workstation needs to query the external data, the code creates a throw-away document in the database, puts the query criteria into the temporary document, saves the document, then calls the 'run on server' agent passing a reference to the temporary document. The server launches the agent, reads the criteria from the temporary document, does the query, and writes the results back to the temporary document. Then the workstation can access the query results from the temporary document. A scheduled agent can delete the temp docs on a regular basis.
It sounds complicated, and it all has to be done in script, but I've done this in many applications and it is fast, flexible, easy to administer, and gives your applications a lot of power. Note that end users must have the ACL rights to create a document in the db (the temp doc) in order for this to work.
Good luck!

Automatically Generate SQL from existing MS Access table

I've just designed a large database by playing around in MS Access. Now that I'm happy with the design, I need to be able to generate this same database (tables, relationships, etc.) from code.
Rather than hand-writing the SQL CREATE statements (which will be long, tedious, and error-prone process), I was wondering whether there was a shortcut. I seem to recall from my limited exposure to MySql that I was able to export an entire database as an SQL statement that can then be run in order to regenerate that database.
Do you know of a way to do this in MS Access, either through the GUI, or programmatically?
I just found and tried out this tool: jet-tool. It seems to work well for Access 2010.
For free for 30 days (then $30) you can give DBWScript a go, looks like its what you are asking for, although not in native Access GUI or programmatically
The quick and dirty, easy, perfectly legitimate way to do this is just copy the .mdb file. Empty out the data if you need to - usually there are static tables that are handy to leave populated, however.
I use a free utility called MDB Viewer Plus (
Launch it, open your db, then select your table.
On top menu, select "Table > Generate SQL - CREATE".
I don't know what tools you have on your development machine, so this may or may not be helpful.
You can easily transfer your Access database to Microsoft SQL Server using the Upsizing Wizard.
The express edition of SQL Server is available for free > here.
You will also want to get the free Management Studio Express.
Using these free graphical-based tools you can easily generate the SQL statements to re-create the database. You will have the Create statements you are looking for and they will be placed in a text file.
The Bullzip is very good to this. Very simple. See bullzip Access to MySQL for example
It is possible export any tables to SQL or migrate automatically.
Access to MySQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL.
Wizard interface.
Transfer data directly from one server to another.
Create a dump file.
Select tables to transfer.
Select fields to transfer.
Transfer password protected databases.
Supports both shared security and user-level security.
Optional transfer of indexes.
Optional transfer of records.
Optional transfer of default values in field definitions.
Identifies and transfers auto number field types.
Command line interface.
Easy install, uninstall and upgrade.
The thing that you're mentioning in MySQL is sql dumping. Very useful feature. If you want to migrate the database to mysql, here's a helpful article.
I have been using for years a tool called from
I generally use it on client's site as a portable version of SSMS (drop and run), but it can handle a multitude of RDBMSes, including Access.
Connect to your mdb/accdb, right click any table, choose SCRIPT AS, Create, and you're done.
If you right click Tables header, you can select multiple tables to generate, but I think it's a feature of the paid version.
I have no acquaintance with them, just a happy client.
I found an easy way to go:
Export-> ODBC Database
and then retrieve the SQL form there (e.g via pgadmin on postgres)
The free version creates VBA while the $10 pro version gives you DDL statements.

Can SSMA for migrating Access databases to SQL Server 2005 be automated?

I need to migrate Access databases to SQL Server 2005. Since this needs to be done from within a setup so that a customers' installation is transparently migrated to SQL Server 2005, I wonder if it is possible to automate the SSMA toolkit from Microsoft.
Actually SSMA had command-line interface (special console executable in the SSMA installation folder). It was available at some time but I'm not sure whether it made its way to last release. You should ping SSMA support about what versions had it and what examples of its usages are available. I hope this will help you.
To my own knowledge, such an automation is not available. But it is still possible for you to generate the SQL code that creates the database (the one that will begin with the "CREATE DATABASE" sentence) and launch it through your user interface on your SQL server.
To generate this code, you can
Create the access database with the Access toolkit
Generate the corresponing "CREATE DATABASE" SQL code with (for example) SQL Server Management Studio (right-click on database, choose "script database as CREATE". EMS SQL Studio offers a very nice alternative to SQL Server Management Studio
Save the code for further use
With EMS Studio, You can even decide if this code also updates the data. But I'd prefer to automate data transfer through code: you can for example browse the tables (in the right order, depending on relationships), open recordsets (one local, one SQL), and transfer data by browsing the fields (you do not even need to name them) with code like:
(localRecordset links to local table. can be DAO or ADODB; Adjust code accordingly)
(sqlRecordset links to the SQL server. can be DAO or ADODB; Adjust code accordingly)
Do while not localRecordset.EOF
For each field in localrecordset.fields
sqlRecordset.fields( = field.value
Next field