Efficient SQL to count an occurrence in the latest X rows - sql

For example I have:
create table a (i int);
Assume there are 10k rows.
I want to count 0's in the last 20 rows.
Something like:
select count(*) from (select i from a limit 20) where i = 0;
Is that possible to make it more efficient? Like a single SQL statement or something?
PS. DB is SQLite3 if that matters at all...
PPS. No need to group by anything in this instance, assume the table that is literally 1 column (and presumably the internal DB row_ID or something). I'm just curious if this is possible to do without the nested selects?

You'll need to order by something in order to determine the last 20 rows. When you say last, do you mean by date, by ID, ...?
Something like this should work:
select count(*)
from (
select i
from a
order by j desc
limit 20
) where i = 0;

If you do not remove rows from the table, you may try the following hacky query:
SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt
AND i=0;
It operates with ROWIDs only. As the documentation says: Rows are stored in rowid order.

You need to remember to order by when you use limit, otherwise the result is indeterminate. To get the latest rows added, you need to include a column with the insertion date, then you can use that. Without this column you cannot guarantee that you will get the latest rows.
To make it efficient you should ensure that there is an index on the column you order by, possibly even a clustered index.

I'm afraid that you need a nested select to be able to count and restrict to last X rows at a time, because something like this
SELECT count(*) FROM a GROUP BY i HAVING i = 0
will count 0's, but in ALL table records, because a LIMIT in this query will basically have no effect.
However, you can optimize making COUNT(i) as it is faster to COUNT only one field than 2 or more (in this case your table will have 2 fields, i and rowid, that is automatically created by SQLite in PKless tables)


SQL Server - Pagination Without Order By Clause

My situation is that a SQL statement which is not predictable, is given to the program and I need to do pagination on top of it. The final SQL statement would be similar to the following one:
SELECT * FROM (*Given SQL Statement*) b
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement* is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause. I am not able to change the query result of this SQL Statement and I need to do pagination on it.
I searched for solution on the Internet, but all of them suggested to use an arbitrary column, like primary key, in order by clause. But it will change the original order.
The short answer is that it can't be done, or at least can't be done properly.
The problem is that SQL Server (or any RDBMS) does not and can not guarantee the order of the records returned from a query without an order by clause.
This means that you can't use paging on such queries.
Further more, if you use an order by clause on a column that appears multiple times in your resultset, the order of the result set is still not guaranteed inside groups of values in said column - quick example:
;WITH cte (a, b)
SELECT 1, 'a'
SELECT 1, 'b'
SELECT 2, 'a'
SELECT 2, 'b'
FROM cte
Both result sets are valid, and you can't know in advance what will you get:
a b
1 b
1 a
2 b
2 a
a b
1 a
1 b
2 a
2 b
(and of course, you might get other sorts)
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement" is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause.
your inner query(unpredictable sql statement) should not contain order by,even if it contains,order is not guaranteed.
To get guaranteed order,you have to order by some column.for the results to be deterministic,the ordered column/columns should be unique
Please note: what I'm about to suggest is probably horribly inefficient and should really only be used to help you go back to the project leader and tell them that pagination of an unordered query should not be done. Having said that...
From your comments you say you are able to change the SQL statement before it is executed.
You could write the results of the original query to a temporary table, adding row count field to be used for subsequent pagination ordering.
Therefore any original ordering is preserved and you can now paginate.
But of course the reason for needing pagination in the first place is to avoid sending large amounts of data to the client application. Although this does prevent that, you will still be copying data to a temp table which, depending on the row size and count, could be very slow.
You also have the problem that the page size is coming from the client as part of the SQL statement. Parsing the statement to pick that out could be tricky.
As other notified using anyway without using a sorted query will not be safe, But as you know about it and search about it, I can suggest using a query like this (But not recommended as a good way)
;with cte as (
select *,
row_number() over (order by (select 0)) rn
from (
-- Your query
) t
select *
from cte
where rn between (#pageNumber-1)*#pageSize+1 and #pageNumber*#pageSize
[SQL Fiddle Demo]
I finally found a simple way to do it without any order by on a specific column:
declare #start AS INTEGER = 1, #count AS INTEGER = 5;
select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS fakeCounter
FROM (select * from mytable) AS t) AS t2 order by fakeCounter OFFSET #start ROWS
where select * from mytable can be any query

total number of rows of a query

I have a very large query that is supposed to return only the top 10 results:
select top 10 ProductId from .....
The problem is that I also want the total number of results that match the criteria without that 'top 10', but in the same time it's considered unaceptable to return all rows (we are talking of roughly 100 thousand results.
Is there a way to get the total number of rows affected by the previous query, either in it or afterwords without running it again?
PS: please no temp tables of 100 000 rows :))
dump the count in a variable and return that
declare #count int
select #count = count(*) from ..... --same where clause as your query
--now you add that to your query..of course it will be the same for every row..
select top 10 ProductId, #count as TotalCount from .....
Assuming that you're using an ORDER BY clause already (to properly define which the "TOP 10" results are), then you could add a call of ROW_NUMBER also, with the opposite sort order, and pick the highest value returned.
E.g., the following:
select top 10 *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by id desc) from sysobjects order by ID
Has a final column with values 2001, 2000, 1999, etc, descending. And the following:
select COUNT(*) from sysobjects
Confirms that there are 2001 rows in sysobjects.
I suppose you could hack it with a union select
select top 10 ... from ... where ...
select count(*) from ... where ...
For you to get away with this type of hack you will need to add fake columns to the count query so it returns the same amount of columns as the main query. For example:
select top 10 id, first_name from people
select count(*), '' as first_name from people
I don't recommend using this solution. Using two separate queries is how it should be done
Generally speaking no - reasoning is as follows:
If(!) the query planner can make use of TOP 10 to return only 10 rows then RDBMS will not even know the exact number of rows that satisfy the full criteria, it just gets the TOP 10.
Therefore, when you want to find out count of all rows satisfying the criteria you are not running it the second time, but the first time.
Having said that proper indexes might make both queries execute pretty fast.
MySQL has SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS which returns the number of rows that query would return if there was no LIMIT applied - googling for an equivalent in MS SQL points to analytical SQL and CTE variant, see this forum (even though not sure that either would qualify as running it only once, but feel free to check - and let us know).

Remove duplicate rows - Impossible to find a decisive answer

You'd immediately think I went straight to here to ask my question but I googled an awful lot to not find a decisive answer.
Facts: I have a table with 3.3 million rows, 20 columns.
The first row is the primary key thus unique.
I have to remove all the rows where column 2 till column 11 is duplicate. In fact a basic question but so much different approaches whereas everyone seeks the same solution in the end, removing the duplicates.
I was personally thinking about GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
Is that the way to go or what do you suggest?
Thanks a lot in advance!
As a generic answer:
WITH cte AS (
PARTITION BY <groupbyfield> ORDER BY <tiebreaker>) as rn
FROM Table)
WHERE rn > 1;
I find this more powerful and flexible than the GROUP BY ... HAVING. In fact, GROUP BY ... HAVING only gives you the duplicates, you're still left with the 'trivial' task of choosing a 'keeper' amongst the duplicates.
ROW_NUMBER OVER (...) gives more control over how to distinguish among duplicates (the tiebreaker) and allows for behavior like 'keep first 3 of the duplicates', not only 'keep just 1', which is a behavior really hard to do with GROUP BY ... HAVING.
The other part of your question is how to approach this for 3.3M rows. Well, 3.3M is not really that big, but I would still recommend doing this in batches. Delete TOP 10000 at a time, otherwise you'll push a huge transaction into the log and might overwhelm your log drives.
And final question is whether this will perform acceptably. It depends on your schema. IF the ROW_NUMBER() has to scan the entire table and spool to count, and you have to repeat this in batches for N times, then it won't perform. An appropriate index will help. But I can't say anything more, not knowing the exact schema involved (structure of clustered index/heap, all non-clustered indexes etc).
Group by the fields you want to be unique, and get an aggregate value (like min) for your pk field. Then insert those results into a new table.
If you have SQL Server 2005 or newer, then the easiest way would be to use a CTE (Common Table Expression).
You need to know what criteria you want to "partition" your data by - e.g. create partitions of data that is considered identical/duplicate - and then you need to order those partitions by something - e.g. a sequence ID, a date/time or something.
You didn't provide much details about your tables - so let me just give you a sample:
;WITH Duplicates AS
DELETE FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE RowN > 1
The CTE ( WITH ... AS :... ) gives you an "inline view" for the next SQL statement - it's not persisted or anything - it just lives for that next statement and then it's gone.
Basically, I'm "grouping" (partitioning) my Orders by CustomerID, and ordering by OrderDate. So for each CustomerID, I get a new "group" of data, which gets a row number starting with 1. The ORDER BY OrderDate DESC gives the newest order for each customer the RowN = 1 value - this is the one order I keep.
All other orders for each customer are deleted based on the CTE (the WITH..... expression).
You'll need to adapt this for your own situation, obviously - but the CTE with the PARTITION BY and ROW_NUMBER() are a very reliable and easy technique to get rid of duplicates.
If you don't want to deal with a new table delete then just use DELETE TOP(1). Use a subquery to get all the ids of rows that are duplicates and then use the delete top to delete where there is multiple rows. You might have to run more than once if there are more than one duplicate but you get the point.
You get the idea hopefully. This is just some pseudo code to help demonstrate.

Are the results deterministic, if I partition SQL SELECT query without ORDER BY?

I have SQL SELECT query which returns a lot of rows, and I have to split it into several partitions. Ie, set max results to 10000 and iterate the rows calling the query select time with increasing first result (0, 10000, 20000). All the queries are done in same transaction, and data that my queries are fetching is not changing during the process (other data in those tables can change, though).
Is it ok to use just plain select:
select a from b where...
Or do I have to use order by with the select:
select a from b where ... order by c
In order to be sure that I will get all the rows? In other word, is it guaranteed that query without order by will always return the rows in the same order?
Adding order by to the query drops performance of the query dramatically.
I'm using Oracle, if that matters.
EDIT: Unfortunately I cannot take advantage of scrollable cursor.
Order is definitely not guaranteed without an order by clause, but whether or not your results will be deterministic (aside from the order) would depend on the where clause. For example, if you have a unique ID column and your where clause included a different filter range each time you access it, then you would have non-ordered deterministic results, i.e.:
select a from b where ID between 1 and 100
select a from b where ID between 101 and 200
select a from b where ID between 201 and 300
would all return distinct result sets, but order would not be any way guaranteed.
No, without order by it is not guaranteed that query will ALWAYS return the rows in the same order.
No guarantees unless you have an order by on the outermost query.
Bad SQL Server example, but same rules apply. Not guaranteed order even with inner query
) foo
Use Limit
So you would do:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 101,100
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 201,100
The LIMIT would be from which position you want to start and the second variable would be how many results you want to see.
Its a good pagnation trick.

How should I handle "ranked x out of y" data in PostgreSQL?

I have a table that I would like to be able to present "ranked X out of Y" data for. In particular, I'd like to be able to present that data for an individual row in a relatively efficient way (i.e. without selecting every row in the table). The ranking itself is quite simple, it's a straight ORDER BY on a single column in the table.
Postgres seems to present some unique challenges in this regard; AFAICT it doesn't have a RANK or ROW_NUMBER or equivalent function (at least in 8.3, which I'm stuck on for the moment). The canonical answer in the mailing list archives seems to be to create a temporary sequence and select from it:
test=> create temporary sequence tmp_seq;
test=*> select nextval('tmp_seq') as row_number, col1, col2 from foo;
It seems like this solution still won't help when I want to select just a single row from the table (and I want to select it by PK, not by rank).
I could denormalize and store the rank in a separate column, which makes presenting the data trivial, but just relocates my problem. UPDATE doesn't support ORDER BY, so I'm not sure how I'd construct an UPDATE query to set the ranks (short of selecting every row and running a separate UPDATE for each row, which seems like way too much DB activity to trigger every time the ranks need updating).
Am I missing something obvious? What's the Right Way to do this?
EDIT: Apparently I wasn't clear enough. I'm aware of OFFSET/LIMIT, but I don't see how it helps solve this problem. I'm not trying to select the Xth-ranked item, I'm trying to select an arbitrary item (by its PK, say), and then be able to display to the user something like "ranked 43rd out of 312."
If you want the rank, do something like
SELECT id,num,rank FROM (
SELECT id,num,rank() OVER (ORDER BY num) FROM foo
) AS bar WHERE id=4
Or if you actually want the row number, use
SELECT id,num,row_number FROM (
SELECT id,num,row_number() OVER (ORDER BY num) FROM foo
) AS bar WHERE id=4
They'll differ when you have equal values somewhere. There is also dense_rank() if you need that.
This requires PostgreSQL 8.4, of course.
Isn't it just this:
FROM mytable
Or I am missing something?
If you want to show the rank, use this:
SELECT mi.*, values[1] AS rank, values[2] AS total
SELECT ARRAY[SUM(((mi.col1, mi.ctid) < (mo.col1, mo.ctid))::INTEGER), COUNT(*)]
FROM mytable mi
) AS values
FROM mytable mo
WHERE mo.id = #myid
) q
ROW_NUMBER functionality in PostgreSQL is implemented via LIMIT n OFFSET skip.
Find an overview here.
On the pitfalls of ranking see this SO question.
EDIT: Since you are asking for ROW_NUMBER() instead of simple ranking: row_number() is introduced to PostgreSQL in version 8.4. So you might consider to update. Otherwise this workaround might be helpful.
Previous replies tackle the question "select all rows and get their rank" which is not what you want...
you have a row
you want to know its rank
Just do :
SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE score > $1
Where $1 is the score of the row you just selected (I suppose you'd like to display it so you might select it...).
Or do :
SELECT a., (SELECT count() FROM table b WHERE score > b.score) AS rank FROM table AS a WHERE pk = ...
However, if you select a row which is ranked last, yes you will need to count all the rows which are ranked before it, so you'll need to scan the whole table, and it will be very slow.
Solution :
SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE score > $1 LIMIT 30)
You'll get precise ranking for the 30 best scores, and it will be fast.
Who cares about the losers ?
OK, If you really do care about the losers, you'll need to make a histogram :
Suppose score can go from 0 to 100, and you have 1000000 losers with score < 80 and 10 winners with score > 80.
You make a histogram of how many rows have a score of X, it's a simple small table with 100 rows. Add a trigger to your main table to update the histogram.
Now if you want to rank a loser which has score X, his rank is sum( histo ) where histo_score > X.
Since your score probably isn't between 0 and 100, but (say) between 0 and 1000000000, you'll need to fudge it a bit, enlarge your histogram bins, for instance. so you only need 100 bins max, or use some log-histogram distribution function.
By the way postgres does this when you ANALYZE the table, so if you set statistics_target to 100 or 1000 on score, ANALYZE, and then run :
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table WHERE score > $1
you'll get a nice rowcount estimate.
Who needs exact answers ?