Determine fonts used in postscript (.ps) file - pdf

Given a postscript file that has the following header
I would like to list all fonts used in the file. The output does not have to be perfect, but I need to make sure I get all references to any font being used. I am aware there are different types of fonts, and that a font may or may not be embedded in the postscript file.
My current best idea is to grep/search for the word Font case insensitively and go from there.
Will this get me all the font references?
Any better way to achieve this?
I tend to use .NET/C# for development purposes, but any solution is appreciated.
lhf's answer solved the problem, due to formatting and length constraints I am adding a working usage example based on his recommendations.
Windows batch file that can be saved to a .cmd file and run from the command prompt:
REM Prerequisites:
REM - GPL Ghostscript 8.64 #
REM - pdffonts # 3.02pl4 win32 download #
REM Add directories to path, contains ps2pdf and its dependency gswin32c.exe
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.64\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.64\bin
REM Add pdffonts directory to path
SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\temp\path-toxpdf-3.02pl4-win32
REM Convert postscript file to pdf file
call ps2pdf temp.pdf
REM list pdf file fonts
call pdffonts temp.pdf
Sample output:
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
DQRDAA+BCC128Medium-Identity-H CID TrueType yes yes no 21 0
MIAVUG+Verdana-Identity-H CID TrueType yes yes no 13 0
BKNKQN+Verdana-Identity-H CID TrueType yes yes no 10 0

Convert the file to pdf and then use pdffonts if you have it.
If you're into PS programming, you could run a mock PS intepreter (in PS) that ignores most things except findfont.

If the PostScript file conforms to the PostScript Language Document Structuring Conventions Specification you may look for PostScript comments starting witht the strings:

try the following regular expression:
it will give you some extra stuff, but you can play with it from there.


Why text is missing after convert this PDF to image using ImageMagick/Ghostscript?

Text is missing after convert this pdf to image(png or jpg), but there no any error log.
Use ImageMagick:
convert -density 150 -quality 100 "d:/t/pdf/fp.pdf" -alpha Remove "d:/t/pdf/5/fp.png"
Use Ghostscript (testing with version 9.23 and 9.25):
gswin64 -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r300 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=D:\t\pdf\123.jpg D:\t\pdf\fp.pdf
Anyone know what the reason and how to solve it? Thx.
PDF File for testing
image 1 image 2
There are two CIDFonts (STSong-Light and AdobeKaitiStd-Regular) used but not embedded. This means that a substitute font must be used. When run through Ghostscript this produces the following transcript:
GPL Ghostscript GIT PRERELEASE 9.26 (2018-09-13)
Copyright (C) 2018 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Processing pages 1 through 2.
Page 1
Can't find CID font "AdobeKaitiStd-Regular".
Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-GB1 for /AdobeKaitiStd-Regular, see doc
The substitute CID font "Adobe-GB1" is not provided either. attempting to use fa
llback CIDFont.See doc/Use.htm#CIDFontSubstitution.
Loading a TT font from %rom%Resource/CIDFSubst/DroidSansFallback.ttf to emulate
a CID font Adobe-GB1 ... Done.
Can't find CID font "AdobeKaitiStd-Regular".
Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-GB1 for /AdobeKaitiStd-Regular, see doc
Can't find CID font "AdobeKaitiStd-Regular".
Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-GB1 for /AdobeKaitiStd-Regular, see doc
Loading NimbusSans-Regular font from %rom%Resource/Font/NimbusSans-Regular... 71
35536 5791889 4867288 3488798 3 done.
Can't find CID font "STSong-Light".
Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-GB1 for /STSong-Light, see doc/Use.htm#
Loading NimbusMonoPS-Regular font from %rom%Resource/Font/NimbusMonoPS-Regular..
. 10713600 9353422 4987912 3610458 3 done.
**** Error: Executing Do inside a text block, attempting to recover
Output may be incorrect.
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
So you can see two fonts being substituted, and then a more concrete problem. Your PDF file executes an image operator inside a text block, which is illegal. However for me the output is apparently correct.
There is some odd behaviour here. I downloaded the 64-bit release code last night and tried that, and I do see the error. The back channel transcript contains this :
Can't find CID font "AdobeKaitiStd-Regular".
Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-GB1 for /AdobeKaitiStd-Regular, see doc
Loading NimbusSans-Regular font from %rom%Resource/Font/NimbusSans-Regular... 77
20460 6369217 2670672 1276767 3 done.
**** Error: can't process embedded font stream,
attempting to load the font using its name.
Output may be incorrect.
**** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.
Output may be incorrect.
Loading NimbusMonoPS-Regular font from %rom%Resource/Font/NimbusMonoPS-Regular..
. 11808228 10439970 2690872 1310356 3 done.
**** Error: Executing Do inside a text block, attempting to recover
Output may be incorrect.
**** Error: File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged.
Output may be incorrect.
Page 2
The key part is "Can't process embedded font stream....' That's why your text is going missing.
When I run the same command line using the current HEAD of our Git repository I don't see this error, and the file runs to completion. So it looks like this was a bug which has been fixed.
You have two options;
1) If you don't mind building the code, clone our Git repository, open the Visual Studio solution file, allow VS to update it to your version, then build Ghostscript. Use that binary.
2) As you've already discovered, don't use SAFER. I should caution you that this is a potentially dangerous setup. As long as you are processing files which you created yourself you should be fine, but please don't use this setup to process random files from untrusted sources, you could be laying yourself open to attack.
[edit 2]
And here's a third option. With 9.25 we started shipping the Resource files with Windows, just as we do with Linux. I suspect that if you add -I"c:/program files/gs/gs9.25/Resource/Init" to the beginning of your command line, it will work even when -dSAFER is true.
BTW its useful to quote the messages from the back channel when you have a problem, it may not tell you much, but it has useful information for PostScript developers.
The missing text came back when I removed the parameter -dSAFER. I don't understand why; I can't find the reason in the Ghostscript documentation.
This is my final command line:
gswin64 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r150 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=D:\t\pdf\6\fp%03d.jpg D:\t\pdf\fp.pdf

gs 9.22 on Linux doesn't render embedded fonts in pdf generated on Mac

I'm trying to render this pdf on Linux, but the produced png shows missing font blocks.
gs -sDEVICE=png16m -o test.png AGREE\ II\ lijst.pdf
The pdf was generated on a Mac (using its print to pdf feature), and contains embedded fonts:
$> pdffonts AGREE\ II\ lijst.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
EFPVPD+ArialMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 12 0
RFRCNT+TimesNewRomanPSMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 10 0
FLZUKV+Arial-BoldMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 11 0
VQHCHW+Arial-ItalicMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 13 0
evince and qpdfview show the pdf just fine, but printing fails, probably because my computer uses the same ghostscript to render the pdf to bitmap.
Help would be highly appreciated.
$> gs -help
GPL Ghostscript 9.22 (2017-10-04)
Copyright (C) 2017 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [ ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
-dNOPAUSE no pause after page | -q `quiet', fewer messages
-g<width>x<height> page size in pixels | -r<res> pixels/inch resolution
-sDEVICE=<devname> select device | -dBATCH exit after last file
-sOutputFile=<file> select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PostScriptLevel3 PDF
Default output device: x11alpha
Available devices:
alc1900 alc2000 alc4000 alc4100 alc8500 alc8600 alc9100 ap3250 atx23
atx24 atx38 bbox bit bitcmyk bitrgb bitrgbtags bj10e bj10v bj10vh bj200
bjc600 bjc800 bjc880j bjccmyk bjccolor bjcgray bjcmono bmp16 bmp16m
plibk plibm png16 png16m png256 png48 pngalpha pnggray pngmono pngmonod
pnm pnmraw ppm ppmraw pr1000 pr1000_4 pr150 pr201 ps2write psdcmyk
psdcmykog psdrgb pwgraster pxlcolor pxlmono r4081 rinkj rpdl samsunggdi
Search path:
/usr/share/ghostscript/9.22/Resource/Init :
/usr/share/ghostscript/9.22/lib :
/usr/share/ghostscript/9.22/Resource/Font :
/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts : /usr/share/fonts/Type1 : /usr/share/fonts
Ghostscript is also using fontconfig to search for font files
For more information, see /usr/share/ghostscript/9.22/doc/Use.htm.
Please report bugs to
I even have the fonts installed on my computer:
$> fc-list : family | egrep -i arial\|times
Times New Roman
Ghostscript 9.22 built from the tagged release source (available at the bottom of the table here currently) on Fedora 23, renders the file as expected for me.
So it seems likely that its not 'gs9.22 on Linux' its 'the build of Ghostscript 9.22 on my flavour of Linux, compiled by the package maintainer on the Linux distribution I'm using' which is most probably at fault.
There could be many reasons for this. Firstly the various distributions apply their own patches to the Ghostscript source tree. Secondly, the packagers insist on using system shared libraries, instead of the 3rd party library sources shipped with the Ghostscript source. We, the Ghostscript development team, know those work, because that's what we test. We can't test every possible version (and patch) of all the system libraries shipped with every flavour of Linux and you may have hit some kind of incompatbility (most likely with FreeType since its fonts).
Note that what you are seeing there are not 'missing font blocks' but missing glyphs. That's the /.notdef glyph which is used to render in place of a glyph when that glyph is not present in the font. You haven't given the back channel output from Ghostscript when rendering the file, if the fonts were missing then there would be some warnings about that.
I would suggest that you fetch the Ghostscript source, either the tarball from the link above, or use Git and get the latest sources. Build it yourself (you will need gcc, make and autotools installed) and test that. If that doesn't work, then please file a bug report here Please be sure to describe how you built Ghostscript, specify the command line you used, and attach the offending file to the bug report.
There is a pre-built Linux binary at the same location, and you could try that, but there's a reasonable chance that it simply won't work on your Linux.
By the way, having the fonts available on your system won't help at all, because the fonts in the PDF file have been subset and re-encoded. There's essentially no way to use the system fonts to replace the ones embedded in the PDF file, the interpreter must use the embedded fonts.

Handling (remapping) missing/problematic (CID/CJK) fonts in PDF with ghostscript?

In brief, I'm dealing with a problematic PDF, which:
Cannot be fully rendered in a document viewer like evince, because of missing font information;
However - ghostscript can fully render the same PDF.
Thus -- regardless of what ghostscript uses to fill in the blanks (maybe fallback glyphs, or a different method to accessing fonts) -- I'd like to be able to use ghostscript to produce ("distill") an output PDF, where pretty much nothing will be changed, except font information added, so evince can render the same document in the same manner as ghostscript can.
My question is thus - is this possible to do at all; and if so, what would be command line be to achieve something like that?
Many thanks in advance for any answers,
I'm actually on an older Ubuntu 10.04, and I might be experiencing - not a bug - but an installation problem with evince (lack of poppler-data package), as noted in Bug #386008 “Some fonts fail to display due to “Unknown font tag...” : Bugs : “poppler” package : Ubuntu.
However, that is exactly what I'd like to handle, so I'll use the fontspec.pdf attached to that post ("PDF triggering the bug.", // v.) to demonstrate the problem.
First, I open this pdf's page 3 in evince; and evince complains:
$ evince --page-label=3 fontspec.pdf
Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-Japan1' mapping
Error: Unknown font tag 'F5.1'
Error (7597): No font in show
Error: Unknown font tag 'F5.1'
Error (7630): No font in show
Error: Unknown font tag 'F5.1'
Error (7660): No font in show
Error: Unknown font tag 'F5.1'
The rendering looks like this:
... and it is obvious that some font shapes are missing.
Adobe acroread
Just a note on how Adobe's Acrobat Reader for Linux behaves; the following command line:
$ ./Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread /a "page=3" fontspec.pdf
... generates no output to terminal whatsoever (for more on /a switch, see Man page acroread) -- and the program has absolutely no problem displaying the fonts.
Also, while I'd like to avoid the roundtrip to postscript - however, note that acroread itself can be used to convert a PDF to postscript:
$ ./Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread -v
$ ./Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread -toPostScript \
-rotateAndCenter -choosePaperByPDFPageSize \
-start 3 -end 3 \
-level3 -transQuality 5 \
-optimizeForSpeed -saveVM \
fontspec.pdf ./
Again, the above command line will generate no output to terminal; -optimizeForSpeed -saveVM are there because apparently they deal with fonts; the last argument ./ is the output directory (output file is automatically called
Now, evince can display the previously missing fonts in the output - but again complains:
$ evince
GPL Ghostscript 9.02: Error: Font Renderer Plugin ( FreeType ) return code = -1
GPL Ghostscript 9.02: Error: Font Renderer Plugin ( FreeType ) return code = -1
... and furthermore, all text seems to be flattened to curves in the postscript - so now one cannot select the text in the .ps file in evince anymore (note that the .ps file cannot be opened in acroread). However, one can convert this .ps back into .pdf again:
$ pstopdf # note, `pstopdf` has no output filename option;
# it will automatically choose 'fontspec.pdf',
# and overwrite previous 'fontspec.pdf' in
# the same directory
... and now the text in the output of pstopdf is selectable in evince, all fonts are there, and evince doesn't complain anymore. However, as I noted, I'd like to avoid roundtrip to postscript files altogether.
display (from imagemagick)
We can also observe the page in the same document with imagemagicks display (note that image panning from the commandline using 'display' is apparently still not available, so I've used -crop below to adjust the viewport):
$ display -density 150 -crop 740x450+280+200 fontspec.pdf[2]
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.
**** The file was produced by:
**** >>>> Mac OS X 10.5.4 Quartz PDFContext <<<<
**** Please notify the author of the software that produced this
**** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF
**** specification.
... which generates some ghostscripish errors - and results with something like this:
... where it's obvious that the missing fonts that evince couldn't render, are now shown here, with imagemagicks display, properly.
Finally, we can use ghostscript as x11 viewer itself -- to observe the same page, same document:
$ gs -sDevice=x11 -g740x450 -r150x150 -dFirstPage=3 \
-c '<</PageOffset [-120 520]>> setpagedevice' \
-f fontspec.pdf
GPL Ghostscript 9.02 (2011-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2010 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
Processing pages 3 through 74.
Page 3
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
... and results with this output:
In conclusion: ghostscript (and apparently by extension, imagemagick) can seemingly find the missing font (or at least some replacement for it), and render a page with that -- even if evince fails at that for the same document.
I would, therefore, simply like to export a PDF version from ghostscript, that would have only the missing fonts embedded, and no other processing; so I try this:
-dEmbedAllFonts -dSubsetFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=99 \
-dAutoFilterMonoImages=false \
-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false \
-dAutoFilterColorImages=false \
-dDownsampleColorImages=false \
-dDownsampleGrayImages=false \
-dDownsampleMonoImages=false \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-dFirstPage=3 -dLastPage=3 \
-sOutputFile=mypg3out.pdf -f fontspec.pdf
GPL Ghostscript 9.02 (2011-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2010 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
**** Warning: considering '0000000000 00000 n' as a free entry.
Processing pages 3 through 3.
Page 3
**** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.
**** The file was produced by:
**** >>>> Mac OS X 10.5.4 Quartz PDFContext <<<<
**** Please notify the author of the software that produced this
**** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF
**** specification.
... but it doesn't work - the output file mypg3out.pdf suffers from the exact same problems in evince as noted previously.
Note: While I'd like to avoid the postscript roundtrip, a good example of gs command line with from pdf to ps with font embedding is here: (#277826) pdf - How to make GhostScript PS2PDF stop subsetting fonts; but the same command line switches for .pdf to .pdf to not seem to have any effect on the problem described above.
OK point 1; you CANNOT use Ghostscript and pdfwrite to create a PDF file 'without any additional processing'.
The way that pdfwrite and Ghostscript work is to fully interpret the incoming data (PostScript, PDF, XPS, PCL, whatever), creating a series of graphics primitives, which are passed to the pdfwrite device. The pdfwrite device then reassembles these into a brand new PDF file.
So its not possible to take a PDF file as input and manipulate it, it will always create a new file.
Now, I would suggest that you upgrade your 9.02 Ghostscript to 9.05 to start with. Missing CIDFonts are much better handled in 9.05 (and will be further improved in 9.06 later this year). (The font you are missing 'Osaka Mono' is in fact a CIDFont, not a regular font)
Using the current bleeding edge Ghostscript code produces a PDF file for me which has the missing font embedded. I can't tell if this will work for you because my copy of evince renders the original file perfectly well.
Added later
Examining the original PDF file I see that the fonts there are indeed embedded (as I would expect, since they are subsets). So in fact as you say in your own answer above, the problem is not font embedding, but the use of CIDFonts.
My answer here will not help you, as pdfwrite will still produce a CIDFont in the output. Basically this is a flaw in your version or installation of evince.
The problem with 'remapping' the characters is that a font is limited to 256 glyphs, while a CIDFont has effectively no limit. So there is no way to put a CIDFont into a Font. The only way to do this would be to create multiple Fonts each of which contained a portion of the original, and then switch between them as required. Slow and klunky.
If you convert to PostScript using the ps2write device then it will do this for you, but you stand a great risk that in the process it will convert the vector glyph data into bitmaps, which will not scale well.
Fundamentally you can't really achieve what you want to do (convert 1 CIDFont into N regular Fonts) with Ghostscript, or in fact with any other tool that I know of. While its technically possible, there is no real point since all PDF consumers should be able to handle CIDFonts. If they can't then its a bug in the PDF consumer.
Right, I got a bit further on this (but not completely) - so I'll post a partial answer/comment here.
Essentially, this is not a problem about font embedding in PDF - this is a problem with font mapping.
To show that, let's analyse the mypg3out.pdf, which was extracted by gs in the OP (from the 3rd page of the fontspec.pdf document):
$ pdffonts mypg3out.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-Japan1' mapping
CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono-Identity-H CID TrueType yes yes yes 19 0
GBWBYF+CMMI9 Type 1C yes yes yes 28 0
FDFZUN+Skia-Regular_wght13333_wdth11999 TrueType yes yes yes 16 0
ZRLTKK+Optima-Regular TrueType yes yes yes 30 0
ZFQZLD+FPLNeu-Bold Type 1C yes yes yes 8 0
DDRFOG+FPLNeu-Italic Type 1C yes yes no 22 0
HMZJAO+FPLNeu-Regular Type 1C yes yes yes 10 0
RDNKXT+FPLNeu-Regular Type 1C yes yes yes 32 0
GBWBYF+Skia-Regular_wght13333_wdth11999 TrueType yes yes no 26 0
As the output shows - all fonts are, indeed, embedded; so something else is the problem. (It would have been more difficult to observe this in the complete fontspec.pdf, as there are a ton of fonts there, and a ton of error messages.)
The crucial point (I think) here, is that there is:
only one "Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-Japan1' mapping" message; and
only one CID TrueType font, which is CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono-Identity-H
There seems to be an obvious relationship between the CID TrueType and the 'Adobe-Japan1' mapping error; and I got that finally clarified by CID fonts - How to use Ghostscript:
CID fonts are PostScript resources containing a large number of glyphs (e.g. glyphs for Far East languages, Chinese, Japanese and Korean). Please refer to the PostScript Language Reference, third edition, for details.
CID font resources are a different kind of PostScript resource from fonts. In particular, they cannot be used as regular fonts. CID font resources must first be combined with a CMap resource, which defines specific codes for glyphs, before it can be used as a font. This allows the reuse of a collection of glyphs with different encodings.
All good - except here we're dealing with PDF fonts, not PostScript fonts as such; let's demonstrate that a bit.
For instance, 5.3. Using Ghostscript To Preview Fonts - Making Fonts Available To Ghostscript - Font HowTo describes how the Ghostscript-installed script called can be used to render a table of fonts.
However, here it would be easier with just Listing Ghostscript Fonts [gs-devel], and using resourcestatus operator to query for a specific font - which doesn't require a special .ps script:
$ gs -o /dev/null -dNODISPLAY -f mypg3out.pdf \
-c 'currentpagedevice (*) {=} 100 string /Font resourceforall'
Processing pages 1 through 1.
Page 1
$ gs -o /dev/null -dNODISPLAY -f mypg3out.pdf \
-c '/TimesNewRoman findfont pop [/TimesNewRoman /Font resourcestatus]'
Processing pages 1 through 1.
Page 1
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.02/Resource/Font/TimesNewRomanPSMT.
Can't find (or can't open) font file TimesNewRomanPSMT.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.02/Resource/Font/TimesNewRomanPSMT.
Can't find (or can't open) font file TimesNewRomanPSMT.
Querying operating system for font files...
Loading TimesNewRomanPSMT font from /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/times.ttf... 2549340 1142090 3496416 1237949 1 done.
We got a list of fonts; however, those are system fonts available to ghostscript - not the fonts embedded in the PDF!
gs -o /dev/null -dNODISPLAY -f mypg3out.pdf -c 'currentpagedevice (*) {=} 100 string /Font resourceforall' | grep -i osaka will return nothing, and
-c '/CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono-Identity-H findfont pop [/CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono-Identity-H /Font resourcestatus]' will conclude with "Didn't find this font on the system! Substituting font Courier for CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono-Identity-H.")
To list the fonts in the PDF, the script file from Ghostscript (not installed, in sources) can be used:
$ wget ";a=blob_plain;f=gs/toolbin/" -O
$ gs -dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=mypg3out.pdf -dDumpFontsNeeded
No system fonts are needed.
$ gs -dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=mypg3out.pdf -dDumpFontsUsed -dShowEmbeddedFonts
Font or CIDFont resources used:
So finally we can observe the CAAAAA+Osaka-Mono in Ghostscript - although I wouldn't know how to query more specific information about it from within ghostscript.
In the end, I guess my question boils down to: how could ghostscript be used, to map the glyphs from a CID embedded font - into a font with a different "encoding" (or "character map"?), which will not require additional language files?
I have also experimented with these approaches:
pdffonts on the output here will not have the Osaka-Mono listed, but it will still complain "Error: Missing language pack for 'Adobe-Japan1' mapping": $ wget
$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o mypg3o2.pdf -dBATCH -f mypg3out.pdf Adobe-Japan1-UCS2
same as previously - this (via Ghostscript's "Use.htm") also makes Osaka-Mono disappear from pdffonts list: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o mypg3o2.pdf -dBATCH \
-c '/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (Adobe) /Ordering (Unicode) /Supplement 1 >>' \
-f mypg3out.pdf
this crashes with Error: /undefinedresource in findresource: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o mypg3o2.pdf -dBATCH \
-c '/Osaka-Mono-Identity-H /H /CMap findresource [/Osaka-Mono-Identity /CIDFont findresource] == ' \
-f mypg3out.pdf
Note finally that some of the .ps scripts ghostscript installs, it may use automatically; for instance, you can find
$ locate
... and then using sudo nano locate, you can add the statement (Hello from\n) print at the beginning of the code; then whenever one of the above gs commands is called, the printout will be visible in stdout.
Adding your own fonts - Fonts and font facilities supplied with Ghostscript
About "CIDFnmap" of Ghostscript - Features to support CJK CID-keyed in Ghostscript
Bug 689538 – GhostScript can not handle an embedded TrueType CID-Font
Bug 692589 – "Error CIDSystemInfo and CMap dict not compatible" when converting merged file to PDF/A - #1522
Adobe Forums: CMap resources versus PDF mapping resources: Please keep in mind that a CMap resource unidirectionally maps character codes to CIDs. Those other resources that Acrobat uses are best referred to as PDF mapping resources. Among them, there is a special category called ToUnicode mapping resources that unidirectionally map CIDs to UTF-16BE character codes
Adobe CIDs and glyphs in CJK TrueType font
Ghostscript and Japanese TrueType font
Installation guide: GS and CID font
Debian -- Filelist of package poppler-data/sid/all

How to identify PDF files that need OCR?

I have over 30,000 pdf files. Some files are already OCR and some are not. Is there a way to find out which files are already OCR'd and which pdfs are image only?
It will take for ever if I ran every single file through an OCR processor.
I would write a small script to extract the text from the PDF files and see if it is "empty". If there is text the PDF already was OCRed. You could either use ghostscript or XPDF to extract the text.
This should get you started:
foreach ($pdffile in get-childitem -filter *.pdf){
$pdftext=invoke-expression ("\path\to\xpdf\pdftotext.exe '"+$pdffile.fullname+"' -");
write-host $pdffile.fullname
write-host $pdftext.length;
write-host $pdftext;
write-host "-------------------------------";
Unfortunately even when you have only images in your PDF pdftotext will extract some text, so you will have to do some more work to check whether you need to OCR the pdf.
XPDF worked for me in a different way. But not sure it is the right way.
My PDFs with image also gave text content. So I used pdffonts.exe to verify if the fonts are embedded in the document or not.In my case all image files showed 'no' for embedded value.
> Config Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
> Config Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
> name type emb sub uni object ID
> ------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
> Helvetica Type 1 no no no 7 0
Where as all searchable PDFs gave 'yes'
> Config Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
> Config Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
> name type emb sub uni object ID
> ------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
> ABCDEE+Calibri TrueType yes yes no 7 0
> ABCDEE+Calibri,Bold TrueType yes yes no 9 0
I found that TotalCmd has a plugin that handles this:
pdfOCR is wdx plugin that discovers how many pages of PDF file in
current directory needs character recognition (OCR), i.e. how many
pages in PDF file have no searchable text in their layout. This is
mostly needed when one is preparing PDF files for one’s documentation
or archiving system. Generally in one’s work with PDF files they need
to be transformed from scanned version to text searchable form before
they are included in any documentation to allow for manual or
automatic text search. The pdfOCR plugin for Total Commander fulfils a
librarian’s need by presenting the number of pages that are images
only with no text contained. The number of scanned pages are presented
in the column “needOCR”. By comparing the needOCR number of pages with
the number of total pages one can decide if a PDF file needs
additional OCR processing.
You can scan a folder or entire drive using desktop search tool "dtSearch". At the end of the scan, it will show the list of all "image only" PDFs. In addition, it will also show a list of "encrypted" PDFs if any.

How can I extract embedded fonts from a PDF as valid font files?

I'm aware of the pdftk.exe utility that can indicate which fonts are used by a PDF, and wether they are embedded or not.
Now the problem: given I had PDF files with embedded fonts -- how can I extract those fonts in a way that they are re-usable as regular font files? Are there (preferably free) tools which can do that? Also: can this be done programmatically with, say, iText?
You have several options. All these methods work on Linux as well as on Windows or Mac OS X. However, be aware that most PDFs do not include to full, complete fontface when they have a font embedded. Mostly they include just the subset of glyphs used in the document.
Using pdftops
One of the most frequently used methods to do this on *nix systems consists of the following steps:
Convert the PDF to PostScript, for example by using XPDF's pdftops (on Windows: pdftops.exe helper program.
Now fonts will be embedded in .pfa (PostScript) format + you can extract them using a text editor.
You may need to convert the .pfa (ASCII) to a .pfb (binary) file using the t1utils and pfa2pfb.
In PDFs there are never .pfm or .afm files (font metric files) embedded (because PDF viewer have internal knowledge about these). Without these, font files are hardly usable in a visually pleasing way.
Using fontforge
Another method is to use the Free font editor FontForge:
Use the "Open Font" dialogbox used when opening files.
Then select "Extract from PDF" in the filter section of dialog.
Select the PDF file with the font to be extracted.
A "Pick a font" dialogbox opens -- select here which font to open.
Check the FontForge manual. You may need to follow a few specific steps which are not necessarily straightforward in order to save the extracted font data as a file which is re-usable.
Using mupdf
Next, MuPDF. This application comes with a utility called pdfextract (on Windows: pdfextract.exe) which can extract fonts and images from PDFs. (In case you don't know about MuPDF, which still is relatively unknown and new: "MuPDF is a Free lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C.", written by Artifex Software developers, the same company that gave us Ghostscript.)
(Update: Newer versions of MuPDF have moved the former functionality of 'pdfextract' to the command 'mutool extract'. Download it here:
Note: pdfextract.exe is a command-line program. To use it, do the following:
c:\> pdfextract.exe c:\path\to\filename.pdf # (on Windows)
$> pdfextract /path/tofilename.pdf # (on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X)
This command will dump all of the extractable files from the pdf file referenced into the current directory. Generally you will see a variety of files: images as well as fonts. These include PNG, TTF, CFF, CID, etc. The image names will be like img-0412.png if the PDF object number of the image was 412. The fontnames will be like FGETYK+LinLibertineI-0966.ttf, if the font's PDF object number was 966.
CFF (Compact Font Format) files are a recognized format that can be converted to other formats via a variety of converters for use on different operating systems.
Again: be aware that most of these font files may have only a subset of characters and may not represent the complete typeface.
Update: (Jul 2013) Recent versions of mupdf have seen an internal reshuffling and renaming of their binaries, not just once, but several times. The main utility used to be a 'swiss knife'-alike binary called mubusy (name inspired by busybox?), which more recently was renamed to mutool. These support the sub-commands info, clean, extract, poster and show. Unfortunatey, the official documentation for these tools isn't up to date (yet). If you're on a Mac using 'MacPorts': then the utility was renamed in order to avoid name clashes with other utilities using identical names, and you may need to use mupdfextract.
To achieve the (roughly) equivalent results with mutool as its previous tool pdfextract did, just run mubusy extract ....*
So to extract fonts and images, you may need to run one of the following commandlines:
c:\> mutool.exe extract filename.pdf # (on Windows)
$> mutool extract filename.pdf # (on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X)
Downloads are here:
Using gs (Ghostscript)
Then, Ghostscript can also extract fonts directly from PDFs. However, it needs the help of a special utility program named, written in PostScript language, which is available from the Ghostscript source code repository.
Now use it, you need to run both, this file and your PDF file. Ghostscript will then use the instructions from the PostScript program to extract the fonts from the PDF. It looks like this on Windows (yes, Ghostscript understands the 'forward slash', /, as a path separator also on Windows!):
gswin32c.exe ^
c:/path/to/ ^
-c "(c:/path/to/your/PDFFile.pdf) extractFonts quit"
or on Linux, Unix or Mac OS X:
gs \
/path/to/ \
-c "(/path/to/your/PDFFile.pdf) extractFonts quit"
I've tested the Ghostscript method a few years ago. At the time it did extract *.ttf (TrueType) just fine. I don't know if other font types will also be extracted at all, and if so, in a re-usable way. I don't know if the utility does block extracting of fonts which are marked as protected.
Finally, Didier Stevens' this one is probably not as easy to use, because you need to have some know-how about internal PDF structures. is a Python script which can do a lot of other things too. It can also decompress and extract arbitrary streams from objects, and therefore it can extract embedded font files too.
But you need to know what to look for. Let's see it with an example. I have a file named big.pdf. As a first step I use the -s parameter to search the PDF for any occurrence of the keyword FontFile ( does not require a case sensitive search): -s fontfile big.pdf
In my case, for my big1.pdf, I get this result:
obj 9 0
Type: /FontDescriptor
Referencing: 15 0 R
/Ascent 728
/CapHeight 716
/Descent -210
/Flags 32
/FontBBox [ -665 -325 2000 1006 ]
/FontFile2 15 0 R
/FontName /ArialMT
/ItalicAngle 0
/StemV 87
/Type /FontDescriptor
/XHeight 519
obj 11 0
Type: /FontDescriptor
Referencing: 16 0 R
/Ascent 728
/CapHeight 716
/Descent -210
/Flags 262176
/FontBBox [ -628 -376 2000 1018 ]
/FontFile2 16 0 R
/FontName /Arial-BoldMT
/ItalicAngle 0
/StemV 165
/Type /FontDescriptor
/XHeight 519
It tells me that there are two instances of FontFile2 inside the PDF, and these are in PDF objects no. 15 and no. 16, respectively. Object no. 15 holds the /FontFile2 for font /ArialMT, object no. 16 holds the /FontFile2 for font /Arial-BoldMT.
To show this more clearly: -s fontfile big1.pdf | grep -i fontfile
/FontFile2 15 0 R
/FontFile2 16 0 R
A quick peeking into the PDF specification reveals the the keyword /FontFile2 relates to a 'stream containing a TrueType font program' (/FontFile would relate to a 'stream containing a Type 1 font program' and /FontFile3 would relate to a 'stream containing a font program whose format is specified by the Subtype entry in the stream dictionary' {hence being either a Type1C or a CIDFontType0C subtype}.)
To look specifically at PDF object no. 15 (which holds the font /ArialMT), one can use the -o 15 parameter: -o 15 big1.pdf
obj 15 0
Contains stream
/Length1 778552
/Length 1581435
/Filter /ASCIIHexDecode
This output tells us that this object contains a stream (which it will not directly display) that has a length of 1.581.435 Bytes and is encoded ( == "compressed") with ASCIIHexEncode and needs to be decoded ( == "de-compressed" or "filtered") with the help of the standard /ASCIIHexDecode filter.
To dump any stream from an object, can be called with the -d dumpname parameter. Let's do it: -o 15 -d dumped-data.ext big1.pdf
Our extracted data dump will be in the file named dumped-data.ext. Let's see how big it is:
ls -l dumped-data.ext
-rw-r--r-- 1 kurtpfeifle staff 1581435 Apr 11 00:29 dumped-data.ext
Oh look, it is 1.581.435 Bytes. We saw this figure in the previous command's output. Opening this file with a text editor confirms that its content is ASCII hex encoded data.
Opening the file with a font reading tool like otfinfo (this is a part of the lcdf-typetools package) will lead to some disappointment at first:
otfinfo -i dumped-data.ext
otfinfo: dumped-data.ext: not an OpenType font (bad magic number)
OK, this is because we did not (yet) let make use of its full magic: to dump a filtered, decoded stream. For this we have to add the -f parameter: -o 15 -f -d dumped-data-decoded.ext big1.pdf
What's the size is this new file?
ls -l dumped-data-decoded.ext
-rw-r--r-- 1 kurtpfeifle staff 778552 Apr 11 00:39 dumped-data-decoded.ext
Oh, look: that exact number was also already stored in the PDF object no. 15 dictionary as the value for key /Length1...
What does file think it is?
file dumped-data-decoded.ext
dumped-data-decoded.ext: TrueType font data
What does otfinfo tell us about it?
otfinfo -i dumped-data-decoded.ext
Family: Arial
Subfamily: Regular
Full name: Arial
PostScript name: ArialMT
Version: Version 5.10
Unique ID: Monotype:Arial Regular:Version 5.10 (Microsoft)
Designer: Monotype Type Drawing Office - Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders 1982
Manufacturer: The Monotype Corporation
Trademark: Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.
Copyright: © 2011 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
License Description: You may use this font to display and print content as permitted by
the license terms for the product in which this font is included.
You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the
embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily
download this font to a printer or other output device to help
print content.
Vendor ID: TMC
So Bingo!, we have a winner: did indeed extract a valid font file for us. Given the size of this file (778.552 Bytes), it looks like this font had been embedded even completely in the PDF...
We could rename it to arial-regular.ttf and install it as such and happily make use of it.
In any case you need to follow the license that applies to the font. Some font licences do not allow free use and/or distribution. Pirating fonts is like pirating any software or other copyrighted material.
Most PDFs which are in the wild out there do not embed the full font anyway, but only subsets. Extracting a subset of a font is only useful in a very limited scope, if at all.
Please do also read the following about Pros and (more) Cons regarding font extraction efforts: — not available anymore, but can bee seen on Wayback Machine at
Use online service No need to install anything.
Even though this question is 10 years old, it is still valid and as technology changes so does a valid answer.
In searching the current answers noticed none of them note WOFF (Web Open Font Format) (W3C) (Wikipedia) which can be used to recreate the individual characters (glyphs) and display them in a web page accurately.
Using the free online web page by IDR Solutions, PDF to HTML5 (link), convert a PDF to a zip file. In the resulting zip will be a font directory of woff file types. Current Internet browsers support woff files if you were not aware. (reference) These can be examined at the online site FontDrop! (link).
WOFF files can be converted to/from OTF or TTF at WOFFer – WOFF font converter
Also the zip file from PDF to HTML5 will contain an HTML file for each page of the PDF that can be opened in an Internet browser and is one of the best and most accurate PDF translations I have found or seen.
Eventually found the FontForge Windows installer package and opened the PDF through the installed program. Worked a treat, so happy.
IMO easiest way to extract fonts (Windows).
PDF2SVG version 6.0 from PDFTron does a reasonable job. It produces OpenType (.otf) fonts by default. Use --preserve_fontnames to preserve "the font/font-family naming scheme as obtained from the source file."
PDF2SVG is a commercial product, but you can download a free demo executable (which includes watermarks on the SVG output but doesn't otherwise restrict usage). There may be other PDFTron products that also extract fonts, but I only recently discovered PDF2SVG myself.
One of the best online tools currently available to extract pdf fonts is
This is a followup to the font-forge section of #Kurt Pfeifle's answer, specific to Red Hat (and possibly other Linux distros).
After opening the PDF and selecting the font you want, you will want to select "File -> Generate Fonts..." option.
If there are errors in the file, you can choose to ignore them or save the file and edit them. Most of the errors can be fixed automatically if you click "Fix" enough times.
Click "Element -> Font Info...", and "Fontname", "Family Name" and "Name for Humans" are all set to values you like. If not, modify them and save the file somewhere. These names will determine how your font appears on the system.
Select your file name and click "Save..."
Once you have your TTF file, you can install it on your system by
Copying it to folder /usr/share/fonts (as root)
Running fc-cache -f /usr/share/fonts/ (as root)