ObjC internals. Why my duck typing attempt failed? - objective-c

I've tried to use id to create duck typing in objective-c. The concept looks fine in theory but failed in practice. I was unable to use any parameters in my methods. The methods were called but parameters were wrong. I was getting BAD_ACESS for objects and random values for primitives. I've attached a simple example below.
The question:
Does any one knows why the methods parameters are wrong?
What is happening under the hood of the objective-c?
Note: I'm interest in the details. I know how to make the example below work.
An example:
I've created a simple class Test that is passed to an other class using property id test.
#implementation Test
- (void) aSampleMethodWithFloat:(float) f andInt: (int) i {
NSLog(#"Parameters: %f, %i\n", f, i);
Then in the class the following loop is executed:
for (int i=0; i < 10; ++i) {
float f=i*0.1f;
[tst aSampleMethodWithFloat:f andInt:i]; // warning no method found.
Here is the output that I'm getting. As you can see the method was called but the parameters were wrong.
Parameters: 0.000000, 0
Parameters: -0.000000, 1069128089
Parameters: -0.000000, 1070176665
Parameters: 2.000000, 1070805811
Parameters: -0.000000, 1071225241
Parameters: 0.000000, 1071644672
Parameters: 2.000000, 1071854387
Parameters: 36893488147419103232.000000, 1072064102
Parameters: -0.000000, 1072273817
Parameters: -36893488147419103232.000000, 1072483532
I've found out by accident that when I add a declaration of aSampleMethodWith... to the class with for loop the warning disappears and the method on the Test class is called correctly.
Update 2:
As pointed out by JeremyP the direct cause of the problem is that the floats are treated as doubles. But anyone knows why? (following the 5why principle :) ).
According to #eman the call is translated to simple C function call and compiler directive to get the SEL. So the #selector gets confused. But why? The compiler have all necessary type informations in the first method call. Does any one knows a good source of information about the Objective-C internals I've search The Objective-C Programming Language but i didn't find the answer.

By default floating point values are passed as doubles, not floats. The compiler does not know, at the point where [tst aSampleMethodWithFloat:f andInt:i]; occurs that it is only supposed to pass a float, so it promotes f to a double. This means that, in the method, when the compiler does know it is dealing with a float, f is the float formed by the first four bytes of the double passed to the method and i is an int formed from the second four bytes of the double passed.
You can fix this by either
changing the first parameter of aSampleMethodWithFloat:andInt: to a double
importing the interface declaration of Test into the file where you use it.
NB there is no gain except a small amount of space when using floats in C. You might as well use doubles everywhere.

I think JeremyP is correct about the problem being about doubles vs floats. As for implementation details, message dispatch in Objective-C uses the objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ..) C function (for some deep nitty-gritty, see here). You can simulate the same results of method dispatch like so:
SEL theSelector = #selector(aSampleMethodWithFloat:andInt:);
objc_msgSend(self.test, theSelector, 1.5f, 5);
SEL is just a number that corresponds to a function (that is dynamically determined based on the method signature). objc_msgSend then looks up the actual function pointer (of type IMP) of the method and invokes it. Since objc_msgSend has a variable number of arguments, it will just use as many as you pass in. If you were to do:
objc_msgSend(self.test, theSelector, 1.5f);
It would use 1.5f correctly and have junk for the other variable. Since the method signature typically denotes the number of arguments, this is hard to do under normal usage.

You can make the warning go away by making a category like this:
#interface NSObject (MyTestCategory)
- (void) aSampleMethodWithFloat:(float) f andInt: (int) i;

Without a signature available at the calling point, it isn't known what type the parameters are supposed to have. Undefined methods will be assumed to take ... as parameters, which isn't what yours does. If there is any interface seen by the compiler at this point, where the method in question exists, that definition will be used.

The trouble here is with the dividing line between C and Objective-C. The id type specifies any object, but ints and floats are not objects. The compiler needs to know the C type of all the arguments and the return type of any method you call. Without a declaration, it assumes that a method returns id and takes an arbitrary number of id arguments. But id is incompatible with int and float, so the value doesn't get passed correctly. That's why it works correctly when you provide a declaration — then it knows your int is an int and your float is a float.


Where are Objective-C selectors registered/stored?

I don't quite get the Objective-C selectors.
The problem is: Where are Objective-C selectors stored ?
How do Objective-C Compiler and Runtime System work, so that they convert the method names into SEL ?
Selectors are "interned" (uniquified) strings. The runtime maintains a pool of interned strings (selectors). If you want to intern a string, you call either the sel_getUid() or the sel_registerName() runtime function with a C string, and it returns an opaque handle of type SEL (the selector). If the string has already been interned before, this selector is guaranteed to be equal to the previous one. Conversely, from a selector you can get the string back using sel_getName(). In Cocoa you would use NSSelectorFromString() and NSStringFromSelector(), which operate on NSString objects, instead of using the above low-level runtime functions.
Most of the time, you will not be doing conversion between strings and selectors in the middle of your program. Instead, the selector will have already been hard-coded at compile-time. When you do a method call like [foo something: bar], it is compiled down into something like objc_msgSend(foo, #selector(something:), bar), and the selector literal like #selector(something:) will be compiled into a reference into the binary's selector table generated by the compiler, similar to with global variables. When a module is linked, its selector table is merged with the main program's selector table to guarantee the uniqueness of selectors.
The same question was bothering me too for a while. So I've looked into the runtime implementation. That's what I've found:
All the selectors are stored in a hash set. If you already have a registered selector, it will be returned by the objc runtime using c functions sel_getUid & sel_registerName, if not registered, it will be created by the same functions. Both of them have the same implementation & behavior, 'cause they are calling private function named __sel_registerName. Old runtime uses pointer to struct __objc_sel_set to store values.
struct __objc_sel_set {
uint32_t _count; /* number of slots used */
uint32_t _capacity; /* maximum number of used slots */
uint32_t _bucketsNum; /* number of slots */
SEL *_buckets; /* can be NULL if not allocated yet */
New runtime uses pointer to struct NXMapTable:
typedef struct _NXMapTable {
/* private data structure; may change */
const struct _NXMapTablePrototype *prototype;
unsigned count;
unsigned nbBucketsMinusOne;
void *buckets;
Hope this helps.
Have a look at Apples explanation:
A selector is the name used to select a method to execute for an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled. A selector by itself doesn’t do anything. It simply identifies a method. The only thing that makes the selector method name different from a plain string is that the compiler makes sure that selectors are unique. What makes a selector useful is that (in conjunction with the runtime) it acts like a dynamic function pointer that, for a given name, automatically points to the implementation of a method appropriate for whichever class it’s used with. Suppose you had a selector for the method run, and classes Dog, Athlete, and ComputerSimulation (each of which implemented a method run). The selector could be used with an instance of each of the classes to invoke its run method—even though the implementation might be different for each.
If you have a look at #AntoniKedracki post there is a really good explanation about methods and selectors.
Just a short summary from the post:
Every objective-c method will be represented inside a struct in c. The struct looks like this:
struct objc_method {
SEL method_name
char *method_types
IMP method_imp
So the selector will be created by C automatically from the method name and saved inside the SEL method_name. If you want to get access to the objc_method you should include the <objc/runtime.h>, than you will be able to use the runtime methods.
For more information have a look at the link in the other post.

Objective C Instance Method Help *Beginner*

Can you guys help me understand a concept real quick, I'm having trouble understanding the conversion from C to objective-C:
If I had a particular instance method that look like this:
-(void)addOwnerNamesObject:(NSString *)n;
// ownerNames defined as NSMutableSet
[ownerNames addObject:n];
I understand a few things...
It is an instance method that can be called by the program.
In C this would not return anything (just execute the code in the curlies)
In C, the syntax is slightly less confusing - (void)InstanceMethod(Char *nameOfArgument)
Here's where I need help:
When you call this method are you still sending it an argument?
If so, is that argument an NSString instance that the method names n?
And finally... off topic
If you have a method...
-(id)someMethod:(NSString *)pn
What is the (id) for? does that tell the compiler that it can return any type of object?
Thanks for helping the Newbie... Much appreciated.
First of all, you should really take a look at the basic Objective-C documentation.
In Objective-C, a method can be preceded by a + or - sign.
+ is for class methods, - is for instance methods.
Then you have the return type, inside parenthesis, and the method name.
- ( int )foo;
An instance method named foo, returning an int.
A similar C function would be:
int foo( void );
In Objective-C, the method name is a bit special when you have arguments.
For instance:
- ( int )foo: ( double )num;
A member method named foo:, returning an int and taking a double argument named num.
Similar C function:
int foo( double num );
Now with multiple arguments:
- ( int )foo: ( double )num1 bar: ( float )num2;
A member method named foo:bar:, returning an int and taking a double argument named num1 and a float argument named num2.
Similar C function:
int foo( double num1, float num2 );
About your question on id, it's simply the method return type.
id is a typedef used for Objective-C instances.
Basically, it's a void *.
id does represent an Objective-C object pointer, for any class.
You already know what you're talking about.
1.) When you call this method are you still sending it an argument?
yes, whatever is after the colon
add multiple colons to pass additional parameters...
-(void)addOwnerNamesObject:(NSString *)n withSomeIntYouWantToPass:(int)value;
2.) If so, is that argument an NSString instance that the method names 'n'?
3.) What is the (id) for? Does that tell the compiler that it can return any type of object?
yes, you will return an NSObject or subclass of NSObject
First the dash (-) in the method name says that this is an instance method which means you need an instance to send this message to. The call would look something like this:
NSString* s = #"a string";
[someInstance addOwnersNameObject:s];
In this case you are passing the NSString instance s to the addOwnersNameObject message.
id is like void * in C.
To add to those very valid answers already given with a further discussion of id:
Objects in Objective-C are typeless, which means that at a fundamental level you don't need to know the type to be able to talk to the object. That's one of the big differences between Objective-C and, say, C++.
Pointers to objects are usually typed, such as NSString * to make the code more readable and to indicate your intentions to the compiler so that it can provide suitable warnings if you do anything odd.
id is a typeless pointer to an object. Any object type can be passed as id and any id value can be assigned to any object pointer without casting.
99.99% of the time, id could be replaced with NSObject * since 99.99% of objects inherit from NSObject, meaning that you could use the fact of inheritance rather than the fact of typeless objects to pass things around generically. However NSObject is a little bit special in being both an object and a protocol and some objects aren't actually subclasses of NSObject — NSProxy and the classes that represent blocks jump immediately to mind. You'll rarely be particularly interested in those special cases but id is nevertheless often used as a convention because people prefer the semantics of passing an object with no indication of its type to passing an object with a known ancestor.

Objective-C Selector pointer to be passed to a C function

I have a C struct that contains a function pointer. Now, I have used this setup within C with no problems, but now I'm using this C struct in Objective-C and I need to pass a function (or selector) pointer that is defined in the Objective-C class.
1. Here is what I have for the Objective-C selector that needs to be passed as a pointer to the C function:
- (void)myObjCSelector:(int*)myIntArray
// Do whatever I need with myIntArray
2. And here is where I run into a wall, Within Objective-C I'm trying to pass the selector as a pointer to the C function call: In place of "myObjCSelectorPointer" I need the proper syntax to pass the selector as a function pointer in this C function call:
passObjCSelectorPointerToCContext(cContextReference, myObjCSelectorPointer);
I did investigate this issue, but could mainly find several different ways of doing similar things, but I couldn't find anything specific for calling C functions and passing an Objective-C selector pointer.
In objc a selector is not a function pointer. A selector is a unique integer that is mapped to a string in a method lookup table stored by the objc runtime. In the above case your method name would be myObjCSelector: and to get the unique selector for it you would type #selector(myObjCSelector:). However this would be of no use to you because it doesnt represent a particular implementation of a function.
What youre looking for is IMP. Refer to this SO question.
IMP myObjCSelectorPointer = (void (*)(id,SEL,int*))[self methodForSelector:#selector(myObjCSelector:)];
Then you can call the method using
However, what this means you will need to make sure that you add the pointer to self in the c function call passObjCSelectorPointerToCContext.
So it should look like this
passObjCSelectorPointerToCContext(cContextReference, self, myObjCSelectorPointer);
when called from within the object that contains the method.
It is important to note though that using IMP is almost never the right technique. You should try to stick with pure Obj-C. Obj-C is quite efficient after the first call to a message because it uses temporal caching.
It's useful to understand why objc works in this way. The Apple documents explain it in depth. However a short explanation is as follows:
When you send a message to an object such as [myobject somemethod] the compiler won't immediately know which particular implementation of somemethod to call because there might be multiple classes with multiple overriden versions of somemethod. All of those methods have the same selector, irrespective of its arguments and return values and hence the decision about which implementation of somemethod is deffered to when the program is running. [myobject somemethod] gets converted by the compiler into a C function call:
objc_msgSend(myobject, #selector(somemethod))
This is a special function that searches each myobject class layout to see whether that class knows how to respond to a somemethod message. If not it then searches that class's parent and so on until the root. If none of the classes can respond to somemethod then NSObject defines a private method called forward where all unknown messages are sent.
Assuming that a class can respond to the somemethod message then it will also have a particular pointer of type IMP that points to the actual implementation of the method. At that point the method will be called.
There is considerably more to this procedure than I have described but the outline should be enough to help you understand what the goal of a selector is.
One final point is that the reason method names are mapped to unique integers via the #selector directive is so that the runtime doesn't have to waste time doing string comparisons.
Basically, the answer is: Objective-C selectors are different from function pointers. You need two pieces of data to perform a selector. That is an object and the selector itself. You will need some glue to accomplish your task.
Check this question.
Do you have to use a function pointer? In Objective-C, you can get the function pointer to an arbitrary method implementation (known as an IMP), but this is extremely uncommon, and usually not a good idea. Calling objc_msgSend() directly is also not the greatest idea, because there are several different variants of objc_msgSend(), and the compiler automatically chooses different ones to use based on the return type of the method. Methods that return an object go through objc_msgSend(), but objects that return structs might go through objc_msgSend() or they might go through objc_msgSend_stret(). And if the method returns a double, then it goes through objc_msgSend_fpret()...
Documentation: Objective-C Runtime Reference: Sending Messages
Instead, I might recommend using a target-action pair, or using a block. Then you might do something like:
myContextRef->target = anObjcObject;
myContextRef->action = #selector(invokeMe:);
And when you're done, do:
[myContextRef->target performSelector:myContextRef->action withObject:someReturnInformation];
Or maybe use a block:
myContextRef->completionHandler = [^(id returnInformation) {
[anObjcObject invokeMe:returnInformation];
} copy];
And then when you're done, do:
(and don't forget to -release the block when you free the context)

using objc_msgSend to call a Objective C function with named arguments

I want to add scripting support for an Objective-C project using the objc runtime. Now I face the problem, that I don't have a clue, how I should call an Objective-C method which takes several named arguments.
So for example the following objective-c call
[object foo:bar];
could be called from C with:
objc_msgSend(object, sel_getUid("foo:"), bar);
But how would I do something similar for the method call:
[object foo:var bar:var2 err:errVar];
Best Markus
The accepted answer is close, but it won't work properly for certain types. For example, if the method is declared to take a float as its second argument, this won't work.
To properly use objc_msgSend, you have to cast it to the the appropriate type. For example, if your method is declared as
- (void)foo:(id)foo bar:(float)bar err:(NSError **)err
then you would need to do something like this:
void (*objc_msgSendTyped)(id self, SEL _cmd, id foo, float bar, NSError**error) = (void*)objc_msgSend;
objc_msgSendTyped(self, #selector(foo:bar:err:), foo, bar, error);
Try the above case with just objc_msgSend, and log out the received arguments. You won't see the correct values in the called function. This unusual casting situation arises because objc_msgSend is not intended to be called like a normal C function. It is (and must be) implemented in assembly, and just jumps to a target C function after fiddling with a few registers. In particular, there is no consistent way to refer to any argument past the first two from within objc_msgSend.
Another case where just calling objc_msgSend straight wouldn't work is a method that returns an NSRect, say, because objc_msgSend is not used in that case, objc_msgSend_stret is. In the underlying C function for a method that returns an NSRect, the first argument is actually a pointer to an out value NSRect, and the function itself actually returns void. You must match this convention when calling because it's what the called method will assume. Further, the circumstances in which objc_msgSend_stret is used differ between architectures. There is also an objc_msgSend_fpret, which should be used for methods that return certain floating point types on certain architectures.
Now, since you're trying to do a scripting bridge thing, you probably cannot explicitly cast every case you run across, you want a general solution. All in all, this is not completely trivial, and unfortunately your code has to be specialized to each architecture you wish to target (e.g. i386, x86_64, ppc). Your best bet is probably to see how PyObjC does it. You'll also want to take a look at libffi. It's probably a good idea to understand a little bit more about how parameters are passed in C, which you can read about in the Mac OS X ABI Guide. Last, Greg Parker, who works on the objc runtime, has written a bunch of very nice posts on objc internals.
objc_msgSend(object, sel_getUid("foo:bar:err:"), var, var2, errVar);
If one of the variables is a float, you need to use #Ken's method, or cheat by a reinterpret-cast:
objc_msgSend(..., *(int*)&var, ...)
Also, if the selector returns a float, you may need to use objc_msgSend_fpret, and if it returns a struct you must use objc_msgSend_stret. If that is a call to superclass you need to use objc_msgSendSuper2.
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(foo:bar:err:), var, var2, &errVar);

method taking mutli arguments in dot notation

i am viewing this video on objective c. the guy show a method which takes multiple arguments and it looks like this
- (void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d
{ .... }
to use it he shows:
[myFraction setTo: 100 over:200];
how would that bracket notation look in dot noation? andi dont understand what that over
means, would anyone know? thnx
The dot notation is a shorthand notation for property access only. The compiler translates it to the appropriate setter/getter method call. It is just syntactic sugar.
So given this property access using dot notation:
The compiler replaces it with the following equivalent code:
[myFraction setNumerator:100]
Now it should be clear why you cannot use dot notation for sending a normal message to an object. I can't even think of a way how that should even look like.
There is a lot of discussion concerning dot vs. bracket notation going on. One of the arguments against dot notation is the confusion it generates especially for beginners. Other languages do of course use methods for property accessors too, however they hide this fact more consistently than Objective-C.
You cannot pass multiple arguments with dot notations. A setter usable by dot-notation must have the prototype
However, you can create an auxiliary struct to group all arguments into one:
struct Fraction { int n, d; };
struct Fraction MakeFraction(int n, int d) {
struct Fraction r;
r.n = n;
r.d = d;
return r;
-(void)setValue:(struct Fraction)f { ... }
myFraction.value = MakeFraction(100, 200);
(and a "over" b means a / b.)
From the looks of it, this method is setting two instance variables/properties of the object the numerator (n) and the denominator (d). You cannot do this using dot notation unless you break it into two calls:
Note that dot notation is only for accessing instance variables/properties and not an alternative to message sending.
In Objective-C, we can name methods with arguments in the middle. So when he writes [myFraction setTo:100 over:200];, the over could mean... well, whatever he wants. It's part of the method name he chose. In this case, he was probably trying to make the method sound like English. ("Set this fraction to 100 over 200." We read fractions as "numerator over denominator" often in normal speech.)
Some methods, called "accessors", we write very frequently: these are methods of the form - (int)variable (called "getters"), and - (void)setVariable:(int)newValue (called "setters"). My examples here would assumedly return, or change, respectively, an instance variable called variable. Here's what the method implementations might look like:
- (int)variable
return variable;
- (void)setVariable:(int)newValue
variable = newValue;
It's common to have accessors like this for almost every instance variable your class has. At some point, someone got tired of writing [myInstance setVariable:20]; and such, and decided they'd rather it look like many other languages out there, myInstance.variable = 20;.
Therefore, Objective-C 2.0 added dot notation, which allows you to write...
myInstance.variable, which is exactly equivalent to [myInstance variable] in most circumstances (and does NOT access the instance variable variable directly!), and...
the special case myInstance.variable = 20;, which is exactly equivalent to [myInstance setVariable:20];. Again, note that this does not access variable directly, it sends a message to myInstance. So if we'd written some other code in setVariable, it would still be accessed if we used dot notation.
Dot notation is designed to be used for accessors. You could also theoretically use it for any method that returns a value and takes no arguments (myArray.count, for example). Using it for anything else (myInstance.doSomeAction) is extremely poor style. Don't do it. Therefore, as I'm sure you can guess by now, [myFraction setTo:100 over:200] has no dot notation equivalent, as it takes 2 arguments, and isn't an accessor.
[myFraction numerator]
Could be written as
but you can also assign values such as
instance.property = value
But you cannot pass multiple arguments in dot notation.