Using a .txt file Resource in VB -

Right now i have a line of code, in vb, that calls a text file, like this:
Dim fileReader As String
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("data5.txt")
data5.txt is a resource in my application, however the application doesn't run because it can't find data5.txt. I'm pretty sure there is another code for finding a .txt file in the resource that i'm overlooking, but i can't seem to figure it out. So does anyone know of a simple fix for this? or maybe another whole new line of code? Thanks in advance!

If you added the file as a resource in the Project + Properties, Resources tab, you'll get its content by using My.Resources:
Dim content As String = My.Resources.data5
Click the arrow on the Add Resource button and select Add Existing File, select your data5.txt file.

I'm assuming that the file is being compiled as an Embedded Resource.
Embedded Resources aren't files in the filesystem; that code will not work.
You need to call Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream, like this:
Dim fileText As String
Dim a As Assembly = GetType(SomeClass).Assembly
Using reader As New StreamReader(a.GetManifestResourceStream("MyNamespace.data5.txt"))
fileText = reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using

First, go to project resources (My Project --> Resources), and drag-and-drop your file, say "myfile.txt", from the file system to the resourses page.
Imports System.IO
Dim stream As New MemoryStream(My.Resources.myfile)
Dim reader As New StreamReader(stream)
Dim s As String = reader.ReadToEnd()


File is currently in use. Can't write to it

So, i have this problem for a while and it's truly giving me headaches ... I want to download a string from a website, then save it so a file in my computer that i will create on the spot , let's say the file is D:\cars.txt , the file path by the way is Input(3) .
I tried this but it just won't work!
I ran out of ideas, can't find anything to make it work properly.
If Not IO.File.Exists(Input(3)) Then IO.File.Create(Input(3))
Dim str As String = WC.DownloadString(Input(2))
Using wrtr As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(Input(3))
End Using
It won't write to the file because it's still in use, how can i make it work properly :( ?
IO.File.Create(Input(3) creates or overwrites the file and returns a FileStream. From MSDN:
The FileStream object created by this method has a default FileShare value of None; no other process or code can access the created file until the original file handle is closed.
You can rewrite it as follows,
Dim str As String = WC.DownloadString(Input(2))

How do I get a text file to be a part of my build?

I wrote a program that reads from text files and can create them to load and save data. I have a few files that are the "default" data that are loaded as soon as the program start. The files are loaded by a static reference. My code runs fine before I publish it, but obviously when I publish it, the static references no longer work. I don't know how to add the default data to the build as distinct text files so that I can still reference it after the build.
I imagine being able to build the program and have some sort of folder that accompanies the executable with the default data files in them that I can easily reference, but I don't know how to do that (or if there is a better way).
Below is the start of the code I use to read from the file. Currently, the default data's file name is passed statically into the sub and is used to identify the file to read from, so I'd like to have a published file that I can do the same thing with.
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(FileName)
Dim strLine As String = ""
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
strLine = sr.ReadLine
'Code that interprets the data in the file
Note: I've tried adding the files as "Resources" but I can't seem to reference the file as a text file; I can only retrieve the massive wall of text contained within the document which won't work with the above code (unless of course I'm missing something).
If you could clarify:
How do I add a file to a build so that I can still access it
collectively by a file name?
How will my code reference the files (e.g. by
"My.Resources.filename"?) in the final build?
You can add the file to the build as either a content file or an embedded resource.
For a content file, set the Build Action of the file to 'content', and Copy to Output Directory to 'Copy Always' in the file properties. You can then access the file like this:
FileName = Application.StartupPath() = + FileName
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(FileName)
To embed the file as a resource you have to set the Build Action of the file to 'Embedded Resource' and Copy to Output Directory to false.
This Microsoft support page has a walkthough about accessing embedded resources. The code would be something like this:
Dim sr As StreamReader
Dim thisAssembly As Assembly
thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
sr = New StreamReader(thisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NameSpace." + FileName))
Dim strLine As String = ""
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
strLine = sr.ReadLine
'Code that interprets the data in the file
Replace NameSpace with the namespace of your application (Project Properties -> Application -> root namespace)
You also have to add Imports System.Reflection at the top of your code file.
Using an embedded resource has the advantage of less files to manage, and you don't have to keep track of paths.

how to read the file which is in application itself and how to add in setup?

I have a class library which reads the XML file.
I am using VS 2012 and VB.NET language.
I am getting confused about how to read the file which is in folder of a application itself.
Right now I have given the path as
Dim reader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader("C:\mailpara.xml")
but its hard-coded , but I want to make a folder in app. and want to read from that
folder itself.
I want to know how to read the file from the folder of a application.
How to read the file after installation on client's machine and how to add the file while making the set up ?
Use something like;
Dim directory as String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath
Dim reader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(directory & "\MyFolderName\mailpara.xml")
You can use Application.StartupPath property to retrieve the startup path of the application.
Dim reader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(Application.StartupPath & "mailpara.xml")
You might want to add a check to ensure that the path ends with a \ (I think it may or may not be present depending on whether the path is a root folder or not).

Not sure how to use IsolatedStorage

I want to create a notes app for Windows Phone 7 using Visual Basic. I have read a few tutorials but they are all suited for C# not VB. Basically, I have a main page and a page to add notes. Once the user types out a note on the add notes page, the title of that note appears on the main page. I also want the user to be able to select that title and it will display the note. I have done a bit of research and I know I will need to use isolated storage (not sure how to implement it in VB) to save the notes. I think I will also need a list box that will store the title of the notes. I am not asking for someone to just give me code, I am asking for some tutorials regarding this in VB or any pointers or general help on acheiving this. Thanks
All the code samples on MSDN are available in both C# and VB. See
The Model-View-ViewModel Sample (under Common Application Development Tasks) is probably a good place for you to start.
The link to download the VB code is
You are correct that you will need to use IsolatedStorage if you're wanting to write the notes to the phone (and not the cloud somewhere). Here is a link to a blog entry that has a class (in Visual Basic) that has some helper methods that will give you some similiar methods to VB.Net traditional methods (like ReadAllText, WriteAllText). It may be what you want for the file system reading/writing (but at a minimum will get you started with Isolated Storage).
Isolated Storages
Isolated storage is used to store local files such as text files, images, videos etc on the Windows Phone. Each app is assigned a specific isolated storage and is exclusive ONLY to that app. No other app is able to access your apps isolated storage.
A lot can be read from here All about Windows Phone Isolated Storage
Before you begin you will need to import IsolatedStorage to your project.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.IsolatedStorage
Creating Folders
This creates a directory in your apps isolated storage. It will be called "NewFolder"
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
You can create folders inside folders inside folders like so:
To delete a folder:
A good practice when creating and deleting folders is to add a Try Catch statement around the folder creation method so if there is an exception you or the user will be notified as to why it occurs e.g. the folder not existing therefore cannot be deleted or the folder existing therefore needing to be replaced etc. The example below shows a basic function in creating a folder with a Try Catch statement.
Public Sub CreateDirectory(directoryName As String)
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) AndAlso Not myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists(directoryName) Then
End If
' handle the exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
To use it you can do:
For the deletion method:
Public Sub DeleteDirectory(directoryName As String)
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) AndAlso myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists(directoryName) Then
End If
' handle the exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
And to use it:
Creating Files
You can create an empty file like this:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim writeFile As New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
To delete the file:
Like before, a good practise when it comes to creating files is to always check if the directory you are writing to or deleting exists.
You can do something like:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim writeFile As StreamWriter
If Not myIsolatedStorage.DirectoryExists("NewFolder") Then
writeFile = New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
writeFile = New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("NewFolder\SomeFile.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, myIsolatedStorage))
End If
' do something with exception
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Saving and Reading Text Files
To save a text file with your content you can do something like:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Using writeFile As New StreamWriter(New IsolatedStorageFileStream("myNote.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, myIsolatedStorage))
Dim someTextData As String = "This is some text data to be saved in a new text file in the IsolatedStorage!"
writeFile.WriteLine("note data")
End Using
To read the contents of the Text File:
Dim myIsolatedStorage As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()
Dim fileStream As IsolatedStorageFileStream = myIsolatedStorage.OpenFile("myFile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Using reader As New StreamReader(fileStream)
TextBlock.Text = reader.ReadLine()
End Using
I've provided you with some of the basics of the Windows Phone Isolated Storage and how to use it but I highly suggest that you read more about it at Here

Get a list of all files inside of a directory in

How can you obtain a list of files (as a stringcollection or some other storage method) which contains the full path on the user's computer to the files?
Is there a method for doing so?
It looks like you want to use Directory.GetFiles() in the System.IO namespace.
Docs here.
Dim txtFiles = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Input", "*.CSV", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).
[Select](Function(nm) Path.GetFileName(nm))
Dim arrayList As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
For Each filenm As String In txtFiles
arrayList.Add(New clsImportFiles(filenm))
Add a Listbox to Windows Form and Add following code on Form Load or other events :-
ListBox1.Items.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles("Your Directory PAth Here"))
Hope IT Helps ; From Nirav