How Can I Reference Multiple Primary Keys For A Vector Type Primary Key - sql

I have the following scenario: a table of projects and a table of persons, working on one or several projects. Also, I have a project id column (of type int), in the first table, which is a primary key there and I have a vector of project ids, as a column of type int, in my second table (persons), that references primary keys from the first table.
What is the correct syntax for referencing multiple primary keys, from a vector foreign key.
This is the way I am trying to create the table, but I am not sure what to place at the indicated line:
Person_Id int,
ProjectsList int[],
FOREIGN KEY (ProjectsList) REFERENCES Projects(Project_id) -- not sure what how to define the link here
I hope my explanations are not over-complicated. Thank you in advance for helping!

I assume you're using PostgreSQL, since that's one of the rare databases that supports array data types.
There is no syntax for declaring a foreign key that applies to the elements of an array.
You could write a trigger or a CHECK constraint as mentioned here.
But the better solution is to add a table to implement the many-to-many relationship between Projects and Persons, as Lukáš Lalinský shows. This supports First Normal Form.

No database I know can do that (using real foreign keys, not some custom triggers). You might want to normalize the tables:
Person_ID int,
CREATE TABLE PersonProjects (
Person_ID int,
Project_ID int,
PRIMARY KEY (Person_ID, Project_id),
FOREIGN KEY (Person_ID) REFERENCES Persons(Person_ID),
FOREIGN KEY (Project_ID) REFERENCES Projects(Project_ID)


There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table ' ' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key

Okay so I googled and found an endless amount of results obviously, but none of them were helpful.
The error seem to be self explanatory... but I don't see what I'm doing wrong in this case:
(ID_contrat int identity(1,1),
ID_client int,
code_contrat int,
date_début date,
date_fin date,
status_contrat varchar(20),
Totalité int,
montant_mensuel int,
CONSTRAINT PK_composed2 primary key(ID_contrat,ID_client,code_contrat),
CONSTRAINT FK_3 foreign key(code_contrat) references type_contract(code_type_contract) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT FK_4 foreign key(ID_Client) references Clients(ID_Client) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE FonctionContract
(ID_FonctionContract int identity(1,1),
ID_contract int,
ID_fonction int,
nombre int,
prix_unitaire numeric(16,2),
Constraint PK_composed primary key(ID_fonctionContract, ID_Contract, ID_Fonction),
Constraint FK_11 foreign key(ID_contract) references Contrat(ID_contrat) ON DELETE CASCADE,
Constraint FK_2 foreign key(ID_Fonction) references Fonction(ID_fonction) ON DELETE CASCADE
The error is occuring in the before last line (FK_11).
Some results says that I should do a composed foreign key too, but I don't see how when I have ID_FonctionContract not being linked anywhere.
Each value of a Foreign Key constraint needs to reference exactly one row of the target table, and the DBMS needs to be able to guarantee this based on the table definitions.
Although the ID_contrat column is defined as auto-incremented, it is not constrained to be unique, because you've defined a multi-column Primary Key on the Contrat table. So the DBMS is saying that a single ID_contrat in your proposed Foreign Key could potentially match multiple rows in the Contrat table, which is not allowed. (This seems surprising, because you probably know that it will only match one, but the DBMS doesn't!)
You need to do one of two things:
Define your foreign key across multiple columns, so that it matches the multiple columns guaranteed to be unique on the other table; that will require you to have all three columns in the FonctionContrat table (ID_contrat, ID_client, and code_contrat)
Adjust the definition of the Contrat table to say that ID_contrat is in fact unique across all rows, either by changing the Primary Key definition, or adding an additional Unique Constraint on the ID_contrat column
I suspect the second option is the appropriate one here: it's rather unusual to use an auto-increment column and then insert duplicates into it.
What you possibly intended was two different unique constraints / indexes: one on ID_contrat and a separate one on combinations of ID_client and code_contrat. Only one of those can be marked as the Primary Key, but the other can be a Unique Index, which has most of the same functionality in practice; either one can be marked "clustered", which tells SQL Server to physically lay out the table based on that column.

Can FOREIGN KEY be omitted in PostgreSQL when using REFERENCES?

I'm wondering if there's any (maybe subtle) difference between these two SQL statements:
CREATE TABLE profiles (
bio TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id)
CREATE TABLE profiles (
bio TEXT,
user_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id)
I've noticed that when I create a table in Postico with the first notation, but look at the DDL of the created profiles table later, the FOREIGN KEY is removed and I end up with the shorter second notation.
Create table with FOREIGN KEY:
DDL view doesn't show FOREIGN KEY:
So, I'm wondering (and seeking confirmation) that the two statements are in fact 100% equivalent or if there are some subtle differences in what they do to the DB.
Any pointer to official resources (and maybe also how that differs from MySQL) would be appreciated.
The two samples you show do the same thing, just with a different syntax.
The first method is called table constraint, the second column constraint, but the latter name is somewhat misleading because the constraint is on the table as well.
The main difference is that the column constraint syntax is shorter, but cannot be used for all constraints: if you have for example a primary key that contains two columns, you have to write it in the table constraint syntax.
DDL view doesn't show FOREIGN KEY
DDL view created by unknown third-party tool in not an argument.
See fiddle. Foreign key exists in both cases. Moreover, I do not see the result difference for both DDL queries.
PS. As a recommendation - always specify the constraint name explicitly. What if you need to delete it? It is problematic without the constraint name...
In PostgreSQL, you define a foreign key through a foreign key constraint. A foreign key constraint indicates that values in a column or a group of columns in the child table match with the values in a column or a group of columns of the parent table. We say that a foreign key constraint maintains referential integrity between child and parent tables.
This may explain to you better or you can read about Foreign Keys documentation .

SQL Server Different ways of creating table with foreign key

I need to create table with a foreign key. So far I have been doing that like this:
author_id INT REFERENCES authors(author_id)
But my professor from university sent me exemplary scripts showing another way of dealing with foreign keys:
author_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES authors(author_id)
Trying to find the difference between those, I made a research. Unfortunately I haven't found the answer, what I found was another way of creating table with foreign key (very similar to the second one):
author_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES authors(author_id)
Could you point out the differences between all of them?
Functionally, there is no difference between the two. The first is called an inline constraint (and can be used for check constraints as well).
There are two minor difference. The first is that the constraint keyword is not necessary of the inline reference, so inline references often do not name the constraint (constraint is allowed and you can name the reference, but that is not the syntax you show).
The second is that the foreign key reference can only use one column. For me, this is almost never an issue, because I almost always have synthetic primary keys rather than composite primary keys. However, the inline syntax is less powerful than the full constraint definition.
By the way, there is a third method which uses alter table. This is similar to your second method, but it allows for constraints to be added after a table has already been created.

What is difference between foreign key and reference key?

I am very confused about those two terms. Are they the same or different?
Some books and people say they are the same and others say they are different.
I tried but couldn't find a conclusive answer.
I am supposing that you are talking about using the REFERENCES where the FOREIGN KEY keyword is not used when constraining a column inline, which is called a column-level foreign key constraint, eg.
author_id INTEGER REFERENCES author(id)
... instead of the table-level foreign key constraint, which is placed after the column declarations ...
author_id INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES author(id)
The answer is, that it is simply shorthand syntax for the same thing. The main concern when altering between the two should be readability.
For more advanced use, it might be relevant that only table-level foreign key constraints can describe constraints on multiple keys at once, where all must be present in the referenced table.
Do note that MySQL 'parses but ignores “inline REFERENCES specifications” (as defined in the SQL standard) where the references are defined as part of the column specification', meaning that only the table-level foreign key constraint will work.
Both Postgres and Microsoft's SQL Server respect both column- and table-level foreign key constraints.
A foreign key must refer to a primary key.
When using REFERENCES constraint simply, then it isn't necessary that the referenced key be a primary key.
"Reference key" isn't a normal technical term in relational modeling or in SQL implementation in US English.
A foreign key "references" a key in some other table; could that be where the confusion comes from?
You don't really call something a reference key... They are the same thing... you might see the word references used for example in sqlite: you might use syntax like this to start a db of authors and books. This lets you show that one author can have many books. This tells the db that the books.author_id (defined a couple of lines up) references
CREATE TABLE 'author' (
firstname varchar(255)
lastname varchar(255)
CREATE TABLE 'books' (
author_id INTEGER,
title varchar(255),
published date,
FOREIGN KEY(author_id) REFERENCES author(id)
In terms of standard SQL, both result in a foreign key constraint.
One form is a table constraint, meaning it can apply to one or more columns. You would need this to reference a table that has a multi-column primary key:
parent_id int,
date date,
FOREIGN KEY (parent_id, date) REFERENCES parent(id, date)
The other form is a column constraint, meaning it can only apply to the single column it is defined with. It cannot be used to reference a table with a multi-column primary key.
parent_id int REFERENCES parent(id)
The above syntax works exactly the same as if you declared a table constraint for a single column (supposing the RDBMS supports this type of column constraint), as follows:
parent_id int,
FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent(id)
It frequently causes confusion for users of MySQL and its InnoDB storage engine, that the latter column-constraint style is not supported. You must define a table-level constraint for a foreign key, even if it is a single-column constraint. This has been a strange behavior of MySQL since its earliest days, that some constraint syntax is valid, but results in no constraint. See discussion here:
The only and most important difference between the two keywords 'FOREIGN KEY" and "REFERENCES" keywords is though both of them make the data to be child data of the parent table, the "FOREIGN KEY" is used to create a table level constraint whereas REFERENCES keyword can be used to create column level constraint only. Column level constraints can be created only while creating the table only. But table level constraints can be added using ALTER TABLE command.
Perhaps you are using the term "reference key" somewhat loosely?
A foreign key value in one row is said to "reference" the row that contains the corresponding key value. Note the word "reference" in the prior sentence is a verb, so we may say we have a referencing foreign key value and a referenced key value.
Although it is the key values, rather than the table key constraint, that is being referenced, I suppose loosely speaking we could say "referenced key" to mean the rows that comprise the values that may potentially be referenced. I then see how "referenced key" could become "referenced key" but not belie its origin.
There are 2 ways to declare a foreign key(s):
if the foreign key is a SINGLE attribute:
if foreign keys are a LIST of attributes
A foreign key "references" a key in some other table. That key in some other table is called Referenced key. You'll probably hear a lot about this if you're using Graphic feature on phpmyadmin.
The Reference Key is the primary key that is referenced in the other table.
On the other hand, Foreign Key is how you link the second table to the primary tables Primary Key (or Reference Key).

How to add composite primary key to table

create table d(id numeric(1), code varchar(2))
After I create the above table how can I add a composite primary key on both fields and also a foreign key?
In Oracle, you could do this:
create table D (
ID numeric(1),
CODE varchar(2),
constraint PK_D primary key (ID, CODE)
alter table d add constraint pkc_Name primary key (id, code)
should do it. There's lots of options to a basic primary key/index depending on what DB your working with.
The ALTER TABLE statement presented by Chris should work, but first you need to declare the columns NOT NULL. All parts of a primary key need to be NOT NULL.
You don't need to create the table first and then add the keys in subsequent steps. You can add both primary key and foreign key while creating the table:
This example assumes the existence of a table (Codes) that we would want to reference with our foreign key.
id [numeric](1),
code [varchar](2),
PRIMARY KEY (id, code),
CONSTRAINT fk_d_codes FOREIGN KEY (code) REFERENCES Codes (code)
If you don't have a table that we can reference, add one like this so that the example will work:
Code [varchar](2) PRIMARY KEY
NOTE: you must have a table to reference before creating the foreign key.
If using Sql Server Management Studio Designer just select both rows (Shift+Click) and Set Primary Key.