How can I check whether Exposé is being activated or not? - objective-c

I'm creating an application that emulates MacBook's multi-touch Trackpad. As you may know, on MacBook's trackpad
if you swipe 4 fingers up, it triggers the Show Desktop.
if you swipe 4 fingers down, it shows the Exposé.
However, if the Show Desktop is being activated and you swipe 4 fingers down, it will come back to the normal mode. The same goes with the Exposé: if the Exposé is being activated and you swipe 4 fingers up, it will also come back to the normal mode.
Here is the problem: I use the keyboard shortcut F3 to show the Exposé and F11 to show the Show Desktop. The problem is, when the Show Desktop is being activated, if I press F3, it will go straight to the Exposé. And when the Exposé is being activated, if I press F11 it will go straight to the Show Desktop. But I want it to behave like Trackpad, which I guess its code may look like this
- FourFingersDidSwipeUp {
if (isExposeBeingActivated() || isShowDesktopBeingActivated()) {
} else {
But I don't know how to implement the "isExposeBeingActivated()" and "isShowDesktopBeingActivated()" methods. I've tried creating a window and check whether its size has changed (on assumption that if the Expose is being activated, its size should be smaller), but the system always returns the same size. I tried monitoring the background processes during the Expose, but nothing happened. Does anyknow have any suggestions on this?
(I'm sorry if my English sounds weird.)

As far as I know, there's no public interface to any Exposé related functionality beyond the ability to specify the "collection behavior" of your own application's windows.

came here after reading your email. I understand the problem. After a bit of googling I found out what you already know, that there's really no official API or documentation for Exposé. A very ugly solution I've thought of could be having Exposé trigger a timer equal to the total time it takes to show all windows fully (guessing this is constant). If a swipe up would be done within that timer, it would mean that Exposé would still be active (isExposeBeingActivated()), so you would trigger a cancel instead of a Show Desktop. This wouldn't cover the use of the "slow motion" Exposé (via SHIFT key). Maybe you can detect if it's a normal or "slow motion" Exposé call?
Really sorry if this doesn't make sense at all within your application's scope, guess I'm just really saying the first solution I thought of.


NSPanel in "Non-Activating"-Mode does not always show correct cursors

I've created a simple Cocoa-Application in XCode 4.6 with an NSPanel instead of the default NSWindow. When I enable the Non-Activating
option and start the application everything works fine:
The panel is displayed in front of everything else and when
the mouse cursor hovers over the panel's edges it changes from a normal
arrow-cursor to the appropriate resize-cursor, so the user knows that he can resize
the panel.
This works fine as longs as I don't click on any other application
as for example Safari or Finder.
From the moment I once give focus to another application,
I can click on and hover over my panel as much as I want, the
cursor style will not change anymore - it always stays an arrow and it's not possible to return to the normal behavior.
The panel stays selectable and in the front, you still can move and resize it,
but the mouse cursor stays an arrow all the time. You then cannot even change it
manually using something like: [[NSCursor crosshairCursor] set].
So I need to find a way to create a NSPanel that keeps the normal
even when you give focus to another application.
I have already tried to use an customized NSPanel-class,
where I have overwritten the canBecomeKeyWindow and
canBecomeMainWindow methods, so that they return YES
but even when I make my Panel KeyWindow and MainWindow...
[myPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[myPanel makeMainWindow]; doesn't solve the cursor issue.
Would be great if someone could help me here :)
PS.: the Base SDK and the Deployment Target are set to 10.8 in my project
So I found out that the described issue has nothing to to with the panel's window-state. It really doesn't matter if it is set to key or to main, instead the cursor-problem (stays arrow all the time)is related to the application's activation state.
Everything works fine as long as the application that owns the panel is active but if you click on another application my application is deactivated and does not get activated again - even if you click on the panel - because the "non-activating"-option is enabled.
The problem is that i need the "non activating"-option because I am creating a status-bar-screen-capturing app that should be displayed and operate in front of everything else but without deactivating any running application. I could solve the cursor problem by
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps];
but then taking a screenshot of a fullscreen video running in Safari would deactivate Safari and minimize the video, which I don't want.
I don’t think it’s possible through normal APIs to change the cursor when your app isn’t active. I’m pretty sure the window system doesn’t allow it: it’d be a violation of the boundaries between apps—if you try to set a cursor from the background, and the foreground app also tries to set a cursor, who would win?
Of course the system can do it (like when you take a screenshot with ⌘⇧4), because that’s in the window system itself.

Disable application activation on window click

In my Cocoa/Objective-C application I have a utility panel floating "always on top" to be accessible even when my application is not active. I am trying to disable the "switching to my application when a user clicks on that panel".
The behaviour I would like to achieve is similar to OSX's Keyboard Viewer, (which is also a never activating panel), so that some other application remained active after clicking on my app's panel. i.e. Safari stays active when typing an address using Keyboard Viewer. Even third-party onscreen keyboards have this functionality (for example the one from CORALLO Software), which means this behavior is not reserved system-only.
I was messing around with NSApplicationActivationPolicy, but without positive results. In which direction should I go?
You should take a look at the canBecomeKeyWindow and canBecomeMainWindow methods on NSWindow. It sounds like you want your window to maintain key status while not being able to be the main window. Here are some resources to help you:
Window Programming Guide - Explains the difference between main and key windows
NSWindow class reference - Jump to the sections on canBecomeKeyWindow and canBecomeMainWindow

Cocoa Accessibility API consuming mouse clicks

I have encountered a weird problem with one of my OS X apps. The app uses AXAPI to create event taps and to monitor keyboard and mouse events. Some users with OS 10.6-10.7 report that when the app is active, their mouse doesn't function correctly - they have to click twice or more, otherwise system doesn't see the click at all.
When these users switched off AXAPI, the problem disappeared.
The weird thing is that I have never encountered this problem on development computers, nor did the testers. Yet around 10% of reporting users have experienced it.
I use active event tap at HID level and I also handle mouse events, but I never return NULL from callback.
The problem is almost certanly in AXAPI, but I can't understand where exactly it is.
Eventually I switched to filtering Mouse Events with a separate passive EventTap. The problem disappeared after the update of the app, but there was also a minor OS X update around that time, so I can't actually tell what fixed the bug.
Josh, thank you for your idea anyway.

How to be notified in OS X when a drag operation *starts* anywhere?

I'm wondering if there's any way to have my application be notified when a drag-and-drop operation starts anywhere on the screen, even if I don't have an active window there.
I've looked into the normal drag-and-drop APIs, but I haven't spotted anything that does this. The NSDraggingDestination protocol along with the -[NSWindow/NSView registerForDraggedTypes:] method allows you to notice when someone is dragging something and that crosses over into your window, but I'd like to notice it when any dragging operation is started anywhere on the screen.
Any tips on how to go about this? Is there a standard Cocoa API for it, or is there a private API / some kind of dirty hack to get this information?
Thanks in advance :)
Take a look at NSEvent’s +addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:. I’m not sure if you can track mouse dragging but it’s certainly possible to track mouse button up/down events.
i haven't done it,
but i am assuming you need some kind of external software monitoring ALL mouse activity on the system, and reporting it to your app (or your application doing this itself),
as dragging events are usually reported in your app only when there is activity inside your app's window..

Cover screen with window in cocoa

I am writing a Mac application, in Cocoa, that needs the ability to 'lock down' the computer. Basically, I am writing a small agent that will sit in the background and when prompted, throw up a window that covers the entire screen, including the status bar, and shows a message (something like "give me back my computer, thief!").
The window has two requirements: it can't be moved and it can't be closed, minimized or otherwise disabled - just a big blob sitting on the screen, making sure the thief can't use the computer. I have all the agent stuff lined up, but I need help coding this window. Does anyone have any ideas?
P.S - In my dream world, this window would show up even at the login screen. The agent will be running by then, but I am not sure if OS X will allow it...
What you're asking for is basically to turn the user's computer into a not-very-functional kiosk. See also this technote on the same subject.
For display, alternatives to the full-screen view mode described in the Kiosk Mode document include:
Capture all the displays and draw directly to them using Quartz Display Services.
Set your window's frame to the frame of its screen and set its window level really high. You'll need to create one such window per screen.