Explain to me what is a setter and getter - oop

What are setters and getters? Why do I need them? What is a good example of them in use in an effective way? What is the point of a setter and getter?
Can I get some coding examples please?

A getter is a method that gets the value of a property. A setter is a method that sets the value of a property. There is some contention about their efficacy, but the points are generally:
for completeness of encapsulation
to maintain a consistent interface in case internal details change
More useful is when you need to add some logic around getting or setting, like validating a value before you write it.

A getter/setter is used to hide a private field from the publicity (you can avoid direct access to a field).
The getter allows you to check a provided value before you use it in your internal field. The setter allows you for instance to apply a different format or just to restrict write access (e.g. to derived classes).
A useful application of a getter can be some kind of lazy loading: The backing field (the private field that is hidden by the getter) is initialized to null. When you ask the getter to return the value, it will check for null and load the value with a more time consuming method. This will happen only the first call, later the getter will provide the already loaded value all the time.

Getters & setters separate interface (getter/setter functions) from implementation (how the data is actually stored).

Getters and Setters allow you to control how data members of an object can be accessed or changed.
In contrast, if you expose your data members directly to the user of the object, the user can change them at will, and the object wouldn't even know that they had been changed.
Don't want people to read a data member? Make the data member private, and don't write a getter that gives the value back. Don't want people to modify a data member? Make the data member private, and don't write a setter for it. Want to control the range of allowed values? Put that in the setter.

One question which might pop out of this is if using a method instead of a direct field access might decrease performance.
Answer is not really as compilers optimize code so that if your method is only doing return field;, where field is the field in your class that you hide with the setter/getter, it will actually access the field directly. Thus you get in most cases the same performance, at the same time keeping the option of later on change what set/get methods do.
Effective Java Programming of Joshua Block is a great book with tips on how to write good code, and explains why as well. Why using setter/getter is one of the hints.
Note: You might notice that in some books/documentation fields that present a setter/getter instead of being directly accessible are called 'properties' instead of fields. E.g. in C#, you can even specify that a field is a property and you don't need to define set/get anymore (nice feature I think).

public accessors(getter and setter) make sometimes sense.
(I'm annoyed that I have not only to document the member variable of a class but also the 2 mostly meaningless accessor methods. )
It usually doesn't help with encapsulation except in cases mentioned by Jason S.
An java example for some char loaded from a database but should be represented as a boolean value
char boolFromDb;
public boolean getBoolFromDb() {
return boolFromDb == 'T';
public void setBoolFromDb(boolean newValue) {
boolFromDb = newValue ? 'T' : 'F';


Kotlin automatically generates Getters and Setters, but WHY?

I'm new to learning Kotlin, and have just covered the fact that Getters and Setters for every object property are automatically generated behind the scenes, like Lombok is built directly into the language (great as far as I'm concerned!), but now I'm left with the question of why does it even bother?
I know you can override the defaults to change how they act, but why is this not just that case of them being created when you need to do something more complex that just getting or setting the value, but just accessing the property normally otherwise?
Having used Java a lot previously, I understand there are arguments for and against the use of Getters and Setters. Many say they're actually pointless and a bad approach to OOP, others would say they're best practice and should be used everywhere. The way many modern frameworks and libraries are written makes them necessary in lots of cases. This argument spans many different languages, but this question isn't really about the theoretical reasons for them in OOP as a whole, I'm looking for insight specifically into why they're used in Kotlin by default, when to my (perhaps naive) eyes it looks like they needn't be.
What would be the practical difference if Kotlin didn't generate standard Getters and Setters and dot notation simply accessed the property directly? Syntactically, as far as I can see, it produces the same result, just with extra steps.
What would be the practical difference if Kotlin didn't generate standard Getters and Setters and dot notation simply accessed the property directly?
So what you are suggesting is, for properties without custom getters/setters,
// Accessing x would access the field backing the property directly
// no getter or setter
var x: Int = 1
And for properties with custom getters/setters,
// both a field and a setter is generated for y
var y: Int = 1
set(newValue) {
field = newValue.also { println("y is being set!") }
// only a getter is generated for z, no field
val z get() = 1
The appropriated getter or setter or both will be generated depending on which ones you wrote.
Well, this would be problematic in a few ways. Here's what I could think of.
Firstly, all of this "when (not) to generate a getter/setter" logic is going to make the compiler more complicated. Why do that, when you can just simply generate a getter and setter, unconditionally, for every property?
Secondly, for Java code interacting with the Kotlin code, they would only have a field to work with, in the case of x, and public fields in Java doesn't look idiomatic at all... Let's say at some point you add a getter to x so that it's computed from something else, rather than backed by a field, then all the Java code would break, because there is no longer a field. I'm not sure whether this is also true on Kotlin/JS.
Thirdly, accessing the values of properties through reflection would be more annoying. You would need to check if it has a getter. If it does, call it. Otherwise, access the backing field instead. They could provide you with a helper property on KProperty that does on this for you, but still, that's a lot more complicated than simply calling the getter and be done with it.
Do note that just for JVM, there is the annotation #JvmField that you can use to make a property not have getters and setters, as far as the JVM is concerned. Kotlin's reflection API will still find a getter and setter though.
The two main arguments against getters and setters:
Verbose. But they aren't verbose in Kotlin.
Performance overhead. But it's not a concern with modern JVM's.
It's much safer for future-proofing to use getters and setters from the original design of a class, even if they are just passing through reads and writes to a field. It leaves open the possibility of adding side effects if you need to later. Forcing the use of properties prevents the possibility of you designing yourself into a corner.
Also, a language is easier to read and write when there are fewer ways of doing the same task. You never have to remember if the property you want to access on a class uses a getter function syntax versus standard property syntax.

Why does Kotlin implicitly call getters and setters for properties?

What is the purpose of Kotlin's implicit calling of getter/setter functions for properties when you try to access them? Isn't the point of getter and setters already that you can easily call them if you intend to use them? Kotlin's version basically just introduces an additional complexity with the 'field' identifier and introduces weirdness like the following, where an object may not behave like its interface intended:
interface Counter {
var count: Int
fun increment() {
count = count + 1
class WeirdCounter: Counter {
override var count: Int = 0
get() = field
set(value) {println("ignore the value")}
Just trying to understand the intent behind this.
The way Kotlin implements properties using getters and setters is basically what's common practice — and best practice — in many other languages.
‘Bare’ fields, as in Java, are simple, clear, and easy to use; but bare fields have problems:
They expose an implementation detail (the field, and especially its type), preventing it from being changed in future.
They don't allow the class to control its own state.
Of course, these aren't a problem for simple value classes.  But for more complex classes, they can be a real problem.
For example, you may want to change the way a class stores its state (e.g. replacing a long with a BigDecimal), but if that class is part of a popular library's public interface then thousands of users would get pretty annoyed.
Or suppose it would be really convenient if you could ensure that a String property was always stored in lower-case without leading or trailing whitespace.  But with a ‘bare’ property there's no way to enforce that.
So the usual pattern is to have a field that's private, and only accessible from within the class itself (which you control); and provide accessor methods.
That gives you full control.  You can change the internal representation, as long as you update the accessor methods to convert to/from the new form as needed.  And your setter can do any normalisation, formatting, or whatever to enforce any restrictions on the state.
However, in languages like Java, that's more awkward and long-winded than a simple field: accessor methods turn a one-line field into seven lines (excluding blank lines, and excluding doc comments, so that's probably more like turning 3 lines into 21).  And while calling a getter method is only a few characters longer (with get and ()) than referencing a field, calling a setter is a lot less intuitive than a simple assignment.
The result is that either developers do the right thing and fill their classes with boilerplate (with all the implications for maintainability and risk of error), or they don't bother and risk the problems above.
Kotlin, though, gives the best of both worlds: a simple property looks just like a field, both when defining and when accessing it.  So you get the lean, concise, clear code.  But it's implemented with a private backing field (if needed) and accessor method(s)s, so you get all the advantages of those too.  And if you ever need to add validation or change the representation or log all access or whatever, you have the option of replacing the default accessors with your own implementations.
Your WeirdCounter example is odd, but not as scary (or as likely) as you might think.  In an object-oriented language, a class is master of its own state, and other classes generally don't and shouldn't know about its internals.  (That way, they're insulated from changes to those internals.)  If a class needs to do something counter-intuitive in a setter, that's only a concern if it breaks the class's contract — but that would be a bug, and should become obvious in tests, if not elsewhere.
In practice, the ability for classes to control access to their state is more important than the risk of a class using that to do something stupid or malicious (that would be fairly easy to spot).

OOP confusion in classes

I am from a C# background and have been doing programming for quite some time now. But only recently i started giving some thoughts on how i program. Apparently, my OOP is very bad.
I have a few questions maybe someone can help me out. They are basic but i want to confirm.
1- In C#, we can declare class properties like
private int _test;
and there setter getters like
public int Test {get; set;}
Now, lets say i have to use this property inside the class. Which one will i use ? the private one or the public one ? or they both are the same ?
2- Lets say that i have to implement a class that does XML Parsing. There can be different things that we can use as input for the class like "FILE PATH". Should i make this a class PROPERTY or should i just pass it as an argument to a public function in the class ? Which approach is better. Check the following
I can create a class property and use like this
public string FilePath {get; set;}
public int Parse()
var document = XDocument.Load(this.FilePath);
.........//Remaining code
I can pass the filepath as a parameter
public int Parse(string filePath)
On what basis should i make a decision that i should make a property or i should pass something as argument ?
I know the solutions of these questions but i want to know the correct approach. If you can recommend some video lectures or books that will be nice also.
Fields vs Properties
Seems like you've got a few terms confused.
private int _test;
This is an instance field (also called member).
This field will allow direct access to the value from inside the class.
Note that I said "inside the class". Because it is private, it is not accessible from outside the class. This is important to preserve encapsulation, a cornerstone of OOP. Encapsulation basically tells us that instance members can't be accessed directly outside the class.
For this reason we make the member private and provide methods that "set" and "get" the variable (at least: in Java this is the way). These methods are exposed to the outside world and force whoever is using your class to go trough your methods instead of accessing your variable directly.
It should be noted that you also want to use your methods/properties when you're inside the current class. Each time you don't, you risk bypassing validation rules. Play it safe and always use the methods instead of the backing field.
The netto result from this is that you can force your logic to be applied to changes (set) or retrieval (get). The best example is validation: by forcing people to use your method, your validation logic will be applied before (possibly) setting a field to a new value.
public int Test {get; set;}
This is an automatically implemented property. A property is crudely spoken an easier way of using get/set methods.
Behind the scenes, your code translates to
private int _somevariableyoudontknow;
public void setTest(int t){
this._somevariableyoudontknow = t;
public int getTest(){
return this._somevariableyoudontknow;
So it is really very much alike to getters and setters. What's so nice about properties is that you can define on one line the things you'd do in 7 lines, while still maintaining all the possibilities from explicit getters and setters.
Where is my validation logic, you ask?
In order to add validation logic, you have to create a custom implemented property.
The syntax looks like this:
private int _iChoseThisName;
public int Test {
get {
return _iChoseThisName;
set {
if(value > 5) { return _iChoseThisName; }
throw new ArgumentException("Value must be over 5!");
Basically all we did was provide an implementation for your get and set. Notice the value keyword!
Properties can be used as such:
var result = SomeClass.Test; // returns the value from the 'Test' property
SomeClass.Test = 10; // sets the value of the 'Test' property
Last small note: just because you have a property named Test, does not mean the backing variable is named test or _test. The compiler will generate a variablename for you that serves as the backing field in a manner that you will never have duplication.
XML Parsing
If you want your second answer answered, you're going to have to show how your current architecture looks.
It shouldn't be necessary though: it makes most sense to pass it as a parameter with your constructor. You should just create a new XmlParser (random name) object for each file you want to parse. Once you're parsing, you don't want to change the file location.
If you do want this: create a method that does the parsing and let it take the filename as a parameter, that way you still keep it in one call.
You don't want to create a property for the simple reason that you might forget to both set the property and call the parse method.
There are really two questions wrapped in your first question.
1) Should I use getters and setters (Accessors and Mutators) to access a member variable.
The answer depends on whether the implementation of the variable is likely to change. In some cases, the interface type (the type returned by the getter, and set by the setter) needs to be kept consistent but the underlying mechanism for storing the data may change. For instance, the type of the property may be a String but in fact the data is stored in a portion of a much larger String and the getter extracts that portion of the String and returns it to the user.
2) What visibility should I give a property?
Visibility is entirely dependent on use. If the property needs to be accessible to other classes or to classes that inherit from the base class then the property needs to be public or protected.
I never expose implementation to external concerns. Which is to say I always put a getter and setter on public and protected data because it helps me ensure that I will keep the interface the same even if the underlying implementation changes. Another common issue with external changes is that I want a chance to intercept an outside user's attempt to modify a property, maybe to prevent it, but more likely to keep the objects state in a good or safe state. This is especially important for cached values that may be exposed as properties. Think of a property that sums the contents of an array of values. You don't want to recalculate the value every time it is referenced so you need to be certain that the setter for the elements in the array tells the object that the sum needs to be recalculated. This way you keep the calculation to a minimum.
I think the second question is: When do I make a value that I could pass in to a constructor public?
It depends on what the value is used for. I generally think that there are two distinct types of variables passed in to constructors. Those that assist in the creation of the object (your XML file path is a good example of this) and those that are passed in because the object is going to be responsible for their management. An example of this is in collections which you can often initialize the collection with an array.
I follow these guidelines.
If the value passed in can be changed without damaging the state of the object then it can be made into a property and publicly visible.
If changing the value passed in will damage the state of the object or redefine its identity then it should be left to the constructor to initialize the state and not be accesible again through property methods.
A lot of these terms are confusing because of the many different paradigms and languages in OO Design. The best place to learn about good practices in OO Design is to start with a good book on Patterns. While the so-called Gang of Four Book http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns was the standard for many years, there have since been many better books written.
Here are a couple resources on Design Patterns:
And a couple on C# specific.
I can possibly answer your first question. You asked "I have to use this property inside the class." That sounds to me like you need to use your private variable. The public method which you provided I believe will only do two things: Allow a client to set one of your private variables, or to allow a client to "see" (get) the private variable. But if you want to "use this property inside the class", the private variable is the one that should be your focus while working with the data within the class. Happy holidays :)
The following is my personal opinion based on my personal experience in various programming languages. I do not think that best practices are necessarily static for all projects.
When to use getters, when to use private instance variables directly
it depends.
You probably know that, but let's talk about why we usually want getters and setters instead of public instance variables: it allows us to aquire the full power of OOP.
While an instance variable is just some dump piece of memory (the amount of dumbness surely depends on the language you're working in), a getter is not bound to a specific memory location. The getter allows childs in the OOP hirarchy to override the behaviour of the "instance variable" without being bound to it. Thus, if you have an interface with various implementations, some may use ab instance variable, while others may use IO to fetch data from the network, calculate it from other values, etc.
Thus, getters do not necessarily return the instance variable (in some languages this is more complicated, such as c++ with the virtual keyword, but I'll try to be language-independent here).
Why is that related to the inner class behaviour? If you have a class with a non-final getter, the getter and the inner variable may return different values. Thus, if you need to be sure it is the inner value, use it directly. If you, however, rely on the "real" value, always use the getter.
If the getter is final or the language enforces the getter to be equal (and this case is way more common than the first case), I personally prefer accessing the private field directly; this makes code easy to read (imho) and does not yield any performance penalty (does not apply to all languages).
When to use parameters, when to use instance variables/properties
use parameters whereever possible.
Never use instance variables or properties as parameters. A method should be as self-contained as possible. In the example you stated, the parameterized version is way better imo.
Intance variables (with getters or not) are properties of the instance. As they are part of the instance, they should be logically bound to it.
Have a look at your example. If you hear the word XMLParser, what do you think about it? Do you think that a parser can only parse a single file it is bound to? Or do you think that a parser can parse any files? I tend to the last one (additionally, using an instance variable would additionally kill thread-safety).
Another example: You wish to create an XMLArchiver, taking multiple xml documents into a single archive. When implementing, you'd have the filename as a parameter of the constructor maybe opening an outputstream towards the file and storing a reference to it as an instance variable. Then, you'd call archiver.add(stuff-to-add) multiple times. As you see, the file (thus, the filename) is naturally bound to the XMLArchiver instance, not to the method adding files to it.

Should ecapsulated objects be public or private?

I'm a little unclear as to how far to take the idea in making all members within a class private and make public methods to handle mutations. Primitive types are not the issue, it's encapsulated object that I am unclear about. The benefit of making object members private is the ability to hide methods that do not apply to the context of class being built. The downside is that you have to provide public methods to pass parameters to the underlying object (more methods, more work). On the otherside, if you want to have all methods and properties exposed for the underlying object, couldn't you just make the object public? What are the dangers in having objects exposed this way?
For example, I would find it useful to have everything from a vector, or Array List, exposed. The only downside I can think of is that public members could potentially assigned a type that its not via implicit casting (or something to that affect). Would a volitile designation reduce the potential for problems?
Just a side note: I understand that true enapsulation implies that members are private.
What are the dangers in having objects exposed this way?
Changing the type of those objects would require changing the interface to the class. With private objects + public getters/setters, you'd only have to modify the code in the getters and setters, assuming you want to keep the things being returned the same.
Note that this is why properties are useful in languages such as Python, which technically doesn't have private class members, only obscured ones at most.
The problem with making instance variables public is that you can never change your mind later, and make them private, without breaking existing code that relies on directly public access to those instance vars. Some examples:
You decide to later make your class thread-safe by synchronizing all access to instance vars, or maybe by using a ThreadLocal to create a new copy of the value for each thread. Can't do it if any thread can directly access the variables.
Using your example of a vector or array list - at some point, you realize that there is a security flaw in your code because those classes are mutable, so somebody else can replace the contents of the list. If this were only available via an accessor method, you could easily solve the problem by making an immutable copy of the list upon request, but you can't do that with a public variable.
You realize later that one of your instance vars is redundant and can be derived based on other variables. Once again, easy if you're using accessors, impossible with public variables.
I think that it boils down to a practical point - if you know that you're the only one who will be using this code, and it pains you to write accessors (every IDE will do it for you automatically), and you don't mind changing your own code later if you decide to break the API, then go for it. But if other people will be using your class, or if you would like to make it easier to refactor later for your own use, stick with accessors.
Object oriented design is just a guideline. Think about it from the perspective of the person who will be using your class. Balance OOD with making it intuitive and easy to use.
You could run into issues depending on the language you are using and how it treats return statements or assignment operators. In some cases it may give you a reference, or values in other cases.
For example, say you have a PrimeCalculator class that figures out prime numbers, then you have another class that does something with those prime numbers.
public PrimeCalculator calculatorObject = new PrimeCalculator();
Vector<int> primeNumbers = calculatorObject.PrimeNumbersVector;
/* do something complicated here */
primeNumbers.clear(); // free up some memory
When you use this stuff later, possibly in another class, you don't want the overhead of calculating the numbers again so you use the same calculatorObject.
Vector<int> primes = calculatorObject.PrimeNumbersVector;
int tenthPrime = primes.elementAt(9);
It may not exactly be clear at this point whether primes and primeNumbers reference the same Vector. If they do, trying to get the tenth prime from primes would throw an error.
You can do it this way if you're careful and understand what exactly is happening in your situation, but you have a smaller margin of error using functions to return a value rather than assigning the variable directly.
Well you can check the post :
first this
then this
This should solve your confusion . It solved mine ! Thanks to Nicol Bolas.
Also read the comments below the accepted answer (also notice the link given in the second last comment by me ( in the first post) )
Also visit the wikipedia post

In what cases should public fields be used instead of properties? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Public Data members vs Getters, Setters
In what cases should public fields be used, instead of properties or getter and setter methods (where there is no support for properties)? Where exactly is their use recommended, and why, or, if it is not, why are they still allowed as a language feature? After all, they break the Object-Oriented principle of encapsulation where getters and setters are allowed and encouraged.
If you have a constant that needs to be public, you might as well make it a public field instead of creating a getter property for it.
Apart from that, I don't see a need, as far as good OOP principles are concerned.
They are there and allowed because sometimes you need the flexibility.
That's hard to tell, but in my opinion public fields are only valid when using structs.
struct Simple
public int Position;
public bool Exists;
public double LastValue;
But different people have different thoughts about:
If your compiler does not optimize getter and setter invocations, the access to your properties might be more expensive than reading and writing fields (call stack). That might be relevant if you perform many, many invocations.
But, to be honest, I know no language where this is true. At least in both .NET and Java this is optimized well.
From a design point of view I know no case where using fields is recommended...
Let's first look at the question why we need accessors (getters/setters)? You need them to be able to override the behaviour when assigning a new value/reading a value. You might want to add caching or return a calculated value instead of a property.
Your question can now be formed as do I always want this behaviour? I can think of cases where this is not useful at all: structures (what were structs in C). Passing a parameter object or a class wrapping multiple values to be inserted into a Collection are cases where one actually does not need accessors: The object is merely a container for variables.
There is one single reason(*) why to use get instead of public field: lazy evaluation. I.e. the value you want may be stored in a database, or may be long to compute, and don't want your program to initialize it at startup, but only when needed.
There is one single reason(*) why to use set instead of public field: other fields modifications. I.e. you change the value of other fields when you the value of the target field changes.
Forcing to use get and set on every field is in contradiction with the YAGNI principle.
If you want to expose the value of a field from an object, then expose it! It is completely pointless to create an object with four independent fields and mandating that all of them uses get/set or properties access.
*: Other reasons such as possible data type change are pointless. In fact, wherever you use a = o.get_value() instead of a = o.value, if you change the type returned by get_value() you have to change at every use, just as if you would have changed the type of value.
The main reason is nothing to do with OOP encapsulation (though people often say it is), and everything to do with versioning.
Indeed from the OOP position one could argue that fields are better than "blind" properties, as a lack of encapsulation is clearer than something that pretends to encapsulation and then blows it away. If encapsulation is important, then it should be good to see when it isn't there.
A property called Foo will not be treated the same from the outside as a public field called Foo. In some languages this is explicit (the language doesn't directly support properties, so you've got a getFoo and a setFoo) and in some it is implicit (C# and VB.NET directly support properties, but they are not binary-compatible with fields and code compiled to use a field will break if it's changed to a property, and vice-versa).
If your Foo just does a "blind" set and write of an underlying field, then there is currently no encapsulation advantage to this over exposing the field.
However, if there is a later requirement to take advantage of encapsulation to prevent invalid values (you should always prevent invalid values, but maybe you didn't realise some where invalid when you first wrote the class, or maybe "valid" has changed with a scope change), to wrap memoised evaluation, to trigger other changes in the object, to trigger an on-change event, to prevent expensive needless equivalent sets, and so on, then you can't make that change without breaking running code.
If the class is internal to the component in question, this isn't a concern, and I'd say use fields if fields read sensibly under the general YAGNI principle. However, YAGNI doesn't play quite so well across component boundaries (if I did need my component to work today, I certainly am probably going to need that it works tomorrow after you've changed your component that mine depends on), so it can make sense to pre-emptively use properties.