mapping 'value object' collection in (Fluent) NHibernate - nhibernate

I have the following entity
public class Employee
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual ISet<Hour> XboxBreakHours{get;set}
public virtual ISet<Hour> CoffeeBreakHours {get;set}
public class Hour
public DateTime Time {get;set;}
(What I want to do here is store information that employee A plays Xbox everyday let's say at 9:00 13:30 and has a coffee break everyday at 7:00 12:30 18:00) - I am not sure if my approach is valid at all here.
The question is how should my (ideally fluent) mappings look like here? It is not necessary (from my point of view) for Hour class to have Id or be accessible from some kind of repository.

Depending on how you want to do it, you either need to map your collection as an element mapping or as a component collection (that's <element> and <composite-element> in NHibernate terms). The former will need an IUserType defining, while the latter is for if you're going to have your Hour class have more than one property.
If you're sticking with a single property, you'll need to define an IUserType so NHibernate knows how to translate to and from your type to your database. Once you've done that, you can map it with Fluent NHibernate like so:
HasMany(x => x.XboxBreakHours)
.Element("value", x => x.CustomType<YourUserType>);
That specifies that your collection is stored in a table with a column called value containing the actual values. The CustomType call is what tells NHibernate to use the IUserType for this collection.
If you're going to have multiple properties in your Hour class, then you need to do the following (note: this is actually very similar to doing a Component mapping).
HasMany(x => x.XboxBreakHours)
.Component(comp =>
comp.Map(x => x.Time);
comp.Map(x => x.Another);


How to implement Entity Framework if my tables have unconventional column names?

I've joined a team that uses non standard names for tables and columns, and have trouble building database-first projects with Entity Framework.
Here's my problem:
tFWAClientProcessing (Table)
FWAClientHandling (Primary Key, INT)
iClientID (Foreign Key, INT)
tClients (Table)
AClientID (Primary Key, INT)
sClientName (VARCHAR(255))
I need Entity Framework to detect the relationship between these two tables without making changes to those tables in production.
I'd long given up on EDMX and convention-based mapping for relationships and just set up EF via EntityConfiguration classes. Attributes in the entity definitions are another option which should work for simple cases like identifying column names. You can also wire up mapping in the OnModelCreating override directly.
For instance: To have entities called Client and FWAClientProcessing for that table structure:
public class Client
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public string ClientName { get; set; }
public class FWAClientProcessing
public int FWAClientProcessingId { get; set; }
public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
public class ClientConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Client>
public ClientConfiguration()
ToTable("tClients"); // assumes default schema, i.e. "dbo" in SQL Server. Can add schema name as 2nd parameter otherwise.
HasKey(x => x.ClientId)
.Property(x => x.ClientId)
Property(x => x.ClientName)
public class FWAClientProcessingConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<FWAClientPrcessing>
public FWAClientProcessingConfiguration()
HasKey(x => x.FWAClientProcessingId)
.Property(x => x.FWAClientProcessingId)
HasRequired(x => x.Client)
.Map(x => x.MapKey("iClientID"));
Assuming that the EntityTypeConfiguration classes are in the same assembly as the entities, and the DBContext, registering them in the context becomes:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
These examples are for EF6, EF Core uses the concept of Shadow Properties for mapping FK relationships without exposing FK properties, and can accommodate the different column naming. EntityTypeConfiguration is available as an Interface with a Configure method accepting the builder.
I favor using the explicit entity type configuration by default as it keeps the configuration nicely isolated and out of the way and can handle all mapping scenarios that might come up that annotations cannot do. It's a bit of a one-off cost to set up, but at least then you have full visibility and control over how the schema is mapped and not simply hoping EF works things out. :)
Use the modern replacement for EDMX-based Database-First and reverse-engineer a code-first model from the existing database. Customizing an EDMX-based model with its mappings is a rabbit-hole of obsolete technology.
This is available for EF Core and EF6.
The reverse-engineered model is then a starting point for you to make model customizations, like mapping the tables and columns to sensible names, and configuring any Navigation Properties that for whatever reason didn't get picked up by the tooling.
You are right, it is easier if people follow the entity framework conventions. However, if you have to deviate from them, OnModelCreating is your friend.
In OnModelCreating, from every Table, column, relation between tables, that are not standard, you can inform entity framework about these deviations.
You can give different table names
You can use other column names
You can say that certain properties should be saved in certain database formats, for instance ProductPrice is a decimal with 2 digits after the decimal point, instead of the default number of digits.
There seems to be a one-to-many relation between Clients and ClientsProcessing: every Client with primary key Id, has zero or more ClientsProcessings, every ClientProcessing belongs to exactly one Client, namely the Client that the foreign key ClientId refers to.
You want to use unconventional table names, unconventional names for you primary and foreign keys, and you need to inform about what keys are used to define the one-to-many relation.
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Configure DbSet<Client>:
ver clients = modelBuilder.Entity<Client>();
.HasKey(client => client.Id)
// property Id should be in "AClientID"
clients.Property(client => client.Id).HasColumnName("AClientID");
clients.Property(client => client.Name).HasColumnName("sClientName");
Apart from different names of the columns, you can also declare whether the properties are required or optional, what format they should have (is a decimal with two digits after the decimal point, or does it have four digits?), etc.
Do something similar for modelBuilder.Entity<ClientProcessing>();
For the one-to-many relation: every Client has zero or more ClientProcessings; every ClientProcessing belongs to exactly one (required!) Client, namely the foreign key that ClientId refers to:
clients.HasMany(client => client.ClientProcessings)
.WithRequired(clientProcessing => clientProcessing.Client)
.HasForeignKey(clientProcessing => clientProcessing.ClientId);
Or if you want, you can start at ClienProcessing: every ClientProcessing has exactly one Client (required!), using foreign key ClientId. Every Client has many ClientProcessings.
.HasRequired(clientProcessing => clientProcessing.Client)
.HasForeignKey(clientProcessing => clientProcessing.ClientId);
Note: by default this will cascade on delete: whenever you delete a client, you will also delete all its processings: you did define there are no processings without a client.
In some relations, you don't want this, especially many-to-many relations or one-to-zero-or-one relation: a Student may have zero or one School-supplied-Laptop. If you delete the Laptop, you don't want to delete the Student as well. In that case you'll have to add .WillCascadeOnDelete(false)

NHibernate dynamic mapping

I am looking for some way to dynamically map database tables classes in my application using nhibernate (or if some other ORM works then let me know). I am fairly new to nhibernate, I used entity frameworks in the past though.
Most of my application will be using a static structures and fluent nhibernate to map them.
However there are multiple database tables that will be needed to be created and mapped to objects at each install site. These will all have as a base structure (id,name etc) however they will have additional fields depending on the type of data they are capturing. From some reading I found that I can use the "dynamic-component" mapping in xml to add fields using an IDictionary Attributes property. This is the first step and seems relatively straight forward. Ref (
The second step is where I am struggling. I will need to define tables and map them depending on the client’s need. As stated above each of the tables will have a set of static properties, and some dynamic ones. They will also need to reference a static “Location”Class as shown below
Location (STATIC) (id,coordinates)
-----DynamicTable1 (DYNAMIC) (id,Name,location_id, DynamicAttribute1, DynamicAttribute2........)
-----DynamicTable2 (DYNAMIC) (id,Name,location_id, DynamicAttributeA, DynamicAttributeB....)
We will need to be able to create / map as many of these DynamicTables as the client needs. DynamicTable1, DynamicTable2 etc will most likely be different in some ways for most client sites. Is there any way in nhibernate to achieve this? The creating / management of the tables in the Database will be managed elsewhere, I just need some way to get this to map in my ORM.
A bit of background
This application will be used to store geological data. As geological data is inherently different depending on where it is, and geologist are using different methods and looking for different elements (gold, coal etc), the data structure to store this information needs to be extremely flexible.
Take a look at the new Mapping By Code functionality of NH 3.2. It should make it easy to create new table definitions at runtime. In contrast to Fluent, you don't need to write a mapping class, you just can add new classes in for loops:
// lookup all dynamic tables in the database using SQL or SMO or whatever
var dynamicTables = GetDynamicTables();
// map all dynamic tables
foreach(var table in dynamicTables)
mapper.Class<MyGenericEntity>(ca =>
// use an entity name to distinguish the mappings.
ca.Id(x => x.Id, map =>
map.Generator(Generators.HighLow, gmap => gmap.Params(new { max_low = 100 }));
// map properties, using what ever is required: if's, for's ...
ca.Property(x => x.Something, map => map.Length(150));
Using the entity name you can store and load the entities to and from different tables, even if they are mapped as the same entity class. It is like Duck Typing With NHibernate..
Believe me, it won't be easy. If you are interested in a big challenge which impresses every NH expert, just go for it. If you just want to get it working you should choose a more classic way: create a static database model which is able to store dynamic data in a generic way (say: name value pairs).
see answer in Using nNHibernate with Emitted Code
class DynamicClass
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Location Location { get; set; }
public virtual IDictionary DynamicData { get; set; }
<class name="DynamicClass">
<dynamic-component name="DynamicData">
<!--placeholder -->
replace <!--placeholder --> with generated
type="int" />
type="string" />
configure Sessionfactory
var sessionFactory = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration()
... // DatabaseIntegration and other mappings
var query = session.CreateCriteria<DynamicClass>();
foreach (var restriction in restrictions)
query.Add(Restrictions.Eq(restriction.Name, restriction.Value))
var objects = query.List<DynamicClass>();
Edit: ups i havent realised you need multiple tables per client
Option 1:
<class name="DynamicClass" table="tablenameplaceholder"> with replace and a different Sessionfactory for each dynamic class
Option 2:
Subclassing the dynamic class and use TPS (table per subclass) mappings
Option 3: see Stefans answer just with xml
<class name="DynamicTable1" class="DynamicClass" table="DynamicTable1">

Programmatically ignore children with nHibernate

I'm just trying to get my head around nHibernate and have a query. When setting up the mappings file (with Fluent or regular .hbm.xml files) you specify relationships (bags; one-to-many, etc) and sub-types - the idea being (I believe) is that when you fetch an object it also fetches and matching data. My question is can I programmatically tell my query to ignore that relationship?
So, below, there is a Foo class with a list of Bar objects. Within the mappings file this would be a one-to-many relationship and sometimes I want to retrieve a Foo with all Bars BUT sometimes I want to just retrieve the Foo object without the Bar, for performance reasons. How can I do this?
public class Foo { public int Id { get; set; } public List<Bar> { get; set; } }
public class Bar { public int Id { get; set; }
The relationship shouldn't be loaded automatically unless you turn off Lazy Loading or specify it to be eager loaded in the query.
To answer your questions in the comment below.
1) It's done as part of the query. An basic example using QueryOver in NHibernate 3.0 would look something like:
var result = Session.QueryOver()
.Fetch(x => x.Category).Eager
.Where(x => x.Price > 10)
I think with ICriteria it's "SetFetchMode("Category", FetchMode.Eager)"
2) If you turn off lazy-loading on the mapping for an object, it will effectively always be eager loaded. Tho I suggest you eager load on a query-by-query basis to avoid the possibility of having a massive chain of data loaded, or loading data you don't actually need.

nHibernate Collection Count

I have the following model which I have created and mapped with nHibernate.
Using lazy loading so I don't need to get the Vehicles for the Dealer at the start.
Public class Dealer
public virtual string Name { get;set;}
public virtual IList<Vehicles> Vehicles { get;set;}
Now let's assume the Dealer has thousands of vehicles.
If I do Dealer.Vehicles.Count then NH will select and pull all the data.
What is the best way to simply get a count? Is there any way in which I can get a count with out declaring A new property dealerCount within the Dealer Class?
Also there is a feature in Hibernate which I believe will be implemented in a newer version of NH called Extra Lazy Loading. Would this solve the problem?
extra lazy loading would issue sql instead of populating the collection for certain operations such as Count or Contains. In fluent mappings its used as:
HasMany(x => x.CollectionProperty).ExtraLazyLoad();
or HBM
<one-to-many lazy="extra" ...
It's only usefull if you have large collections and need the special behavior.
Use count projection (Projections.RowCount)

Nhibernate entity with multiple Many-To-Many lists of the same type?

Does anybody know how I would map an entity with two many-to-many collections of the same child type.
My database structure is this....
The "normal" relationship will be....
The alternative relationship is...
The entity and mapping look like this...
public partial class ParentEntity : AuditableDataEntity<ParentEntity>
public virtual IList<ChildEntity> Children { get; set; }
public virtual IList<ChildEntity> IncludedChildren { get; set; }
public partial class ParentMap : IAutoMappingOverride<ParentEntity>
public void Override(AutoMapping<ParentEntity> mapping)
mapping.HasManyToMany(x => x.Children)
mapping.HasManyToMany(x => x.IncludedChildren)
The error that I'm getting is
"System.NotSupportedException: Can't figure out what the other side of the many-to-many property 'Children' should be."
I'm using NHibernate 2.1.2, FluentNhibernate 1.0.
It seems FNH is confused because you seem to map the same object (ChildEntity) to two different tables, if I'm not mistaken.
If you don't really need the two lists to get separated, perhaps using a discriminating value for each of your lists would solve the problem. Your first ChildEntity list would bind to the discriminationg value A, and you sesond to the discriminating value B, for instance.
Otherwise, I would perhaps opt for a derived class of your ChildEntity, just not to have the same name of ChildEntity.
IList<ChildEntity> ChildEntities
IList<IncludedChildEntity> IncludedChildEntities
And both your objects classes would be identitical.
If you say it works with NH, then it might be a bug as already stated. However, you may mix both XML mappings and AutoMapping with FNH. So, if it does work in NH, this would perhaps be my preference. But think this workaround should do it.
You know I'm just shooting in the dark here, but it almost sounds like your ChildEntity class isn't known by Hibernate .. that's typically where I've seen that sort of message. Hibernate inspects your class and sees this referenced class (ChildEntity in this case) that id doesn't know about.
Maybe you've moved on and found the issue at this point, but thought I'd see anyway.
Fluent is confused because you are referencing the same parent column twice. That is a no-no. And as far as I can tell from the activity i have seen, a fix is not coming any time soon.
You would have to write some custom extensions to get that working, if it is possible.
To my great pity, NHibernate cannot do that. Consider using another ORM.