Exceptions from WCF - wcf

What exceptions can be thrown from a WCF client?
I usually catch CommunicationFaultedException, CommunicationException, TimoutException and some other but from time to time new ones occur, e.g. most recently QuotaExceededException
There is no common base to catch (except Exception) so does anyone have a complete list?

This might be a good place to start: Expected Exceptions.

Why would there be a complete list? This isn't Java.
Why do you want to catch an exception you don't understand? How would you "handle" it if you don't know what it means?
Go ahead and catch exceptions to log them, if you like, but you should rethrow after you catch it. Let the exception propagate up to some code that knows what to do with it.

Just thinking outloud... one solution could be:
Add the list of exceptions(and exception casting) in your Custom exception class; for instance CException.
As soon as you catch an exception in your Exception block, throw another exception into your CException class. For instance like following:
catch(Exception ex){throw new CException("An error occured", ex);}
See this example.

The CommunicationException is the base exception for all WCF exceptions. If you catch that, you catch everything WCF related.
See the MSDN docs for CommunicationException. It will also nicely show a list of all derived classes, e.g. all more specific exceptions that can occur in WCF - quite a long list!


ctx.commandFailed vs throwing in PersistentEntity

In the Auction Example I have seen both ctx.commandFailed(...) and throw SomeException(...). Is there a good reason to throw instead of using the API and is there a difference between the two?
Persistent entity command handlers and after persist callbacks are wrapped in try/catch blocks, if an exception is caught, it will pass that exception to ctx.commandFailed(...) for you.
There is a subtle difference between the two to be aware of. If you throw an exception, processing of the command will of course stop immediately. If however you pass an exception to ctx.commandFailed(...), that will send the exception back to the invoker of the command, however it won't stop processing. You could in theory go on to return some directives to persist events - which would be an odd thing to do. In practice what you need to do is return ctx.done after invoking ctx.commandFailed(...).
In general it's probably simpler and safer to simply throw the exception.

wcf fault exception not throwing/being caught properly

This is the exception I get:
An exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1' occurred in TestService.exe but was not handled in user code
I try to run my client and the debugger gets caught when I try to do the following
catch (Exception ex)
throw new FaultException<GeneralCalculatorFault>(fault, ex.ToString());
What could be the problem. Let me know if I need to provide more info.
I answered the question myself. It was giving me trouble because of a setting in Visual Studio 2012.
Whenever the exception was thrown if I pressed "Continue", it handled everything just fine on the client side just like it should. There is a checkbox on the server side that allows me to ignore exceptions of particular types, so I checked it and now the server side no longer complains that the exception is not being handled.
Maybe this will help some other newbie like me. :)

Better way to Handle error

I recently migrated a VB6 app to VB.Net. Entire VB6 dependency are removed . And the code was working fine just for a single module mean to say like for WinApp it is working fine.
Now my requirement has been changed, now the same class will be accessed by multiple application , it might a Windows App, Web App or a web service. So I am not able decide any efficient error handling pattern.
So you you guys help me out. Currently what I am doing is that parent function , i am passing two vars LogError as bool and ErrorMessage as string parameter, that will further check something like this
Catch(ex as Exception)
If LogError then
MessageBox.Show("My_Module_Name :" & ex.Message)
ErrorMessage = ex.Message
End Try
Also same catch block is used in all other functions/ subroutines.
So what I need is any elegant handling method that will work efficiently on cross-app platform(win/web/service)
I'd suggest logging the messages, either to a log file or to the Event log, but why not let the clients choose, in that you could add some methods to let the client decide where it should be logged. Though instead of having your exception handler handle the message and put it into an errormessage variable I'd just follow the logging with a throw so that the Exception continued up in the call chain until some code that knew how to handle it got it.
In general it's not good practice to catch Exception, you should catch only the exceptions that you can handle. But I think it's ok if you just want to log it and then will re-throw it again.

Get Rid of Error Message - VB.NET

When I do the try/catch method in my vb.net project I will try the code I want and when it can't do it, i make a message box right after the catch method. The thing is that it will show the message box, and then another message from the program itself. Like for example, I have here a MySQLException, and when i click ok on the message box, it will show another one right after showing the exception itself. How would I be able to get rid of this so the user doesn't have to see this, and the program can continue.
It sounds like you're actually getting more than one exception. Have you checked the stack traces for both errors?
What I think is happening is that your first function is throwing the MySQLException and then returning nothing. You're then probably getting a NullReferenceException from whatever made the call to the database.
Your best bet is to not catch some many exceptions. Your data layer should be free of Try/Catch blocks unless you're trying to cater for something very specific. Your business layer should then catch any other non-general exceptions that occur specific to the functionality there. Finally, your application layer should be handling all of your general exceptions and reporting on them from there.
Try this. It should only display one message. Make sure your original message is coming from a statement after the Try.
Catch ex as exception
call msgbox (ex.message)
end try

NHibernate Error reporting advice

This is not so much a problem as advice on best practice really. I am writing an ASP.Net MVC application, and in my DAL i am using NHibernate, but what do you do if an exception is thrown in your DAL?
Do you catch the exception in the DAL, log the error and then re-throw the exception?
Do you not even attempt to catch exeptions at all and use the Application_Error() method in the global.asax as a generic catch all?
Do you catch the exception log it and return a bool to the controller indicating a success or failure, or do you do something completly different?
Leading on from this how then do you handle informing the users? Do you show a generic "Error Occured - please try again" type page or do you show a more informative error?
This is exactly one of those 'it depends' questions. This is what I do:
Handle all exceptions in Application_Error (or similar sink-like location)
If the exception is base for business logic - say cannot have duplicates, just catch it and act upon it.
If it is an infrastructure exception and there is a good chance you can fix it by retrying - handle it in DAL.
Propagating specific exception info to user has hardly any benefit because usually the user cannot do anything about it anyway. So a generic error message usually makes do.
All unexpected and selected expected exceptions need to be logged with as much info as possible. It is also advisable that you get email with the exception info.
Now specifically to NHibernate - if NH throws an exception it is advised that you close and discard the currently active ISession and just fail. Because the session might be in an unknown/inconsistent state and trying to resurrect it can do more harm than good.
Obviously depending on scale and type of your app and number of various systems/programmers/etc. involved you really might to handle the logging yourself.