SQL Stored Procedure: Business Hours - sql

How can I create a stored procedure that accepts a start and end date.(e.g April 1 - April 30
1.) Get the business days including Saturdays x (a value). +
2.) Get Holidays x (a value)
and return the total.
I'm new to this, I guess it would be a tsql function. hmm.
any help would be appreciated.

The simplest solution to this problem is to create a Calendar table that contains a value for every day you might want to consider. You could then add columns that indicate whether it is a business day or a holiday. With that, the problem becomes trivial:
Select ..
From Calendar
Where IsBusinessDay = 1
And Calendar.[Date] Between '2010-04-01' And '2010-04-30'
If you wanted the count of days, you could then do:
Select Sum( Case When IsBusinessDay = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End ) As BusinessDayCount
, Sum( Case When IsHoliday = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End ) As HolidayCount
From Calendar
Where Calendar.[Date] Between '2010-04-01' And '2010-04-30'


First, you will need to store all of the holidays into an independant table (Christmas, Easter, New Year Day, etc. with their respective dates (normally timed at midnight));
Second, you will have to generate, into a temporary table maybe, the dates of the office days, it then excludes the dates contained in the Holidays table.
Third, you may set the office hours to these dates depending on what day it is, if you have different working hours on different day.
That is the algorithm for you to find the appropriate code implementation.
Let me know if this helps!


How do I add a column in PowerBI that evaluates the difference of Latest End time and Earliest Start Time from a large dataset?

I am new to PowerBI. I am trying to make a report of the number of days consumed for a test to complete. There is a large fleet of tests that are run across a week and I would like to subtract the Earliest Start Time from the Latest End time, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and then display the result as a new column next to the Latest actual end as shown in the picture below.
Pardon for any errors above. The data was fetched from a SQL Server using a query (if that helps). Thank you.
query in sql server
--number of days
,DATEDIFF (day,[Earrliest startTime], [Latest actualend]) diffday
from TestTable
--excluding Saturdays and Sundays
where datepart(weekday,[Earrliest startTime]) not in (6,7)
and datepart(weekday,[Latest actualend]) not in (6,7)
SQL Fiddle
Hope it help you :-)
Create a New Table DateTable to be your calendar table.
Add a weekday column so you can filter out weekends.
Weekday = WEEKDAY(DateTable[Date])
Now you can create a measure that counts the days between your first and last day:
DayCount = COUNTX(DateTable,
IF(DateTable[Date]+1 > MIN(StartEnd[startTime]) &&
DateTable[Date]+1 < MAX(StartEnd[acutalend]) &&
NOT(DateTable[Weekday] IN {1,7}),
1, BLANK()))
The +1 are there to give you end of day rather than beginning of day.

SSRS. Workday Function

I'm trying to convert the below Excel formula into SSRS but having looked around I cannot seem to find a solution. I can calculate the number of working days between two dates but what I'm trying to do is add on a number of working days to a date. Essentially I don't have the 2nd date.
I guess it would be something along the lines of the DATEADD function?
Hope someone can help
Many thanks
Here is a tsql solution to add X Business Days to a date.
declare #calendar as table (theDate date, dayOfWeek varchar (10));
declare #startDate as date = '20170704';
declare #businessDaysToAdd as integer = 10;
insert into #calendar
select theDate
, datename(dw, theDate) dow
dbo.dateTable('20170701', '20170720') ;
with temp as (
select theDate
, dayOfWeek
, rank() over (order by theDate) theRank
from #calendar
where theDate > #startDate
and dayOfWeek not in ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
select * from temp
where theRank = #businessDaysToAdd;
dbo.DateTable is a table valued function that just happens to exist in the database I was using. In real life, you might have an actual calendar table of some sort.
This example does not include holidays.
This is only the start of the answer to the posted question. It only solves the problem of Essentially I don't have the 2nd date.
Type this into the expression for the textbox. (From SSRS 2008 Datediff for Working Days)
-(iif(Weekday(Parameters!STARTDATE.Value) = 7,1,0)
-(iif(Weekday(Parameters!ENDDATE.Value) = 6,1,0))-1)
Ok after much perseverance I managed to get what I wanted in both TSQL and SSRS. My objective was to measure Agent productivity so I didn’t want to count the weekend and this would be unfair. If a date fell on a weekend then I wanted it to jump to a Monday. Likewise if adding number of days onto a date went over a weekend in the future then I needed the incremented date to reflect this. For the end user (In SSRS) I wanted a leading edge (Like an Upside down triangle) so that if the date + number working days was in the future then set to NULL, showing a zero would look like no productivity which is incorrect.
First TSQL - My base query started with the following SO thread but after trying many of the options I was finding when the date fell on a Saturday or Sunday the solution did not work for me (I was unable to create functions due to permissions). However tweaking the below got me there and I dealt with Sunday specifically
Add business days to date in SQL without loops
,DATEADD(WEEKDAY, (/*Your Working Days*//5)*7+(/*Your Working Days*/ % 5) +
(CASE WHEN DATEPART(WEEKDAY,/*Your Date*/) <>7 AND DATEPART(WEEKDAY,/*Your Date*/) + (/*Your Working Days*/ % 5) >5 THEN 2
WHEN DATEPART(WEEKDAY,/*Your Date*/) = 7 AND DATEPART(WEEKDAY,/*Your Date*/) + (/*Your Working Days*/ % 5) >5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), /*Your Date*/) AS [IncrementedDate]
FROM /*YourTable*/
Then for SSRS - The 2 key points here is that TSQL will divide as an integer if the source number is an integer so this needs to be handled in SSRS and secondly you need to set the first week day to Monday as part of the expression.
I put this expression into a Matrix with Date Created being my Row Group and Contact Working Days being my Column Group.
=DATEADD("W",(INT(ReportItems!ContactWorkingDays.Value/5))*7+(ReportItems!ContactWorkingDays.Value MOD 5) + IIF(DATEPART("W",ReportItems!DateCreated.Value,FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) <> 7 AND (DATEPART("W",ReportItems!DateCreated.Value,FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) + (ReportItems!ContactWorkingDays.Value MOD 5) >5),2,IIF(DATEPART("W",ReportItems!DateCreated.Value,FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) = 7 AND (DATEPART("W",ReportItems!DateCreated.Value,FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) + (ReportItems!ContactWorkingDays.Value MOD 5) >5),1,0)),ReportItems!DateCreated.Value)
This does not include holidays - I'm not too bothered at this stage and that is for a rainy day! :)

SQL - Query events data for current quarter

I have a course calendar events table as follows (showing only a few records for simplicity):
calendarItemID classID startDate startTime endTime
1 1 2011-11-24 7pm 9pm
2 2 2011-11-02 7pm 9pm
3 1 2011-11-25 7pm 9pm
I need a query that returns courses for the UPCOMING QUARTER (not the current quarter). Is there a SQL function that can help and/or is this a case of working out the dates in the current quarter and seeing if StartDate fits within those dates. I'm looking for the most elegant way if possible.
Thanks in advance!
Straightforward, but slow approach :
WHERE DATEPART(qq,startDate) = DATEADD(qq, 1,GETDATE()) AND YEAR(startDate) =
By slow I mean that even if you have an index on (startDate) it won't be used.
The better solution is to get start_date and end_date for the next quarter. I can see a number of ways to do so. For instance, you can create 2 scalar UDF that returns start_date and end_date respectively. You can also create 1 table-valued function that returns 1 row with 2 columns and then join it. Finally, you can just create a lookup table and manually enter start/end date for next couple of years.
Create a table called say Quarters with a useful ID say YYYYQQ, and a start and end date, then it's a simple join.

Business Days calculation

I have a query where I am calculating total days between two days including start and end date by the following SQL query. If the end date is not null, then end date is considered as current date.
This query does the job. But I do not want to count Sat and Sundays. Possible public UK Holidays.(I can do this one, if I can get the logic for Saturdays and Sundays)
SELECT DateDiff(day,DateADD(day,-1,StartDate),ISNULL(EndDate,getDate()))numberOfDays
FROM <mytable>
How do I count only weekdays between two dates?
Thank you
I would strongly recommend a calendar table for this, especially if you need to take specific holidays into account. Calculating Easter dynamically, for example, is going to be a royal pain.
If you're going to use T-SQL alone, be careful about using functions that rely on regional/language settings for the output of things like DATENAME ...
Take a look at the DATEDIFF MSDN page.
At the bottom of the page, there is some user-generated content.
One user posted a function there which does exactly what you want, including holidays (headline: "UDF to return the number of business days, including a check to a bank holidays table").
try this
SELECT DateDiff(day,DateADD(day,-1,StartDate),ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) -
( CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, StartDate) = 'Sunday' OR
DATENAME(dw,ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
- ( CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, StartDate) = 'Saturday' OR
DATENAME(dw,ISNULL(EndDate,getDate())) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM <mytable>

T-SQL absence by month from start date end date

I have an interesting query to do and am trying to find the best way to do it. Basically I have an absence table in our personnel database this records the staff id and then a start date and end date for the absence. End date being null if not yet entered (not returned). I cannot change the design.
They would like a report by month on number of absences (12 month trend). With staff being off over the month change it obviously may be difficult to calculate.
e.g. Staff off 25/11/08 to 05/12/08 (dd/MM/yy) I would want the days in November to go into the November count and the ones in December in the December count.
I am currently thinking in order to count the number of days I need to separate the start and end date into a record for each day of the absence, assigning it to the month it is in. then group the data for reporting. As for the ones without an end date I would assume null is the current date as they are presently still absent.
What would be the best way to do this?
Any better ways?
Edit: This is SQL 2000 server currently. Hoping for an upgrade soon.
I have had a similar issue where there has been a table of start/end dates designed for data storage but not for reporting.
I sought out the "fastest executing" solution and found that it was to create a 2nd table with the monthly values in there. I populated it with the months from Jan 2000 to Jan 2070. I'm expecting it will suffice or that I get a large pay cheque in 2070 to come and update it...
-- Populate with all month start dates that may ever be needed
-- And I would recommend indexing / primary keying by start
SUM(CASE WHEN data.start < months.start
THEN DATEDIFF(DAY, months.start, data.end)
ELSE DATEDIFF(DAY, data.start, DATEADD(month, 1, months.start))
END) AS days
ON data.start < DATEADD(month, 1, months.start)
AND data.end > months.start
That join can be quite slow for various reasons, I'll search out another answer to another question to show why and how to optimise the join.
Here is another answer relating to overlapping date ranges and how to speed up the joins...
Query max number of simultaneous events