NServiceBus FullDuplex sample compiled and debugging against .NET 4.0 framework throws exception - .net-4.0

I just installed VS2010 RC and launched the FullDuplex sample from NServiceBus and it ran fine. I then changed the target framework of each project in the solution to ".NET Framework 4", recompiled and launched in the debugger and received the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message=No endpoint configuration found in scanned assemblies. This usually happens when NServiceBus fails to load your assembly contaning IConfigureThisEndpoint. Try specifying the type explicitly in the NServiceBus.Host.exe.config using the appsetting key: EndpointConfigurationTypeScanned path: C:\Development\Personal\ThirdParty\NServiceBus\samples\FullDuplex\MyClient\bin\Debug\
at NServiceBus.Host.Program.ValidateEndpoints(IEnumerable`1 endpointConfigurationTypes) in d:\BuildAgent-02\work\672d81652eaca4e1\src\host\NServiceBus.Host\Program.cs:line 189
at NServiceBus.Host.Program.GetEndpointConfigurationType() in d:\BuildAgent-02\work\672d81652eaca4e1\src\host\NServiceBus.Host\Program.cs:line 171
at NServiceBus.Host.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\BuildAgent-02\work\672d81652eaca4e1\src\host\NServiceBus.Host\Program.cs:line 32

You have to provide the correct supported runtime version in the NServiceBus.Host.exe.config
for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="EndpointConfigurationTypeScanned" value="d:\w\ServiceBusTest\"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>

The error is actually saying everything :)
The generic host cannot find an endpoint configuration, probably because it fails to dynamically discover and load your .NET 4 assemblies.
You might need to check out the NServiceBus source code and built it against .NET 4 yourself for it to work.

I had this problem and found that my "Start external program" path for NServiceBus.Host.exe was not the folder with my assemblies in, thus meaning it couldn't find any endpoints. In this case, two options are to point to NServiceBus.Host.exe in the bin folder or use menty's answer and add an EndpointConfigurationTypeScanned into the config.

I was never able to get this completely resolved. I first had to convert all of the NSB projects to set the target framework to 4.0. I then upgraded to the latest ilmerge and added the necessary arguments for it to the build script. Next I had to update NAnt and NUnit configuration files to also work with 4.0. I was finally able to get a successful build and ilmerge but now I get an error related to the framework version of TopShelf when executing the upgraded FullDuplex sample using the newly compiled libraries.
I'm assuming I'll have to get newer TopShelf binaries or get the source and build it myself against the 4.0 framework but I haven't been able to look at it in the last week.
Andreas, are there any plans to update the NSB project itself to the 4.0 framework in the near future?


The "TransformWebConfig" task failed unexpectedly - System.Exception: The acceptable value for AspNetCoreModuleHostingModel property is either

I get
'The "TransformWebConfig" task failed unexpectedly. System.Exception: The acceptable value for AspNetCoreModuleHostingModel property is either "InProcess" or "OutOfProcess".'
error while publishing an ASP.NET Core 2.2.0 application (actually it is the included sample application) for win-x64 environment. Both Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 gives the same error. I am working on Windows 10. What should I do to solve this?
Last part of publish Output is:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.2.200-preview-009648\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\build\netstandard1.0\TransformTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.TransformFiles.targets(49,5): Hata MSB4018: "TransformWebConfig" görevi beklenmedik biçimde başarısız oldu.
System.Exception: The acceptable value for AspNetCoreModuleHostingModel
property is either "InProcess" or "OutOfProcess".
konum: Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.Tasks.WebConfigTransform.TransformAspNetCore(XElement aspNetCoreElement, String appName, Boolean configureForAzure, Boolean useAppHost, String extension, String aspNetCoreModuleName, String aspNetCoreHostingModel)
konum: Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.Tasks.WebConfigTransform.Transform(XDocument webConfig, String appName, Boolean configureForAzure, Boolean useAppHost, String extension, String aspNetCoreModuleName, String aspNetCoreHostingModel, String environmentName)
konum: Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.Tasks.TransformWebConfig.Execute()
konum: Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
konum: Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext()
2 Derleme başarısız oldu. Daha fazla ayrıntı için çıktı penceresini denetleyin.
========== Oluşturma: 1 başarılı, 0 başarısız, 0 güncel, 0 atlandı ==========
========== Yayın: 0 başarılı, 1 başarısız, 0 atlandı ==========
I would suggest disabling web.config transforms altogether. In an ASP.Net Core project you probably do not need to transform web.configs since supplying environment variables is handled by convention with appsettings.[Environment].json files.
From the docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/iis/?view=aspnetcore-2.2:
To prevent the Web SDK from transforming the web.config file, use the <IsTransformWebConfigDisabled> property in the .csproj file:
I had the same problem and found the solution
In the csproj file, find following line and delete.
Had the same issue on .net core 2.2.104. Update the section to this:
Note the V2 addition.
The answer #Barış Bar provided is working but can cause future errors. There is a bug about UpperCases. Just change InProcess in csproj file with lowercase
It is said that the bug will be corrected in VS 2019.
InProcess or OutOfProcess
Just add this line to your web.config file
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
For me, there was a permission issue which is why, while publishing, a transformation task was running on web.config file. That file did not had access for normal user.
Closing Visual Studio and running it as Administrator then publishing the project worked for me or you can try on setting the correct permissions for the problematic file.
After successfully publishing the project once with administrator privileges, visual studio started working with normal users as well (weird though but good).
Stumbled into the same problem again, and this time it was not resolved by the above solution, I had to check back the project directory and some of the files were marked Read-Only had to change it to get it working. I suppose this is a problem with the TFS which gets the files and sets them as Read-Only.
My .NET Core 2.2 application build was failing on Jenkins but it was working fine on local machine.
Error: error MSB4018: The "TransformWebConfig" task failed unexpectedly.
Fix: Removed below line from .csproj file
I had a project in TFS, due to some issues, the TFS went down and when I made it go online again, it failed to publish the project, while the debugging worked fine. It caused the error (The TransformWebConfig task failed unexpectedly).
After checking the output window, it seemed some files were not accessible to visual studio, or were protected. So, it was because of the TFS, all or most of the files in the project were set as Read-Only which is why Visual Studio couldn't transform those files.
Removing the Read-Only flag from the project fixed the publishing problem.
find the project file (.csproj) and update this code
to this
Adding this to the .csproj file did it for me:
If you are upgrading your .net core version from 3.1 to higher framework, please check web.config aspNetCore node
The attribute hostingModel should be inprocess (all small case) vs InProcess in .netcore 3.1 framework
This change worked for me and able to publish my project.

ASP.NET Core configurations issue with rc1 vs rc2 and more

I am using the DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.exe with Visual Studio Update 3.
I am unable to migrate code to read settings in the appsettings.json file from an MVC6 app.
The code uses the #inject Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.IOptions Settings syntax in a razor file to read the configuration.
The only version of Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.IOptions available is rc1, whereas the Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions version is rc2.
Therefore I am getting the 'ambiguous call' error referred to in a related .net github issue:
Error CS0121 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties:
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.OptionsServiceCollectionExtensions.Configure and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.OptionsConfigurationServiceCollectionExtensions.Configure. This error is about using ANY rc1 version concurrently with any rc2 version of any library/component listed in project.json.
leaving out the Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.Options part I get this further error:
Could not load type 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions' from assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
Of course, I realize this is part of the worst (or most visible) release mess in ms-land history. And such is the cost of progress. But I still would like to know the answer, please.

NServiceBus 5 using AzureStoragePersistence results in "Failed to fetch timeouts from the timeout storage" on machines other then development machine

I try to use Azure Table Storage for the persistence of timeout data and I experience an error on environments other than my local development machine.
My local machine is creating the timeout tables on Azure and is able to poll timeout data successfully. But, if I host the same software on premise on another server it failed to fetch the timeouts. I receive the following error:
2015-02-12 09:43:50,638 [10] WARN NServiceBus.Timeout.Hosting.Windows.TimeoutPersisterReceiver - Failed to fetch timeouts from the timeout storage
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at NServiceBus.Timeout.Hosting.Windows.TimeoutPersisterReceiver.Poll(Object obj) in c:\BuildAgent\work\1b05a2fea6e4cd32\src\NServiceBus.Core\Timeout\Hosting\Windows\TimeoutPersisterReceiver.cs:line 88
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
It seems that the TimeoutPersister is null at the point it wants to fetch data from it.
I host NServiceBus using the NServiceBus.Host. My endpoint configuration looks like this:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server
public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
And my app.config contains:
<add name="NServiceBus/Transport" connectionString="host=myrabbitmqserver;virtualhost=myhost;username=me;password=secret" />
<AzureTimeoutPersisterConfig ConnectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=myaccouuntkey;" TimeoutManagerDataTableName="TimeoutManager" TimeoutDataTableName="TimeoutData" />
Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong or can anyone point me in the right direction investigating what the problem can be?
Update 1
It seems that the NServiceBus.Azure assembly is not loaded on the other machines. So azure persistence features are not initialized resulting in NullReferenceException when using the TimeoutPersister.
Update 2 After some NServiceBus debugging I noticed that an exception was thrown when extracting the types from the NServiceBus.Azure.dll assembly. It is unable to load the referenced assembly Miscrosoft.Data.Services.Client.dll This assembly is indeed not in the bin folder. The present version is The NServiceBus.Azure NuGet package supports versions >= <, but somehow it's still expecting version It still feels weird that it is working on my development machine? Maybe there are some old versions of the Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll installed on my machine as part of the Azure SDK, which are found during the assembly loading.
Update 3
I indeed had somewhere at my system the older 5.6.0 version available. Downgrading the Microsoft.Data.xxx packages to version 5.6.0 solved the issue for now. Does anyone have the same issues using 5.6.3 versions and found a solution for that?
Update 4
Since 2015-02-13 a new version of NServiceBus.Azure is released and now it requires Microsoft.Data.Services.Client version I am still not able to use the 5.6.3 version. Adding a assembly binding redirect will not help either.
The binding redirect must be added to the NServiceBus.Host.exe.config instead of the app.config. Pretty annoying because visual studio automatically updates the app.config.
Information from Yves Goeleven:
The reason is that default load behavior of the CLR is at the process level, which includes the host config, once the host is loaded we actively switch over to the appdomain level (using topshelf) from then on it uses the endpoint's config...
But if the CLR needs to resolve the reference prior to the switch to the appdomain, you will have to put the redirect at the host level (and at the endpoint level I guess)
It should work with 5.6.3 version. Try adding assembly bindingRedirect in the following way:
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Data.Services.Client" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Mixed mode assembly error in .NET 4.5 class library handling SSIS 2012 project

i am trying to create a .NET 4.5 class library to deploy ETLs on server using SSIS 2012 Project deployment model.
The problem is that when attempt to create environments or alter a folder i get this error:
Operation 'Alter' on object 'CatalogFolder[#Name='FolderName']' failed during execution.
Foe example when i tey to deploy an ispac like these
IntegrationServices integrationServices = new IntegrationServices(new SqlConnection(connection));
Catalog catalog = integrationServices.Catalogs[parameters.Catalog];
CatalogFolder folder = catalog.Folders[parameters.Folder];
using (Project project = Project.OpenProject(parameters.ProjectFileName))
projectName = project.Name;
byte[] stream = File.ReadAllBytes(projectFileName);
if (folder.Projects[projectName] != null)
Operation operation = folder.DeployProject(projectName, stream);
folder.Alter(); throws the above exception. The inner exception said that:
"Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information."
so i have tried to add a configuration file to class library with these lines:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />
but the application still not work.
This class library is call by another one and the parent is use in a wcf service.
Any ideas?
I think "startup" tag and "useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy" attribute is to put on config file of the application that run your wcf service.
So, because I suppose you use WcfHost to launch your service, try to put:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true" />
on app.config of WcfHost. Usually you can find at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio XX.0\Common7\IDE\WcfSvcHost.exe.config
(change XX with the version of Visual Studio you use)

Error loading javascript after installing Umbraco 4.7.1

I'm working on an umbraco 4.7.0 project and I have upgrated from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1
It's worked like a charm in my localhost but I have a problem after installing it on the staging server :
When I connect to the backend, I have the javascript error : "Jquery(xx).mask(...) : function does not exist" and any key press execute the umbraco Save function.
The jquery mask plugin is used in umbraco 4.7.1 to add a date mask to the publish date in the property tab.
The Jquery mask plugin is new in Umbraco 4.7.1 and is being included by "DateTimePicker.cs" with [ClientDependency(ClientDependencyType.Javascript, "MaskedInput/jquery.maskedinput-1.3.min.js", "UmbracoClient")]
See : https://hg01.codeplex.com/umbraco/rev/d2304aa897d4
However, even if I delete on the Staging server the bin,umbraco and umbraco-client folders and replace them with the ones from my local computer (where it works) the bug is still here.
But if I change
< compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">
< compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" batch="false"targetFramework="4.0">
in the web.config THEN it works...
Does someone understand what happened ? How can I make it works with compilation debug=true ??
Thank you very much
As nobody answered this question, I asked on the umbraco forum here :
The answer is :
"it's the outdated client dependency cache to blame (when you set debug="true" in your web.config this cache is turned off by design). Try simply to clean the contents of the client dependency cache folder (by default it's App_Data/TEMP/ClientDependency)."