symfony get data from array - sql

I'm trying to use an SQL query to get data from my database into the template of a symfony project.
my query:
SELECT l.loc_id AS l__loc_id, l.naam AS l__naam, l.straat AS l__straat,
l.huisnummer AS l__huisnummer, l.plaats AS l__plaats, l.postcode AS l__postcode,
l.telefoon AS l__telefoon, l.opmerking AS l__opmerking, o.org_id AS o__org_id, o.naam AS o__naam
FROM locatie l
LEFT JOIN organisatie o
ON l.org_id = o.org_id
This is generated by this DQL:
$this->q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select('l.naam, o.naam, l.straat, l.huisnummer, l.plaats, l.postcode, l.telefoon, l.opmerking')
->from('Locatie l')
->leftJoin('l.Organisatie o')
But now when i try to acces this data in the template by either doing:
<?php foreach ($q as $locatie): ?>
<?php echo $locatie['o.naam'] ?>
<?php foreach ($q as $locatie): ?>
<?php echo $locatie['o__naam'] ?>
i get the error from symfony:
500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException
Unknown record property / related component "o__naam" on "Locatie"
Does anyone know what is going wrong here? i dont know how to call the value from the array if the names in both query's dont work.

Doctrine will have hydrated your results into objects corresponding to the models in your query. In your case these will be Locatie and Organisatie. You should therefore be able to access the data as follows:
<?php foreach ($q as $obj): ?>
<?php echo $obj->Locatie->naam; ?>
<?php echo $obj->Organisatie->naam; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
If you have the above method in eg the Locatie table class and use self::create("l") to create your method, the object you use in the view won't need the ->Locatie part.
Edit: table method example:
class LocatieTable extends Doctrine_Table
public function getLocaties()
$q = self::createQuery("l")
->select('l.naam, o.naam, l.straat, l.huisnummer, l.plaats, l.postcode, l.telefoon, l.opmerking')
->leftJoin('l.Organisatie o')
return $q;
You should be able to find this class (probably empty) already auto-generated in lib/model/doctrine/LocatieTable.class.php. Now call it with:
$this->q = Doctrine::getTable("Locatie")->getLocaties();

If you want to know how to get some value from the result DoctrineRecord object I advise to use var_dump($obj->toArray()) method to get clear view of the object structure. After that you can use several types of getters to retrive what you want (e.g. $obj->A->b, $obj->getA()->getB() etc..)


Pagination with PDO prepare statement

I am using David Carr's pagination class successfully for a whole-table call (i.e. where I'm calling all the rows in the table without filtering). After including my config and the class, I accomplish it this way:
$pages = new Paginator('3','p');
$stmt = $dbh->query('SELECT count(id) FROM sermons');
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$total = $row[0];
//pass number of records to
$results = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM sermons ORDER BY date_preached DESC '.$pages->get_limit()); ?>
<div class="paging"><p><?php echo $total; ?> sermons found</p> <?php echo $pages->page_links();?></div>
foreach($results as $row)
That works great, but now I'm trying to implement it for the result of user filtering via forms, and because I can't use an unnamed placeholder in the query, I'm trying to do it with a prepare (which I'm guessing is more secure anyway):
$pages = new Paginator('2','p');
$series = isset($_POST['series']) ? $_POST['series'] : false;
try {
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(id) FROM sermons WHERE series = ?");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$total = $row[0];
//pass number of records to
$results = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM sermons WHERE series = ? ".$pages->get_limit());
$results->bindParam(1, $series, PDO::PARAM_STR);
// the call
echo $total; ?> sermons found</p> <?php echo $pages->page_links();
When I first get to the results page from the form, it looks like everything is working properly. The call correctly identifies the number of sermons found for the search result, and displays the first two (or however many I set in the $pages statement). But when I click to another page result, no sermons display, the count is gone, and my !isset(found_rows) echo returns a zero as well.
I was originally thinking the issue was that at first I was trying to do this without binding. That is questionable, since without the pagination I can display the page without binding. In any case, I've been trying that with both bindValue and bindParam, but with no luck.
Am I mishandling something in the prepare statement? Or what?
Note: I have the results page displaying fine without the pagination with this:
$series = isset($_POST['series']) ? $_POST['series'] : false;
try {
$results = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM sermons WHERE series = ?");
// Etc.

Insert SQL statement error

Hi Im trying to insert data into a database using an insert statement. So basically, the user inputs data into a form and then once the submit button is clicked its meant to get the property_id of the table Property.
My code is this:
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM review WHERE property_id="'.$id.'"');
$review = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $_POST['review']);
if(mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO review(review) VALUES ('$review')"))
<script>alert('Successfully Updated ');</script>
At the top of the page is my other code which is as followed:
include_once '../db/dbconnect.php';
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$sql = 'SELECT* FROM property WHERE property_id="'.$id.'"';
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);
The code above basically displays all the data for that individual property. Any help would be great.
There are several errors in your code:
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM review WHERE property_id="'.$id.'"');
The mysql_* functions are deprecated in PHP 5, and totally removed in PHP 7. Don't use them!
Moreover, it's not possible to use mysql_* and mysqli_* functions together.
Yet another error: you are executing a SELECT query, but you never fetch the results!
Note: you don't need to concatenate $id. It makes the code harder to read with plenty of useless single and double quotes, and increases the likeliness of a typo. Just enclose the variables in a double-quoted string.
You are casting $id to an int value. If the field property_id is an integer, there is no need to put single quotes around $id in the query.
Updated snippet:
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM review WHERE property_id=$id") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
while($r = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
// do something here with the current record $r
Your code:
if(mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO review(review) VALUES ('$review')"))
When developing, you should display (or write to a log file) the MySQL error message from each failing query. It will make debugging much easier:
<script>alert('Error: <?= mysqli_error($mysqli) ?>');</script>

YII Call to a member function getErrors() on a non-objec

Following this tutorial; When I try to get the data to display in the form and update
For my error was:
$n = $this->loadModel($id);
I want to make two models with one form, this is my code for update:
public function actionUpdate($id)
$n = new Noticias;
$m = new Multimedia;
<?php echo $this->renderPartial('_form', array('n'=>$n, 'm'=>$m)); ?>
some view
//get Multimedia FK
<?php if ($n->isNewRecord==false) {
} ?>
<?php echo $form->errorSummary(array($n,$m)); ?>
//Field FOTO between other
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($m,'FOTO_URL'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($m,'FOTO_URL',array('size'=>25,'maxlength'=>100)); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($m,'FOTO'); ?>
First - do not load models in view
<?php if ($n->isNewRecord==false) {
} ?>
This part should be in controller action.
Make sure $m and $n are really models. If findByPk statement above fails, $m will be null, so you will get error from errorSummary which calls $m->getErrors() and $n->getErrors(). In short - make sure $n and $m are properly initialized - both must be instances of model, either empty, or filled from db, but in your case one is null. Most probably $m
this error occur when Noticias (ie $n is newrecord) or $n->ID is not found in Multimedia
you can solve this if you need to work even if its a new record you can use.
if ($n->isNewRecord==false) {
$m=new Multimedia;
You can try to load both models in Controller (ex. in actionUpdate) :
public function actionUpdate($id)
$n = new Noticias;
$m = new Multimedia;
$m=$this->loadModelMultimedia($n->ID); //just put it here..
Please be noticed that you have to define both loadModel functions in the same controller too.
function loadModelNoticias($id){
$model = Noticias::model()->findByPk($id);
return $model;
function loadModelMultimedia($id){
$model = Multimedia::model()->findByPk($id);
return $model;

How do I select and display a specific field from may table in cakephp?

I have this code in my products_controller.php:
class ProductsController extends AppController{
var $name = 'Products';
var $helpers = array('Form');
//var $scaffold;
function index(){
$this->Product->recursive = 1;
$products = $this->Product->find('all');
function add(){
$categories = $this->Product->Category->find('list',array(
what it actually does in my database is this:
SELECT `Category`.`id` FROM `categories` AS `Category` WHERE 1 = 1
The thing is, I am not trying to select I want to select Category.categoryName which is another field in my database so that it will automatically populate a dropdown list in my add.ctp file which goes like this:
<?php echo $form->create('Product'); ?>
echo $form->input('ProductName');
echo $form->input('categories');
echo $form->end('DONE');
any help would be highly appreciated.
In your Category Model set the displayField Name property with the Category Name.
public $displayField = 'categoryName';

How to append a parameter to current page using CHtml::link?

Using Yii, and trying to append a Lang=xx to the end of the current page url and present it on the page.
I put the below code in the protected/views/layout/main.php
<?php echo CHtml::link('English', array('','lang'=>'en'), array('class'=>'en')) ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('中文', array('','lang'=>'tw'), array('class'=>'tw')) ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('日本語', array('','lang'=>'jp'), array('class'=>'jp')) ?>
With standard pages like "/site/index", or controller action pages like "/site/contact", they work fine. But with the standard static pages like "site/page?view=about", it's not working. The url expected should be something like "site/page?view=about&lang=tw", but instead, it gives me "site/page?lang=tw".
How can I fix that?
I ended up doing it with langhandeler extension and url rules and map [site]/[path]?lang=[language code] to [site]/[language code]/[path]
And then I coded the links like below:
$request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$path_a = explode("/",$request);
$haveLang = isSet($_GET["lang"]);
$uri = ($haveLang?
substr($request, strlen($path_a[1])+1) //strip language prefix and the slash
:$request); //don't process if the page is in default language
echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->name), CHtml::normalizeUrl(($haveLang?'/'.$_GET["lang"].'/':'/')), array('id'=>'logo'));
<div id="lang_switch">
echo CHtml::link('English', CHtml::normalizeUrl($uri), array('class'=>'en')); //no need to add default language prefix
echo CHtml::link('中文', CHtml::normalizeUrl('/tw'.$uri), array('class'=>'tw'));
echo CHtml::link('日本語', CHtml::normalizeUrl('/jp'.$uri), array('class'=>'jp'));
that pretty much solved my problem. I hope this could help out someone else in the future.
you can give chtml link like this
$language = 'en';
CHtml::link("English", array('site/about/lang/' . $language));
site/about/lang/en = controller/action/lang/en
i hope this will help you.