problem in subreport -

suppose i have 2 schema,i.e. fy0910 and when i see the report in schema fy0910 or in fy1011 i have to change every time the schema reference for the subreport,but when i see the report in the specific schema after setting the schema reference then there is no problem in subreport but when i go to another schema then again i have to change the schema reference for sub report.For your kind information there is absolutely no problem in main plz give solution to me i will be thankful to u.

What I have done with my reports is to generate a generic result table schema, such as FYDetails instead of your FY0910 and FY1011. Your query to the database can be exactly the same, but with your obvious date limit parameters that only show respective fiscal year. Then, add the FYDetails schema to your report as the binding basis and do a global search / replace on your report file from the fy0910 to FYDetails and save.
Then, whenever you run your queries, just ensure you change the data table result name and your good to go. I almost never hard-code reports to a specific table name that are a direct result of a specific filtered set.


Value only showing the first item in SSRS report

So my problem here is that I have a Part number which lives in two warehouses hence it has two bin locations. If I just use =Fields!PrimBin.Value it only ever returns the first location. I need to display the PrimBin if the location is from a specific warehouse. To get the warehouse I use =Fields!WarehouseCode.value
What I need to do is only show the PrimBin.Value of MAINWHSE and not CELLWHSE
Thanks in advance.
Ok so the database it quite vast. However, for the information required I am using two tables. Part and PimWhse.
Part shares the Product ID to PrimWhse. In PrimWhse each partID has two locations "MAINWHSE", "CELLWHSE "and 1 bin to pick in each warehouse giving to possible locations.
So WarehouseCode.Value will have the information for which warehouse the part is located. and PrimBin.Value will have the warehouse position ID stored in it.
This is all setup via report style within the Epicor system. When I create a query in business activity to look in MAINWHSE it shows the correct information.
However, in the report data builder I'm not able to set this query so I assume SSRS will be able to see of both theses possible values for PrimBin.Value!? If not I guess I need to work out how to add a query to report data builder, which at the moment does no seem possible?
Thanks again.

Why would Access spontaneously start displaying a non-existant table in a query?

I updated a simple Access select query, adding four fields from the single table the query uses. When I then attempted to edit data in the form that references that query, Access did not allow any edits. After poking around at other possible edit rights problems I went back to the query design, and saw this:
The table CC_Tracker_1 does not exist in the database, nor is there a query by that name, as you can see in the object list:
In the design view, CC_Tracker_1 displays as an exact copy of CC_Tracker. Additionally, the four fields I added had CC_Tracker_1 listed as their table of origin.
Deleting CC_Tracker_1 from the query and re-adding the fields from CC_Tracker fixed the problem, but I'm very curious as to how this could happen.
Edit to add: This is the SQL Access generated. As you can see the alias it created isn't used anywhere in the code except in the variable list. Why it would do this is still the question:
SELECT CC_Tracker.LAST_NAME, CC_Tracker.FIRST_NAME, CC_Tracker.MRN, CC_Tracker.RIN,
CC_Tracker.SUBSCRIBER_ID, CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED, CC_Tracker.Letter, CC_Tracker.[1stCall],
CC_Tracker.CHRA, CC_Tracker.[ICP/Review], CC_Tracker.F2F, CC_Tracker.ICTCont,
CC_Tracker.ICTSheet, CC_Tracker.ICP2MD, CC_Tracker.SigPg, CC_Tracker.HTR_1st_cont,
CC_Tracker.HTR_2nd_cont, CC_Tracker.HTR_3rd_cont, CC_Tracker.HTR_Letter,
CC_Tracker.CLOSE, CC_Tracker.Comments, CC_Tracker.CHRA_Next, CC_Tracker.ICP_Next,
CC_Tracker.F2F_Next, CC_Tracker.ICT_Next, CC_Tracker_1.Final_Follow, CC_Tracker_1.BH_SA,
CC_Tracker_1.Readmitter, CC_Tracker_1.CCM, CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED_CARE_COORDINATOR, CC_Tracker.Final_Follow
FROM CC_Tracker, CC_Tracker AS CC_Tracker_1
WHERE (((CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED_CARE_COORDINATOR)=[Forms]![frmCoord_Selector]![cmbCoords]))
Like [Forms]![frmCoord_Selector]![cmbCoords]) Is Null));
If you look at the SQL that is generated for the query, you will see that it has created an alias called CC_Tracker_1 for the CC_Tracker table.
Your query may need to be rewritten to exclude this alias, and any incorrect joins.
If you post the actual query generated, we will be able to help fix it.

Copy one database table's contents into another on same database

I'm a bit of a newbie with the workings of phpmyadmin. I have a database and now there are 2 parts within it - the original tables jos_ and the same again but with a different prefix, say let's ****_ that will be the finished database.
This has come about because I am upgrading my Joomla 1.5 site to 2.5. I used a migration tool for the bulk of the new database but one particular piece of information did not transfer because the new database has a different structure.
I want to copy the entire contents of jos_content, attribs, keyref= across to ****_content, metadata, "xreference"."VALUE" if that makes sense. This will save manually typing in the information contained within 1000s of articles.
jos_content, attribs currently contains
****_content, metadata currently contains
but I want it to end up like this
Could anyone tell me the SQL string that I would need to run to achieve this please?
If it makes any difference I have manually changed about 300 of these articles already and thought there must be a better way.
Edit: Being nervous of trying this I would like to try and find the exact syntax (if that's the right word) for the SQL Query to run.
The value I want to extract from the source table is just, and only, the numbers next to keyref= and I want them to turn up in the destination table prefixed by "xreference". - so it shows "xreference"."VALUE" with VALUE being the required numbers. There is also an entry - ,"marker":"" that is in the destination table so I guess the Query needs to produce that as well?
Sorry for labouring this but if I get it wrong, maybe by guessing what to put, I don't really have the knowledge to put it all right again....
Please Try it
insert into tableone(column1,column2) select column1,column2 from Tablesecond
if You have not Table another Daabase Then This query
select * into anyname_Table from tablesource

SRSS: Dynamic amount of subreports in a report

it might be possible I'm searching for the wrong keywords, but so far I couldn't find anything useful.
My problem is quite simple: At the moment I get a list of individual Ids through a report parameter, I pass them to a procedure and show the results.
The new request is like this: Instead of showing the list for all individuals at once, there should be a list for each individual id.
Since I'm quite a beginner in srss, I thought the easiest approach would be the best: Create a subreport, copy the shown list, and create a subreport per individual id.
The amount of this IDs is dynamic, so I have to create a dynamic amount of subreports.
Funny enought, this doesnt seem to be possible. This url doesnt show exactly the problem, but it shows the limit of the subreports.
I even ran trough the whole msdn pages starting but I couldnt find anything there.
So is there a possibility, to create a loop like:
For each Individual ID in Individual IDs, create a subreport and pass ONE ID to this?
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
As usual, thanks so far for all answers!
Matthias Müller
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
You didn't provide much detail about what sort of information needs to be included in the subreport, but assuming it's a small amount of data (say, showing a personnel record), and not a huge amount (such as a persons sales for the last year), a List might be the way to go.
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
All datasets require a data source, though if you're merely hard-coding some fake return data, any data source will do, even a local SQL instance with nothing in it.

Database Design: Line Items & Additional Items

I am looking for a solution or to be told it simply is not possible/good practice.
I currently have a database whereby I can create new orders and select from a lookup table of products that I offer. This works great for the most part but i would also like to be able to add random miscellaneous items to the order. For instance one invoice may read "End of Tenancy Clean" and the listed product but then have also an entry for "2x Lightbulb" or something to that effect.
I have tried creating another lookup table for these items but the problem is i don't want to have to pre-define every conceivable item before I can make orders. I would much prefer to be able to simply type in the Item and price when it is needed.
Is there any database design or workaround that can achieve this? Any help is greatly appreciated. FYI I am using Lightswitch 2012 if that helps.
One option I've seen in the past is a record in your normal items table labeled something like "Additional Service", and the application code will recognize this item and also require you to enter or edit a description to print with the invoice.
In the ERP system which we have at work, there is a flag in the parts table which allows one to change the description of the part in orders; in other words, one lists the part number in the order and then changes the description. This one off description is stored in a special table (called NONSTANDARD) which basically has two fields - an id field and the description. There is a field in the 'orderlines' table which stores the id of the record in the special table. Normally the value of this field will be 0, which means that the normal description of the part be displayed, but if it's greater than 0, then the description is taken from the appropriate row in the nonstandard table.
You mean something like this?
(only key attributes included, for brevity)