Storing uploaded content on a website - file-upload

For the past 5 years, my typical solution for storing uploaded files (images, videos, documents, etc) was to throw everything into an "upload" folder and give it a unique name.
I'm looking to refine my methods for storing uploaded content and I'm just wondering what other methods are used / preferred.
I've considered storing each item in their own folder (folder name is the Id in the db) so I can preserve the uploaded file name. I've also considered uploading all media to a locked folder, then using a file handler, which you pass the Id of the file you want to download in the querystring, it would then read the file and send the bytes to the user. This is handy for checking access, and restricting bandwidth for users.

I think the file handler method is a good way to handle files, as long as you know to how make good use of resources on your platform of choice. It is possible to do stupid things like read a 1GB file into memory if you don't know what you are doing.
In terms of storing the files on disk it is a question of how many, what are the access patterns, and what OS/platform you are using. For some people it can even be advantageous to store files in a database.
Creating a separate directory per upload seems like overkill unless you are doing some type of versioning. My personal preference is to rename files that are uploaded and store the original name. When a user downloads I attach the original name again.

Consider a virtual file system such as SolFS. Here's how it can solve your task:
If you have returning visitors, you can have a separate container for each visitors (and name it by visitor login, for example). One of the benefits of this approach is that you can encrypt the container using visitor's password.
If you have many probably one-time visitors, you can have one or several containers with files grouped by date of upload.
Virtual file system lets you keep original filenames either as actual filesnames, or as a metadata for the files being stored.
Next, you can compress the data being stored in the container.


File permissions on a web server?

I'm new at writing code for websites. The website allows users to upload files, such as profile pictures or other pictures. The files are saved in the unix file system and the URLs to find those images are stored in a MySQL database.
It seems like the only way I can let the user upload files is to give write access to anybody using chmod. Otherwise it complains that it doesn't have write permissions. But they shouldn't be able to write whatever they want or overwrite other users stuff. Similarly, to allow users to see images that they have rightful access to, they need read permissions on the file system. But now that means that anybody with the url to that picture can see the image too, correct? That's not what I want.
Is there a solution to this contradiction? Or am I thinking about the problem incorrectly? Thanks for any help.
You need to manage the permissions in your application and not expose arbitrary parts of your local filesystem directly to the clients. Your application should decide what files someone can see or where to write data. You should not trust data (filenames, etc) from your clients...ideally, store files on disk using systematically generated names and store human-readable names in the database.
Since you are already using a MySQL database to store the URL of the image on the file system, why not just store the image itself as a BLOB (binary large object)?
This is generally a well-accepted design practice for allowing users to upload binary data to a website.
Are you using PHP, Java, Ruby/Rails, or something other to develop your website? Depending on what you are using, there could be file upload/management plugins or modules that will help you develop what you are trying to do if you are certain you want to use the files ystem for storing the image data.

Ways to achieve de-duplicated file storage within Amazon S3?

I am wondering the best way to achieve de-duplicated (single instance storage) file storage within Amazon S3. For example, if I have 3 identical files, I would like to only store the file once. Is there a library, api, or program out there to help implement this? Is this functionality present in S3 natively? Perhaps something that checks the file hash, etc.
I'm wondering what approaches people have use to accomplish this.
You could probably roll your own solution to do this. Something along the lines of:
To upload a file:
Hash the file first, using SHA-1 or stronger.
Use the hash to name the file. Do not use the actual file name.
Create a virtual file system of sorts to save the directory structure - each file can simply be a text file that contains the calculated hash. This 'file system' should be placed separately from the data blob storage to prevent name conflicts - like in a separate bucket.
To upload subsequent files:
Calculate the hash, and only upload the data blob file if it doesn't already exist.
Save the directory entry with the hash as the content, like for all files.
To read a file:
Open the file from the virtual file system to discover the hash, and then get the actual file using that information.
You could also make this technique more efficient by uploading files in fixed-size blocks - and de-duplicating, as above, at the block level rather than the full-file level. Each file in the virtual file system would then contain one or more hashes, representing the block chain for that file. That would also have the advantage that uploading a large file which is only slightly different from another previously uploaded file would involve a lot less storage and data transfer.

How do services like Dropbox implement delta encoding if their files are stored in the cloud?

Dropbox claims that during syncing only the portion of files that changes are transmitted back to main server, which is obviously a great functionality, but how do they perform changes to files stored in Amazon S3 cloud? So for example, lets say a 30 page document on user's desktop contains changes to only page 4. Dropbox now syncs the blocks representing the changes and what happens on the backend if they files that they store are in the cloud? Does that mean they have to download the 30 page document stored in S3 to their server, then perform replacement of blocks representing page 4, and then uploading back to the cloud? I doubt this would be the case because that would be somewhat inefficient. The other option I could think of is if Amazon S3 provides update of file stored in the cloud based on byte ranges, so for example, make a PUT request to file X from bytes 100-200 which will replace all the bytes from 100 to 200 with value of PUT request. So I was curious how companies that use other cloud services such as Amazon, implement this type of syncing.
As S3 and similar storages don't offer filesystem capabilities, anything that pretends to store files and directories needs to emulate a file system. And when doing this files are often split to pages of certain size, where each page is stored in a separate file in the storage. This way the changed block requires uploading only one page (for example) and not the whole file. I should note, that with files like office documents this approach can be faulty if file size is changed - for example, if you insert a page at the beginning or delete a page, then the whole file will be changed and the complete file would need to be re-uploaded. We didn't analyze how Dropbox in particular does his job, and I just described the common scenario. There exist also different "patch algorithms", where a patch can be created locally (if Dropbox has an older local copy in the cache) and then applied to one or more blocks on the server.
There are several synchronizing tools which transfer deltas over the wire like rsync, rdiff, rdiff-backup, etc. For bi-directional synchronising with S3 there are paid services like s3rsync for example. For pure client-side synchronising, tools like zsync can be considered (which is what many people employ to roll-out app updates).
An alternative approach would be to tar-ball a directory, generate a delta file (using rdiff or xdelta3), and upload the delta file by using a timestamp as part of the key. In order to sync, all you need to do is to perform these 2 checks client-side:
You have all the delta files from S3. If not pull them and apply them to generate the latest backup state.
Your last backup state corresponds to your current directory. If not generate a new delta file and push to S3.
The concerning factor here would be the at least 100% additional space utilization, client-side. But this approach will help you revert changes if needed.

Asset Management: which is the better way to organise user generated files on a web server?

We are in the process of building a system which allows users to upload multiple images and videos to our servers.
The team I'm working with have decided to save all the assets belonging to a user in a folder named using the user's unique identifier. This folder in turn will be a sub-folder of our main assets folder on the file server.
The file structure they have proposed is as follows:
We are expecting to have thousands or possibly a million+ users in the life time of this system.
I always thought that it wasn't a good idea to have many sub-folders in a single location and suggested a year/month/day approach as follows:
Does anyone know which of the above approaches would be better suited for this many assets? Is there a better method to organize images/videos on a server?
The system in question will be an Windows IIS 7.5 with a SAN.
Many thanks in advance.
In general you are correct, in that many file systems impose a limit on the number of files and folders which may be in one folder. If you hit that limit with the number of users you have, your in trouble.
In general, I would simply use a uuid for each image, with some dimension of partitioning. e.g. A hash of ABCDEFGH would end up as [asset_root]/ABC/DEFGH. Using a hash gives you a greater degree of assurance about the number of files which will end up in each folder and prevents you from having to worry about, for example, not knowing which month an image you need was stored in.
I'm presuming your file system is NTFS? IF so, you've got a limit of 4,294,967,295 files on the disk - the limit of files in a folder is the same. If you have on the order of millions of users you should be fine, though you might want to consider having only one folder per user instead of several as your example indicates.

Vb.Net Document Storage

I am attempting to add a document storage module to our AR software.
I will be prompting the user to attach a doc/image to thier account. I will then put a copy of this file into our folder so that we can reference it without having to rely on them keeping the file in its original place. This system is not using a database but instead its using multiple flat files.
I am looking for guidance on how to handle these files once they have attached them to our system.
How should I store these attached files?
I was thinking I could copy the file over to a sub directory then renaming it to a auto-generated number so that we do not have duplicates. The bad thing about this, is the contents of the folder can get rather large.
Anyone have a better way? Should I create directories and store them...?
This system is not using a database but instead its using multiple flat files.
This sounds like a multi-user system. How are you handing concurrent access issues? Your answer to that will greatly influence anything we tell you here.
Since you aren't doing anything special with your other files to handle concurrent access, what I would do is add a new folder under your main data folder specifically for document storage, and write your user files there. Additionally, you need to worry about name collisions. To handle that, I'd name each file there with by appending the date and username to the original file name and taking the md5 or sha1 hash of that string. Then add a file to your other data files to map the hash values to original file names for users.
Given your constraints (and assuming a limited number of total users) I'd also be inclined to go with a "documents" folder -- plus a subfolder for each user. Each file name should include the date to prevent collisions. Over time, you'll have to deal with getting rid of old or outdated files either administratively or with a UI for users. Consider setting a maximum number of files or maximum byte count for each user. You'll also want to handle the files of departed users.