My Dijit DateTimeCombo widget doesn't send selected value on form submission - dojo

i need to create a Dojo widget that lets users specify date & time. i found a sample implementation attached to an entry in the Dojo bug tracker. It looks nice and mostly works, but when i submit the form, the value sent by the client is not the user-selected value but the value sent from the server.
What changes do i need to make to get the widget to submit the date & time value?
Sample usage is to render a JSP with basic HTML tags (form & input), then
dojo.addOnLoad a function which selects the basic elements by ID, adds dojoType
attribute, and dojo.parser.parse()-es the page.
Thanks in advance.
The widget is implemented in two files. The application uses Dojo 1.3.
File 1: DateTimeCombo.js
baseClass: "dojoxformDateTimeCombo dijitTextBox",
popupClass: "dojox.form._DateTimeCombo",
pickerPostOpen: "pickerPostOpen_fn",
_selector: 'date',
constructor: function (argv) {},
postMixInProperties: function()
dojo.mixin(this.constraints, {
datePattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss',
timePattern: 'HH:mm:ss',
datePattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm',
timePattern: 'HH:mm',
_open: function ()
if (this._picker!==null && (this.pickerPostOpen!==null && this.pickerPostOpen!==""))
if (this._picker.pickerPostOpen_fn!==null)
File 2: _DateTimeCombo.js
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
// invoked only if time picker is empty
defaultTime: function () {
var res= new Date();
return res;
// id of this table below is the same as
" <table class=\"dojoxDateTimeCombo\" waiRole=\"presentation\">\
<tr class=\"dojoxTDComboCalendarContainer\">\
<center><input dojoAttachPoint=\"calendar\" dojoType=\"dijit._Calendar\"></input></center>\
<tr class=\"dojoxTDComboTimeTextBoxContainer\">\
<center><input dojoAttachPoint=\"timePicker\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.TimeTextBox\"></input></center>\
<tr><td><center><button dojoAttachPoint=\"ctButton\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\">Ok</button></center></td></tr>\
widgetsInTemplate: true,
constructor: function(arg) {},
postMixInProperties: function() {
postCreate: function() {
this.connect(this.ctButton, "onClick", "_onValueSelected");
// initialize pickers to calendar value
pickerPostOpen_fn: function (parent_inst) {
var parent_value = parent_inst.attr('value');
if (parent_value !== null) {
// expects a valid date object
setValue: function(value) {
if (value!==null) {
this.calendar.attr('value', value);
this.timePicker.attr('value', value);
// return a Date constructed date in calendar & time in time picker.
getValue: function() {
var value = this.calendar.attr('value');
var result=value;
if (this.timePicker.value !== null) {
if ((this.timePicker.value instanceof Date) === true) {
return result;
} else {
var defTime=this.defaultTime();
return result;
_onValueSelected: function() {
var value = this.getValue();
onValueSelected: function(value) {}

It sounds like you want to use getValue. The convention now is to use _getValueAttr and then call attr("value") but I think that started in Dojo 1.4 and this code would need to be ported to use those new patterns.
Noe that value should be a Javascript Date object which would best be sent to the server using

This began to work fine after i added a "serialize" method to DateTimeCombo.js which builds exactly the output format i want.
This seems odd to me, since there is already a serialize implementation in _DateTimeTextBox.js that should output the value in the required ISO format.


Using dropzone.js in vue, calling function with image file name

I'm having a hard time getting anything to work with this the way I need it, but I have a working dropzone instance in my Vue project.
I can upload the image and call functions within the dropzone code, however, I need to call a function directly from the form in the html in order to send the 'card' object.
All I need to do is call a function when a file is added through the dropzone form, with the filename.
My code:
<div class="uk-width-3-10">
<form v-on:change="imageChange(card)" method="post" action="{{url('product/parts/upload/store')}}" enctype="multipart/form-data"
class="dropzone" v-bind:id="'dropzone-'+i">
Vue.nextTick(function () {
new Dropzone("#dropzone-"+cardIndex, {
maxFilesize: 12,
renameFile: function (file) {
var dt = new Date();
var time = dt.getTime();
return time +;
acceptedFiles: ".jpeg,.jpg,.png,.gif",
addRemoveLinks: true,
timeout: 50000,
removedfile: function (file) {
var name = file.upload.filename;
var fileRef;
return (fileRef = file.previewElement) != null ?
fileRef.parentNode.removeChild(file.previewElement) : void 0;
init: function() {
function(file) {
instance.imageZoneNames.push({name: file.upload.filename});
Dropzone has many events, You used removedfile() event! there is another event called addedfile() and executes when a file is added to the dropzone list
imageChange(card) {
addCard() {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
new Dropzone('#dropzone-` + cardIndex, {
addedfile(file) {

Disable date if selected first time in vuejs

data() {
return {
datePickerOptions: {
disabledDate(date) {
// console.log(form.installation_date); // undefined form
return date < this.form.ins_date ? this.form.ins_date : new Date();
This is saying form undefined i can understand can't initiaize form input inside data return how can i achieve this. disable other date if greater than first input date
please guide
As I said in my comment, you can't have a function returning something in your data so you have to shift your logic somewhere else. You can put that function in your methods:
data() {
return {
datePickerOptions: {
disabledDate: this.isDateDisabled
// rest of data
methods: {
isDateDisabled(date) {
return date < new Date(this.ruleForm.date1);

Dojo _TemplatedMixin: changing templateString

How do I change the template of a widget, using mixins dijit/_TemplatedMixin and dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin, at a later time (not in the constructor)?
My scenario is that the widget must make a call to the server to get data, and the callback function will then merge the data with a template file and then the resulting template should be used for the templateString. The widget should update its contents at this point.
Setting the templateString and calling buildRendering() has no effect.
Here is a simplified version of my code:
function(declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin) {
return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
constructor: function(id) { = id;
this.templateString = "<div>Loading...</div>";
//use xhr to call REST service to get data.
//dataLoadedCallback is executed with response data
dataLoadedCallback : function(data) {
//render a templateString using the data response from the rest call
this.templateString = "<div>Data is loaded. Name:" + + "</div>"
You cannot do such thing. The template is parsed only once before postCreate method.
However there is few things you can do:
Create a non-ui widget which will do the XHR call. When this non-ui widget get the XHR response it creates the UI widget with the correct templateString
Or use dojo/dom-construct. It contains a toDom method which you can use for converting your string into nodes. Then you can append that to the widget.
Note: this will not parse any data-dojo attributes
You could also directly inject the received templateString into the widget domNode:
dataLoadedCallback : function(data) {
this.domNode.innerHTML = "<div>Data is loaded. Name:" + + "</div>";
//you might be able to parse the content (if you have subwidgets) using dojo/parse
Last but not least, here is a util I wrote for my self. It allow to parse any templateString at any time (like dojo does on widget creation)
], function(domConstruct, string,
_AttachMixin, _TemplatedMixin) {
// summary:
// provide an utility to parse a template a runtime (and create attach point, atach events, etc...)
// Copyright: Benjamin Santalucia
var GET_ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION = function(n, p) { return n.getAttribute(p); },
_TemplateParserMixin = function() {};
_TemplateParserMixin.prototype = {
parseTemplate: function(template, data, container, position, transformer) {
// summary:
// parse the template exactly as dojo will nativly do with a templateString
if(this._attachPoints === undefined) {
this._attachPoints = [];
if(this._attachEvents === undefined) {
this._attachEvents = [];
var nodes,
newTemplate = string.substitute(template, data, transformer),
node = domConstruct.toDom(, newTemplate));
if(node.nodeName === '#document-fragment') {
node = node.firstChild;
//parse all nodes and create attach points and attach events
nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('*');
len = nodes.length;
for(x = -1; x < len; x++) {, x < 0 ? node : nodes[x], GET_ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION, _AttachMixin.prototype._attach);
if(container) {, container, position);
return node;
return _TemplateParserMixin;
Usage is:
returnedNode = w.parseTemplate(newTemplateString, {
templatePlaceHolderName: 'foo' //for teplate with placeholders like ${templatePlaceHolderName}
}, domNodeToInsertIn, 'only'); //last parameter is same as dojo/dom-construct::place() >> last, first, before, after, only

Migrating from YUI2 to YUI3 and domready

I want to migrate the javascript in my site from YU2 to YUI3, but I am only a poor amateur programer and I am stuck at the first pitfall.
I have the following code:
MyApp.Core = function() {
return {
init: function(e, MyAppConfig) {
if (MyAppConfig.tabpanels) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", MyApp.Core.init, MyAppConfig);
How can I pass the MyAppConfig object to the MyApp.Core.init function by using YUI3 "domready" event listener?
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to do something like:
var MyApp = {};
MyApp.Core = function(){ return {
init: function(MyAppConfig) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YUI().use('node', 'event', function(Y){
Y.on('domready', MyApp.Core.init, this, MyAppConfig);
Note that the event is not passed in as the first parameter, it is the config.
Y.on accepts parameters as <event_type>, <callback_function>, <context>, <params>..
any parameter after the third item is passed through to the callback function so MyAppConfig becomes the first parameter in your init.
See the YUI3 API documentation here:

looping through DOM / mootools sortables

I can't seem to get a handle on my list of sortables. They are a list of list elements, each with a
form inside, which I need to get the values from.
serialize: function(){
var serial = [];
this.list.getChildren().each(function(el, i){
serial[i] = el.getProperty('id');
}, this);
return serial;
var sort = new Sortables('.teams', {
handle: '.drag-handle',
clone: true,
onStart: function(el) {
onComplete: function(el) {
//go go gadget go
order = this.serialize();
for(var i=0; i<order.length;i++) {
if (order[i]) {
//alert(order[i].substr(5, order[i].length));
the sortables list is then added to a list in a loop with sort.addItems(li); . But when I try to get the sortables outside of the sortables onComplete declaration, js says this.list is undefined.
Approaching the problem from another angle:
Trying to loop through the DOM gives me equally bizarre results. Here are the firebug console results for some code:
var a = document.getElementById('teams').childNodes;
var b = document.getElementById('teams').childNodes.length;
try {
console.log('myVar: ', a);
console.log('myVar.length: ', b);
} catch(e) {
alert("error logging");
Hardcoding one li element into the HTML (rather than being injected via JS) changes length == 1, and allows me to access that single element, leading me to believe that accessing injected elements via the DOM is the problem (for this method)
Trying to get the objects with document.getElementById('teams').childNodes[i] returns undefined.
thank you for any help!
not sure why this would fail, i tried it in several ways and it all works test case along with html markup
here is the source that works for local refernece, using the native built-in .serialize method as well as a custom one that walks the dom and gets a custom attribute rel, which can be your DB IDs in their new order (I tend to do that)
var order = []; // global
var sort = new Sortables('.teams', {
handle: '.drag-handle',
clone: true,
onStart: function(el) {
onComplete: function(el) {
//go go gadget go
order = this.serialize();
var mySerialize = function(parentEl) {
var myIds = [];
parentEl.getElements("li").each(function(el) {
return myIds;
click: function() {