Can somebody explain this Objective-C method declaration syntax - objective-c

I'm working through an iPhone development book* without really knowing Objective C. For the most part I'm able to follow what's going on, but there are a few method declarations like the one below that I'm having a bit of trouble parsing. For example:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger) section {
return [self.controllers count]; //controllers is an instance variable of type NSArray in this class
It looks this is a method called numberOfRowsInSection, and it returns an NSInteger, and takes an NSInteger as a parameter which is locally called 'section'. But I don't understand all the references to tableView, or why this takes a parameter when it is not used within the method. Can somebody clarify this? Thanks.
*p. 258, Beginning iPhone 3 Development, by Mark and LaMarche, published by Apress
Update: I was able to find another SO thread that goes into a bit more detail: Method Syntax in Objective C

This is a method called:
It takes two parameters:
a UITableView*
a NSInteger
The method also takes an implicit self parameter , which is the instance it is called with. As dreamlax notes, it also takes an implicit _cmd, which is the method that currently gets invoked.
As Mark says, it is completely common to not use certain parameters if you are conforming to a certain interface.

This is a method called tableView:rowsInSection: that UITableView specifies for its delegates. The tableView argument is there in case you have one controller in charge of several UITableViews, so that it can tell which one is talking to it. It's also useful if you need to query the UITableView for information in order to decide what you want to do. This is very common in delegate methods.

This method is conforming to the UITableViewDataSource protocol. If you're familiar with C# or Java, a protocol is like an interface.
It's completely legal and not too abnormal for a method conforming to an interface or protocol to ignore some of the arguments.


Proper naming convention for a delegate method with no arguments except the delegating object?

I have a class called ABCCalendarView. It requires an NSCalendar, and gets this object from its delegate. I'm trying to work out what to call this delegate method, and I want to fit in with the best practices of the Cocoa framework.
According to the 'Naming Methods' section of Apple's 'Coding Guidelines for Cocoa', I should:
Start the name by identifying the class of the object that’s sending the message:
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldSelectRow:(int)row;
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFile:(NSString *)filename;
The class name omits the prefix and the first letter is in lowercase.
A colon is affixed to the class name (the argument is a reference to the delegating object) unless the method has only one argument, the sender.
- (BOOL)applicationOpenUntitledFile:(NSApplication *)sender;
This would suggest I should call the method:
- (NSCalendar *)calendarViewUsesCalendar:(ABCCalendarView *)calendarView;
However, looking at actual examples of this situation in the Cocoa framework, I can see that the actual convention used seems to prefer putting the class name at the end of the method name in this case. For example:
// UITableViewDataSource has the method:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
// UITableViewDelegate has:
- (NSIndexPath *)indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
// UIScrollView has:
- (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
If I follow this convention that would suggest I should call my method:
- (NSCalendar *)calendarForCalendarView:(ABCCalendarView *)calendarView;
Why is there seemingly a discrepancy between Apple's guidelines and what they've actually done? And what convention should one follow when creating a delegate method which is basically just setting a property of the calling object?
I think that rules document is slightly internally inconsistent. There are two "General Rules" which state:
If the method returns an attribute of the receiver, name the method
after the attribute.
Make the word before the argument describe the argument.
These, along with the precedent in the SDK's names, both argue for your second formulation:
- (NSCalendar *)calendarForCalendarView:(ABCCalendarView *)calendarView;
I think there's ample evidence in the SDK names that the rule you found in the delegate section should be restated. As you point out, it says
Start the name by identifying the class of the object that’s sending the message
but it should say, in my opinion: "Send an instance of the caller as the first parameter". Which is sort of half naming rule, half design pattern. With that, those single parameter, attribute returning delegate names can be of the form returnTypeSenderType: (which is how they are in practice) without running afoul of the other parts of the doc.

Removing an action from a subclass

My NSDocument subclass implements selectAll:. Only problem is, I'm using NSTableView, and it also implements selectAll:. However, the selectAll: action in NSTableView doesn't do what I want, and it does prevent the selectAll: method in my Document class from ever being reached in the responder chain.
I already have a subclass of NSTableView, and after poking around a bit I got things working the way I want by adding a respondsToSelector: method to my NSTableView subclass which lies to the runtime by telling it there is no selectAll: action:
if (targetSelector == #selector(selectAll:)) {
return FALSE; // we don't want tableView's implementation of selectAll
return [super respondsToSelector:targetSelector];
This seems to work fine, allowing the selectAll: method in my document subclass to do its thing. But this solution leaves me a bit uneasy. What about other action methods I have implemented in this subclass? Do I need to manually check and return true for each of them? I do have two actions defined in this subclass, moveLeft: and moveRight:, and they seem to work, even though I am not handling them in respondsToSelector:. So my question is, am I doing this correctly, or is there something I am missing? Or perhaps there is some entirely different way to do this properly?
By the way, I got the idea of overriding respondsToSelector from this post on the OmniGroup forum:
Sending a message to super affects which implementation of that method we use. It doesn't change who self is.
So let's try to imagine how respondsToSelector: works. Given a selector mySelector, it probably introspects every class up the superclass chain, starting with [self class], to see whether it actually implements mySelector.
Now then, let's say your subclass is called MyTableView. When MyTableView says
[super respondsToSelector:targetSelector]
what happens? The runtime will look up the superclass chain for another implementation of respondsToSelector:, and eventually will find NSObject's original implementation. What does that implementation do? Well, we just answered that: it starts the search for an implementation of targetSelector in [self class]. That's still the MyTableView class! So if you have defined moveLeft: in MyTableView, respondsToSelector: will find it and will return YES for moveLeft:, exactly as you hope and expect.
Thus, to generalize, the only selector for which this search has been perverted is the search for selectAll: - exactly as you hope and expect. So I think you can relax and believe that what you're doing is not only acceptable and workable but the normal solution to the problem you originally posed.
You might also like to look at the Message Forwarding chapter of Apple's Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide.

objective C underscore property vs self

I'm was playing around with the standard sample split view that gets created when you select a split view application in Xcode, and after adding a few fields i needed to add a few fields to display them in the detail view.
and something interesting happend
in the original sample, the master view sets a "detailItem" property in the detail view and the detail view displays it.
- (void)setDetailItem:(id) newDetailItem
if (_detailItem != newDetailItem) {
_detailItem = newDetailItem;
// Update the view.
[self configureView];
i understand what that does and all, so while i was playing around with it. i thought it would be the same if instead of _detailItem i used self.detailItem, since it's a property of the class.
however, when i used
self.detailItem != newDetailItem
i actually got stuck in a loop where this method is constantly called and i cant do anything else in the simulator.
my question is, whats the actual difference between the underscore variables(ivar?) and the properties?
i read some posts here it seems to be just some objective C convention, but it actually made some difference.
_property means you are directly accessing the property. means you are using accessors.
In your case, in the setter method you are calling it, creating a recursive call.
In the course of your experiment, you've set up an endless loop which is why the simulator goes non-responsive.
Calling self.detailItem within the scope of setDetailItem: calls setDetailItem: recursively since your class implements a custom setter method for the property detailItem.
I would refer you to the Apple documentation on declared properties for the scoop on properties, ivars, etc; but briefly, declared properties are a simplified way of providing accessor methods for your class. Rather than having to write your own accessor methods (as we had to do before Objective-C 2.0) they are now generated for you through the property syntax.
The properties are basically a way of the compiler to generate a setter and getter for a given instance variable.
So when you use something like:
id detailItem = self.detailItem;
what you are doing under the hood is:
id detailItem = [self detailItem];
Same for:
self.detailItem = otherDetailItem;
would be:
[self setDetailItem:otherDetailItem];
So when you write the setter yourself.. you get in an infinite loop since you access the method itself in itself.
You can freely make use of the 'self.' notation in your class, just not when you're overriding the setter or accessor because of the mechanism I described above.
Cases in a class where I use the . notation over simply accessing the ivar is when I change the value, you never know inside your class what needs to happen when you change the value. do you have something in terms of a status that should notify some delegate that a status changed? Usually this is not the case, however, just by using the . notation you are making sure that in the future you won't have to refactor some code if you did decide to do some magic in your setter method.
I'll make an example (without ARC enabled):
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber* number;
If you don't synthesize it, you can access it this way:
self.number= [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES];
This case the number is retained.If instead you synthesize it and don't use the property:
#synthesize number;
Later in the file:
number=[NSNUmber numberWithBool: YES];
You haven't used the property, so the number is not retained.That makes a relevant difference between using accessors and synthesized properties.

Objective C protocol as an equal to Java Interface?

The question is not only regarding the headline, but more of a "how will I achieve this, without trying to force a Java/Flash design into an Objective C (iPhone)program".
I have 6 views that extends UIView, these views all have different behavior but share certain methods, like -(void) update and -(void) changeState:(NSInteger)state.
A viewController, whose job is it to update, instantiate and display these views has a switch block to do this. So switch(4) {...} instantiates UIView4, but as I need a reference to the currently instantiated view (to do update and changeState:), I have a UIView property on my ViewController called self.currentView. As the instantiated UIView4 extends UIView I can easily go [self.currentView addSubview:UIView4instance] and then release the UIView4instance.
Now how will I call the [UIView4instance update] method on the view? or the [UIView5instance changeState] etc. etc.
Since I added it to self.currentView which is of type UIView it no longer has any reason to believe it has an update or changeState: method, meaning I cannot iterate the views and send them these messages.
This approach brings on a ton of other problems, I would need to test and typeCast my views each time I needed to do any operations on them.
If I were doing something like this Composite Pattern approach in, say, Java. I would either write an interface that all the views (UIView1, UIview2.... UIViewN) would implement. Or maybe an abstract class that all the views inherited the changeState: and update methods from.
This way I could have self.currentView just know that I'm adding objects to your view and they all conform to these methods.
The two solutions I can think of, with my very small Objective-C experience is:
doing it with delegation or categories, but this seems overkill in every way :/
I guess I could also extend UIView and then extend my class extending UIView again, but there is probably a reason Objective-C does not directly support abstract classes...
Hope someone could point me in the right direction regarding these issues.
Yes it is equal. You can declare a protocol
#protocol MyViewProtocol
and declare your subclasses like
#interface MyUIView3 : UIView<MyViewProtocol> {
Then, the declaration
UIView<MyViewProtocol>* view=[[MyUIView3 alloc] init];
means that view is an instance (of a subclass of) UIView which also conforms to MyViewProtocol.
Just the way it works in Java, I think. See the apple doc on protocols.
One thing to be aware of is that while defining a protocol like this is a convenience and certainly makes things clearer, it is by no means necessary to make your solution work. Objective-C binds methods at runtime, and so all you really need to do is to make sure all your view classes implement the methods you care about and call them.
You will get a complier warning for this, but it will work.
Now, in general it's probably preferable to define a protocol like this and it's what I generally do. But it's also important to remember that runtime binding is there and can be incredibly powerful.

In Objective-C, do I redirect a containing instance's method without subclassing it?

In Objective-C, how do you rewire a class's instance method to call a method in another class?
Say a UIView class A contains another UIView class called childA. I want it so that when childA's drawRect is called, a method in class A is invoked without having to subclass childA and do the desired call in its drawRect there. How can this be achieved?
Also, how do I supply a method to childA's draw class dynamically? I know this is probably not a good practice but it would be useful for testing purposes.
To answer your first question about rewiring methods:
You don't want to be doing this on general principle, since it kinda defeats the whole purpose of object-oriented design, but for testing purposes, it can be useful. As long as you're on Leopard, it's not especially difficult, either.
Take a look at the Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Reference, which contains the keys to the kingdom, as it were. Look at the functions class_getInstanceMethod, method_getImplementation, method_getTypeEncoding, and class_addMethod which, in combination, let you change the methods of a class at runtime.
If you're just swizzling one selector for another, method_exchangeImplementations is a useful shortcut.
To answer your second question about supplying a method dynamically, that's as simple as passing a SEL to a method and then calling -performSelector:withObject::
#interface MyView : NSView {
SEL drawingSelector;
id drawingDelegate;
#property SEL drawingSelector;
#property id drawingDelegate;
#implementation MyView
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
[self.drawingDelegate performSelector:drawingSelector withObject:[NSValue valueWithRect:rect]];
For the first issue you raise, it seems like you would set up UIView A as a delegate object of childA and the other UIViews - then they could use delegate methods to call the extra drawing features you wanted in A.
Either that or have each child ask for the superview and if it is of type "A" call the method you are interested in.