GetProcAddress cannot find my functions - dll

I made a DLL with a function named "render()" and I want to load it dynamically to my application, but GetProcAddress cannot find it. Here's the DLL .h:
#define D3D_API_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define D3D_API_API __declspec(dllimport)
D3D_API_API void render();
And here's DLL .cpp:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "D3D_API.h"
#include <iostream>
D3D_API_API void render()
std::cout << "method called." << std::endl;
Here's the application that tries to use that function:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
HINSTANCE myDLL = LoadLibrary( L"D3D_API.dll" );
if (myDLL == NULL) {
std::cerr << "Loading of D3D_API.dll failed!" << std::endl;
typedef void (WINAPI *render_t)();
render_t render = (render_t)GetProcAddress( myDLL, "render" );
if (render == NULL) {
std::cerr << "render() not found in .dll!" << std::endl;
return 0;
My goal is to make a 3D engine that supports both D3D and OpenGL through their own .DLLs using a unified API. I looked at the .dll in notepad and there was a string "render".

The function you export is treated as a C++ function (because of *.cpp file extension) and so C++ name mangling is used to decorate the exported function name. If you use the Dependency Walker tool from Microsoft to inspect your created DLL you will see the functions full name.
You can either use that decorated name in your import code or force the compiler to export your function in C style, that is, in its undecorated form that your current import code expects.
You can tell the compiler to do so by adding extern "C" to your functions signature. Something like this:
extern "C" D3D_API_API void render();
Now your import code should work as expexted.

As the comment to the answer says:
using 'extern "C"' will remove any C++ name mangling, but still leaves
C name mangling. In order to export the plain names you should look at
using a .DEF file. See
You need to add a new file with .DEF extension to your project, with similar to this contents:
LIBRARY "MyRenderLib"
Then in your DLL header you don't use __declspec(dllexport), but only extern "C"
extern "C" void render();


Header file inclusion doesn't work in MPLAB X IDE

screenshot of my code and error data
This is my main.c file
#include "services_initialisations_prototype.h"
#include "services_functions_prototype.h"
void main(void)
updateMatrix(404, 1);
this is my services_initialisations_prototype.h
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
//these are my function declarations
extern void initInterrupt();
extern void initIoc();
extern void initAdc();
extern void initTimer2();
extern void initSfr();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
this is my services_functions_prototype.h
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
//these are my function declarations
extern void updateMatrix(int, int);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
When I try to include two header files in MPLAB X IDE version 4.05, it seems like it is not identifying the second header file. i tried swapping the order, but still the second one is not detected.
The services_initialisation_prototype.h contains initialisations of SFRs and services_functions_prototype.h contains prototypes of other functions. these functions are independent of each other.
when i compile, it is showing that
function updateMatrix() is declared as implicit int.
conflicting declarations for variable _updateMatrix()
which shows that the header file services_functions_prototype is not identified.
the screenshot attached shows the code in services_functions_prototype.h in grey color, and it seems that part of code is not executed.
When I copied the whole declarations from header file to my main file, it is working perfectly fine.
You used the same include guard in both files. Because one file is included before the other, it defines XC_HEADER_TEMPLATE_H which makes #ifndef fail in the second file. Change them to something unique. Wiki include guard.
Remember that identifiers with two leading underscores or identifiers with a leading underscore and an upper case letter are reserved by C standard. Good documentation online is in gcc reserved names.
Empty parameter list in function declaration declares a function that takes unknown count and type of parameters. Prefer explicitly writing void inside function parameter list to define a function that takes no argument, to enable compiler static checking. Ie. do void initInterrupt(void);. cppreference function declaration
Identifiers declared at file scope are implicitly with external linkage. Ie. externis just redundant., just void initSfr(void); instead of extern void initSfr(); cppreference storage-class
The extern "C" { part makes no sense in your headers - there is nothing inside it. It's typicall to put extern "C" { on top of the header file to include everything inside. If your headers would be used by a C++ compiler, the functions names would be mangled and not properly resolved. I believe I would suggest to just remove the extern "C" { part.

why i can't wrap methods from one dll but can do it for another?

Im trying to write a wrapper in c++/cli for an DLL, which code i dont have, only DLL file and header but i created lib file through VS command prompt. When i`m trying to build solution i receive this errors:
DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00002E) "void __stdcall MuteClearLastError(void)" (?MuteClearLastError##$$FYGXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __clrcall DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll::WrapperClass2::doMuteClearLastError(void)" (?doMuteClearLastError#WrapperClass2#DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll##$$FQ$AAMXXZ)
DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __stdcall MuteClearLastError(void)" (?MuteClearLastError##$$FYGXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __clrcall DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll::WrapperClass2::doMuteClearLastError(void)" (?doMuteClearLastError#WrapperClass2#DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll##$$FQ$AAMXXZ)
I tried to create my own DLL and include it to the wrapper, and its working perfectly
here dll created by me which i can use in c++/cli wrapper:
//header file
#pragma once
#define DLLEXP __declspec( dllexport )
namespace Computations {
DLLEXP void someMethod(int number);
//cpp file
#include "Computations.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
//#include "pnl/pnl_random.h"
using namespace std;
void Computations::someMethod(int number)
std::cout << "something "<<number*number << endl;
and here is part of header of DLL which i want to use:
#ifndef MUTEIFC_H
#define MUTEIFC_H
#include <Windows.h>
# define MUTEAPI extern "C"__declspec(dllexport)
# define MUTEAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#define MUTECALL __stdcall
/** \ingroup init */
/** Initialization of the ASTER SDK library
* \returns TRUE - success, FALSE - failure (use \ref MuteLastErrorCode or/and \ref MuteLastErrorInfo to get
* failure cause)
* \note This function will require Administrative privileges on the first call on a given computer.
/** \ingroup init */
/** Finialization of the ASTER SDK library
/** \ingroup errors*/
/** Clears the calling thread's last-error code and description.
* The last-error is maintained on a per-thread basis. Multiple threads do not overwrite each other's last-error.
#endif // MUTEIFC_H
and my c++/cli code :
//header file
#pragma once
#include "Computations.h"
#include "muteifc.h"
using namespace System;
namespace DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll
public ref class WrapperClass2
void doMuteClearLastError();
public ref class WrapperClass
void getPriceCallEuro(int number);
//cpp file
#include "DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll.h"
using namespace DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll;
using namespace Computations;
namespace DotNetWrappOfAsterSdkDll
//this dont work
void WrapperClass2::doMuteClearLastError() {
//this works great
void WrapperClass::getPriceCallEuro(int number) {
Please tell me what i'm doing wrong
You probably didn't add the lib that contains the function reference to the linker options.
Either the lib contains he code it self or it has a reference to the DLL that must be loaded. The linker will bring your code and the DLL (or static lib) code together...

Using vector of pointer to objects of another class

I have been trying to do the following to no avail,
In 'used.h',
#ifndef USED_H_
#define USED_H_
class used
int member=0;
virtual ~used();
In the,
#include "used.h"
In 'the_user.h',
#ifndef THE_USER_H_
#define THE_USER_H_
class used; //Class forward declaring
class the_user
std::deque<used*> my_queue;
Now, I want to access and change 'member' in '',
#include "used.h"
#include "the_used.h"
using namespace std;
deque <used*> my_queue;
used* object = new used; <-------marked line
for(unsigned int i=0; i<my_queue.size(); i++)
cout << my_queue[5] << endl; //Should give 0
cout << my_queue[0]->member << endl; //1000
in main file(I have only read access),
#include "the_used.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
the_used *object = new the_used();
Actually, I am getting undefined reference to used::used() at the marked line. What seems to be the problem?
I have tried to use the same for a vector as well but to no avail.
I am not allowed to make changes to the 'int main(){}'.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Your class declaration doesn't declare any constructor or destructor:
class used
int member=0;
But in your cpp file you define them. Your compiler should complain already here:
#include "used.h"
You must declare constructor and destructor in your class:
class used
int member=0;
Then here:
you will actually create 6 pointers that will be initialized to nullptr. Maybe you're aware of that, since you expect my_queue[5] to return 0.
Then in your loop, everytime you do this:
you will increase the size of my_queue by one, thus make your loop run forever.
Apart from that: Do. Not. Do. using namespace std;. Ever.

LNK2019 unresolved external __declspec(dllimport) SDL_main

I am working on making a game engine. The engine is dll project. Right now the engine builds to a dll and lib. I am trying to test what I have so far with with another project. This is the error messages that I get:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall Aria::GameConfig::GameConfig(class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > const &)" (__imp_??0GameConfig#Aria##QAE#ABV?$basic_string#_WU?$char_traits#_W#std##V?$allocator#_W#2##std###Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl SDL_main(void)" (?SDL_main##YAHXZ) D:\My Documents\Programing\Repo\NDTD\NDTD\Project\Main.obj
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall TestGame::TestGame(class Aria::GameConfig *)" (??0TestGame##QAE#PAVGameConfig#Aria###Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl SDL_main(void)" (?SDL_main##YAHXZ) D:\My Documents\Programing\Repo\NDTD\NDTD\Project\Main.obj
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup D:\My Documents\Programing\Repo\NDTD\NDTD\Project\MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)
Here part of my platform.h file that has the dll import and export macros
#if !defined(ARIA_STATIC)
// define dllexport and dllimport macros
#ifndef ARIA_API
#define ARIA_API __declspec(dllexport)
#ifndef ARIA_API
#define ARIA_API __declspec(dllimport)
// Visual c++ compiler warning C4251 disable
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4251)
#else // Linux and MAC OS X
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
// GCC 4 has unique keywords for showing/hiding symbols
// the same keyword is used for both import and export
#define ARIA_API __attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
#define ARIA_API __attribute__ ((__visibility__("default")))
#define ARIA_API
#define ARIA_API
// static build doesn't need import/export macros
#define ARIA_API
#define ARIA_API
In I have built the engine with the preprocessor definition ARIA_NONCLIENT_BUILD and UNICODE and windows it defined. I have linked to SDL lib and included the header files. I am also using unicode strings with wchar. I also have not forgotten to add the ARIA_API macro in class definitions.
In the test project here is the main.cpp file
#include <Game\Game.h>
using namespace Aria;
class TestGame : public IGame
TestGame(GameConfig* config);
void OnStartUp() override;
void OnUpdate(float dt) override;
void OnRender(float dt) override;
void OnShutdown() override;
void TestGame::OnStartUp()
void TestGame::OnUpdate(float dt)
void TestGame::OnRender(float dt)
void TestGame::OnShutdown()
int main()
GameConfig* config = new GameConfig(ATEXT("test.config"));
TestGame* game = new TestGame(config);
return game->Run();
If I have forgot something then let me know.

Objective-c++ symbol not found strangeness

void hej();
void hej(){}
#import "hej.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
This gives me:
"hej()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
symbol(s) not found
If I rename to main.m (single m), or hej.m to mm or cpp, then it works. (Though none of those "solutions" are preferable. Imagine you want to use a c-lib in a objc++ environment - you wouldn't wanna change the entire lib, maybe even couldn't, and you need to use it in objc++.)
What exactly is going on here?
When compiled in a C file (*.c, *.m), the declaration void hej() generates a linker reference to a C function named _hej. When compiled in a C++ file (*.cc, *.mm, etc.), the declaration generates a linker reference to a C++ 'mangled name', that includes in it a description of the arguments. (This is done to support function overloading, e.g. to differentiate void hej(int) from void hej(char*)). hej.m always creates the C name. When references the C++ name, it won't be found.
To resolve, ensure looks for a C name, not a C++ one. If you control hej.h, it's common to add something like the following, which would work when hej.h is included in either a C or a C++ file:
/* hej.h */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void hej();
#ifdef __cplusplus
If you do not own hej.h, you could do the following in instead:
extern "C" {
#import "hej.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])