Interfacing my application with existing authentication systems - authentication

I'm writing a web based application that will have its own authorization/authentication mechanism (traditional cookie/session based user/pass). However, depending on the organization that licenses the software, I want them to be able to plug in their own existing internal authentication system as a way to replace mine. Ideally, they'd have to run as little code as possible on their end; I'm trying to make this a mostly hosted service. I'm aware of the existence of OAuth, but don't entirely understand how I would go about implementing the system at a higher level. Any tips would be appreciated.

What platform are you developing for? PHP, Java, .NET, or other?
You should look into SAML and OpenID in addition to OAuth. These protocols are used for website to website authentication, more often than OAuth, which is mainly used for client applications on the desktop/mobile. It can be used but this is what people tend to use it for.
In general you are considered to be the service provider. The other organizations are identity providers. In SAML you would redirect a user to the identity provider who would authenticate (and possibly authorize) a user. They would be redirected back to the service provider which would then be able to log them in.
See the links from another post of mine for links to protocol documentation. Google Apps also have a good diagram of single sign-on with SAML in action.

Your question entangles the very things (authn/authz, i.e. policy, and application) that you want to disentangle. The answer you're looking for requires separating those concerns.
The "standard" answer is to separate authn/authz policy, typically using a PEP (policy enforcement point) to enforce decisions made by a PDP (policy decision point). SAML provides standards for communicating between the two.
You wind up with your application (and typically many others) guarded by the PEP. This can be embedded inside the application (for example as a Tomcat interceptor), but better, running in a separate container as a proxy. The only thing reachable from outside is the PEP. This examines each request, ensures the user is authenticated, and (for SSO) ensures that each request contains a security token.
If not, the PEP forwards the request to the PDP for authentication (login screen). The PDP attaches a security token and forwards the request back to the PEP. Since the request now has a valid token, the PEP forwards it to the application behind the firewall.


Authenticating external ADFS users in my SAAS application

Our SAAS system is currently using standard Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin libraries to authenticate users via Bearer tokens, as well social logins such as Facebook/Google/Twitter/etc.
Some of our users are asking for us to start allowing of authentication via ADFS.
I'm trying to understand how this can be done. Unfortunately, all of the blogs appear to dive right into the details without providing a good overview as to what's involved. Furthermore, most blogs talk about trusting a specific Active Directory, while we need to trust a whole number of possible customers' active directories - and do it dynamically. IE: customer registers for an account using custom username/password, then provides our SAAS application with some information about their AD. Afterwards, our SAAS application should trust authentication for users in that AD (just the auth part)
Can anyone provide information on what's involved?
Agree with #vibronet's points.
Another approach would be to add STS support to your SaaS application. This could be either WS-Fed or SAML. You have tagged the question with Azure so AAD could be an option.
You could then federate with any number of other STS's (like ADFS). Note as stated that each ADFS has to agree to add your metadata.
Another approach would be to use IDaaS (e.g. Auth0, Okta). These would do the Identity heavy lifting for you and would essentially provide the STS capability.
The question has 2 parts,
how to work with an ADFS instance and
how to deal with an arbitrary number of ADFS instances from different
The answer to 1) is to use the WS-Federation middleware, which can be added alongside the middlewares you are already using. However the initialization of that middleware requires knowledge of the location of the metadata document of the ADFS you want to target; furthermore, the ADFS administrator must provision your app explicitly or no tokens will be issued. Hence, the flow you are suggesting (temporary username/password and subsequent details exchange) might be tricky - but not impossible.
About 2) there isn't a way of wiring up an arbitrary number of different ADFS instances unless you modify the middleware setting pretty heavily. The actual answer is that the standard practice for dealing with that scenario is to rely on one intermediary ADFS (or equivalent) that can broker trust toward all others, while your app only needs to trust the intermediary ADFS.

Microservices - how to solve security and user authentication?

There is a lot of discussion about microservice architecture. What I am missing - or maybe what I did not yet understand is, how to solve the issue of security and user authentication?
For example: I develop a microservice which provides a Rest Service interface to a workflow engine. The engine is based on JEE and runs on application servers like GlassFish or Wildfly.
One of the core concepts of the workflow engine is, that each call is user centric. This means depending of the role and access level of the current user, the workflow engine produces individual results (e.g. a user-centric tasklist or processing an open task which depends on the users role in the process).
In my eyes, thus a service is not accessible from everywhere. For example if someone plans to implement a modern Ajax based JavaScript application which should use the workflow microservice there are two problems:
1) to avoid the cross-scripting problem from JavaScript/Ajax the JavaScript Web application needs to be deployed under the same domain as the microservice runs
2) if the microservice forces a user authentication (which is the case in my scenario) the application need to provide a transparent authentication mechanism.
The situation becomes more complex if the client need to access more than one user-centric microservices forcing user authentication.
I always end up with an architecture where all services and the client application running on the same application server under the same domain.
How can these problems be solved? What is the best practice for such an architecture?
Short answer: check OAUTH, and manage caches of credentials in each microservice that needs to access other microservices. By "manage" I mean, be careful with security. Specially, mind who can access those credentials and let the network topology be your friend. Create a DMZ layer and other internal layers reflecting the dependency graph of your microservices.
Long answer, keep reading. Your question is a good one because there is no simple silver bullet to do what you need although your problem is quite recurrent.
As with everything related with microservices that I saw so far, nothing is really new. Whenever you need to have a distributed system doing things on behalf of a certain user, you need distributed credentials to enable such solution. This is true since mainframe times. There is no way to violate that.
Auto SSH is, in a sense, such a thing. Perhaps it may sound like a glorified way to describe something simple, but in the end, it enables processes in one machine to use services in another machine.
In the Grid world, the Globus Toolkit, for instance, bases its distributed security using the following:
X.509 certificates;
MyProxy - manages a repository of credentials and helps you define a chain of certificate authorities up to finding the root one, which should be trusted by default;
An extension of OpenSSH, which is the de facto standard SSH implementation for Linux distributions.
OAUTH is perhaps what you need. It is a way provide authorization with extra restrictions. For instance, imagine that a certain user has read and write permission on a certain service. When you issue an OAUTH authorization you do not necessarily give full user powers to the third party. You may only give read access.
CORS, mentioned in another answer, is useful when the end client (typically a web browser) needs single-sign-on across web sites. But it seems that your problem is closer to a cluster in which you have many microservices that are managed by you. Nevertheless, you can take advantage of solutions developed by the Grid field to ensure security in a cluster distributed across sites (for high availability reasons, for instance).
Complete security is something unattainable. So all this is of no use if credentials are valid forever or if you do not take enough care to keep them secret to whatever received them. For such purpose, I would recommend partitioning your network using layers. Each layer with a different degree of secrecy and exposure to the outside world.
If you do not want the burden to have the required infrastructure to allow for OAUTH, you can either use basic HTTP or create your own tokens.
When using basic HTTP authentication, the client needs to send credentials on each request, therefore eliminating the need to keep session state on the server side for the purpose of authorization.
If you want to create your own mechanism, then change your login requests such that a token is returned as the response to a successful login. Subsequent requests having the same token will act as the basic HTTP authentication with the advantage that this takes place at the application level (in contrast with the framework or app server level in basic HTTP authentication).
Your question is about two independent issues.
Making your service accessible from another origin is easily solved by implementing CORS. For non-browser clients, cross-origin is not an issue at all.
The second problem about service authentication is typically solved using token based authentication.
Any caller of one of your microservices would get an access token from the authorization server or STS for that specific service.
Your client authenticates with the authorization server or STS either through an established session (cookies) or by sending a valid token along with the request.

Authentication and Authorization for a simple Web Site

I'm struggling with these concepts and having trouble finding good resources on the web.
We are looking for ways to switch out custom implementations tightly integrated into our application for standards based authentication and authorization.
Our scenario is as follows:
A simple web site (may be an app in the nearby future)
A user must log in or otherwise gain access (i.e. there's no "guest" content or other things you can do as a guest)
The site uses its own web services (REST and/or SOAP) on the backend, but it might use 3rd party web services or exposes its own services as 3rd party services for other applications
Authentication may very well be done by an external provider: Users carry a smartcard and we'd like to have one simple identity provider which reads the smartcard information and sends it back to my simple web site (so I know who the user is and what his role is for instance)
Other sites might use other methods of authentication (simple username/password for instance), so we might need a configurable Service Provider??
I'm currently looking at OAuth (2) to implement for authorizing use of our REST Services (is it also useful for SOAP?) to our web site, perhaps with a simple "Client Credentials Grant" type.
But for authentication, I'm still none the wiser. There is OpenID, but is it easy enough to build your own OpenID Identity Provider? There is Shibboleth, but it seems to have a steep learning curve for doing custom stuff. And I've looked at just building something from scratch based on the SAML Authentication Request Protocol with an HTTP Post binding. Are there any other options?
Please keep in mind that we want to be flexible with our authentication. For a certain site, we might want to do the smartcard thing, but for another maybe simple username/password login with LDAP.
If it's helpful still, I personally thought about doing it myself, then discovered a bunch of third parties. I compared (5/18/2015):
Conclusion for me was Auth0, because while all the features are very similar, it felt the most legitimate, as in it's not a start-up that might disappear in a few months. Now, the reason that was super important for me was because login is a foundational requirement, so I need to believe as a customer that the Authentication as a Service will be up for as long as I will be.
Here's the full comparison story:

Web API authentication/authorization using SSO instead of OAUTH - will it work?

Updated based on questions from #user18044 below
If a user is authenticated in two different web applications via 2 different SAML-based identity providers, and one of the applications needs to request data from a web API exposed by the other application, would it be possible to call the web API methods securely by virtue of the user's current authenticated status in both applications without separately securing the API methods via an API level authentication protocol such as OAUTH? Note that both applications are owned and operated by my company and share the same 2nd level domains and user base, even though the identity servers are different (one is legacy).
Some further information: Application A is a portal application that is going to host widgets using data supplied from Application B. Application A will only communicate with application B via a web API exposed by application B. Currently application B does not expose a web API (except internally to the application itself). This is new functionality that will need to be added to application B. Application A will use Okta as its SSO. Our lead architect's proposal is to continue to use a custom legacy IDP server that we developed internally based around using the dk.nita.saml20 DLL. They are both SAML based I believe, but I don't think they could share the same identity token without some retrofitting. But this is hitting the limits of my knowledge on the topic of authentication. :) I think our architect's plan was to have the user authenticate separately using the two different identity providers and then only secure the web API using CORS, his reasoning being that since the user is already known and authenticated to use application B, that there wouldn't be any security implications in allowing application A to call application B's web api methods, as the user should be authenticated in application B. This seems quirky to me, in that I can imagine a lot of browser redirects happening that might not be transparent to the user, but other than that, I'm just trying to figure out where the security holes might lie, because it feels to me that there would be some.
I know that this approach would not be considered a best practice, however with that being said, I really want to understand why not. Are there security implications? Would it even work? And if so, are there any "gotchas" or things to consider during implementation?
To reiterate, our lead architect is proposing this solution, and it is failing my gut check, but I don't know enough on the topic to be able to justify my position or else to feel comfortable enough to accept his. Hoping some security experts out there could enlighten me.
It's hard to answer without knowing more on how your current applications and APIs are secured exactly. Do the web application and its API have the same relying party identifier (i.e. can the same token be used to authenticate against both)?
If both web applications use the WS-Federation protocol to authenticate users, then most likely the SAML token will be stored in cookies that were set when the identity provider posted the token back to the application.
You do not have access to these cookies from JavaScript. If the web API that belongs to application B uses the same cookie based authentication mechanism, you could use this provided you allow for cross origin resource sharing.
If your web API uses something like a bearer token authentication scheme (like OAuth) or has a different relying party id in the STS, this would obviously not work.
I think the reason this fails your gut check is because you are basically accessing the web API in a way a cross-site request forgery attack would do it.
A problem I see with this approach is that if the user is not authenticated with the other web application, then the call to your API will also fail.
I agree with user18044 as far as it being based on a cross-site request forgery attack and the security between applications. Is it true that if User X has access to App A, that they will have access to App B and vice versa? If that is not the case, then each application will need to be authenticated separately...and it won't be a SSO. I found these links that might be helpful in your situation.

SAML vs federated login with OAuth

What's the difference between SAML and federated login with OAuth? Which solution makes more sense, if a company wants to use a third-party webapp, and but also wants single sign-on and be the authentication authority?
They solve different problems.
SAML is a set of standards that have been defined to share information about who a user is, what his set of attributes are, and give you a way to grant/deny access to something or even request authentication.
OAuth is more about delegating access to something. You are basically allowing someone to "act" as you. Its most commonly used to grant access api's that can do something on your behalf.
They are two completely different things.
Some examples that might help out.
OAuth think of an twitter. Lets say you are using Google Buzz and Twitter, and you want to write an app to be able to keep the two synchronised. You basically can establish trust between your app and twitter. First time you go to link the app to twitter, you do the classic prompt to log into twitter, and then that confirmation box pops up and asks "Would you like to grant access to «your app name»?" once you click "yes", the trust has been established, and now your app can act as you on Twitter. It can read your posts, as well as make new ones.
SAML - For SAML think of some type of "agreement" between two unrelated membership systems. In our case we can use US Airways and Hertz. There is no shared set of credentials that can take you from one site to another, but lets say Hertz wants to offer a "deal" to US Airways. (Granted I know this is an extreme example, but bear with me). After buying a flight, they will offer a free rental car to its Chairman members. US Airways and Hertz would setup some form of trust, and some way to identify the user. In our case our "federated id" would be the email address, and it would be a one way set of trust Hertz trusts that US Airways identity provider will deliver a token that is accurate and in a secure manner. After booking the flight US Airways identity provider would generate a token and populate how they have authenticated the user, as well as "attributes" about the person in our case the most important attribute would be his status level in US Airways. Once the token has been populated it passes it via some type of reference, or encoded in a url and once we get to Hertz, it looks at the token, validates it and now can allow for the free rental car.
The problem with this SAML example is it's only one specialized use case out of many. SAML is a standard and there are almost too many ways that you can implement it.
Alternatively, if you dont care about authorization, you could almost argue that asserting authentication via SAML and OpenID.
Have a look at this simple explanation summarized here:
Many people are confused about the differences between SAML, OpenID
and OAuth, but it’s actually very simple. Although there is some
overlap, here is a very simple way of distinguishing between the
OpenID – single sign-on for consumers
SAML – single sign-on for enterprise users
OAuth – API authorization between applications
For folks comfortable with OO design patterns, I think there's a nice corollary to wrapper patterns. Think of Facade, Decorator and Proxy patterns. Fundamentally these are all the same, they're just wrappers... The difference is the intention of each pattern.
Similarly, SAML, OAuth and OpenID all facilitate different intentions via a common underlying mechanism, which is redirection to a service provider/identity authority for some private interaction, followed by redirection to the originating third party app.
Looking around on the net you will find overlap between the protocols' capabilities. Authentication via OAuth is perfectly reasonable. SSO over OAuth may not make a lot of sense though as SAML and OpenID are specifically geared towards federated identity.
To the question itself, in a corporate context SAML sounds more appropriate than OAuth for SSO. I'd bet if you look at the third party apps you'd like to integrate with your corporate identities, you'll find they're already designed to integrate with SAML/LDAP/Radius etc. IMO OAuth is more appropriate for Internet interaction between applications or perhaps applications comprising a Service Oriented Architecture in a large corporate environment.
Authorization rules may be specified in a corporate environment in other ways too. LDAP is a common tool for this. Organizing users into groups and associating application privileges against group membership is a widespread approach. Just so happens LDAP can be used for authentication too. Active Directory is a great example, though I prefer OpenLDAP.
Found Good article here
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is set of standards to achieve Single Sign On (SSO), Federation and Identity Management.
Example : A user (principal) authenticates with a flight booking website, AirFlyer (identity provider) which has SSO configured via SAML with a shuttle booking website,Shuttler (service provider). Once authenticated to Flyer, the user can book shuttles on Shuttler without requiring authentication
OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard for authorization of resources. It does not deal with authentication.
Example : A photo sharing mobile app (OAuth consumer) that allows users import photos from their Instagram account (OAuth provider) which sends a temporary access token or key to the photo sharing app that expires after some hours.
They handle a subtle use case
SAML - Sharing credential (e.g., SSO) of a user to various service providers (e.g., web or web service)
OAuth - A User delegating an App to access a resource on behalf of his/her
SAML has a variety of "profiles" to choose from allow other users to "log in" to your site. SAML-P or SAML Passive is very common and fairly simple to set up. WS-Trust is similar and it too allows for federation among websites.
OAuth is designed for authorization. You can read more here:
What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?
SAML is for authentication - mainly used in Single Sign On scenario. OAuth is for authorization of resource representations.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an alternative for SAML XML Tokens. JWT can be used with OAuth
A good reference is SAML vs. OAuth: Which One Should I Use?
The terms federation really means connection identities across systems. It's related to SSO but they aren't quite the same. I Found this blog post really helpful in terms of what federation really means.