SQL SSIS Help. Import an excel sheet into a temp table - sql

I have a farily simple task of taking an Excel sheet and importing it into a SQL 2005 database table. I need to create an SSIS task for this. The Excel sheet does not have all the columns I need to make the insert directly into the permanent sql table, but I know how I could link out to other tables and get the columns that are missing. So I was wondering how I could import the Excel sheet into a #tempTable (or #VariableTable) and then one in a temp table I could just write my SQL Insert code (using the temptable as well as the other tables that I will link on) in a basic Execute SQL Task. But I am having trouble figuring out how to do this with SSIS. When I drag my excel source and try to link it to a SQL Server Destination the drop down doesn't have an option for temptables.

The SSIS way of doing this would be to use a Merge or Lookup transform. I don't think that you can put things into a temp table like that, but you could have an ExecuteSQL task that creates an actual table that you can then drop at the end of the package. You can then have your package use that.
During the design time you might need to have the table in place to link things up, but it shouldn't need to be there when you actually run the package.

First, you'll need to create the staging table for the excel worksheet. Open SSMS, right click the database, choose tasks, import data. Set the import source as excel. Browse to the file. Set the destination as SQL Server. You can accept the table name or name it as you wish. I suggest naming it something useful. Depending on your understanding of data types and what is in the excel sheet, it may take you a while to get this right. Eventually, you will have a table that will accept the contents of the excel sheet.
Second, create your ssis package by using an excel source and sql serve or oledb destination.

take Execute SQL task in control flow to create the target staging table of excel sheet surce.
in data flowuse excel source and oled db target to staging table create in the first step.
3.In control flow use merge or join statement to your excel targeted staging table with other source table to final target table.


Executing an Excel package worksheets with different table structure from SSIS to different tables in SSMS dynamically?

Can I execute an Excel package worksheets with different table structure from SSIS to different tables in SSMS dynamically ?
I have an excel file with 3 worksheets. I want to process those worksheets into one database in SSMS but each to their own table. what will be the best practice processing this file? i'm new to SSIS . Thank you in advance
You could, suppose you have target set already in database. there is one properties called openrowset in the advanced properties for excel source. you could specify which sheet to be loaded as well as the columns.
For example, Sheet1$A1:Z, which will load data from sheet1 A column to Z, start from row #1 if you did not check header row as row #1

How to Overwrite Database Table Data Using SQL Server Data Tools

I'm currently working on a small project using sql data tools. I'm getting data from excel sheet and write it back to my database table. from the database table I'm generating a report. Time to time I'm updating my excel sheet. but it won't update in my database table. how do I clear the table and rewrite excel sheet data to database table when run the project every time?
post build script would be how and when I would clear or synchronize the data. Then you have to write the truncate or delete and the insert and/or update sections to move data from your excel document to the sql table. I would suspect that the SQL table is a better place to maintain the data though!!! If you maintain in SQL you can always have a query to see what it is in Excel at any given time and you don't have to worry about synching back to SQL.

How can I copy and overwrite data of tables from database1 to database2 in SQL Server

I have a database1 which has more than 500 tables and I have database2 which also has the same number of tables and in both the databases the name of tables are same.. some of the tables have different table definitions, for example a table reports in database1 has 9 columns and the table reports in database2 has 10.
I want to copy all the data from database1 to database2 and it should overwrite the same data and append the columns if structure does not match. I have tried the import export wizard in SQL Server 2008 but it gives an error when it comes to the last step of copying rows. I don't have the screen shot of that error right now, it is my office PC. It says that error inserting into the readonly column xyz, some times it says that vs_isbroken, for the read only column error as I mentioned a enabled the identity insert but it did not help..
Please help me. It is an opportunity in my office for me.
SSIS and SQL Server 2008 Wizards can be finicky tools.
If you get a "can't insert into column ABC", then it could be one of the following:
Inserting into a PK column -> when setting up the mappings, you need to indicate to overwrite the value
Inserting into a column with a smaller range -> for example from nvarchar(256) into nvarchar(50)
Inserting into a calculated column (pointed out by #Nick.McDermaid)
You could also get issues with referential integrity if your database uses this (most do).
If you're going to do this more often, then I suggest you build an SSIS package instead of using the wizard tooling. This way you will see warnings on all sorts of issues like the ones I've described above. You can then run your package on demand.
Another suggestion I would make, is that you insert DB1 into "stage" tables in DB2. These tables should have no relational integrity and will allow you to break the process into several steps as follows.
Stage the data from DB1 into DB2
Produce reports/queries on issues pertinent to your database/rules
Merge the data from stage tables into target tables using SQL
That last step is where you can use merge statements, or simple insert/updates depending on a key match. Using SQL here in the local database is then able to use set theory to manage the overlap of the two sets and figure out what is new or to be updated.
SSIS "can" do this, but you will not be able to do a bulk update using SSIS, whereas with SQL you can. SSIS would do what is known as RBAR (row by agonizing row), something slow and to be avoided.
I suggest you inform your seniors that this will take a little longer to ensure it is reliable and the results reportable. Then work step by step, reporting on each stages completion.
Another two small suggestions:
Create _Archive tables of each of the stage tables and add a Tstamp column to each. Merge into these after the stage step which will allow you to quickly see when which rows were introduced into DB2
After stage and before the SQL merge step, create indexes on your stage tables. This will improve the merge performance
Drop those Indexes after each merge, this will increase the bulk insert Performance
Basic on Staging (response to question clarification):
Staging is the act of moving data from one place to another without any checks.
First you need to create the target tables, the schema should match the source tables.
Open up BIDS and create a new Project and in it a new SSIS package.
In the package, create a connection for the source server and another for the destination.
Then create a data flow step, in the step create a data source for each table you want to copy from.
Connect each source to a new data destination and set the appropriate connection and table.
When done, save and do a test run.
Before the data flow step, you might like to add a SQL step that will truncate all the target tables.
If you're open to using tools then what about using something like Red Gate Sql Compare and Red Gate SQL Data Compare?
First I would use data compare to manage the schema differences, add the new columns you want to your destination database (database2) from the source (database1). Then with data compare you match the contents of the tables any columns it can't match based on names you specify how to handle. Then you can pick and choose what data you want to copy from your destination. So you'll see what data is new and what's different (you can delete data in the destination that's not in the source or ignore it). You can either have the tool do the work or create you a script to run when you want.
There's a 15 day trial if you want to experiment.
Seems like maybe you are looking for Replication technology as is offered by SQL Server Replication.
Well, if i understood your requirement correctly, you need to make database2 a replica of database1. Why not take a full backup of database1 and restore it as database2? Your database2 will be exactly what database1 is at the time of backup.

How can I join Excel column and SQL View?

I have an Excel spreadsheet, with one worksheet, with one column, containing key values I want to use to lookup data in a SQL Server view.
I can import the view data just fine using ADO or ODBC, but cannot figure out how to have the "Microsoft Query" tool add both the Excel Worksheet and the SQL View in a single query, so that I can join the data. I had also hoped VLOOKUP might lookup external data, but did not find anything,
I have looked for hours and am stumped. Certainly this can be done somehow where I can use a key in an Excel file to fetch a single related SQL table row back into Excel? I'm a hard core C# developer but seem to regularly struggle with Excel...
I would import the excel data into a staging table in your SQL Server database.
Of course you can use ADO to get the excel data into SQL Server.
Then you can join the view with your staging table.
hope this helps.

Import SQL to SQL DB: How can I populate columns that exist in destination, not source?

I'm using SSIS to import data from one DB to another existing DB. Some columns in the destination tables do not exist in the source tables. Seems the Import & Export Wizard only allows me to select unmapped columns from the source and match them with these new columns in the destination. I'd like to be able to just provide one piece of data to import into all rows of these new columns.
Would like to use the GUI if possible because I'm not skilled at writing scripts. Thanks!
In SSIS, you can add a "derived column" component that will add columns to the buffer rows with the value you want (either a string or an expression).
I don't believe this is possible in the GUI. However, it would be a simple script after the data is loaded with SSIS:
UPDATE table SET newcolumn = new value
If you need to filter the rows, just add
WHERE column = value ...
You could change your source to a select query and list out the columns along with the static value you want to map.
My original thought was that you could use the query right in the Import & Export wizard. you can obviously do alot more if you go in and edit the package, but it sounded like you didn't have much expereince with that. Here is how you would do this in the wizard.
After you have selected your source and destination databases you can Specify Table Copy or Query. Select the Write a query to specify the data to transfer option
On the next screen enter the query listing out all of the columns and add in your static columns.
On the Next screen You will need to select the Destination table or it will default to creating a new table named Query. You should be able to choose from the drop down. As long as you aliased your extra columns with the same names it should map correctly. You can go in and edit mappings here if needed.
You can then save off the SSIS package and it will source form the query.
Alternatively if you already have the SSIS pacakge created without the extra columns you can go in to the Data Flow and change the Data access mode in the OLE DB Source to be a SQL Command instead of a table or view. Add your query here.
You can then go into the properties of the OLE DB Desitination in the Dataflow and map the new column. You could also add in a derived column as #DominicGoulet by adding in a Dervied Column task and putting your static information here and then mapping. If you want to see that solution too let me know.