PHP - a different open_basedir per each virtual host - apache

I've came across on this problem, I have a sever running apache and php. We have many virtual hosts but we've noticed that a potentially malicious user could use his web space to browse other user's files(via a simple php script) and even system files, this could happens due to the php permissions.
A way to avoid it is to set the open_basedir var in php.ini, yhis is very simple in a single host system, but in case of virtual hosts there would be a basebir per each host.
Ho can I set dis basedir per each user/host? is there a way to let apache hereditate php privileges of the php file that has been requested
/home/X_USER/index.php has as owner X_USER, when apache read the file index.php it checks its path and owner, simply I'm looking for a system set php basedir variable to that path.
Thank in advance

It is possible to set open_basedir on a per-directory basis using the php_admin_value Apache directive.
Example from the manual:
<Directory /docroot>
php_admin_value open_basedir /docroot
Re your comment: yes, external commands are not affected by open_basedir - when calling ls / this is done with the rights the user account PHP runs under (often named www or similar). As far as I know, it is not possible to extend open_basedir to external commands.
In that case, I don't think the kind of protection that you're looking for is possible in a normal Apache/PHP setup. The only thing that maybe comes close is running Apache in a chroot jail. I haven't done this myself so I can't say anything about it - you'd have to dig in and maybe ask a question specifically about that.

You can set many php.ini settings using the Apache configuration file.
See these related pages from the PHP manual:

chroot is a good idea. And now docker is more effective.
and open_basedir with "/docroot" is not security ,you should end with a "/" or PHP can access /docroot1


PHPmyadmin and Wordpress directories access denied

Running wordpress locally on a centOS 7 server running the latest apache, PHPmyadmin and mariadb-server.
IP/wordpress and IP/phpmyadmin on systems within the local network yields "403 forbidden" "you dont have permission to access (directory) on this server."
How can I fix this to allow the website to be seen on the public internet?
Could be a lot of things.
In your main Apache configuration file (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf on Arch Linux), confirm your DocumentRoot path. The files you want to serve must reside there, or in sub-directories from there (If not, you might want to use an Alias to specify another path). Since you call IP/wordpress and IP/phpmyadmin, then you probably have directories called wordpress and phpmyadmin under your DocumentRoot path.
You also want to check the Directory groups in your Apache configuration file. Under those, the main culprit would be the Require directive set to all denied or something else too much restrictive like ip your_ip.
Finally, PHP can restrict path access with the open_basedir directive. Look for it in your php configuration file (e.g. /etc/php/php.ini on Arch Linux). If the line is commented, you're fine. But if a path is specified, your wordpress and phpmyadmin files must reside there.
Depending on your setup, any directive mentioned above could be in another Apache configuration file (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/extra/* on Arch Linux).
Take a look at Apache and PHP online documentation for information about those directives.
Probably there is an issue with your directory privileges.
Use the follwing command to check it:
cd your_site_directory
ls -l
You can have a look to have a better understanding on directory privileges here.
As mentioned here apache runs under "apache" user.
Have a look at this post here to fix the issue.
All files should belong at least to apache group. To do it you can use
cd your_site_directory
chgrp -R apache ./*

Apache 2.4.x ip blacklist

I'm looking for an easy way to blacklist IP addresses in Apache 2.4.x. My web site logs ip addresses that tried illegal operations into a text file. I would like to use this text file within Apache to deny all access to all vhosts to this ip list. What would be the best way (easiest and least resource consuming way) ?
Found this but this is only for 2.2.. Not sure how this applies to 2.4..
edit: this is a windows x64 box running apache x64
#vastlysuperiorman called it right, csf/lfd is the best at this. Unfortunately, they only run on linux.
This free utility promises to provide the same functionality: dynamically monitor access attempts and auto-block IP addresses. You can unblock with a command, in case of false positives. Certainly worth a short.
An alternative could be to create a VM (if your platform supports virtualization) deploy a very small spec linux box, and use that as a proxy. This should be easy to implement. BTW, why not just use linux? .. :-)
(this should have been a comment on #vastlysuperiorman's post, but I don't have enough SO reps to comment on the post of others)
Edited to suggest a possible apache 2.4 based solution:
To translate ACL directives between the 2.2 and 2.4 in apache
2.2 Syntax
order Deny,Allow
include conf/IPList.conf
Allow from all
2.4 Syntax
DocumentRoot /some/local/dir
<Directory /some/local/dir/>
Require all granted
Include conf/IPList.conf
#this will also work
<Location />
Require all granted
Include conf/IPList.conf
# conf/ is actually in /etc/apache2/conf/IPList.conf
# (ie, paths are relative to where apache is installed.
# I guess you can also use the full path to the list.
And inside conf/IPList.conf, you will have individual lines with entries like the following
Require not ip
Require not ip
Require not ip
Using mod-rewrite and a list of IPs for banning
For a redirect-to-another-page to work, you need to keep the RewriteRule outside the base URL you are guarding.
For instance, the redirect would not work under a Directory directive on DocumentRoot or a Location directive on '/', because the ban affects the status page we want to display.
So, best to keep this outside a Directory or Location directive, or link to a status page on another unprotected web server.
#Required set of rewrite rules
RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap hosts-deny txt:/etc/apache/banned-hosts
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND [OR]
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_HOST}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND
RewriteRule ^ /why-am-i-banned.html
## inside our banned hosts file, we have:
## /etc/apache2/banned-hosts (maintain the format .. its not just a plain text file)
## - - - -
# inside our status page, could be html as below or a plain text file with '.txt' extension
<html xmlns="">
<title>Why is my IP banned?</title>
<h2>Why is my IP address banned?</h2>
To manage spammers and for other security needs, our server automatically blocks
suspicious IP address. If however you reckon your IP address has been blocked
wrongfully, please contact us.
And of course, you can parse your log files and populate conf/IPList.conf or /etc/apache2/banned-hosts as appropriate ..
As a short term solution
An alternative that will allow you to use the 2.2 syntax, is to install mod_access_compat module and continue using your deprecated 2.2 style 'Deny,Allow' directives. But this is only advisable as a short-term solution since that module is just there to aid transition, and would probably go away in future versions of apache 2.4
I too have not seen a good alternative for blocking access dynamically from within Apache itself. There are "hacky" ways: you could set an environment variable to contain a list of IPs and then use the module with ${REMOTE_ADDR} and the env function, but that's a stretch. Details on the Expression Parser
However, I have used several light weight modules that are helpful in protecting your Apache server.
ConfigServer Firewall (CSF/LFD) is a great solution for linux systems. It provides a simple method for managing iptables, and can be set up to do brute force detection and blocking. Info here
Add the following line to /etc/csf/csf.deny to include your custom IP block list:
Include /var/www/example.deny
Alternately, update your script to append IP addresses to csf.deny either directly:
echo $badIP >> /etc/csf/csf.deny
or using the CSF command line option (preferred):
csf -d
CSF readme here
mod_security is one of my favorite Apache/nginx modules. It detects dangerous GET and POST requests and blocks access accordingly. When set up properly, it will trigger CSF to block the IP addresses that frequently violate rules. Details here

Apache always get 403 permisson after changing DocumentRoot

I'm just a newbie for Apache. I just installed apache 2.2 on the FreeBSD box at my home office. The instruction on FreeBSD documentation is that I can change the DocumentRoot directive in order to use the customized directory data. Therefore, I replaced...
but something is not right. There's index.html file inside the directory, but it seems that apache could not read the directory/file.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
The permission of
I wonder what could be wrong here. Also, in my case, I am not going to host more than one website for this FreeBSD box, so I didn't look at using VirtualHost at all. Is this a good practice just to change the DirectoryRoot directive?
Somewhere in the apache config is a line like:
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "/usr/local/www/apache22/data">
You must change this path too, to make it work. This directive contains for example:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Which give initial user access to the directory.
one possibility that comes to mind is SELinux blocking web process from accessing that folder. If this is the case, you would see it in selinux log. You would have to check the context for your original web root with:
ls -Zl
and then apply it to your new web folder:
chcon whatevercontextyousaw public_html
Or, instead, if its not a production server that requires security (like a development machine behind a firewall), you might want to just turn selinux off.
Just one idea. Could be a number of other things.

Apache .htaccess - applying basic authentication conditionally based on environment or hostname

My dev setup: Mac OSX 10.7.4 / Apache 2.2.21 / PHP 5.3.10
I wish to add conditional logic to my .htaccess files depending on dev vs live environment. for example i want to have authentication on the live server but not on the dev server. i have in my httpd.conf
SetEnv DEV 1
I have confirmed that this var is set by checking the output from phpinfo(). then in my .htaccess file
<IfDefine !DEV>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "password protected"
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
...but I am still prompted for password on my local dev. it appears that the DEV variable is not available to .htaccess. I do have AllowOverride All set in my httpd.conf for my doc root. Any ideas?
I am fresh off of about 4 hours into this problem, and I believe I have the final answer and can summarize for everyone how to solve this particularly painfull problem.
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium with Apache 2.2x and Php 5.3 as my dev machine.
I too want to have a DEV environment variable, which I can use in my .htaccess files to turn off Rewriting and other directives which are not valid on my develpment environment but are critical to my production environment.
My .htaccess file looks like this;
<IfDefine !__DEV__>
AddType application/x-httpd-php53 .php
HostGator informed me that in order to have php 5.3 I needed to modify my htaccess file like this to enable it or I'd only have php 5.2. But I already have it on my dev machine so, this directive was causing my customer website to crash when I viewed it locally. Everything I'm about to explain has allowed me to keep ONE .htaccess file in my Git Repository, which works in both locations.
First, let me clear/sum up all the things I learned while scouring the internet for the way to use IfDefine and SetEnv to solve this issue;
The IfDefine directive in Apache, Only , ONLY and when I say only i mean ONLY, responds to parameters passed at the command line. Let me emphasize that a little. ONLY COMMAND LINE!
SetEnv and SetEnvIf, are two entirely different things. One (SetEnv) is for use in the conf files, setting environment variables (specific to apache) which are set at SERVER START TIME. SetEnfIf is used at REQUEST TIME and is only used to determine what to set based on REQUEST variables.
The IfDefine directive does not read variables set by SetEnv or SetEnvIf. Period. There's no argument, there's no question, there's no "but i thought..." NO. It doesn't, so get over it.
The short answer is NO, you can't just use "SetEnv DEV 1" in httpd.conf and then use IfDefine to detect it in your .htaccess file, which would seem intuitive and reasonable based on the syntax and nature of programming logic any of us are used to. Recall that we are not in fact programming anything, that these are config files and of course they don't conform to this expectation simply because it seems like they should.
The Answer
So this means that I have to figure out how to add a startup parameter to Apache, well for the Linux Guys, that answer is readily available, you just have to add the right stuff to the envvars file, but what about us poor windows junkies?
Well for windows users it gets more fun for the following reasons:
Windows does not allow you to permanently add startup parameters in the services configuration for Apache2.2 (it doesn't work, don't try it, I've done it a million times, trust me). This is true, if you go in there and try to put in your own parameters, it will only work one time and then the parameter field is empty the next time you open the dialog. I don't know why this is the case, but it seems that those parameters are intended for testing, not a permanent modification.
When Apache is installed it creates "Start", "Stop" and "Restart" shortcuts in the start menu, as well as installs the Apache Services Monitor. BUT the shortcuts in the start menu use different startup parameters than those used by apache services monitor. So if you start/stop apache using a combination of these methods you will get different results depending on what method you used. However, you can put the -D "__DEV__" in the start menu shortcut and it will work!
Steps to Solve It
To permanently and universally setup a __DEV__ environment variable which you can reference using IfDefine in .htaccess files, on a Windows Development environment which will work whether you start Apache using a service or the shortcuts in the start menu or using NET START/STOP on the command line, do the following:
Open the properties for the start menu shortcut and extract the command you find for starting Apache there. Mine was; "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe" -w -n "Apache2.2" -k start
Modify it to include the new -D __DEV__ variable, which MUST go at the start immediately following httpd.exe; "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe" -D "__DEV__" -w -n "Apache2.2" -k start
Your start menu shortcut will now start apache with your dev variable in place.
Go to a command line (as administrator)
Type: net stop apache2.2 (or whatever your service name is for apache)
Now type in (or copy-paste) the same command as is used in the start menu shortcut above into the command line but make the following change to it; "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe" -D "__DEV__" -w -n "Apache2.2" -k config
Note the change of the word start to config. What this magical command does is saves the settings you are seeing on the screen to the settings stored with the service in Windows. Hit Enter. From this point forward your variable will be passed whenever you start the service, the Apache Services Monitor starts the service, or windows starts the service.
Sorry for the novel everyone, I hope it helps some other weary soul out there to have all this info summarized and explained, I know it would have helped me! :D
Another option to my first answer is use the Allow directive.
Look at:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
AuthType Basic
AuthName "password protected"
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Allow from env=DEV
Satisfy Any
This will only check if DEV exists not the value, thats how apache works. Replace (or add) "Allow" with "Allow from" to have your localhost always be in dev mode.
This states that any of the conditions are acceptable, where the conditions are: password or from If you develop on your localhost you can use, or just replace that with any ip you develop with. This don't need to be wrapped in anything, just placed in your htaccess file. I use virtual hosts, so I would place it there.
Source (I changed it to look your your original code):
2 years on and I'm having similar issues. Specifically, we are auto-deploying to an AWS OpsWorks stack and have no control over the placement of a .htpasswd file (used to obscure work during development).
Our final working solution was along the lines of this (Apache 2.2.25):
# check the host against a regex, defining env=DEV if it matches
# this guy matches localhost, dev.project and 10.1.X.X
SetEnvIfNoCase Host "^(localhost|dev\.project|10\.1(\.\d+){2})$" DEV
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted"
# auth file location, in our case defined by an AWS OpsWorks auto-deployment
# this only gets loaded if the regex above doesn't match, which is handy
AuthUserFile /srv/www/project/current/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Satisfy any
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=DEV
This solution is flexible enough to allow multiple development environments access while auth checking any number of others. No need for ignoring or editing the htaccess before a git commit. An environment variable might seem overkill but it allows for a regular expression and could be used elsewhere as well.
Solution for Debian/Ubuntu:
In /etc/apache2/envars one has to change:
## If you would like to pass arguments to the web server, add them below
## to the APACHE_ARGUMENTS environment.
## If you would like to pass arguments to the web server, add them below
## to the APACHE_ARGUMENTS environment.
Now one can use
<IfDefine !__DEV__>
I do love answering questions, but a quick google search gave me your answer. Check out the apache documentation:
The IfDefine directive can only test a "parameter-name", and a "parameter-name" is a variable set by httpd on startup.
Also check out this site, and scroll down to the table:
What you are asking is still possible if you just start your dev webserver like this:
$ httpd -DDEV
This will define the variable DEV. Note that you don't need to set it to anything, being defined is basically setting it to 1/true. If it doesn't exist it's like being set to false/0/null/etc...
I've solved this problem using a different approach based on AccessFileName directive.
In my MAMP environment, I've added the following to <VirtualHost> configuration:
AccessFileName .htaccess_dev
Then, I've scanned the application directory for .htaccess files and created corresponding symlinks to the .htaccess_dev version so to have identical versions for all of them and have the application to work on my development environment.
Then, I've located the only .htaccess file containing the path to the .htpasswd file and removed the symlink and created instead a modified copy of it.
I've this in .htaccess file:
## production
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Admin"
AuthUserFile /srv/users/prod/apps/appname/public/sys-admin/.htpasswd
require valid-user
And this in .htaccess_dev
## development
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Admin"
AuthUserFile /Users/fregini/Work/MAMP/appname/sys-admin/.htpasswd
require valid-user

How can I redirect requests to specific files above the site root?

I'm starting up a new web-site, and I'm having difficulties enforcing my desired file/folder organization:
For argument's sake, let's say that my website will be hosted at:
I'd like (have set up) Apache's Virtual Host to map to the /fileserver/mywebsite_com/www folder.
The problem arises when I've decided that I'd like to put a few files (favicon.ico and robots.txt) into a folder that is ABOVE the /www that Apache is mounting the into
robots.txt+favicon.ico go into => /fileserver/files/mywebsite_com/stuff
So, when people go to, Apache would be serving them the file from /fileserver/mywebsite_com/stuff/robots.txt
I've tried to setup a redirection via mod_rewrite, but alas:
RewriteRule ^(robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)$ ../stuff/$1 [L]
did me no good, because basically I was telling apache to serve something that is above it's mounted root.
Is it somehow possible to achieve the desired functionality by setting up Apache's (2.2.9) Virtual Hosts differently, or defining a RewriteMap of some kind that would rewrite the URLs in question not into other URLs, but into system file paths instead?
If not, what would be the preffered course of action for the desired organization (if any)?
I know that I can access the before mentioned files via PHP and then stream them - say with readfile(..), but I'd like to have Apache do as much work as necessary - it's bound to be faster than doing I/O through PHP.
Thanks a lot, this has deprived me of hours of constructive work already. Not to mention poor Apache getting restarted every few minutes. Think of the poor Apache :)
It seems you are set to using a RewriteRule. However, I suggest you use an Alias:
Alias /robots.txt /fileserver/files/mywebsite_com/stuff/robots.txt
Additionally, you will have to tell Apache about the restrictions on that file. If you have more than one file treated this way, do it for the complete directory:
<Directory /fileserver/files/mywebsite_com/stuff>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Can you use symlinks?
ln -s /fileserver/files/mywebsite_com/stuff/robots.txt /fileserver/files/mywebsite_com/stuff/favicon.ico /fileserver/mywebsite_com/www/
(ln is like cp, but creates symlinks instead of copies with -s.)