How to transform vertical table into horizontal table? - sql

I have one table Person:
Id Name
1 Person1
2 Person2
3 Person3
And I have its child table Profile:
Id PersonId FieldName Value
1 1 Firstname Alex
2 1 Lastname Balmer
3 1 Email
4 1 Phone +1 2 30004000
And I want to get data from these two tables in one row like this:
Id Name Firstname Lastname Email Phone
1 Person1 Alex Balmer +1 2 30004000
What is the most optimized query to get these vertical (key, value) values in one row like this? Now I have a problem that I done four joins of child table to parent table because I need to get these four fields. Some optimization is for sure possible.
I would like to be able to modify this query in easy way when I add new field (key,value). What is the best way to do this? To create some stored procedure?
I would like to have strongly types in my DB layer (C#) and using LINQ (when programming) so it means when I add some new Key, Value pair in Profile table I would like to do minimal modifications in DB and C# if possible. Actually I am trying to get some best practices in this case.

, P.Name
, Case When C.FieldName = 'FirstName' Then C.Value Else NULL END AS FirstName
, Case When C.FieldName = 'LastName' Then C.Value Else NULL END AS LastName
, Case When C.FieldName = 'Email' Then C.Value Else NULL END AS Email
, Case When C.FieldName = 'Phone' Then C.Value Else NULL END AS Phone
From Person AS P
Inner JOIN Child AS C
ON P.ID = C.PersonID
You could use PIVOT; not sure which one would be the easiest for you to add a new column.

best optimized way with strongly typed fields, is to do it this way:
(PersonID int identity(1,1) primary key
,Firstname varchar(...)
,Lastname varchar(...)
,Email varchar(...)
,Phone varchar(...)
then the most optimized query would be:
FROM Persons
Add all main columns into the persons table. if you need to specialize create additional tables:
--one person can play many instruments with this table
CREATE TABLE PersonMusicians
(PersonID int --pk fk to Persons.PersonID
,InstrumentCode char(1) --pk
--only one row per person with this table
CREATE TABLE PersonTeachers
(PersonID int --pk fk to Persons.PersonID
,FavoriteSubjectCode char(1)
,SchoolName varchar(...)
if you have to have unlimited dynamic attribute fields, then I would create the above structure as fully as possible (as many common fields as possible) and then have an "AdditionalInfo" table where you store all the info like:
FieldID int identity(1,1) primary key
FieldName varchar(...)
AdditionalInfoID int identity(1,1) primary key
PersonID int fk to Persons.PersonID
FieldID int fk to AdditionalInfoFields.FieldID
FieldValue varchar(..) or you can look into sql_variant
have an index on AdditionalInfo.PersonID+FieldID and if you will search for all people that have attribute X, then also another like AdditionalInfo.FieldID+PersonID
short of any of the above, you will need to use the four left outer joins like you have mentioned in your option #1:
P.ID, p.Name
, p1.Value AS Firstname
, p2.value AS Lastname
, p3.Value AS Email
, p4.Value AS Phone
FROM Persons p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Profile p1 ON p.PersonID=p1.PersonID AND p1.FieldName='Firstname'
LEFT OUTER JOIN Profile p1 ON p.PersonID=p1.PersonID AND p1.FieldName='Lastname'
LEFT OUTER JOIN Profile p1 ON p.PersonID=p1.PersonID AND p1.FieldName='Email'
LEFT OUTER JOIN Profile p1 ON p.PersonID=p1.PersonID AND p1.FieldName='Phone'
WHERE ....
you could always make a materialized view with an index out of this 4 left join query and have the data precalculated for you which should speed it up.


Is there a way to select this name from more than one table?

I need to select the item name and the vendor name for each item that belongs to the vendor with a rating bigger than 4. And I can't find a way, I know it's something with joins but the 2 of them have the same column name.
CREATE TABLE venedors(
name varchar2(20),
rating int)
name varchar2(20),
venedorId int references venedors(id))
If i understanded your problem.
Select as itemName, as vendorName
from items
inner join venedors
on items.venedorId =
where venedors.rating > 4
If you want get all the vendors irrespective whether there are items associated with vendors or not, then try with left join as shown below:
Select as vendorName, as itemName
from venedors v
left join items i
on i.venedorId =
where v.rating > 4

How do I prevent duplicate table names when using cross join?

I have the following tables in a SQL database:
ID_operator int primary key auto_incr
firstname varchar(30)
lastname varchar(30)
email varchar(100)
ID_operator int primary key auto_incr
firstname varchar(30)
lastname varchar(30)
course varchar(10)
I have another table, which represents an order, in which I join both fields when querying another field:
*, // table t_orders
t_operator.firstname AS operator_firstname,
t_operator.lastname AS operator_lastname
t_customers, t_operator
id_orders IS 1;
I have tried to alleviate this by using the AS keyword and the new fields do get added, but I still have 2 fields named "firstname" and "lastname" in my query, preventing me from working with it correctly. Is there any solution besides renaming the tables?
Are you trying to do something like this?
SELECT o.*, // table t_orders
c.firstname, c.lastname,
op.firstname AS operator_firstname,
op.lastname AS operator_lastname
FROM t_orders o JOIN
t_customers c
ON o.id_customer = c.id_customer JOIN
t_operator op
ON c.id_operator = c.id_operator
WHERE id_orders = 1;

How to work in case in join condition

How to find city when ContactID is provided and condition is if ContactID is coming as 123 then it will look whether it is P or C, If P then it will go to Person table and returns City(USA) as output and If C then it will go to Company table and gives City(AUS) as output.
NB: all tables contain thousands of record and City value comes from run time.
Unless you're dynamically generating the query (i.e. using some language other than SQL to execute it) then you need to join on both tables anyway. If you're joining on both tables then there's no need for a CASE statement:
select *
from contacts co
left outer join person p
on co.contactid = p.contactid
and co.person_company = 'P'
left outer join company c
on co.contactid = c.contactid
and co.person_company = 'C'
You'll start noting an issue here, for every column from PERSON and COMPANY you're going to have to add some business logic to work out which table you want the information from. This can get very tiresome
select co.contactid
, case when is not null then else end as name
from contacts co
left outer join person p
on co.contactid = p.contactid
and co.person_company = 'P'
left outer join company c
on co.contactid = c.contactid
and co.person_company = 'C'
Your PERSON and COMPANY tables seem to have exactly the same information in them. If this is true in your actual data model then there's no need to split them up. You make the determination as to whether each entity is a person or a company in your CONTACTS table.
Creating additional tables to store data in this manner is only really helpful if you need to store additional data. Even then, I'd still put the data that means the same thing for a person or a companny (i.e. name or address) in a single table.
If there's a 1-2-1 relationship between CONTACTID and PID and CONTACTID and CID, which is what your sample data implies, then you have a number of additional IDs, which have no value.
Lastly, if you're not restricting that only companies can go in the COMPANY table and individuals in the PERSON table. You need the PERSON_COMPANY column to exist in both PERSON and COMPANY, though as a fixed string. It would be more normal to set up this data model as something like the following:
create table contacts (
id integer not null
, contact_type char(1) not null
, name varchar2(4000) not null
, city varchar2(3)
, constraint pk_contacts primary key (id)
, constraints uk_contacts unique (id, contact_type)
create table people (
id integer not null
, contact_type char(1) not null
, some_extra_info varchar2(4000)
, constraint pk_people primary key (id)
, constraint fk_people_contacts
foreign key (id, contact_type)
references contacts (id, contact_type)
, constraint chk_people_type check (contact_type = 'P')
you can LEFT JOIN all 3 tables and the using a CASE statement select the one that you need based on the P or C value
CASE c.[Person/Company]
WHEN 'C' THEN a.Name
FROM Contact c
LEFT JOIN Person p on p.ContactId = c.ContactId
LEFT JOIN Company a on a.ContachId = c.ContactId
Ben's answer is almost right. You might want to check that the first join has no match before doing the second one:
select c.*, coalesce(, as
from contacts c left outer join
person p
on c.contactid = p.contactid and
c.person_company = 'P' left join
company co
on c.contactid = co.contactid and
c.person_company = 'C' and
p.contactid is null;
This may not be important in your case. But in the event that the second join matches multiple rows and the first matches a single row, you might not want the additional rows in the output.

SQL value of a row as column name

I would like to consider possibilities of making the following thing:
create table customers
ID int identity,
name varchar(50)
create table additional
ID int identity,
customer_id int references customers(ID),
input_name varchar(50),
input_value varchar(50)
It should be able to define name and value of additional input for a particular customer and display it in a column. Example:
insert into customers (name) values ("aaa");
insert into additional (customer_id,input_name,input_value) values (1,"last name","bbb");
Now the result that I need is:
customerID | first name | last name
1 | aaa | bbb
so that additional field is displayed as column name.
This is easy if you are happy with a static query:
SELECT c.customerID, a2.input_value AS first_name, a1.input_value AS last_name
FROM customers c
LEFT JOIN additional a1 ON a1.ID = c.ID and a1.input_name = 'last name'
LEFT JOIN additional a2 ON a2.ID = c.ID and a2.input_name = 'first name'
If you are not happy with a static query, this means that the number and the names of the columns will change with the data. So in this case, you will have to dynamically construct your query.

SELECT value from a second level foreign key table

Greetings fellow Earthlings,
I have a problem. Let me start by laying out my table structure:
id varchar(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
adress varchar(50) NOT NULL references Adress(id)
id varchar(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
addressName varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
aState varchar(50),
linkToCountry varchar(50) references Country(id)
id varchar(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
countryName varchar(50)
What I want to achieve is: select a person 'name' along with their 'addressName' and the 'countryName' they're from.
I know that this is a joining related issue but I can't seem to figure this one out.
So any help from people who are well versed on SQL?
Would appreciate it very very much any one has links to advance sql joining so I can familiarize myself with it.
You can get the result using simple join as below. This will retrun the person name with address name, and country name. However it returns only those person names which has an address record in the address table and country record in the country table. If you want to retrieve all the persons irrespective of whether address/country exists or not, you need to use left join.
SELECT Person.Name, Address.addressname,Country.countryName
FROM Person
JOIN Address on Person.address = Address.Id
JOIN Country ON Address.linkToCountry =
Try this:
SELECT, a.addressName, c.countryName
FROM Person p
INNER JOIN Adress a ON p.adress =
LEFT OUTER JOIN Country c ON a.linkToCountry =