Should I include user_id in multiple tables? - sql

I'm at the planning stages of a multi-user application where each user will only have access their own data. There'll be a few tables that relate to each other, so I could use JOINs to ensure they're accessing only their data, but should I include user_id in each table? Would this be faster? It would certainly make some of the queries easier in the long run.
Specifically, the question is about multiple tables containing the user_id field.
For example, each user can configure categories, items (in those categories), and sub-items against those items. There's a logical path from user, to sub-items through the other tables, but it would require 3 JOINs. Should I just include user_id in all the tables?

This is a design decision in multi-tenant databases. With "root" tables, obviously you have to have the user_id. But in the non-"root" tables, you do have a choice when you are using surrogate PKs.
Say you have users with projects and projects with actions. Projects obviously has to have a user_id, but if actions are tied to one and only one project, then the user_id is redundant, and also violates normal form, since if it was to move to another user's project (probably not likely in your use cases), both the project FK and the user FK would have to be updated. Typically in multi-tenant scenarios, this isn't really a possible scenario, and so the primary key of every table is really a combination of tenant and a unique primary key "within" the tenant (which may also happen to be globally unique).
If you use natural keys extensively in your design, then clearly tenant+natural key is necessary so that each tenant's natural keys can be used. It's only when using surrogates like IDENTITY or GUIDs or sequences, that this becomes an issue, since it is tempting to make the IDENTITY the PK, after all, it is unique by definition.
Having the user_id in all tables does allow you to do certain things in views to enhance security (defense in depth), giving you a little bit of defensive programming (in SQL Server you can restrict all access through inline table valued function - essentially parametrized views - which require the app to specify user_id on every "table" access), and also allows you to easily scale out to multiple databases by forklifting everything on shared keys.
See this article for some interesting insights.
(In a massively multi-parallel paradigm like Teradata, the PRIMARY INDEX determines the amp on which the data lives, so I would think that this is a must to stop redistribution of rows to the other amps.)
In general, I would say you have a tenantid in each table, it should be the first column in the table, in most indexes and should be part of the primary key in most cases, unless otherwise justified. Where possible, it should be a required parameter in most stored procedures.

Generally, you use foreign keys to relate data between tables. In many cases, this foreign key is the user id. For example:
So yes, that'd make perfect sense.

If a category can only belong to one user then yes, you need to include the user_id in the category table. If a category can belong to multiple people then you would have a separate table that maps category IDs to user IDs. You can still do this if you have a one to one mapping between the two, but there is no real reason for it.
You don't need to include the user_id in further tables if you can guarantee that those child tables will always be accessed via joining to the category table. If there is a chance that you will access them independantly of the category table then you should also have the user_id on those tables.

The extent to which to normalize can be a difficult decision. One of the best StackOverflow answers on this topic (Database Development Mistakes Made by App Developers) warns against both (1) failing to normalize, and (2) over-normalizing.
You mention that it might be easier "in the long run" to repeat the same data in multiple tables (that is, not to normalize that data). Look at the "Not simplifying complex queries through views" topic in the previous link. If you use views effectively, you will only have to do the 3 join query once when writing the view and then you can use a query with no joins for most purposes.
Most developers tend to under-normalize because it seems simpler. Go ahead and normalize. Use views to simplify your daily queries. When your requiremens get more complex or you decide to add features, you will be glad that you put time into a relational database design.
Alternatively, depending on your toolset, you may want to use a database abstraction layer that does the relational design under the covers while you manipulate higher level data object.

if it is Oracle, then you would probably set up a fine grained security rule to do the joins and prevent certain activities based on the existence of the original user id... (SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE etc)
You would need a map between the logged in user and the user_id. You could use uid, but then remember this umber may change if the database is reconstructed after some disaster...


SQL one to one relationship vs. single table

Consider a data structure such as the below where the user has a small number of fixed settings.
Is it considered correct to move the user's settings into a separate table, thereby creating a one-to-one relationship with the users table? Does this offer any real advantage over storing it in the same row as the user (the obvious disadvantage being performance).
You would normally split tables into two or more 1:1 related tables when the table gets very wide (i.e. has many columns). It is hard for programmers to have to deal with tables with too many columns. For big companies such tables can easily have more than 100 columns.
So imagine a product table. There is a selling price and maybe another price which was used for calculation and estimation only. Wouldn't it be good to have two tables, one for the real values and one for the planning phase? So a programmer would never confuse the two prices. Or take logistic settings for the product. You want to insert into the products table, but with all these logistic attributes in it, do you need to set some of these? If it were two tables, you would insert into the product table, and another programmer responsible for logistics data would care about the logistic table. No more confusion.
Another thing with many-column tables is that a full table scan is of course slower for a table with 150 columns than for a table with just half of this or less.
A last point is access rights. With separate tables you can grant different rights on the product's main table and the product's logistic table.
So all in all, it is rather rare to see 1:1 relations, but they can give a clearer view on data and even help with performance issues and data access.
EDIT: I'm taking Mike Sherrill's advice and (hopefully) clarify the thing about normalization.
Normalization is mainly about avoiding redundancy and relateded lack of consistence. The decision whether to hold data in only one table or more 1:1 related tables has nothing to do with this. You can decide to split a user table in one table for personal information like first and last name and another for his school, graduation and job. Both tables would stay in the normal form as the original table, because there is no data more or less redundant than before. The only column used twice would be the user id, but this is not redundant, because it is needed in both tables to identify a record.
So asking "Is it considered correct to normalize the settings into a separate table?" is not a valid question, because you don't normalize anything by putting data into a 1:1 related separate table.
Creating a new table with 1-1 relationships is not a reasonable solution. You might need to do it sometimes, but there would typically be no reason to have two tables where the user id is the primary key.
On the other hand, splitting the settings into a separate table with one row per user/setting combination might be a very good idea. This would be a three-table solution. One for users, one for all possible settings, and one for the junction table between them.
The junction table can be quite useful. For instance, it might contain the effective and end dates of the setting.
However, this assumes that the settings are "similar" to each other, in a SQL sense. If the settings are different such as:
Preferred location as latitude/longitude
Preferred time of day to receive an email
Flag to be excluded from certain contacts
Then you have a data-type problem when storing them in a table. So, the answer is "it depends". A lot of the answer depends on what the settings look like, how they will be used, and the type of constraints on them.
You're all wrong :) Just kidding.
On a very high load, high volume, heavily updated system splitting a table by 1:1 helps optimize I/O.
For example, this way you can place heavily read columns onto separate physical hard-drives to speed-up parallel reads (the 1-1 tables have to be in different "filegroups" for this). Or you can optimize table-level locks. Etc. Etc.
But this type of optimization usually does not happen until you have millions of rows and huge read/write concurrency
Splitting tables into distinct tables with 1:1 relationships between them is usually not practiced, because :
If the relationship is really 1:1, then integrity enforcement boils down to "inserts being done in all concerned tables, or none at all". Achieving this on the server side requires systems that support deferred constraint checking, and AFAIK that's a feature of the rather high-end systems. So in many cases the 1:1 enforcement is pushed over to the application side, and that approach has its own obvious downsides.
A case when splitting tables is nonetheless advisable, is when there are security perspectives, i.e. when not all columns can be updated by one user. But note that by definition, in such cases the relationship between the tables can never be strictly 1:1 .
(I also suggest you read carefully the discussion between Thorsten/Mike. You used the word 'normalization' but normalization has very little to do with your scenario - except if you were considering 6NF, which I think is rather unlikely.)
It makes more sense that your settings are not only in a separate table, but also use a on-to-many relationship between the ID and Settings. This way, you could potentially have a as many (or as few) setting as required.
In fact, one could make the same argument for the [Email] field.

db design critic /suggestions

I am redesigning a pharmacy db system and need inputs to see if the new design is optimal or requires tweaking.
Here's a snapshot of the old system..
As can be seen, the pharmacies table stores pharmacy information, along with its address and contact information. Pharmacies are grouped together for invoicing purposes(pharmacygroup) or for sales, advertsing other purposes (banner group). The invoice group may have a different physical address, different contact information.
Here's my new design. I have split the address from both the pharmacy and pharmacygroup table into a table of its own and made a new table for contacts. Their could be technical contacts, account contacts, owner contacts etc, hence the contacttypes table. The pharmacy and the pharmacygroup can have separate contact info, I thought of making a single contact table and have a 'linktype' and 'linkid' column to indicate if its a pharmacy contact or pharmacy group contact, but I am not sure if this is a right approach. Is this a good design or will it be costly in terms of data retrieval because of the number of joins?? Another thing I noted that , is in the old design , they didn't create any foreign key constraints, although the pharmacy table had groupid and bannergroupid references for pharmacygroup and bannergroup, possibly to save time for data retrieval. Is this a good approach?
Your design looks good to me. I always prefer to have a couple of extra joins on the design step over spending time reorganizing data after system went into production. You never know in advance what kind of reports will be requested by management/sales/financial people, and proper relational design will give you more freedom.
Also, you cannot blame only a couple of extra JOINs for your performance issues. You should always look at:
data volumes (and physical data layout),
transaction amount and density,
I/O, CPU, memory usage,
your RDBMS configuration,
SQL queries quality.
In my view, JOINs will be on the bottom of this list.
As to the RI constraints (Referential Integrity), I've seen a couple of projects that had been running without any Primary/Foreign keys for increased performance. The main excuse was: we have all checks embedded into the Application and Application is the only source of any changes in the system. On the other hand, they agreed, that it is not known, whether systems were in a consistent state (in fact, analysis showed they were not).
I always stick to creating all possible keys/constraints on the design state, as there always will be some “cowboys” around, who will dig into your database and “adjust” data they seem fits better. Still, you might want to temporarily disable or even drop some constraints/indexes for the bulk data manipulations, which is also an official recommendation.
If uncertain, create 2 test databases, one with and another without constraints. Load some data and compare query performance. I think it will be similar.
And here my comments on your sketches, decisions are all yours.
You might want to create a common contacts table the same way you did for addresses, i.e. add contact_id, owner_contact_id, etc. columns to the target relations instead of referencing relations from contacts table;
As you have only one column in contacttype table (and in case you'll have a common contacts), it's better to move the only field away and avoid this table;
You seem to have mixture of singular/plural names for your tables, better to stick to a common pattern here. I personally prefer singular;
In pharmacygroup your PK is named id, while all the rest PKs follow tableid pattern, it will be easier to write scripts later if you'll use a common pattern here;
In addresses table you have fields with underscores, like street_name, while elsewhere you avoid _ — consider making it common;
References are named differently. Although it is not so highly important, I do have a couple of systems where I have to rely on the constraints' names, so it's better to use some pattern here. I use the following one:
prefix p_, f_, c_, t_, u_ or i_ for primary, foreign keys, check constraints, triggers, unique and other indexes;
name of the table;
name of the column constraint/index/trigger refers to.
Why I prefer naming tables in singular form? Because I always name PK using table_id pattern, and IMHO pharmacy_id looks better then pharmacies_id. I use this approach as I have a bunch of general-purpose scripts which relies on this pattern when performing data consistency checks prior to loading it into the main tables.
More on contacts.
You can use contact_id in all your tables, making it a primary contact, whatever this might mean in your application. Should you need more contacts to be there for some relations, then you can go with different prefixes, like owner_contact_id, sales_contact_id, etc.
In case you expect a huge number of contacts to be there for some relations, like pharmacygroup, then you will can add an extra table like this:
CREATE TABLE pharmacygroupcontact (
contactid int4,
groupid int4,
contact_desc text
It partially copies your initial groupcontacts, but consists of two FKs and a description.
Which approach is better I cannot tell as I'm not aware how Application is designed.
You have 2 contact tables, I would create one, then use linking tables to link groupcontacts and pharmacycontacts. I would definitely want to have the FK and PK relationships setup to.

Is it better to have more or less tables in sql?

I have a large database, one of the tables is called Users.
There are two kinds of users in the database - basic users, and advanced users. In the users table, there are 29 columns. However, only 12 of these are applicable to the basic users - the other 17 columns are only used for advanced users, and for basic users they all just contain a value of null.
Is this an OK setup? Would it be more efficient to, say, split the two kinds of users into two different tables, or put all the extra fields that advanced users have in a separate table?
It's better to have the right amount of tables - this may be more or less, depending on your needs.
To your specific case, you should always start with third normal form and only revert to lesser forms when absolutely necessary (such as for performance) and only when you understand the consequences.
An attribute (column) belongs in a table if it is dependent on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key (so help me, Codd).
It's arguable whether your other 17 columns depend on the key in your user table but I would be separating them anyway just for the space saving.
Have your basic user table with the twelve columns (including a unique key of some sort) and your advanced user table with the other columns, and also that key so you can tie the rows from each together.
You could go even further and have a one to many relationship if your use case is that users can have any of the 17 attributes independent of each other but that doesn't seem to be what you've described.
It depends:
If the number of columns is large, then it will be more efficient to create two tables as you describe as you will not be reserving space for 17 columns which end up holding null.
You can always tack a view on the front which combines both tables, so your application code could be unaffected.
Yes its better to split up this table but not in two Its better to split in three table
User Table-
Contain common property of both user and Adavace user
Basic user -
Contains basic user property and have use primary key of user table and foreign key
USerID(FK) - from user table
Advance user-
Contains Advance user property and have use primary key of user table and foreign key
USerID(FK) - from user table
In this case, it's valid and more efficient to use 'single table per class hierarchy' in terms of speed to retrieve data but if you insert a BasicUser, it will reserve 17 columns per tuple just for nothing. This case is is so frequent that it is provided by ORMs such as Hibernate. Using this approach you avoid a join between tables which may be expensive depending the case.
The bad thing is that in case your design needs to scale in terms of types of users, you will need to add additional columns which many of them will be empty.
Usually it won't matter much, but if you got many many users and only a few of them are advanced user, it might be better to split. To my knowledge there are not exact rules of when to split and when not.

How important are lookup tables?

A lot of the applications I write make use of lookup tables, since that was just the way I was taught (normalization and such). The problem is that the queries I make are often more complicated because of this. They often look like this
get all posts that are still open
"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE status_id = (SELECT id FROM statuses WHERE name = 'open')"
Often times, the lookup tables themselves are very short. For instance, there may only be 3 or so different statuses. In this case, would it be okay to search for a certain type by using a constant or so in the application? Something like
get all posts that are still open
"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE status_id = ".Status::OPEN
Or, what if instead of using a foreign id, I set it as an enum and queried off of that?
The answer depends a little if you are limited to freeware such as PostGreSQL (not fully SQL compliant), or if you are thinking about SQL (ie. SQL compliant) and large databases.
In SQL compliant, Open Architecture databases, where there are many apps using one database, and many users using different report tools (not just the apps) to access the data, standards, normalisation, and open architecture requirements are important.
Despite the people who attempt to change the definition of "normalisation", etc. to suit their ever-changing purpose, Normalisation (the science) has not changed.
if you have data values such as {Open; Closed; etc} repeated in data tables, that is data duplication, a simple Normalisation error: if you those values change, you may have to update millions of rows, which is very limited design.
Such values should be Normalised into a Reference or Lookup table, with a short CHAR(2) PK:
O Open
C Closed
U [NotKnown]
The data values {Open;Closed;etc} are no longer duplicated in the millions of rows. It also saves space.
the second point is ease of change, if Closed were changed to Expired, again, one row needs to be changed, and that is reflected in the entire database; whereas in the un-normalised files, millions of rows need to be changed.
Adding new data values, eg. (H,HalfOpen) is then simply a matter of inserting one row.
in Open Architecture terms, the Lookup table is an ordinary table. It exists in the [SQL compliant] catalogue; as long as the FOREIGN KEY relation has been defined, the report tool can find that as well.
ENUM is a Non-SQL, do not use it. In SQL the "enum" is a Lookup table.
The next point relates to the meaningfulness of the key.
If the Key is meaningless to the user, fine, use an {INT;BIGINT;GUID;etc} or whatever is suitable; do not number them incrementally; allow "gaps".
But if the Key is meaningful to the user, do not use a meaningless number, use a meaningful Relational Key.
Now some people will get in to tangents regarding the permanence of PKs. That is a separate point. Yes, of course, always use a stable value for a PK (not "immutable", because no such thing exists, and a system-generated key does not provide row uniqueness).
{M,F} are unlikely to change
if you have used {0,1,2,4,6}, well don't change it, why would you want to. Those values were supposed to be meaningless, remember, only a meaningful Key need to be changed.
if you do use meaningful keys, use short alphabetic codes, that developers can readily understand (and infer the long description from). You will appreciate this only when you code SELECT and realise you do not have to JOIN every Lookup table. Power users too, appreciate it.
Since PKs are stable, particularly in Lookup tables, you can safely code:
WHERE status_code = 'O' -- Open
You do not have to JOIN the Lookup table and obtain the data value Open, as a developer, you are supposed to know what the Lookup PKs mean.
Last, if the database were large, and supported BI or DSS or OLAP functions in addition to OLTP (as properly Normalised databases can), then the Lookup table is actually a Dimension or Vector, in Dimension-Fact analyses. If it was not there, then it would have to be added in, to satisfy the requirements of that software, before such analyses can be mounted.
If you do that to your database from the outset, you will not have to upgrade it (and the code) later.
Your Example
SQL is a low-level language, thus it is cumbersome, especially when it comes to JOINs. That is what we have, so we need to just accept the encumbrance and deal with it. Your example code is fine. But simpler forms can do the same thing.
A report tool would generate:
FROM posts p,
status s
WHERE p.status_id = s.status_id
AND p.status_id = 'O'
Another Exaple
For banking systems, where we use short codes which are meaningful (since they are meaningful, we do not change them with the seasons, we just add to them), given a Lookup table such as (carefully chosen, similar to ISO Country Codes):
Eq Equity
EqCS Equity/Common Share
OTC OverTheCounter
OF OTC/Future
Code such as this is common:
WHERE InstrumentTypeCode LIKE "Eq%"
And the users of the GUI would choose the value from a drop-down that displays
{Equity/Common Share;Over The Counter},
not {Eq;OTC;OF}, not {M;F;U}.
Without a lookup table, you can't do that, either in the apps, or in the report tool.
For look-up tables I use a sensible primary key -- usually just a CHAR(1) that makes sense in the domain with an additional Title (VARCHAR) field. This can maintain relationship enforcement while "keeping the SQL simple". The key to remember here is the look-up table does not "contain data". It contains identities. Some other identities might be time-zone names or assigned IOC country codes.
For instance gender:
ID Label
M Male
F Female
N Neutral
select * from people where gender = 'M'
Alternatively, an ORM could be used and manual SQL generation might never have to be done -- in this case the standard "int" surrogate key approach is fine because something else deals with it :-)
Happy coding.
Create a function for each lookup.
There is no easy way. You want performance and query simplicity. Ensure the following is maintained. You could create a SP_TestAppEnums to compare existing lookup values against the function and look for out of sync/zero returned.
CREATE FUNCTION [Enum_Post](#postname varchar(10))
DECLARE #postId int
SET #postId =
CASE #postname
WHEN 'Open' THEN 1
WHEN 'Closed' THEN 2
RETURN #postId
/* Calling the function */
SELECT dbo.Enum_Post('Open')
SELECT dbo.Enum_Post('Closed')
Question is: do you need to include the lookup tables (domain tables 'round my neck of the woods) in your queries? Presumably, these sorts of tables are usually
pretty static in nature — the domain might get extended, but it probably won't get shortened.
their primary key values are pretty unlikely to change as well (e.g., the status_id for a status of 'open' is unlikely to suddenly get changed to something other than what it was created as).
If the above assumptions are correct, there's no real need to add all those extra tables to your joins just so your where clause can use a friend name instead of an id value. Just filter on status_id directly where you need to. I'd suspect the non-key attribute in the where clause ('name' in your example above) is more likely to get changes than the key attribute ('name' in your example above): you're more protected by referencing the desire key value(s) of the domain table in your join.
Domain tables serve
to limit the domain of the variable via a foreign key relationship,
to allow the domain to be expanded by adding data to the domain table,
to populate UI controls and the like with user-friendly information,
Naturally, you'd need to suck domain tables into your queries where you you actually required the non-key attributes from the domain table (e.g., descriptive name of the value).
YMMV: a lot depends on context and the nature of the problem space.
The answer is "whatever makes sense".
lookup tables involve joins or subqueries which are not always efficient. I make use of enums a lot to do this job. its efficient and fast
Where possible (and It is not always . . .), I use this rule of thumb: If I need to hard-code a value into my application (vs. let it remain a record in the database), and also store that vlue in my database, then something is amiss with my design. It's not ALWAYS true, but basically, whatever the value in question is, it either represents a piece of DATA, or a peice of PROGRAM LOGIC. It is a rare case that it is both.
NOT that you won't find yourself discovering which one it is halfway into the project. But as the others said above, there can be trade-offs either way. Just as we don't always acheive "perfect" normalization in a database design (for reason of performance, or simply because you CAN take thngs too far in pursuit of acedemic perfection . . .), we may make some concious choices about where we locate our "look-up" values.
Personally, though, I try to stand on my rule above. It is either DATA, or PROGRAM LOGIC, and rarely both. If it ends up as (or IN) a record in the databse, I try to keep it out of the Application code (except, of course, to retrieve it from the database . . .). If it is hardcoded in my application, I try to keep it out of my database.
In cases where I can't observe this rule, I DOCUMENT THE CODE with my reasoning, so three years later, some poor soul will be able to ficure out how it broke, if that happens.
The commenters have convinced me of the error of my ways. This answer and the discussion that went along with it, however, remain here for reference.
I think a constant is appropriate here, and a database table is not. As you design your application, you expect that table of statuses to never, ever change, since your application has hard-coded into it what those statuses mean, anyway. The point of a database is that the data within it will change. There are cases where the lines are fuzzy (e.g. "this data might change every few months or so…"), but this is not one of the fuzzy cases.
Statuses are a part of your application's logic; use constants to define them within the application. It's not only more strictly organized that way, but it will also allow your database interactions to be significantly speedier.

ID fields in SQL tables: rule or law?

Just a quick database design question: Do you ALWAYS use an ID field in EVERY table, or just most of them? Clearly most of your tables will benefit, but are there ever tables that you might not want to use an ID field?
For example, I want to add the ability to add tags to objects in another table (foo). So I've got a table FooTag with a varchar field to hold the tag, and a fooID field to refer to the row in foo. Do I really need to create a clustered index around an essentially arbitrary ID field? Wouldn't it be more efficient to use fooID and my text field as the clustered index, since I will almost always be searching by fooID anyway? Plus using my text in the clustered index would keep the data sorted, making sorting easier when I have to query my data. The downside is that inserts would take longer, but wouldn't that be offset by the gains during selection, which would happen far more often?
What are your thoughts on ID fields? Bendable rule, or unbreakable law?
edit: I am aware that the example provided is not normalized. If tagging is to be a major part of the project, with multiple tables being tagged, and other 'extras', a two-table solution would be a clear answer. However in this simplest case, would normalization be worthwhile? It would save some space, but require an extra join when running queries
As in much of programming: rule, not law.
Proof by exception: Some two-column tables exist only to form relationships between other more meaningful tables.
If you are making tables that bridge between two or more other tables and the only fields you need are the dual PK/FK's, then I don't know why you would need ID column in there as well.
ID columns generally can be very helpful, but that doesn't mean you should go peppering them in at every occasion.
As others have said, it's a general, rather than absolute, rule and there are plenty of exceptions (tables with composite keys for example).
There are some occasional but useful occasions where you might want to create an artificial ID in a table that already has a (usually composite) unique identifier. For example, in one system I've created a table to store part numbers; although the part numbers are unique, they may actually change - we add an arbitrary integer PartID. Not so common, but it's a typical real-world example.
In general what you really want is to be able if at all possible to have some kind of way to uniquely identify a record. It could be an id field or it could be a unique index (which does not have to be on just one field). Anytime I thought I could get away without creating a way to uniquely identify a record, I have been proven wrong. All tables do not have a natural key though and if they do not, you really need to have an id file of some kind. If you have a natural key, you could use that instead, but I find that even then I need an id field in most cases to prevent having to do too much updating when the natural key changes (it always seems to change). Plus having worked with literally hundreds of databases concerning many many differnt topics, I can tell you that a true natural key is rare. As others have nmentioned there is no need for an id field in a table that is simply there to join two tables that havea many to many relationship, but even this should have a unique index.
If you need to retrieve records from that table with unique id then yes. If you will retrieve them by some other composite key made up of foreign keys then no. The last thing you need is fields, data, and indexes that you do not use.
A clustered index does not need to be on primary key or a surrogate (identity column) either.
Your design, however, is not normalized. Typically for tagging, I use two tables, a table of tags (with a surrogate key) and a table of links from the tags to the subject table(s) using the surrogate key in the tag table and theprimary key in the subject table. This allows your tags to apply to different entities (photos, articles, employees, locations, products, whatever). It allows you to enforce foreign key relationships to multiple tables, and also allows you to invent tag hierarchies and other things about the tag table.
As far as the indexes on this design, it will be dictated by the usage patterns.
In general developers love having an ID field on all tables except for 'linking' tables because it makes development much easier, and I am no exception to this. DBA's on the other hand see no problem with making natural primary keys made up of 3 or 4 columns. It can be a butting of heads to try and get a good database design.