Gradle: Make a 3rd party jar available to local gradle repository - maven-2

currently, I'm testing Gradle as an alternative to Maven. In my projects, there are some 3rd party jars, which aren't available in any (Maven) repositories. My problem is now, how could I manage it to install these jars into my local .gradle repository. (If it's possible, I don't want to use the local Maven repository, because Gradle should run independently.) At the moment, I get a lot of exceptions because of missing jars. In Maven, it's quite simple by running the install command. However, my Google search for something similar to the Maven install command wasn't successful. Has anybody an idea?

you can include your file system JAR dependencies as:
dependencies {
runtime files('libs/a.jar', 'libs/b.jar')
runtime fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
you may change runtime for compile/testCompile/etc..

A more comprehensive answer was given on a mailing list by Adam Murdoch at
As of April 2010 there was no simple way to add a new jarfile to your ~/.gradle repository. Currently researching whether this has changed.
As of October 2014, this is still the case--because gradle does an md5 checksum of your jarfile, you can't simply download it and put it into a directory under .gradle/caches, and gradle doesn't, as far as I can tell, have any tasks which let you take a local file and push that file to its cache.

Used option (1) out of Adam Murdoch post (already linked above: with gradle-1.3 and it works just nicely!
Here his comment:
Copy the jars to a local directory and use a flatDir() repository to use them out of there. For example, you might copy them to
$projectDir/lib and in your build file do:
repositories {
flatDir(dirs: 'lib') }
The files in the lib directory must follow the naming scheme:
name-version-classifier.extension, where version and classifier are
optional. So, for example you might call them groovy-1.7.0.jar or even
Then, you just declare the dependencies as normal:
dependencies {
compile 'groovy:groovy:1.7.0' }
There's a little more detail one flatDir() repository at:
Similar to the above, but using an ivy resolver instead of flatDir(). This is pretty much the same as the above, but allows a
lot more options as far as naming and locations go.
There's some detail at:
Don't bother with declaring the dependencies. Just copy the jars to a local directory somewhere and add a file dependency. For example,
if the jars are in $projectDir/lib:
dependencies {
compile fileTree('lib') // this includes all the files under 'lib' in the compile classpath }
More details at:
Use maven install to install the dependencies into your local maven cache, and the use the maven cache as a repository:
repositories {
mavenRepo(urls: new File(['user.home'], '.m2/repository').toURI().toURL()) }

Maybe I'm missing something from my reading of your question, assuming your gradle repo is of the flatDir type, you should be able to copy the files there in the form myjar-1.0.jar and resolve them as myjar of version 1.0.
Not sure why should it be necessary for Gradle to run maven in order to access a local maven repository. You can just define the maven repos and it should resolve dependencies. You can use gradle upload to push the jars local or remote maven repos if you need to. In that case, it will execute maven.

In short: deploy to repository manager. It can local, on company LAN.
An altogether different way of thinking about this type of problem, specially if it happens often, is to use a repository manager. There are some great open source options out there such as Artifactory, Nexus or Archiva.
Lets assume you have a jar file from some dubious origin that needs to be included in your build until you have the opportunity of refactoring it out. A repository manager would allow you to upload the file to your own repository as, for the sake of this example, dubious-origin-UNKNOWN.jar
Then your build.gradle would look something like this:
repositories {
mavenRepo urls: "http://your.own.repository/url";
dependencies {
compile "dubious:origin:UNKNOWN";
There are a lot of other advantages to using a repository manager such as caching of remote artifacts, remove artifacts from scm, staging releases, more granular user permissions, and so forth.
On the down side, you would be adding a server which carries some maintenance overhead to keep your builds running.
Depends on the size if your project, I suppose.

I think something like this should work:
dependencies {
Does it work for you?


Dependency on package in git without jar file

I am distributing a Java package via git for other people to use. I am currently supplying a jar file to go with the source. This way, the user only needs to clone the project once into Intellij IDEA. Projects using the package can then follow this procedure
Correct way to add external jars (lib/*.jar) to an IntelliJ IDEA project
to use the package.
This works, but distributing a jar does not feel nice security-wise. On the other hand, this discussion
IntelliJ IDEA - adding .java file to project dependencies
suggests that to use the source code, you need to copy it into your src folder.
Is there a way to distribute source code (java files) only so that if multiple projects use the same package
the package only needs to be downloaded once
the package can be kept up to date with git pull?
I would really recommend not include jar or any binaries in a Git repo and the best approach to keep these dependencies in a local Nexus repository and use maven or Gradle as your dependency management tool.
I found a working solution:
Supply an Ant build file with the package. The build file compiles classes and packages them into a jar file. The default target is building the jar, which depends on compiling the classes.
Provide users with instructions on how to set the given Ant build file as a build file in Intellij IDEA and build the default target.
Then instruct them to follow the steps in the first link above to add the jar as a dependency.

How to attach sources to auto-generated Gradle-based dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA 13.0 in a way that will survive next Gradle projects refresh?

Is there a simple way to attach sources to auto-generated Gradle-based dependencies with IntelliJ IDEA 13.0 that won't be erased on next Gradle refresh?
For example, my build.gradle has such entry:
project(":projectName") {
dependencies {
compile files("c:/Program Files (x86)/groovy-2.2.1/embeddable/groovy-all-2.2.1.jar")
// more stuff here
Thus when I click Refresh all Gradle projects
I get a nice dependency set looking like so:
but there are no sources attached and if I do attach them manually, on next refresh they are erased.
I have sources for many different libraries, sometimes in jar file, sometimes directly in the file system (e.g. my groovy install has sources in c:\Program Files (x86)\groovy-2.2.1\src\).
Some of the dependencies I use can be downloaded from maven central repo, but in my build.gradle all the dependencies are configured to be taken from my local file system.
The only easy solution is to get the dependencies straight from a Maven repository (either Maven Central or an inhouse repository). If that's not an option for you, you'll have to configure sources via a hook such as idea.module.iml.withXml or idea.module.iml.whenMerged (after applying the idea plugin to allprojects). You can find details on these APIs in the Gradle Build Language Reference and the Gradle User Guide.

How to make a maven project buildable for the customer

We have a project which should be buildable by the customer using maven. It has some open source dependencies that are mavenized (no problem), some that aren't mavenized, proprietary stuff (oracle jdbc driver) and some internal stuff.
Until now we had everything but the first category packaged with the project itself in a local repository (repository with file://path-in-project-folder specified in the projects pom.xml).
We would love to move these out of the project, as we are about to use them in other projects as well. Currently we plan to use nexus as an internal maven repository.
Whats the best practice to make such dependencies/maven repositories available to the customer so he can continue to build the project.
Ideas so far:
Customer sets up a nexus repository as well, we somehow deploy all these non-public dependencies to his repository (like a mirror)
We provide a 'dumb' dump/snapshot of the non-public dependencies, customer adds this snapshot to this settings.xml as a repository, (but how is this possible).
Make our internal nexus repo available to the customers build server (not an option in our case)
I'm wondering how others solve these problems.
Thank you!
Of course, hosting a repository of some kind is a straightforward option, as long as you can cover the uptime / bandwidth / authentication requirements.
If you're looking to ship physical artifacts, you'll find this pattern helpful:
That relies on the repository being created in source control - if you want a project to build a repository, consider something like: (using the assembly plugin's capability to build a repository).
Basically, by building a repository you can ship that with the source code and use file:// to reference it from within the build.
There are two options:
Document exactly what artifacts you need to compile which are not
available via Maven Central
Implement Nexus and make a export with Nexus give the export
to customer and they need to do a import of it. I'm not sure
if you come to licenses issues.
I assumed that you already have a Repository Manager already but it reads like you didn't.

find dependencies in target/classes instead of local repository?

Summary: I'm looking for a way to instruct maven to search for dependencies in target/classes instead of jar in the local repository
Say I have 2 modules, A and B where A depends on B. Both are listed in a module S. Normally I need to run 'mvn install' in S. I'm looking for a way to run 'mvn compile' so that when A is compiled its classpath will contain ../B/target/classes instead of ~/.m2/repository/com/company/b/1.0/b-1.0.jar.
(my reason is so that i can have continous compilation without the need to go through packaing and installation, or, more exactly, use 'mvn scala:cc' on multiple modules)
I don't think that this is possible without horrible hacking, this is just not how maven works. Maven uses binary dependencies and needs a local repository to resolve them. So, the maven way to handle this is to launch a reactor build on all modules. Just in case, have a look at Maven Tips and Tricks: Advanced Reactor Options.
But, during development, can't you just import all your projects in your IDE and use "project references" (i.e. configure your projects to depend on source code instead of a JAR) like most Java developers are doing? This is the common approach to avoid having to install an artifact to "see" the modifications.
If this is not possible and if you really don't want to install artifacts into your local repository, then you'll have to move your code into a unique module.
i know this is annoying. which helped me here is definitely IDE support. eclipse and IntelliJ are clever to collect all dependencies once a maven-project import is done. even cross module dependencies are compiled live.

Maven and Spring

Hi i am studying Spring In Action 2.0 and i am new to maven.
I am walking through the chapters and codes but i i got following error when i imported project through pom.xml on the pom editor in eclipse.
6/21/09 3:19:42 AM CDT: Missing
indirectly referenced artifact
6/21/09 3:19:42 AM CDT: Missing
indirectly referenced artifact
I downloaded the jar file and added to the library. still it does not work.
I am stuck what to do next? Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
The referenced jars aren't available on the Maven2 central repository, so unless you have an additional repository declaration in your POM or an active profile in your settings, Maven will not know where to obtain the artifacts from.
There are a few public repositories like here and here hosting these artifacts.
To use these repositories you could add the relevant repository declaration to your POM or settings. See here for an example configuration.
Alternatively if you don't trust the repositories you could manually download the jars and put them into your local Maven repository, though you'd need to be careful to replicate the structure Maven expects, and you may well encounter the same problem for different jars.
Another alternative is to use a Maven repository manager like Nexus or Artifactory, to manage Maven's interactions with external repositories, though that is almost certainly too much information if you're just starting out.
For general help/information on Maven, check out the Maven book.