Calling WebClient within WebService - wcf

I started developing an application in Silverlight that was dealing with downloading the HTML of a website and then parsing it. With Silverlight 4 this can be achieved easily by simply requesting elevated permissions. With Silverlight 3, however, the only way to get the HTML of a website is via a WebService call. My initial idea was to do the following:
public class Service1
public void GetHtml()
Uri targetUri = new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += this.WebClient_DownloadStringCompleted;
private void WebClient_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
However, I realized that as soon as I make the call, which is async as well, from my Silverlight application, there is no way for me to retrieve the HTML of the website. That is why I changed to the following:
public class Service1
public string GetHtml()
Uri targetUri = new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
return webClient.DownloadString(targetUri);
I believe the last approach is not that fine since it will freeze the thread. So, my question, is there a way to achieve the first approach a.k.a. make async call from an async call :). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,

You can achieve your goal by implementig a Duplex Service. There is some useful information about it on the msdn site and a wonderful podcast entry by Mike Taulty. In general, you would have to modify your operation contract by splitting it into two parts. First part would initiate your WebClient download on the server. Then, on the server, after the html has been downloaded, the server would call back a contract that is implemented on the client side with the payload consisting of the required html content.


How to consume internal endpoint in Azure.

I've figured out how to create a WCF service exposed internally but have absolutely no idea how to consume this service from another web role or web app?
I have come across some examples that answer this exact scenario but the links explaining more info all seem to be dead.
Anyone able to help?
Let us imagine this scenario:
You have a WCF services hosted in a worker role with internal endpoint. It implements the contract ICalculator which is a simple Calculator(ADD,Mult...etc).
on the other end you have a Webform app when button Clicked you just send some data to be calculated.
here is the code for consuming this webservice:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var factory = new ChannelFactory<WorkerHost.ICalculator>(new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None));
var channel = factory.CreateChannel(GetRandomEndpoint());
Label3.Text =channel.Add (Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text) , Convert.ToInt32(TextBox2.Text)).ToString();
and the code for getRanDomeEndpoint() is
private EndpointAddress GetRandomEndpoint()
var endpoints= RoleEnvironment.Roles["WorkerHost"].Instances.Select(i=>i.InstanceEndpoints["CalculatorService"].IPEndpoint).ToArray();
var r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
return new EndpointAddress(string.Format("net.tcp://{0}/Calculate", endpoints[r.Next(endpoints.Count() - 1)]));
I have uploaded the service on azure check it out here

Async REST Services using WCF WebApi

I want to know what is the opinion of you fellow Developers regarding WCF WebApi services.
In an N-tier application we can have multiple layers of services. We can have services consuming data from external services. In that scenario its worth to create Async Rest Services using WCF 4.0.
public interface IService
[OperationContractAttribute(AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginGetStock(string code, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
//Note: There is no OperationContractAttribute for the end method.
string EndGetStock(IAsyncResult result);
But with the release of WCF WebApi this approach is still required? to create async services?
How to host them in IIS/WAS/Self Hosting
looking forward for suggestion and comments.
Well What i feel,In order to create asynchronous operations in the latest WCF WebAPIs (preview 6) I can still use same pattern (Begin/End), but I can also use the Task programming model to create asynchronous operations, which is a lot simpler.
One example of an asynchronous operation written using the task model is shown below.
public Task<Aggregate> Aggregation()
// Create an HttpClient (we could also reuse an existing one)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Submit GET requests for contacts and orders
Task<List<Contact>> contactsTask = client.GetAsync(backendAddress + "/contacts").ContinueWith<Task<List<Contact>>>((responseTask) =>
return responseTask.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Contact>>();
Task<List<Order>> ordersTask = client.GetAsync(backendAddress + "/orders").ContinueWith<Task<List<Order>>>((responseTask) =>
return responseTask.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Order>>();
// Wait for both requests to complete
return Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(new Task[] { contactsTask, ordersTask },
(completedTasks) =>
Aggregate aggregate = new Aggregate()
Contacts = contactsTask.Result,
Orders = ordersTask.Result
return aggregate;
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "contacts")]
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Contacts()
// Create an HttpClient (we could also reuse an existing one)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Submit GET requests for contacts and return task directly
return client.GetAsync(backendAddress + "/contacts");
WCF Web API comes with an completely async HttpClient implementation and you can host in IIS and also completely sefhost.
For a async REST "service" scenario please read "Slow REST"

How to call a service reference from jquery?

I have added a service reference to my web application (originally it was just a straight html site and we converted it to a web application)
We need to access a WCF service via jquery/ajax and not from within any .cs files. So far we haven't been able to get jquery to hit the service by any means, even before it was converted to a web app (converted in hopes that it would be easier to add service reference and call it)
I have the WCF service running in a separate solution running on my desktop and the web app open separately. My service is called SchoolService and is located in the Service References folder.
How in jquery do I call that service reference?
This is what we used from a demo that also did not work:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var schoolsCache = {}, lendersCache = {}, schoolsXhr, lendersXhr;
source: function (request, response) {
var term = request.term;
if (term in schoolsCache) {
if (schoolsXhr != null) {
schoolsXhr = $.getJSON('SchoolService.svc/GetSchools', request, function (data, status, xhr) {
schoolsCache[term] = data.d;
if (xhr == schoolsXhr) {
schoolsXhr = null;
I have also tried this line which did not work:
schoolsXhr = $.getJSON('http://localhost:8000/SchoolService/GetSchools', request, function (data, status, xhr) {
Here is the interface in my WCF sdervice:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using MyApp.DomainModel;
namespace MyAppService
public interface ISchoolService
[WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
IList<School> GetSchools(string term);
[WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
School GetSchool(string schoolName);
What are the necessary specific steps needed to make this work? The goal is to let user type into textbox, use jquery autocomplete, which uses the ajax call to service to pull back data that contains the typed text... surely this has been done before?
You can take a look at this CodeProject article. The author is discussing exactly this profile a WCF service and JQuery client.
No one was able to answer this but we figured it out. It had nothing to do with jsonp or cross domain.
The call from javascript makes a $.getJSON call to the url. The url is the relative url to a .svc file in the project. The .svc file is nothing more than a passthru which constructs a connection to the referenced service and makes the call and then returns back to the ajax call.

How to get raw XML in WCF Client from Web Service call

I have a WCF Client (console app) that calls a WCF web service and I'm trying to get the raw XML response from within my Console Application.
Does anyone have an idea or code snippet on how to do this?
You could use a client Message Inspector
Check out this link
In your BeforeSendRequest you can simply call ToString() on the message.
I was able to get the raw xml using this method:
string _serial = SerializeObj(retVal);
public string SerializeObj<T>(T obj)
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
using (StringWriter txtWriter= new StringWriter())
xmlSerializer.Serialize(txtWriter, obj);
return txtWriter.ToString();

RESTful framework alternatives to WCF

Looking for alternatives to the WCF REST start kit, ideally OSS frameworks.
Anyone got a list?
OpenRASTA is the most mature
ASP.NET MVC is a good alternative when it comes to generating REST XML and JSON feeds.
To build a rest architecture in .net you can use GenericHandlers. You can create a GenericHandler that will receive a HTTP message (POST, GET or..) and return a message of the content-type you specify.
For example I create a generic handler on the url:
And call it with the parmeter gender=female, as above the handler will return the following
And the content type would be text/xml.
This is the simplest way to implement REST web services in .NET
I also provide ServiceStack, a modern, code-first, DTO-driven, WCF replacement web services framework encouraging code and remote best-practices for creating DRY, high-perfomance, scalable REST web services.
There's no XML config, or code-gen and your one clean C# web service is enabled on all JSON, XML, SOAP, JSV, CSV, HTML endpoints out-of-the-box, automatically. It includes generic sync/async service clients providing a fast, typed, client/server communication gateway end-to-end.
It also includes generic sync/async service clients providing a fast, typed, client/server communication gateway end-to-end.
This is the complete example of all the code needed to create a simple web service, that is automatically without any config, registered and made available on all the web data formats on pre-defined and custom REST-ful routes:
public class Hello {
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse {
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloService : IService<Hello> {
public object Execute(Hello request) {
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Above service can be called (without any build-steps/code-gen) in C# with the line below:
var response = client.Send<HelloResponse>(new Hello { Name = "World!" });
Console.WriteLine(response.Result); // => Hello, World
And in jQuery with:
$.getJSON('hello/World!', function(r){