how do i reach apache on a vitualbox machine - apache

I am trying to run a virtual LAMP machine on my windows 7 for dev purposes. But i cant figure out how to reach the apache from the host windows 7 system. I did an ifconfig and tried the ipaddress, but to no avail.

If you set virtualbox to use bridged (regular) networking then it's no different from any other machine on the LAN, if you set host only then you can still call it - you just need to know it's IP address.

You will need to set the networking mode of your VM in virtualbox.
Bridged will allow others on the LAN
to access your VM.
Host-Only will allow your host and
any other VM's also configured as
host-only to access one another.

Virtual Box Neworking
If you look at the link you will have many different options on the type of networking you can do.
as mentioned earlier, I recommend either:
Bridged networking that makes the box look like an other computer on your network. They you may use ipconfig on the box or verify your router logs.
Host-Only networking is where your windows 7 will be its own network between the box and windows and then you may use the Ip address from ipconfig.


Windows Server 2019 - VMs on Hyper-V cant get network

I have some trouble with my windows server 2019 running Hyper-V, for the background my windows server run on an ESXI infra.
It is impossible for me to get any internet access nor domain access on my Hyper-V virtual machine, this is how my host configuration look like
Host network
For me all look good, but when I turn on my virtual machine this is what I get
VMs network
VMs ping
I can see the machine getting a IP from my DHCP server, but it is impossible for me to ping any of the gateway, DNS.
This is how my virtual switch look like
vSwitch Hyper-V
And if needed my Ipconfig of my Windows server Hyper-V host
Hyper-V host network
I think that i have now tried everything I could, I don't see why my machine can get a DHCP IP, but can't communicate with any of my server.
I already have a topic posted on SpiceWorks (, the last answer suggested that the problem came from my vSwitch on Hyper-V, but even after recreating a new one I can't get anything.
If you have any idea that can help me to achieve my configuration even the slightest one I'll gladly take it.
First thing I would like to ask, you are doing a Double Nested Virtualization, meaning: [ESXi] is the BareMetal Hypervisor, then inside of this Host you have at least 2 VMs, one name "SRVPARDC001" & the Hyper-V VM named "TESTHYPERV" , and inside this last one you have another VM called "VDI-Master" , if this is correct, you are asking:
*Why is VDI-Master, not getting internet, when SRVPARDC001 has leased an IP address ( ?
My question is, why does the ipconfig output for VDI-Master show IP , which per your DHCP, should be leased to the Desktop
Would it be possible to use a different subnet for the Virtual Switch inside the Hyper-V , to eliminate routing/dhcp issues?
My impression is that there is an issue on how the virtual switch is configured on the TESTHYPERV vm, since that virtual switch should be allowing the traffic upstream to the ESXi host and then out via your gateway/router/firewall device.

How can I share my virtual machine to others?

I am working with an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. I can SSH into this machine via puTTy on the same computer. However, how can I access this machine from another computer? Or do I have any option to set this machine as a cloud server so others can access and run it?
I think that would all depend on how the networking is configured on your VM.
You can configure the network as bridged (where the VM has it's own dedicated IP address on the local subnet), NAT (where the VM shares the IP with the system running Workstation, but NAT rules can be configured to handle traffic), or host-only (where only the system running Workstation is able to connect to it).
Bridged is probably the easiest to use for your situation.
More information on these networking configs: Common Networking Configurations for Workstation

How could I access my VM in my host machine (By different IP)?

I want to access the virtual machine IP in the host (by ping or curl or something), but it is not ok. How could I make it?
The host machine is a win10 PC.
A virtual machine using VMware workstation 15, Ubuntu 16.04 server. It has IP address and I can access the, but cannot access (no matter ping or curl...)
All are NAT mode in VMware Workstation.
Now I have a web application running on How could I access it in my host machine.
Btw I have another VM with and, and this VM can access the by curl.
I can show the topo as below.
(A little Chinese but it won't affect reading, just ignore it)
Yes, now I solve this question by myself.
It seems that you cannot use the Host-only mode (Actually I can only use this mode...).
You need to set the virtual interface in your host PC (The IP, gateway, or anything else...);
Then you need to set in the VMWare workstation, set it to use speical lan (VM net 2 for me);
Then you can access it from the host machine and other vm, maybe you need to search something like NAT translation in VMWare workstation to access your web application deployed in the VM from outer network.
That's what I do, now I can access my horizon dashboard in the browser (The Ubuntu server don't have any browser... T-T sad ...)
Settings Picture

Wireless network causes virtual machines to be inaccessible by outside world

I currently have two Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machines running on a windows 7 host. The virtual machines are configured to use a bridged network adapter.
When the host machine is hardlined to the internet, the virtual machines are able to ping the outside world as well as be ping by the outside world.
When the host machine is on a wireless network, the virtual machines cannot ping the outside world, and the outside world is not able to ping the virtual machines.
When connected to a wireless network, I receive the 'Destination host unreachable' error when pinging either from the virtual machines to outside, or from outside to the virtual machines.
It may be worth noting that these virtual machines are being run inside VirtualBox. Also something which may be applicable here, section 6.5 of the virtualbox manual states:
Bridging to a wireless interface is done differently from bridging to
a wired interface, because most wireless adapters do not support
promiscuous mode. All traffic has to use the MAC address of the host's
wireless adapter, and therefore VirtualBox needs to replace the source
MAC address in the Ethernet header of an outgoing packet to make sure
the reply will be sent to the host interface. When VirtualBox sees an
incoming packet with a destination IP address that belongs to one of
the virtual machine adapters it replaces the destination MAC address
in the Ethernet header with the VM adapter's MAC address and passes it
on. VirtualBox examines ARP and DHCP packets in order to learn the IP
addresses of virtual machines.
I'm not sure what may be causing this issue. Accessing these virtual machines from the outside world when switching between networks is necessary in my situation. Any ideas as to what may be going on?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Just to provide some value to those who may stumble upon this issue in the future:
The source of this problem stems from a setting within virtualbox. Open virtualbox, and under the Settings > Network > Adapter page, there is a name field.
If attempting to connect to the virtual machines over a wired connection, select your host machines Ethernet adapter.
If attempting to connect to the virtual machines over a wireless connection, select your host machine's wireless adapter.
Hope this helps someone out there!

Accessing VM's terminal using putty in host OS?

I am working on a project in which we logon to client's machine using Cirtix receiver. The machine which we connect to using Citrix receiver is basically a Windows 7 machine. Once we are in the client's windows box, inside that we have virtual box, in which VM has been added and which has all the needed software for us to do the development; for example JBOSS, database etc.
In the host machine (windows 7), we have putty, and using putty we sometimes login to the VM (i.e. terminal). The confusion which I have is as below:
We login to the VM terminal using IP address: This is where my confusion is. normally is the IP address with which we can refer to the current machine; so how using this IP address we are able to connect to the VM which is added to the virtual box? Doesn't the VM which is in virtualbox has its own IP address with which we can connect to? Or is there some concept which I am not aware of.
Can anyone help me in understanding this? I am not well versed with virtualization, so for the gurus this might be a naive question.
Every VM will have their uuids so to access the VM inside virtualBox or any hypervisor for that matter. so you can use that particular VM uuid and u should be able to console to that VM.
in virtual box try below
You can use: VBoxManage list vms to list all currently registered VMs with their settings, names and UUIDs.
Once you know the UUID you can also start a vm by:
VBoxManage startvm which is essentially same as: VBoxManage startvm "Name-of-vm"
Also Vm has two interfaces one loopback which will have an address of and the rest of the interfaces so to access the VM with particular ip you need to assign an IP to that VM interface and than try with that IP.Also you might have that port 22 open for that loopback ip so may be that is the reason you are able to connect on loopback
I hope this answers your question