Avoid loading unnecessary data from db into objects (web pages) - oop

Really newbie question coming up. Is there a standard (or good) way to deal with not needing all of the information that a database table contains loaded into every associated object. I'm thinking in the context of web pages where you're only going to use the objects to build a single page rather than an application with longer lived objects.
For example, lets say you have an Article table containing id, title, author, date, summary and fullContents fields. You don't need the fullContents to be loaded into the associated objects if you're just showing a page containing a list of articles with their summaries. On the other hand if you're displaying a specific article you might want every field loaded for that one article and maybe just the titles for the other articles (e.g. for display in a recent articles sidebar).
Some techniques I can think of:
Don't worry about it, just load everything from the database every time.
Have several different, possibly inherited, classes for each table and create the appropriate one for the situation (e.g. SummaryArticle, FullArticle).
Use one class but set unused properties to null at creation if that field is not needed and be careful.
Give the objects access to the database so they can load some fields on demand.
Something else?
All of the above seem to have fairly major disadvantages.
I'm fairly new to programming, very new to OOP and totally new to databases so I might be completely missing the obvious answer here. :)

(1) Loading the whole object is, unfortunately what ORMs do, by default. That is why hand tuned SQL performs better. But most objects don't need this optimization, and you can always delay optimization until later. Don't optimize prematurely (but do write good SQL/HQL and use good DB design with indexes). But by and large, the ORM projects I've seen resultin a lot of lazy approaches, pulling or updating way more data than needed.
2) Different Models (Entities), depending on operation. I prefer this one. May add more classes to the object domain, but to me, is cleanest and results in better performance and security (especially if you are serializing to AJAX). I sometimes use one model for serializing an object to a client, and another for internal operations. If you use inheritance, you can do this well. For example CustomerBase -> Customer. CustomerBase might have an ID, name and address. Customer can extend it to add other info, even stuff like passwords. For list operations (list all customers) you can return CustomerBase with a custom query but for individual CRUD operations (Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete), use the full Customer object. Even then, be careful about what you serialize. Most frameworks have whitelists of attributes they will and won't serialize. Use them.
3) Dangerous, special cases will cause bugs in your system.
4) Bad for performance. Hit the database once, not for each field (Except for BLOBs).

You have a number of methods to solve your issue.
Use Stored Procedures in your database to remove the rows or columns you don't want. This can work great but takes up some space.
Use an ORM of some kind. For .NET you can use Entity Framework, NHibernate, or Subsonic. There are many other ORM tools for .NET. Ruby has it built in with Rails. Java uses Hibernate.
Write embedded queries in your website. Don't forget to parametrize them or you will open yourself up to hackers. This option is usually frowned upon because of the mingling of SQL and code. Also, it is the easiest to break.

From you list, options 1, 2 and 4 are probably the most commonly used ones.
1. Don't worry about it, just load everything from the database every time: Well, unless your application is under heavy load or you have some extremely heavy fields in your tables, use this option and save yourself the hassle of figuring out something better.
2. Have several different, possibly inherited, classes for each table and create the appropriate one for the situation (e.g. SummaryArticle, FullArticle): Such classes would often be called "view models" or something similar, and depending on your data access strategy, you might be able to get hold of such objects without actually declaring any new class. Eg, using Linq-2-Sql the expression data.Articles.Select(a => new { a .Title, a.Author }) will give you a collection of anonymously typed objects with the properties Title and Author. The generated SQL will be similar to select Title, Author from Article.
4. Give the objects access to the database so they can load some fields on demand: The objects you describe here would usaly be called "proxy objects" and/or their properties reffered to as being "lazy loaded". Again, depending on your data access strategy, creating proxies might be hard or easy. Eg. with NHibernate, you can have lazy properties, by simply throwing in lazy=true in your mapping, and proxies are automatically created.
Your question does not mention how you are actually mapping data from your database to objects now, but if you are not using any ORM framework at the moment, do have a look at NHibernate and Entity Framework - they are both pretty solid solutions.


What design patterns for marshalling JSON APIs to/from SQL

I'm working on a first JSON-RPC/JSON-REST API. One of the conveniences of JSON is that it can easily represent structured data (a user may have multiple email addresses, multiple addresses), etc...
For example, the Facebook Graph API nicely represents the kind of thing that's handy to return as JSON objects:
However, in implementing an API such as this with a relational database, we end up shattering structured objects into very many tables (at least one for each list in the JSON object), and un-shattering them when responding to requests. So:
requires a lot of modelling (separate models for JSON object and SQL tables).
inconsistencies creep in between the models: e.g. user_id (in SQL) vs. userID (in JSON)
marshaling stuff between one model and the other is very time consuming (tedious, error-prone and pointless boilerplate).
What design-patterns exist to help in this situation?
I'm not sure you are looking for design patterns. I would look for tools that handle this better.
I assume that you want to be able to query these objects, and not just store them in TEXT fields. Many databases support XML fairly well, so I would convert the JSON to XML (with a library) and then store that in the database.
You may also want to consider a JSON document based database. That will definitely get you where you want to go.
If you don't need to be able to query these, or only need to query a very small subset of fields, just store the objects as text, and extract those query-able fields into actual columns. This way you don't need to touch the majority of the data, but you can still query the few fields you care about. (Plus you can index them for speedier lookup.)
I have always chosen to implement this functionality in a facade pattern. Since the point of the facade is to simplify (abstract) an underlying complexity as a boundary between two or more systems, it seemed like the perfect place to handle this.
I realize however that this does not quite answer the question. I am talking about the container for the marshalling while the question is about how to better manage the contents (the code that does the job).
My approach here is somewhat old fashioned, but since this an old question maybe that’s okay. I employ (as much as possible) stored procedures in the dB. This promotes better encapsulation than one typically finds with a code layer outside of the dB that has to “know about” dB structure. What inevitably happens in the latter case is that more than one system will be written to do this (one large company I worked at had at least 6 competing ESBs) and there will be conflicts. Also, usually the stored procedure scripting will benefit from some sort of IDE that will helps maintain contextual awareness of the dB structure.
So this approach - even though it is not a pattern per se - makes managing the ORM a lot easier.

Database access: one master database object or have objects call queries themselves?

For a hobby project I am building an application to keep track of my money. Register everything that comes in and goes out. I am using sqlite as a database backend.
I have two data access models in mind.
Creating one master object as a sort of database connector, which contains methods which execute the queries and provide the required sets of data as a list of objects
Have objects who need data execute the queries themselves
Which one of these is 'the best' and why? Or are there different, better models out there?
The latter option is better. In the first option, you would end up having to touch your universal data access object for just about any update to the code that wasn't purely a change in display logic. If you have different data access objects, then you will have much more testable, maintainable code.
I suggest you read up a bit on the model-view-controller paradigm. The wikipedia article on it is a good start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller.
Also, you didn't say which language/platform you were coding in, but most platforms have numerous options for auto-generating a starting point your data access classes from your database. You may find something like that useful.
Much of a muchness really, the thing to avoid is having the "same" sql sprinkled all over your code base.
The key point is. You've just added a new column to Table1. When you do Find In Files "Table1", how many hits are you going to get and where.
If you use one class and there's a lot of db operations, it's going to get very messy very quickly, but if you have one interface (say IModel) with one implementation, you can swap backends very easily.
So how many db operations, and how likely is it you will move away from SqlLite.

redbean a workable orm for knockoutjs?

would redbeanphp's bean can server be a useful orm for knockout (using the mapping plugin?). i have (or will have) a mysql database with many one to many, many to many, and one to one relationships. i would like to edit a record and all its related data as an object in a single form based interface.
as far as the ui is concerned, i would be working with a nested json object, viewing it in html, and editing it using form element templates, adding them to the dom as needed.
beancan server (or simply the export/import functions) would convert beans into json objects (and vice versa), knockout would handle the modifications to the object. beancan server would then manage the crud functions with the mysql database. i know, i should probably be using a schemaless database like couchdb or somesuch, but in this case it isn't an option.
is this outrageous? or possible workable? i can't seem to locate any round trip examples with any complexity for redbean, so i don't know if this makes sense or not. i've had a lot of success with frameworks -- not being a programmer for the most part, but able to grasp a concept if given a concrete example to work from. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've never used redbean before, but as an avid KnockoutJS user, I can tell you this sounds reasonable.
You're converting your model objects to JSON, manipulating them in the UI via KnockoutJS, then sending them back to the server for saving.
That's perfectly reasonable and is typically how we do things, no matter the ORM. Really, the ORM should not affect the UI tech you use. And in this case, as long as your objects can be converted to/from JSON, you should be just fine.

Complex taxonomy ORM mapping - looking for suggestions

In my project (ASP.NET MVC + NHibernate) I have all my entities, lets say Documents, described by set of custom metadata. Metadata is contained in a structure that can have multiple tags, categories etc. These terms have the most importance for users seeking the document they want, so it has an impact on views as well as underlying data structures, database querying etc.
From view side of application, what interests me the most are the string values for the terms. Ideally I would like to operate directly on the collections of strings like that:
class MetadataAsSeenInViews
public IList<string> Categories;
public IList<string> Tags;
// etc.
From model perspective, I could use the same structure, do the simplest-possible ORM mapping and use it in queries like "fetch all documents with metadata exactly like this".
But that kind of structure could turn out useless if the application needs to perform complex database queries like "fetch all documents, for which at least one of categories is IN (cat1, cat2, ..., catN) OR at least one of tags is IN (tag1, ..., tagN)". In that case, for performance reasons, we would probably use numeric keys for categories and tags.
So one can imagine a structure opposite to MetadataAsSeenInViews that operates on numeric keys and provide complex mappings of integers to strings and other way round. But that solution doesn't really satisfy me for several reasons:
it smells like single responsibility violation, as we're dealing with database-specific issues when just wanting to describe Document business object
database keys are leaking through all layers
it adds unnecessary complexity in views
and I believe it doesn't take advantage of what can good ORM do
Ideally I would like to have:
single, as simple as possible metadata structure (ideally like the one at the top) in my whole application
complex querying issues addressed only in the database layer (meaning DB + ORM + at less as possible additional code for data layer)
Do you have any ideas how to structure the code and do the ORM mappings to be as elegant, as effective and as performant as it is possible?
I have found that it is problematic to use domain entities directly in the views. To help decouple things I apply two different techniques.
Most importantly I'm using separate ViewModel classes to pass data to views. When the data corresponds nicely with a domain model entity, AutoMapper can ease the pain of copying data between them, but otherwise a bit of manual wiring is needed. Seems like a lot of work in the beginning but really helps out once the project starts growing, and is especially important if you haven't just designed the database from scratch. I'm also using an intermediate service layer to obtain ViewModels in order to keep the controllers lean and to be able to reuse the logic.
The second option is mostly for performance reasons, but I usually end up creating custom repositories for fetching data that spans entities. That is, I create a custom class to hold the data I'm interested in, and then write custom LINQ (or whatever) to project the result into that. This can often dramatically increase performance over just fetching entities and applying the projection after the data has been retrieved.
Let me know if I haven't been elaborate enough.
The solution I've finally implemented don't fully satisfy me, but it'll do by now.
I've divided my Tags/Categories into "real entities", mapped in NHibernate as separate entities and "references", mapped as components depending from entities they describe.
So in my C# code I have two separate classes - TagEntity and TagReference which both carry the same information, looking from domain perspective. TagEntity knows database id and is managed by NHibernate sessions, whereas TagReference carries only the tag name as string so it is quite handy to use in the whole application and if needed it is still easily convertible to TagEntity using static lookup dictionary.
That entity/reference separation allows me to query the database in more efficient way, joining two tables only, like select from articles join articles_tags ... where articles_tags.tag_id = X without joining the tags table, which will be joined too when doing simple fully-object-oriented NHibernate queries.

Improving my data access layer

I am putting some heavy though into re-writing the data access layer in my software(If you could even call it that). This was really my first project that uses, and things were done in an improper manner.
In my project all of the data that is being pulled is being stored in an arraylist. some of the data is converted from the arraylist into an typed object, before being put backinto an arraylist.
Also, there is no central set of queries in the application. This means that some queries are copy and pasted, which I want to eliminate as well.This application has some custom objects that are very standard to the application, and some queries that are very standard to those objects.
I am really just not sure if I should create a layer between my objects and the class that reads and writes to the database. This layer would take the data that comes from the database, type it as the proper object, and if there is a case of multiple objects being returned, return a list of those object. Is this a good approach?
Also, if this is a good way of doing things, how should I return the data from the database? I am currently using SqlDataReader.read, and filling an array list. I am sure that this is not the best method to use here, i am just not real clear on how to improve this.
The Reason for all of this, is I want to centralize all of the database operations into a few classes, rather than have them spread out amongst all of the classes in the project
You should use an ORM. "Not doing so is stealing from your customers" - Ayende
One thing comes to mind right off the bat. Is there a reason you use ArrayLists instead of generics? If you're using .NET 1.1 I could understand, but it seems that one area where you could gain performance is to remove ArrayLists from the picture and stop converting and casting between types.
Another thing you might think about which can help a lot when designing data access layers is an ORM. NHibernate and LINQ to SQL do this very well. In general, the N-tier approach works well for what it seems like you're trying to accomplish. For example, performing data access in a class library with specific methods that can be reused is far better than "copy-pasting" the same queries all over the place.
I hope this helps.
It really depends on what you are doing. If it is a growing application with user interfaces and the like, you're right, there are better ways.
I am currently developing in ASP.NET MVC, and I find Linq to SQL really comfortable. Linq to SQL uses code generation to create a collection of code classes that model your data.
ScottGu has a really nice introduction to Linq to SQL on his blog:
I have over the past few projects used a base class which does all my ADO.NET work and that all other data access classes inherit. So my UserDB class will inherit the DataAccessBase class. I have it at the moment that my UserDB class actualy takes the data returned from the database and populates a User object which is then returned to the calling Business Object. If multiple objects are returned then these are then a Generic list ie List<Users> is returned.
There is a good article by Daemon Armstrong (search Google for Daemon Armstrong which demonstrates on how this can be achived.
However I have now started to move all of this over to use the entitty framework as its performs much better and saves on all those manual CRUD operations. Was going to use LINQ to SQL but as it seems to be going to be dead in the water very soon thought it would be best to invest my time in the next ORM.
"I am really just not sure if I should create a layer between my objects and the class that reads and writes to the database. This layer would take the data that comes from the database, type it as the proper object, and if there is a case of multiple objects being returned, return a list of those object. Is this a good approach?"
I'm a Java developer, but I believe that the language-agnostic answer is "yes".
Have a look at Martin Fowler's "Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture". I believe that technologies like LINQ were born for this.