List of already used objective-c Prefixes - objective-c

I'm looking to choose a namespace for a library I'm writing and I'd like to avoid conflicts with other namespaces.
Does anyone know of a website that lists all of the class prefixes in use? is probably your best bet. It's not "official", but it's a place a lot of devs would look.
In practice, as long as you don't use one that Apple uses, you'll probably be fine.

According to the Apple "Programming in Objective C" document of 2012-12-13, Apple reserves all 2 character prefixes for use in their frameworks. Users are encouraged to employ 3 character prefixes when naming their classes to avoid conflicts with Apple. See the "Conventions" section for details.

As an alternative to initial-letters prefixes:
If you're writing an application, use no prefix. You're unlikely to encounter another class named AppController in your app.
Otherwise, use the product name as the prefix. For example, if you've written a color picker named “Whizbang”, name its principal class “WhizbangColorPicker”.

"You should try to choose namesthat clearly associate each symbol with your framework. For example, consider
adding a short prefix to all external symbol names. Prefixes help differentiate the symbols in your framework
from those in other frameworks and libraries. They also make it clear to other developers which framework is
being used. Typical prefixes include the first couple of letters or an acronym of your framework name. For
example, functions in the Core Graphics framework use the prefix “CG”


systemverilog module namespaces

I am combining two designs into a single chip design. The RTL code is written in SystemVerilog for synthesis. Unfortunately, the two designs contain a number of modules with identical names but slightly different logic.
Is there a namespace or library capability in SystemVerilog that would allow me to specify different modules with the same name? In other words is there a lib1::module1, lib2::module1 syntax I could use to specify which module I want? How is this sort of module namespace pollution best handled?
Look into config and library. See IEEE Std 1800-2017 § 33. Configuring the contents of a design
library will map this files to target libraries based on file paths (IEEE Std 1800-2017 § 33.3. Libraries)
config will map which library to use for paralytic module (global, instances, subscope) (IEEE Std 1800-2017 § 33.4. Configurations)
Examples are provided in the section 33.8.
Note: some simulators want -libmap <configfile> in the command line. Refer to your simulators manual.
Unfortunately, neither verilog nor system verilog provide a comprehensive solution for the namespaces problem for design element (which include modules). V2K libraries and config statements (yes,they were introduced in verilog v2k) can partially help you solving this issue for modules only, and only if you plan for this in advance and use correct methodology to implement it. Not many people try to use v2k libs to solve it.
There are other parts of this as well, which you might discover. It include other design elements, macro names, file names, package names, ... System verilog makes it even worse with introducing of the global scopes.
So, depending on the complexity of your design you might be able to fix it with v2k libs. But in general, the solution always lies in the methodology and having those names uniquified upfront. Some companies even try to use on-fly uniquification by automatically rewriting verilog code in order to make those names unique.
You might also be able to solve some of the issues like that using compilation units, as defined in the SV standard and which are implemented at least by major tool vendors.

Naming convention for components and namespaces in cmake

In Short:
Is there any preferred naming convention for cmake library targets - in particular when using namespaces?
Unless there is really an objective reason for it, I'm not asking about personal preferences, but whether there is either an "official" (e.g. recommended by kitware) or established (which might deviate) convention.
Lets say I have a library/framework foo which has the individual components bar and baz. So far, my naming convention looks like this:
add_library(foo-bar src1.cpp, scr2.cpp)
add_library(foo-baz src3.cpp, src4.cpp)
Now I want to add alias targets using the namespace (::) convention. E.g.
add_library(Foo::Bar ALIAS foo-bar)
add_library(Foo::Baz ALIAS foo-baz)
(Of course the question also extends to export sets, but I didn't want to complicate the question)
What I couldn't really find out however, is if there is a preferred or even official naming convention for those targets.
Things I've seen:
Namespace part:
some projects seem to capitalize the first letter, some not (the former seems to be more common)
Component part:
in some projects, the component name is the same as the binary name
with or without the "lib" prefix (libfoo-bar vs foo-bar)
with or without the namespace (foo-bar vs bar)
some projects capitalize the first letter
some projects use CamelCase some snake_case, even if the binaries or project names don't follow those conventions.
I guess the main problem is that there is no naming convention for libraries in general so that makes it hard to come up with a naming convention in CMake, but at least the capitilization for the first letter of the namespace and the component seem to be pretty common, so I was wondering if there is some guideline I should follow for future projects.
The cmake-developer documentation gives the following advice on namespaces:
When providing imported targets, these should be namespaced (hence the Foo:: prefix); CMake will recognize that values passed to target_link_libraries() that contain :: in their name are supposed to be imported targets (rather than just library names), and will produce appropriate diagnostic messages if that target does not exist (see policy CMP0028).
And the CMP0028 policy documentation says on the "common pattern" in the use of namespaces:
The use of double-colons is a common pattern used to namespace IMPORTED targets and ALIAS targets. When computing the link dependencies of a target, the name of each dependency could either be a target, or a file on disk. Previously, if a target was not found with a matching name, the name was considered to refer to a file on disk. This can lead to confusing error messages if there is a typo in what should be a target name.
And no, there are no CMake specific convention for the naming of library targets. But since the name is taken by default as the target's output name:
I prefer to take the same name for the targets as for my source code directory
And add no lib prefix, since this is automatically added by CMake depending on the platform you are compiling your project with
From the CMake Tutorial
The most official source you could get is probably an extract from the "Mastering CMake" book written by Ken Martin and Bill Hoffman from Kitware.
The tutorials from the book all use CamelCase and no namespaces for component/target names.
What is the naming convention for CMake scripts?
cmake usefulness of aliases

If your project is including several static libraries that include the same class, how can you elegantly get around a duplicate symbol error?

We are looking for an elegant solution to this dilemma that does NOT involve manually changing code to prefix it. This seems to generally be the only way people deal with that.
For example the NSData+Base64 category might be in two separate libraries. But if these two are added to one app there must be some sort of intelligent way to choose one version.
Is there a way to make symbols in a library (.a) unique so that the linker would only take one (preferable the never version) of a class that is contained in both libraries.
I found that there is no easy way like I was looking for. You can manually hack libraries and add a prefix. You can also use compatibility aliasing, but that works only with source code.

What does (, filename.jar.i) extension mean

I have files named,,xxx.jar.i. I know that these file are somehow related to Java. What does this extension mean and for what is it used? Is it same type as the .class extension?
You should look at your build system for more information. It is possible that these are intermediate files that get transformed and renamed to ".java". For example, I've seen various build systems that use the ".i" suffix to mean "input", and perform various forms of variable substitution (e.g. changing something like "{VERSION_NUMBER}" to the version number of the library being compiled).
I think they are created by someone to serve his own purpose and unless we ask the author or see the content we won't know what it the purpose is.
If you see garbled characters, it's probably java bytecode and you can use some decompiler to see the code (see: How do I "decompile" Java class files?).

How to provide specific GWT implementations

Suppose I am working on exposing some of my server-side classes to a GWT application, but certain parts could be done much better using GWT-specific components (like JSNI, for instance).
What are some techniques for doing so without being too hacky?
For instance, I am aware of using a subpackage and using the <super-source/> tag, but this requires the package names to be different, which causes eclipse to complain. The general solution in the community is to then tell eclipse to use that as a source folder, but then eclipse complains about there being two classes with the same name.
Ideally, there would just be a way to keep everything in a single source tree, and actually have different classes which apply the alternate implementations. This would feel like a more OO approach.
I would like to add a suffix to a class like _gwt which accomplishes this automatically, and I know I could write a script to do this kind of transformation, but that is a kludge for sure.
I've been considering using Google's GIN/GUICE libraries for my projects in general, and I think there might be some kind of a solution there, but I am not sure as I have not thoroughly investigated it.
What are some solutions you have tried in the past on GWT projects?
The easiest way to have split implementations is to use super-source code, but only enough to instantiate a uniquely-named instance or dispatch to a different method. Ideally, the super-source implementation is just a few lines long, and not so bad that you can't roll it by hand.
To work around the Eclipse / javac double-mapping and package name issues, the GWT source uses two top-level roots for user code: user/src and user/super. For example, the AutoBeans package has a split-implementation of JSON quoting and evaluation, one for the JVM and one for the browser.
There's really no non-kludgy way to implement super-source, as this is a feature way outside what you can specify in the language. There's nothing that lets you say "use this implementation in this environment" without the use of some external tool.