Does anyone know of a Cocoa/Obj-C library that can be used to gather application usage data - objective-c

I would like to be able to gather info like how often certain windows are opened, what types of user data are accessed, how often menu items are clicked, etc. Does anyone know of a 3rd party (open source or commercial) Cocoa/Obj-C library or plugin that would allow me to gather this info?

I have used pinch media in the past, and they merged with Flurry. Library was simple to use and was setup in around 40 minutes.

I don't know any library for that but at least to get informed about when the user switches the front application you can install an event handler like this:
EventTypeSpec eventType;
eventType.eventClass = kEventClassApplication;
eventType.eventKind = kEventAppFrontSwitched;
EventHandlerUPP handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(FrontAppSwitchedDetector_callback);
OSStatus status=InstallApplicationEventHandler(handlerUPP,1,&eventType,self,&_eventHandlerRef);
... and when receiving an callback you may get the current front application process:
pascal OSStatus FrontAppSwitchedDetector_callback(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler,EventRef theEvent,void* userData)
ProcessSerialNumber newSerial;
//to something with that ....
return (CallNextEventHandler(nextHandler, theEvent));


Changing language in UWP doesn't change system features language - only on app restart

I have a UWP application.
And i have a need to change locale on the fly, so i have this for language changing:
Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = language.FourDigitCode;
But there is a problem that system features language doesn't switch ( only after application relaunch ) how can i fix it?
Here is an example:
Now i run this code:
Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = "lv-LV";
The UI gets localized, but system features still remain unlocalized:
But when i restart the app, all is OK:
Any ideas how can i fix it?
I'm afraid there is no fix for this and what you've seen is by design. Ref Remarks of PrimaryLanguageOverride property:
When you set the PrimaryLanguageOverride, this is immediately reflected in the Languages property. However, this change may not take effect immediately on resources loaded in the app UI. To make sure the app responds to such changes, you can listen to the QualifierValues property on a default resource context and take whatever actions may be needed to reload resources. Those requirements may vary depending on the UI framework used by the app, and it may be necessary to restart the app.
For your scenario, a restart is needed. I'd suggest that you can add a tip to tell users to restart the app and also a button to close the app like what used in News App.
And to close the app, we can call Application.Exit method like the following.
Maybe page reloading can fix it? Try to re-navigate to the same page.
Found the example below here.
//like this
private bool Reload(object param = null)
var type = Frame.CurrentSourcePageType;
Frame.Navigate(type, param);
// or like this
private bool Reload(object param = null)
var frame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
frame.Navigate(frame.CurrentSourcePageType, param);
frame.BackStack.Remove(frame .BackStack.Last());

Controlling level and focus of windows other apps with CGPrivate functions

How to use these private functions on other windows? It would be nice to have this knowledge back in the wild. I am specifically trying to get CGSOrderWindow and CGSSetWindowLevel to work.
I was trying in the direction of:
temporarily register as the dock and then register the dock as the dock again immediately afterwards
code injection into the Dock process per this comment:
Also, the author of the above project seems determined to make all core functionality available as a framework. It seems to be implemented as code injection into the Dock process.
Reason I know this is possible
I have been doing work on trying to setLevel on window of another app, and focus window of another app if focused. I am posting this again with the info I learned because from my searching online, I know this was done in the past, its just the knowledge is not publicly out there anymore. The sourceforge pages are no longer there. So I was wondering if you could help me make this information public again.
This is the topic I read that gave me this information -
Here you see comments like:
You cannot control an another app's windows from a user-level process, unfortunately.
You can, Slava, you just need to register as the Dock. It might be possible to temporarily register as the dock and then register the dock as the dock again immediately afterwards, not sure. I think the call you'd be wanting to investigate as CoreDockRegisterDockOwner in HIServices.framework.
You could also use APE or similar to do control the windows, or (as mentioned above) register as the Dock (look for the private APIs with Universal Connection in their name). Has anyone found a polite way of getting the Dock to give up its universal connection? The only way I can find is to force quit the Dock and grab the universal connection when it's not looking (which prevents the dock reloading).
There's an open source project up on that looks much more like the window managers I've used on Unix boxes than (or Space.dock):
Verifying things work
This is what I learned, from the sources at bottom of this post, we see all these functions work with CGWindowIds, so how do I get that, this is how:
Get all windows with CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo. Then access each element from that array with CFArrayGetValueAtIndex and then get the CGWindowId with objectForKey:, kCGWindowNumber, and then integerValue.
Now if I try to focus or set level of a window that is OWNED by the app running the code, it works fantastic. For instance:
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
Will focus it, rez_CGError is 0. Even if the window is minimized, it is unminimized, without animation, and shown.
Now however, if I try this on a window of a different app we get some errors:
MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app = 40;
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
This fails and rez_CGError is 1000, which I suspect means "cid (CGSConnection) used does not have permission to modify target window". The same happens if I first do [app activateWithOptions: (NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps | NSApplicationActivateAllWindows)] before making the call above.
So I first get the cid of that owning window like this:
var rez_CGError = CGSGetWindowOwner(_CGSDefaultConnection, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, &ownerCid);
This works good and I get ownerCid is set to a value. Then I do the focus command with this new connection:
rez_CGError = CGSOrderWindow(ownerCid, MY_TARGET_CGWINDOW_ID_of_other_app, kCGSOrderAbove, 0);
However this gives rez_CGError of 268435459, which I suspect means "current app does not have permission to use this ConnectionId (cid)". (Same happens if I call activateWithOptions first.
My Sources for the Private Functions
Here is the sources for some private functions I found -
This one source here contains a function that is not in the above link - CGSGetConnectionIDForPSN - i test it and it exists - from -

Kaltura - Force player to stop with API only?

Is there any way to force a Kaltura videoplayer to stop ONLY using code and the Kaltura API?
Currently I have solved it by adding a Access Control Profile named "Free preview" under Settings > Access Control in KMC and then added this profile to the Entries I've choosen.
I then add the session to the players flashvars to restrict non-members to only watch the preview, not the whole clip.
But I would like to restrict ALL, or even better selected Categories of clips by using only code, so I don't need to involve KMC.
Is that possible?
Alt) Can you create a new player in KMC and restrict it to viewing only X seconds, no matter what length of Entry? Then I can do the check if user is valid or not and get the category via API and show it in the "preview-player" och the "default player".
If I use the mediaProxy.mediaPlayTo attribute the clip stops, but is easily started again by presing play.
Would greatly appreciate an answer
I got this answer from a guy named oferc in a different forum:
You can listen to the head move event and pause the clip it goes beyond a certain time (then if someone pressed play, you can stop it again)
function jsCallbackReady(player_id) {
my_kdp = $("#"+player_id).get(0); // document.getElementById(player_id) if you do not use jquery/ prefer pure js
my_kdp.addJsListener("kdpReady", "kdpReady"); // when you load the player with an entry (and the player is ready to begin playing it using doPlay for instance)
function kdpReady() {
function headMove(position) {
if (position > "30") { // Your Time, example 30 seconds
Works like a charm!
fredrik_w - neither of the ways you chosen here are a good option to restrict access.
in both cases, your videos are made public, and can be easily accessible by anyone.
The best way to limit access to a video is by defining an Access Control, and like everything in Kaltura, you can define an ACL using API as well.
Check this out as a reference sample-

Sharing StorageItems from a byte[] array

I want to implement the Share source contract in my WinRT C# Metro app (Windows Release Preview). My app is storing arbitrary files. Not in the filesystem, but instead I get the data over a WCF service as byte[]. Now I want to share such "files" in my app.
The only possibility I've seen with a standard data format is using the SetStorageItems() method on the DataPackage. Thus I'm facing the challenge to convert the data from my byte array to a StorageFile, which can be shared. I found the StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileAsync() method and wanted to use it in this way:
// filename: string
// fileContent: byte[]
// ... setting DataPackage title and description ...
DataRequestDeferral deferral = args.Request.GetDeferral();
var file = await Windows.Storage.StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileAsync(filename,
async stream => await stream.WriteAsync(fileContent.AsBuffer()), null);
args.Request.Data.SetStorageItems(new List<IStorageItem> { file });
It compiles fine, but it doesn't work as expected. I've tried the sharing with the standard Mail app. The Mail share view opens and I can create a new mail. The file is shown without thumbnail (as expected), but the e-mail can't be sent. It's showing the sending progress for several minutes and then an error occurs: "Couldn't share {filename} with Mail.". The share charm shows "Something went wrong" and "[...] Mail can't share right now. Try again later.".
It works perfectly when I load the StorageFile from the file system: the mail opens and is sent within seconds, no problems here. So either I'm using CreateStreamedFileAsync() wrong or there's a bug in this method, what do you think?
In the callback passed into CreateStreamedFileAsync, you need to actually dispose of the object - that signals to the OS that you are done.
Wrote a complete example here
The Mail app is not a target for sharing files. From "Mail supports sharing text, links, and pictures."
Remember that there are 2 parts of the Share contract: Share sources and Share targets. As you know, there are many different data formats that can be shared between them, like text, pictures, URIs, and files. The full list of the different data formats that are supported is at
I recommend that you use the Share Target Sample app to test that your file is being shared properly - share to this and it will display everything that is being shared from your app as a source (and it does accept files for sharing). You can download it from You can also use the Share Source Sample app as an example and leverage code from this app; you can download it from
Hope that helps!
Ok, perhaps the preview version of the Mail app doesn't handle the sharing target contract correctly. Using the SDK sample app "Sharing Content Target App" from, sharing a StorageItem created in memory with the StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileAsync() method posted above works fine.
Thus, that's the way you should go when you want to share in-memory byte[] arrays. For testing, make sure that the share target app doesn't run in Visual Studio when you want to share data from another app with it. Then the sharing sidebar mysteriously will disappear automatically...

Problems receiving Notifications from IOKit (CoreFoundation) for plugged Devices

I'm currently developing an application on 10.6.7 which should receive notifications when a new usb device is plugged in. I found out that there is a IOKit function which handles such stuff 'IOServiceAddMatchingNotification'. Because the return value from this specific function is 0, I think that the problem perhaps is in my matching Dictionary, which is given into this function. I declare the Dictionary that way:
CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
Because I wan't to receive a notification for each device, I don't know if this is the right way to create this particular dictionary.
My complete code look like this:
ioKitNotificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(kIOMasterPortDefault);
notificationRunLoopSource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(ioKitNotificationPort);
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), notificationRunLoopSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
addMatchingNotificationResult = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(ioKitNotificationPort,
Does anyone has a idea why this won't work?
(Note: The Callback function is a static void c function and the rest is wrapped ins
ide a Obj-C class).
Xcode 4, 10.6.7
Weirdly, you must empty the iterator returned by IOServiceAddMatchingNotification before the notification will be armed. I don't see that in the code provided, so that could be in the issue. That iterator is actually what you need to keep around to keep the notification running.
io_iterator_t ioNotification;
addMatchingNotificationResult = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(ioKitNotificationPort,
while ((service = IOIteratorNext(ioNotification)))
NSLog(#"Hey, I found a service!");
IOObjectRelease(service); // yes, you have to release this
In my opinion, u should download the source code form IOUSBFamily on, and then find the code for USB Prober, this application does exactly the same thing as u described, listening the USB Device attachment.(Further, USB Prober also get the general device and configuration descriptor, maybe it is also the things u need.)
Did you add the VID and PID of the device you wish to look for to your matching dictionary? For the dictionary you have, and VID= yourVid, PID= yourPid, it would be:
CFDictionaryAddValue(matchingDict, usbVendorId, yourVid);
CFDictionaryAddValue(matchingDict, usbProductId, yourPid);
Another thing - after the call to IOServiceAddMatchingNotification succeeds, you need to call your device-added handler with the iterator that was set in the call. That will arm the notification and check for existing devices.
the easiest way to do what i think you are describing is to hook into the DiskArbitration Framework. DA is relatively new to OSX and allows userland applications to examine devices as they get attached. it is what is used to open iTunes when an iPod is attached, launch iPhoto when a camera is attached, etc... if the USB device you are looking for is a storage device then this will work for you. otherwise you will need to go the matching dictionary route...