How to find file on NTFS volume given a volume offset - ntfs

Using a hex-editor to mount a NTFS volume, I've found an offset within the volume containing data I'm interested in. How can I figure out the full path/name of the file containing this volume offset?

Perhaps there are still some people searching for the solution. There is a tool for this problem: SleuthKit Tools.
Given an byte offset from the beginning of the partition table you have to divide it by the block size of your NTFS-Partition (usually 4096).
ifind /dev/... -d block_offset => inode_number
ffind /dev/... inode_number => Location of file

You need to read the MFT and parse the Data attributes for each file to find the one that includes the particular offset.
Note that you might need to look at every files stream, not only the default, so you have to parse all the Data attributes.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a quick link to the binary structure of the NTFS Data attribute. you're on your own for this one.


Openvms: Extracting RMS Indexed file t to Windows as a sequential flat file

I haven't used openvms for 20+ years. It was my 1st OS. I've been asked if it possible to copy the data from RMS files from openvms server to windows as a text file - so that it's readable.
No-one has experience or knowledge of the record structures etc.
The files are xyz.DAT and are relative files. I'm hoping the dat files are fixed length.
My 1st attempt would be to try and use Datatrieve (DTR) but get an error that the image isn't loaded.
Thought it might be as easy using CONVERT/FDL = nnnn.FDL - by changing the Relative to Sequential. The file seems still to be unreadable.
Is there an easy way to stream an RMS index file to a flat ASCII file?
I use to use COBOL and C to access the data in the past but had lots of libraries to help....
I've notice some solution may use odbc to connect but not sure what I can or cannot install on the server.
I can FTP using Filezilla to the server....
Another plan writing C application to read a file and output out as string.....or DCL too.....doesn't have to be quick...
Any ideas
Has mentioned before
The simple solution MIGHT be to to just use: $ TYPE/OUT=test.TXT test.DAT.
This will handle Relatie and Indexed files alike.
It is much the same as $ CONVERT / FDL=NL: test.DAT test.TXT
Both will just read records from the source and transfer the bytes, byte for byte, to the records in a sequential file.
FTP in ASCII mode will transfer that nicely to windows.
You can also use an 'inline' FDL file to generate a 'unix' LF file like:
$ conv /fdl="record; format stream_lf" test.DAT test.TXT
Or CR-LF file using:
$ conv /fdl="record; format stream" test.DAT test.TXT
Both can be transferring in Binary or Ascii with FTP.
MOSTLY - because this really only works well for TEXT ONLY source .DAT file.
There should be no CR, LF, FF or NUL characters in the source or things will break.
As 'habo' points out, use DUMP /RECORD=COUNT=3 to see how 'readable' the source data is.
If you spot 'binary' data using DUMP then you will need to find a record defintion somewhere which maps byte to Integers or Floating points or Dates as needed.
These defintions can be COBOL LIB files, or BASIC MAPS and are often stores IN the CDD (Common Data Dictionary) or indeed in DATATRIEVE .DIC DICTIONARIES
To use such definition you likely need a program to just read following the 'map' and write/print as text. Normally that's not too hard - notably not when you can find an example program on the server to tweak.
If it is just one or two 'suspect' byte ranges, then you can create a DCL loop to read and write and use F$EXTRACT to select the chunks you like.
If you want further help, kindly describe in words what kind of data is expected and perhaps provide the output from DUMP for 3 or 5 rows.
Good luck!

Not able to filter files using pathGlobFilter

We are trying to read file from directory based on pattern from azure blob srorage.We are using
pathGlobFilter option to select files. The directory contains following files
We need to process only those files which does not have "T" in file name .We need to process only these two files
But we are not able to read only these two files.
Here is the code,
df ="csv").schema(structSchema).options(header=False,inferSchema=True,sep='|',pathGlobFilter= "Sales_\d{5} _ \d{8}_[a-z0-9]+.csv$").load("wasbs://"
Glob is not a standard regular expression, there is differences between them.
For example glob doesn't match the number of times.
For details, see:here
Back to this question, a relatively stupid way, looking forward to the perfect solution of the giant.

Split CSV file in records and save as a csv file format - Apache NIFI

What I want to do is the following...
I want to divide the input file into registers, convert each record into a
file and leave all the files in a directory.
My .csv file has the following structure:
ERP,J,JACKSON,8388 SOUTH CALIFORNIA ST.,TUCSON,AZ,85708,267-3352,,ALLENTON,MI,48002,810,710-0470,369-98-6555,462-11-4610,1953-05-00,F,
ERP,FRANK,DIETSCH,5064 E METAIRIE AVE.,BRANDSVILLA,MO,65687,252-5592,1176 E THAYER ST.,COLUMBIA,MO,65215,557,291-9571,217-38-5525,129-10-0407,1/13/35,M,
As you can see it doesn't have Header row.
Here is my flow.
My problem is that when the Split Proccessor divides my csv into flows with 400 lines, it isn't save in my output directory.
It's first time using NIFI, sorry.
Make sure your RecordReader controller service is configured correctly(delimiter..etc) to read the incoming flowfile.
Records per split value as 1
You need to use UpdateAttribute processor before PutFile processor to change the filename to unique value (like UUID) unless if you are configured PutFile processor Conflict Resolution strategy as Ignore
The reason behind changing filename is SplitRecord processor is going to have same filename for all the splitted flowfiles.
I tried your case and flow worked as expected, Use this template for your reference and upload to your NiFi instance, Make changes as per your requirements.

Open a .cfile from rtl_sdr after convert with GNU Radio

I have a binary file (capture.bin) from the rtl_sdr tool. I convert it to a .cfile with this manual
Where can I get the data in this file? The goal is to get a numerical format output from the the source. Is this possible?
That actually is covered by a GNU Radio FAQ entry.
What is the file format of a file_sink? How can I read files produced by a file sink?
All files are in pure binary format. Just bits. That’s it. A floating point data stream is saved as 32 bits in the file, one after the other. A complex signal has 32 bits for the real part and 32 bits for the imaginary part. Reading back a complex number means reading in 32 bits, saving that to the real part of a complex data structure, and then reading in the next 32 bits as the imaginary part of the data structure. And just keep reading the data.
Take a look at the Octave and Python files in gr-utils for reading in data using Octave and Python’s Scipy module.
The exception to the format is when using the metadata file format. These files are produced by the File Meta Sink: block and read by the File Meta Source block. >See the manual page on the metadata file format for more information about how to deal with these files.
A one-line Python command to read the entire file into a numpy array is:
f = scipy.fromfile(open("filename"), dtype=scipy.uint8)
Replace the dtype with scipy.int16, scipy.int32, scipy.float32, scipy.complex64 or >whatever type you were using.
scipy.fromfile will be deprecated in v2.0 so instead use numpy library
f = numpy.fromfile(open("filename"), dtype=numpy.uint8)

finding a corrupted part from the parts of a split archive

I have 7 files with extensions like xyz.rar.001 - xyz.rar.007 clearly they are parts of a single file. I have all the 7 parts. I join them using a file joiner into a single file xyz.rar and try to unrar them with WINRAR , it says that archive is corrupted It is clear that 1 or 2 parts are corrupted. IS THERE ANY WAY TO FIND THEM ? Please help I don't want to re download all of them NOTE- winrar can detect a corrupt part if the parts were splitted using winrar (with extensions like part1.rar , part2.rar etc. ) but not if they are named as rar.001
Parts .001 - .006 should have the same size. Check if there is a file with a different byte size.
Are there multiple files in the RAR or just the one? With multiple you could run a Test and see which is the first file to fail.
I think it's strange that there is a second tool used to split the RAR archive up. (e.g. HJSplit) This lets me think that .002 could be a RAR archive too. Try opening xyz.rar.001 with WinRAR and test/exctract. It happens more that RAR archives have the extension .001 instead of .rar. An example.
Naming your archives in WinRAR like this can be accomplished by putting "xyz.rar.001" as Archive name on the General tab and checking "Old style volume names" on the Advanced tab.
If I then join the files with HJSplit, I get one .rar file (that is corrupt). When I Test it, it says "Next volume is required". In the diagnostic messages I can see "The required volume is absent" and "CRC failed in X. The file is corrupt"
If there is one file stored inside the RAR and the RAR is indeed just chopped up into 7 pieces, there is no way of telling without additional files such as .sfv or .par2. (unless the RAR does not use compression: you can parse the underlying file for errors and calculate the part where it goes wrong)