Replace all white/nearly white pixels in a UIImage with alpha using CGImage? - iphone-sdk-3.0

I have a UIImage with white background. I would like replace the white background/pixels with alpha-transparent pixels. I've looked at other questions on StackOverflow, along with Quartz documentation, but have yet to find a coherent "start-to-end" for this problem. How is this done?

A UIImage wraps a CGImage. Take the CGImage, run it through CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors, then either create a new UIImage from the result or assign the result back to the UIImage.

The first step is you need to define some sort of "distance" function to determine how far away a pixel is from being white. Then you need to define a distance threshold below which a pixel is considered white. Then you would need to iterate over the pixels of the image, changing any pixels that were considered white according to your distance and threshold, to being transparent. The main trick, though, is making this efficient... touching pixels through functions will be very slow; your best bet is to touch the pixels directl by gaining access to the memory buffer in which the pixels reside and stepping through them.


drawInRect loses resolution when drawn to smaller image?

When i draw a large image (say 1000x1000 pixel) using drawInRect method with size say 200x200 pixel and again i use drawInRect method to draw the image to its original size (1000x1000 pixel) does the resolution affect by using this ? Does the resolution decreases by drawing large image into small and again that same image to large image ?
Hopefully I've gotten your question correct in my head.
If you take an image bigger than 200x200 pixels and draw it into a 200x200 pixel rectangle, it'll get scaled down and lose most of its detail. If you then take the resultant image and try to draw it in a bigger rectangle it'll just get scaled up. So, to answer you're question, yes. It'll look blurry as hell. It's no different than resizing an image down in a graphics editor then blowing it back up to its original size. The loss of detail is permanent; there's no way to know what was lost in the transition down.

OpenGL ES blend func so color always shows against background

I am using OpenGL ES 1.1 to draw lines in my iPad app. I want to make sure that the drawn lines are always visible on the screen regardless of the background colors, and without allowing the user to choose a color. Is there a blend function that will create this effect? So the color of the line drawn will change based on the colors already drawn beneath it and therefore always be visible.
Sadly the final blending of fragments into the framebuffer is still fixed function. Furthermore glLogicOp isn't implemented in ES so you can't do something cheap like XOR drawing.
I think the net effect is that:
you want the output colour to be a custom function of the colour already in the frame buffer;
but the frame buffer can't be read in a shader (it'd break the pipeline and lead towards concurrency issues).
You're therefore going to have to implement a ping pong pipeline.
You have two off-screen buffers. One represents what you output last frame, the other represents what you output the frame before that.
To generate a new frame you render using the one that represents the frame before as an input. Because it's an input you can sample it wherever you want and make whatever calculations you like on it. You render to the other buffer that you have (ie, the even older one) because you no longer care about its contents.
Then you copy all that to the screen and swap the two over, meaning that what you just drew is still in a texture to refer to as what you drew last frame. What you just referred to becomes your next drawing target because it's something you conveniently already have lying around.
So you'll be immediately interested in rendering to a texture. You'll also need to decide what function you want to use to pick a suitable 'different' colour to the existing background. Maybe just inverting it will do?
I think this could work:
Draw your lines with a white color, and then the result will be rendered as
[1,1,1,1] * ( 1 - [DstR, DstG, DstB, DstA]) + ([DstR, DstG, DstB, DstA] * 0)
This should render a black pixel where the background is white, a white pixel where the background is black, a yellow pixel where the background is blue, etc.

Why is line width in CoreGraphics on retina display rendered half width?

My process looks like this:
define a rectangle I want to draw in, using point dimensions.
define CGFloat scale = [[UIScreen mainsScreen] scale]
Multiply the rectangle's size by the scale
Create an image context of the rectangle size using CGBitmapContextCreate
Draw within the image context
call CGBitmapContextCreateImage
call UIImage imageWithCGImage:scale:orientation: with the appropriate scale.
I had thought this has always resulted in perfect images on both retina and and older screens, but haven't been paying close attention to the line contrast/thickness. Generally, the strokes have a high contrast to the fill so I didn't paid attention until now, with low contrast between a line and fill.
I think perhaps I'm misunderstanding the user space, but I thought it was simply a direct conversion through the scaling, and transforms applied. There are no scaling and transforms applied in my particular case except for the retina screen double scaling.
Trying to render a 2-pixel line rather than 1-pixel is easier to explain: when I call
UIContextSetLineWidth(context, 2), the line is rendered as 1 pixel thick on the retina simulator. 1 pixel! But this should be two pixels, on a retina display.
UIContextSetLineWidth(context, 2 * scale) produces a line that is two pixels wide on a retina screen, but I'm expecting it to be 4 pixels.
UIContextSetLineWidth(context, 1) produces a 1-pixel wide line that is partly transparent. I understand about the stroke straddling the path, so I prefer talking in terms of 2-pixel-wide strokes and the paths being on pixel boundaries.
I need to understand why the rendered line width is being divided in half.
My fault. 99% of my own bugs I solve on my own just after I post publicly about it.
The drawing code includes CGContextClip after constructing and copying a path. After that, a fill may be applied, gradient or otherwise, then the line drawn, so everything is nice and tidy. I was focusing on the math and specific drawing code, and did not notice the clipping line, but that would effectively halve the stroke width. Normally I catch logic bugs like this immediately, but because it was posted to SO, it's appropriate the answer is here too.

NSImage from two NSImages

I have a rectangular NSImage A and I want to scale to embed into a squared transparent image B keeping A's ratio. So, in the end I'll get a squared image with the rectangle in it.
How can I compose that image?. I mean, how can I draw an NSImage over another NSImage and save the resulting image?.
I've been reading about clipping an NSImage inside a beizer but I need to keep ratio instead of filling the beizer square.
I hope you understand what I want.
The 'Cocoa Drawing Guide' has a section called 'Drawing to an Image'. From that documentation:
It is possible to create images programmatically by locking focus on an NSImage object and drawing other images or paths into the image context. This technique is most useful for creating images that you intend to render to the screen, although you can also save the resulting image data to a file.
There is example code there.

App graphic making (transparent and no extra spaces)

I am a coder but not a graphic maker. I can decently produce graphics that meet the quality standards visually although I cannot produce graphics that will technically "work." This is what I mean:
I am using CGRectIntersectsRect for colliding images. My image has SOME extra space which I have made completely transparent using Adobe PhotoShop but even if this extra transparent space is not visible, when the two images collide, it will look like you will be hitting nothing as this extra invisible transparent space is PART of the image and when CGRectIntersectsRect is called it detects touch between two images. So if the other image touches the transparent space, CGRectIntersectsRect is called and my code is executed. I only want my code to be executed if it hits the actual COLOR space of the image. Here is two things that could help me through that, they follow through with questions.
Learn how to make NO EXTRA SPACE on an image in photoshop. How could I do this, tutorials?
CGRectIntersectsRect only called when touching a color part of an image. A way to do this?
Thank you guys!
Regarding your question #1, it depends. All images are rectangular, all. So, if your sprite is rectangular, you can crop it in Photoshop to just the rectangular area. But if you want to handle, say, a circle ball, then you can't do such thing as "remove extra space". Your circle ball will always be stored in a rectangular image, with transparent space on the corners.
Learn how to make NO EXTRA SPACE on an image in photoshop. How could I do this, tutorials?
You can manually select an area using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and Image > Crop or automatically trim the image based on an edge pixel color using Image > Trim.
CGRectIntersectsRect only called when touching a color part of an image. A way to do this?
You can use pixel-perfect collisions or create better bounding shapes for your game objects. For example, instead of using pixel-perfect collision for a spaceship like this one, you could use a triangle for the wings, a rectangle for the body, and a triangle for the head.
Pixel-perfect collision
One way you could implement it would be to
Have an blank image in memory.
Draw visible pixels from one image in blue (#0000ff).
Draw visible pixels from the other image in red (#ff0000).
If there's any purple pixels in the image (#ff00ff), then there's an intersection.
Alternative collision detection solution
If your game is physics-based, then you can use a physics engine like Box2D. You can use circles, rectangles, and polygons to represent all of your game objects and it'll give you accurate results without unnecessary overhead.
For collision detection for non-rectangular shapes, you should look into one of the many game and/or physics libraries available for iOS. Cocos2d coupled with Box2d or chipmunk are popular choices.
If you want to do it yourself, you'll need to start with something like a custom CGPath tracing the actual shape of each object, then use a function like CGPathContainsPoint (that's from memory, it may be wrong). But it is not a simple job. Angry birds uses box2d, AFAIK.