Need some help/advice on WCF Per-Call Service and NServiceBus interop - wcf

I have WCF Per-Call service which provides data for clients and at the same time is integrated with NServiceBus.
All stateful objects are stored in UnityContainer which is integrated into custom service host.
NServiceBus is configured in service host and uses same container as service instances.
Every client has its own instance context(described by Juval Lowy in his book in chapter about Durable Services).
If I need to send request over bus I just use some kind of dispatcher and wait response using Thread.Sleep().Since services are per-call this is ok afaik.
But I am confused a bit about messages from bus, that service must handle and provide them to clients. For some data like stock quotes I just update some kind of stateful object and and then, when clients invoke GetQuotesData() just provide data from this object.
But there are numerous service messages like new quote added and etc.
At this moment I have an idea to implement something like "Postman daemon" =)) and store this type of messages in instance context. Then client will invoke "GetMail()", receive those messages and parse them. Problem is that NServiceBus messages are "Interface based" and I cant pass them over WCF, so I need to convert them to types derived from some abstract class.
I Don't know what is best way to handle this situation.

Have you considered a "pure" NServiceBus solution for communicating back to clients? NServiceBus already has that "Postman daemon" capability. NServiceBus messages don't have to be interfaces - you can use regular classes as well.
Hope that helps.


What's the proper way to check for service bus health through QueueClient?

I have a ASP.NET Core API that talks to an Azure ServiceBus through the QueueClient class.
The IQueueClient interface is registered as a singleton in the DI (new'ing it up once such as: new QueueClient(...). This is one of the approach in Microsofts recommended ways of talking to a SericeBus. We could use a MessageFactory too, but I don't think it matters for the question I have.
For monitoring purposes, i'd like to check the health of the service bus (or the service bus connection at least). I found that you can use queueClient.IsClosedOrClosing, but you can also use queueClient.ServiceBusConnection.IsClosedOrClosing. One checks the queueClient's connection to the service bus (?), and the other one... too?
What's the difference here?
Thanks for your help!
Both queueClient.IsClosedOrClosing and  queueClient.ServiceBusConnection.IsClosedOrClosing are the same. Any client, queue, topic, or subscription has and maintains a connection to the broker. This connection was either passed into the client at the time of construction or is created by the client when a connection string is given to the constructor. Since connection object is exposed on the clients, you get the access to the IsClosedOrClosing property in two ways.

Returning wcf stream from service fabric actors/services

I am hoping this is a simple question.
I want to create a cluster of services that process dynamic reports that involve any number of several thousand fields. From what I can tell, I can't use a stream as a return type from a reliable actor or service. Are my only options to return serialised byte arrays or to write the results elsewhere and direct clients to query that resource instead, or am I missing something?
It depends on the communication stack you use in your services. Services themselves are agnostic to communication protocols. Implementations of services can plug in any communication stack: Web API, WCF, sockets, doesn't matter.
Reliable Actors is a special implementation of a service, and as a service implementation it specifies a communication stack. In that communication stack, request/response payloads have to be DataContract serializable, so no you can't return a stream there.
Otherwise, if you're using WCF to communicate with your services, then you're limited by what WCF can do.
If you're using service remoting (where your service implements IService and you use a ServiceProxy to call methods on it remotely), then no you can't return a stream for a service method. You need to return something that is DataContract serializable.
If you're using Web API in your service, you can grab the HTTP response stream in a controller action method and stream your data back without allocating a byte buffer for it.
Or you can implement your own communicaton protocol and do whatever you want.

WCF or Service Bus Sessions for Request-Response

I am using On-Premise Service Bus 1.1 for communication between processes.
I need to perform request-response methods between end points and need to decide if I will use WCF or the bus (Service Bus Relay for WCF is not currently available for on premise).
WCF would be easiest to talk to via a generated client proxy, potential complexity with IIS host (or self host) and versioning of clients calling the service.
For Service Bus create two queues per remote service (i.e.
userService, userServiceResponse) and then use sessions. Flexible versioning with different commands. Management of these queues could become complex.
For my project everything is within the same subnet and if required WCF endpoints could talk directly to one another
To help me decide which technology to use, my questions are:
Where would WCF be used over request-response service bus?
Are there any libraries for Service Bus queues to implement
request-response messaging (or any robust code examples)?
If we have multiple publishers on a queue, how would we return a reply to a specific sender? Would we have multiple serviceReponse queues, or can a single return queue be used?
Service Bus messages can have a SessionID unique for that request where the service will receive the message, do something with it and reply with a message that has the same ID in the ReplyToSessionID. This allows the requesting party to receive based on the Session ID like this
MessageSession sessionReceiver = _queueClient.AcceptMessageSession(_mySessionID,TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
I think the big question here is Sync vs Async whether you want the requesting party to sit back and wait for a response (WCF) or back later and check if the response is ready yet Service Bus but that is a business decision.
This link or this MSDN article might help you get started with Req/Rep for SB.
I don't think that deciding which technology should be used is a business decision. At first, it's a technical one.
I would not go with a product which is very operating system dependent, and worst, it's so premature. We can be creating coupling (OS x Bus) and stepping over a mined field.
But, this is only a personal opinion and might be biased as I'm not a Azure SB specialist.
I agree with #Tom, your decision is more related to sync/async model.
Some questions I usually answer before deciding on this subject:
Can we preview the rate of requests/minute and the amount of clients?
What is the nature of the service? Heavy processing logic or simple queries against a database?
I can list some others if you wish, but those two can easily help on the decision, forcing you to think broadly.

Using WCF Service for event handling

Presently I have one class which monitor serial ports for incoming data, process the data and raises events through delegates/events based on the received data. This is a stand alone application. Now I have to convert it to a service so that the serial port monitor class will start as a service when the windows starts and a client applications subscribes to the events from either a remote PC or from the local machine. I have seen many articles on using WCF for this kind of applications. But WCF is message based and it will create a service obect when the client is requested. But my requirement is the service should be started automatically and the client application should be able to subscribe for the events of the service class instance which is already created during startup. How can I achieve this using WCF ?
The default behavior in WCF is to create a new instance of your service class to handle each incoming request, but you can override this by decorating your class with:
To get good performance with a Singleton, though, there's a few things you'll need to consider:
Since you'll likely need to do some configuration of your Singleton instance, you'll probably want to use the ServiceHost constructor method that takes a Singleton instance as an argument. (For an example, see Figure 8 Initializing and Hosting a Singleton in this article
Threading: The default threading model (ConcurrencyMode) only allows a single thread to have access to your Singleton instance at a time. You may need to look at using ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple to get good performance (which means you'll need to handle threading-related issues yourself).
Make sure the methods in your Callback contract are marked as [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] so that publishing events back to the subscribers doesn't cause your service instance to block until the event handler completes. (Using WCF in this way is covered in detail in this article by Juval Lowy

Will WCF allow me to use object references across boundaries on objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged or contain observablecollection objects?

So I've created a series of objects that interact with a piece of hardware over a serial port. There is a thread running monitoring the serial port, and if the state of the hardware changes it updates properties in my objects. I'm using observable collections, and INotifyPropertyChanged.
I've built a UI in WPF and it works great, showing me real time updating when the hardware changes and allows me to send changes to the hardware as well by changing these properties using bindings.
What I'm hoping is that I can run the UI on a different machine than what the hardware is hooked up to without a lot of wiring up of events. Possibly even allow multiple UI's to connect to the same service and interact with this hardware.
So far I understand I'm going to need to create a WCF service. I'm trying to figure out if I'll be able to pass a reference to an object created at the service to the client leaving events intact. So that the UI will really just be bound to a remote object.
Am I moving the right direction with WCF?
Also I see tons of examples for WCF in C#, are there any good practical use examples in VB that might be along the lines of what I'm trying to do?
No, WCF is a message based system - you pass around serialized (text/xml) messages. There's no "object references" that you can pass around.
The client has a proxy, which gives you the ability to "call" the service method. The WCF runtime then captures the parameters to that call, packages them up in a serialized message, and sends that message across the wire.
There is no direct connection between the client and the server - the client can't "reach over" to the service to get a remote object, nor can the service go back to the client to find out who called it or anything like that.
All that you want to send to the service must be part of either the message itself, or the headers that accompany the message.
Those messages must conform to the XML schema standard, which again means: only concrete non-generic types. You can't pass around interfaces, you cannot pass references - only concrete types made up of basic types such a string, int, datetime etc.
Update: maybe you need to check out the publish/subscribe (pub/sub for short) pattern - which you can also build using WCF. This would allow you data collection machine to publish its data on a regular basis or whenver it changes, and any number of subscribers could be notified of those changes.
Check out some of those articles - googling or binging for "WCF pub sub" will definitely turn out quite a few more!
Tom Hollander: Building a Pub/Sub Message Bus with WCF and MSMQ
Pub/sub sample with WCF net.tcp protocol in Silverlight 4
Pub/sub sample using HTTP polling duplex WCF channel in Microsoft Silverlight 3
WCF Router and Publish/Subscribe Sample Implementation