Can't get up with RIA demo - wcf

Based the article I've tried to start-up the RIA services.
At the moment there are 2 blockers:
On the client side I don't have
<datagrid:DataGrid component. Does
anybody know what namespace contains
this object? (already resolved with
Silverlight Toolkit usage, thanks to
Refracted Paladin for help)
On the
client side I don't have access to
my DomainService... don't know why. Also, I con't see "System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client" assembly available to be added to the projects references.
Could anybody help to resolve the 2nd problem?
Thank you.
P.S. I have VS2008, SP1, Silverlight, RIA Services installed.

System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client is part of the RIA Services RC for SL4/VS2010. The DLL's for RIA Services RTW for SL3/VS2008 are completely different. And to my knowledge, they can't be installed side-by-side - I have tried.
This article points out some of the differences between the 2 versions, and how to move to RIA Services for SL4/VS2010:
If you do end up installing RIA Services for SL4/VS2010, you access the "System.ServiceModel.DomainServices" namespace with a reference to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\RIA Services\v1.0\Libraries\Silverlight\System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.dll".

Guess, the problem was in some mistery (my machine has different issues last few days). As a results my ReSharper wasn't able to find the class in a namespace that was not mentioned in the "using" section.
At the moment domain service is accessible on the client side of my Silverlight app. I clicked "Show All Files" for the Silverlight project and found 'Generated_Code' folder that contained all required generated files. In that file full class name is specified, I've used it in my pages and all is workable now.
Thanks to all.


How can I get rid of the “The target assembly contains no service types” for self WCF hosted projects

I have a solution with several WCF self hosted projects. Every time i run a uni test i message box with this message pops up.
Because the projects were not created as WCF projects, they don't have the WCF tab in properties page were, according to many posts, i should be able to fix it by disabling option Start WCF Service Host when debugging another project in the same solution
I am running on VS 2017.
Any pointers?
Found out.
The problem was that i had a WCF Library project in the solution that was created as a regular Library project.
I fixed by adding the followin XML tag to the library project:
<FlavorProperties GUID="{3D9AD99F-2412-4246-B90B-4EAA41C64699}">
To get the tag, case anyone wonder what is it, i created an WCF library project on a dummy solution, uncheck the Start WCF Service host when debugging another project in the same solution as show in the picture below, and grab the tag from the config file.

Adding WCF RIA Services class library to Silverlight 5 application

Trying to add WCF RIA Services class library to my SL5 app in VS 2010 but once I set the WCF RIA Services Link in class library properties, project fails to build with numerous "The type or namespace name 'QueryResult' could not be found", 'EntitySet', EntityQuery' errors...
I'm following the MSDN Walkthrough Walkthrough: Creating a RIA Services Class Library trying to port a subset of my WPF app to SL5 so I first created an SL5 application with RIA checkbox uncheked which created two projects:
MySLApp (Silverlight 5)
MySLApp.Web (.NET 4)
Once I had that in place I added WCF RIA Services class library which created another two projects:
MySLAppWCF (Silverlight 5)
MySLAppWCF.Web (.NET 4)
In MySLAppWCF.Web I created an ADO .NET Entity Data Model and added a Domain Service Class using an entity from the Data Model. At this point all these new projects buid fine so I added a reference to MySLAppWCF in my MySLApp project and a reference to MySLAppWCF.Web in my MySLApp.Web but the final step to get all this wired up is to set the WCF RIA Services Link in MySLAppWCF to MySLAppWCF.Web but once I do that it all blows up with numerous "The type or namespace couldn not be found" errors. I checked the references in the library and there is a reference to System.ServiceModel there.
Any ideas on how to get all this working?
EDIT: I kept digging and found something about adding a reference to System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client library which is located in RIA SDK so I did that and it took care of the original errors but now I'm getting WebDomainClient and DomainServiceFault not found in my MySLAppWCF project even after adding a reference to System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client there as well and these two appear to be in that namespace...
Both WebDomainClient and DomainServiceFault are definied in System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Web (usually found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\RIA Services\v1.0\Libraries\Silverlight\System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Web.dll)
You need to add a reference to this assembly too.
Let me assert that your design could bring you to some problems, having two different sites (one that host the SL application and one to host the domainServices) it's unusual and could bring you in cross-request problem, if it isn't needed I suggest you to transform MySLAppWCF.Web into a normal DLL and reference it from your host.
Also, pay attention at the web.config of MySLAppWCF.Web, VS has modified it in order to use the needed DomainServiceModule.

Error message from svcutil.exe - what does it mean?

I've had not a lot of luck creating a WCF service with Visual Studio. It's in IIS, and it I click 'browse' on the .svc file itself, it tells me I have created a service. So I assume it's all okay to a point.
Throughout my time I came across a recommendation to use a program called svcutil.exe. I used it on my service and got the following error. I don't know what it means, so hopefully someone can shed some light on the situation.
Here's the result:
Microsoft (R) Service Model Metadata Tool
[Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Communication Foundation, Version 3.0.4506.2152]
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Attempting to download metadata from 'http://localhost/EvalServiceSite/Eval.svc'
using WS-Metadata Exchange or DISCO.
Error: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.Se
Error: Schema with target namespace '' could not be found.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace=''
Error: Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:portType that the wsdl:binding is de
pendent on.
XPath to wsdl:portType: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace=''
Error: Cannot import wsdl:port
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is depend
ent on.
XPath to wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace=''
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace=''
Generating files...
Warning: No code was generated.
If you were trying to generate a client, this could be because the metadata docu
ments did not contain any valid contracts or services
or because all contracts/services were discovered to exist in /reference assembl
ies. Verify that you passed all the metadata documents to the tool.
Warning: If you would like to generate data contracts from schemas make sure to
use the /dataContractOnly option.
I think this previous Stack Overflow question may help with your current question but not necessarily your problem.
Error: Cannot import wsdl:port with svcutil
You've created your WCF service and you've browsed to it in IIS so you're happy that it is working. The purpose of SVCUtil.exe is to generate classes that you can use in an application to interact with the service with compile time information on the contract members and methods.
it performs the exact same function as adding a service reference in visual studio to consume the service.
If your having trouble, i'd suggest just creating a simple console project in visual studio, adding a service reference and giving it the url of the service you've hosted in IIS. Then click "show all files" in the visual studio solution explorer and look at the reference.cs file it gives you. This will show you what information has been consumed from your service.
Hi Again,
After going through all the comments below I'm starting to see more about your problem. I think you misunderstand what it is your doing when in fact you've already achieved what you want to achieve.
The original project, the one you had with the WCF test client that worked did what you needed. It is a fully fledged WCF Service. All you needed to do was right click the solution in visual studio and publish it. If you then make sure that you make an IIS virtual directory point at your solution, through the publish wizard. Then when you run your project and then browse to that url, that will give you a service to consume for testing purposes.
What you are doing at the moment, creating a WCF project, adding that DLL to a website project is fundamentally wrong: The example you followed, presumably this one :
is about creating a WCF service in a web site project from scratch. Not about adding a pre-existing WCF project and hosting it.
Your essentially trying to do one thing in two different ways together.
Your current course of action is to either remove the DLL in your web project and then create the service there. Or host your current WCF service in IIS ( the project you downloaded from me or your original one)
At this point you have a hosted service. Then usually you have an application to interact wtih it. This you found using svcutil and can be done in one of two ways:
You create the console application and do "Add Service Reference" to the URL you have hosted in IIS.
Or you use SVC Util.exe point it at the url which generates a class file you include in your console / application.
I hope that clears things up about WCF and what stages to use various tools?
Edit 2
Just in case you don't get to the Chat:
I still think theres something wrong with your original project. I'm not sure what you mean by the one with the DLL either? if that means your website project with the dll of the WCF project, then no not that one.
I've taken the project I sent you earlier. I've hosed that in IIS so that when i browse to localhost/EvalService on my machine i get the standard
"EvalService Service
You have created a service.
To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the command line with the following syntax:"
Once I had that set up i created a console application, "added service reference" in visual studio and it consumed teh service no problem.
Try doing the above with the project I sent you and see how far you get.

FluentNHibernate blows up in Windows Service but not website

I've got a class library doing all my NHibernate stuff. It also handles all the mapping using Fluent NHibernate - no mapping files to deploy.
This class library is consumed by a number of apps, including a Windows Service running on my computer. Although it works fine in all my web apps, the Windows Service gets this when it tries to use NHibernate:
An invalid or incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory. Check PotentialReasons collection, and InnerException for more detail.
at FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfiguration.BuildSessionFactory()
at Kctc.NHibernate.KctcSessionFactory.get_SessionFactory() in C:\Kctc\Trunk\Kctc.NHibernate\KctcSessionFactory.cs:line 28
...more stack trace...
I have checked for an InnerException and there doesn't appear to be one. I have no idea what the PotentialReasons collection is, and Google doesn't seem to be forthcoming either.
This is my dev machine, so when I'm working on my web apps they run locally (i.e. using the web server in Visual Studio). The fact that the Windows Service and my dev web apps are running on this same machine suggest it's not to do with trust settings or what have you.
Can anyone suggest what I should try? This is one of those ones where I'm so stumped I can't even think of how to get more information about the problem.
Just a wild guess. NHibernate picks up the hibernate.cfg.xml file from the execution directory. Did you configure the execution directory of the service that it can find this file?
I've found out what the problem is. The Service did not deploy with the required NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.dll.
I appear to have an ongoing problem with the Visual Studio compiler not always copying indirect dependencies (i.e. dlls required by class libraries required by the app) into the output folder during the build. I should have thought of this sooner really.
Thanks for racking your brains on my behalf guys.
I bet the name of the connection string is missing from the app.config. For me that message is almost exclusively a missing connection string.
Are you targeting the same database or could it be some sort of schema mismatch between databases?
Could it be authentication issues on the service like you use windows authentication where it can't be used (or the sql authentication that doesn't work)?
It's hard to tell when there is no code, just an exception!
EDIT Are you ever using HttpContext, HostingEnvironment or anything else specific to "web"?

WCF RIA Silverlight deployment issues

It seems the world is awash with people having problems deploying RIA WCF services, and now I'm one too. I've already tried a bunch of things, but to no avail. I need WCF RIA to support a Silverlight 3 application I've built.
The short story is, using the new WCF RIA services (Nov 09?) I open VS 2008, create new project (silverlight application), enabling ".NET RIA services". Add new item to web project - Linq2SQL dbml file (from SQL 2005 DB prepared earlier) and compile. I add a new item to the web project - domain service (link the tables I need) and compiled. Using the domain context I "Load" data with a standard RIA get query in the MainPage and add a TextBlock to display returned data. Build & run (cassini) - success. Using VS to publish to IIS on local PC - success.
Using VS to publish to test server (IIS6) - browse to location and the Silverlight app loads but Fiddler tells me I've got a 404 on all the the WCF .svc requests. Use Fiddler to "launch IE" on the service request and it's true - 404.
I have already run aspnet_regiis, ServiceModelReg and added mime types for .xap, .xaml, .xbap and .svc. I have included the System.Web.Ria and System.Web.DomainServices DLL with copy local true.
I need help with either
a) a solution
b) an approach to find a solution
I had some troubles with this also, although once I figured them out it's relatively straight forward.
First, run through (although it seems you have most of that covered off).
Check that you have your DomainServiceModule in the web.config in the new system.webServer bit and the old bit for IIS6:
<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
<add name="DomainServiceModule" type="System.Web.Ria.Services.DomainServiceHttpModule, System.Web.Ria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
Finally, I had to create my services manually, by creating .svc files where SL is looking for them (from fiddler) and filling them in with:
<%# ServiceHost Service="NameOfSerice" Factory="System.Web.Ria.DomainServiceHostFactoryEx" %>
Make sure that you also visit the .svc file directly (without the /binary on the end) as you can get some nice errors there (well once you solve your 404 of course!)
I fought this issue for a little while myself where it could not find the .svc file. I soon realized it wasn't just my .svc, it was all .svc files. It then appeared to be an IIS6 issue. It turns out that the ASP.NET v4.0x Web Service Extensions are set to "Prohibited" by default. Went into Web Service Extensions config and set ASP.NET v4.0x to "Allowed" and life was all good.
I ran into the same problem. Worked fine with the cassini server under Windows 7. Deployed to Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS7, and it would not work. Fiddler reported that an 'EndPointNotFoundException' was being thrown.
My solution, since I have full control of the server, was to install Visual Studio 2008 Express, Silverlight 3 SDK, and the WCF RIA Services Beta for VS2008. This meant that the necessary DLLs were already installed in the GAC. I don't think this affected the result, but I turned off 'Copy Local' for the RIA DLLs that were referenced by the Web app.
Probably an unorthodox solution, but it worked for me!!! Actually, I did this at the suggestion of Microsoft Support.
By the way, support for this through Microsoft is very sparse at this time. They are actually trying to figure out right now internally who is going to support this technology: WCF team or Silverlight team. I know it's still in beta, but be warned that a 'GoLive' license doesn't mean its fully supported. I had someone from the WCF team who went out of his way to help me on this, but gave me a disclaimer several times during the call, that it wasn't really supported through those channels yet.
If someone is interested, how to deploy a complete Silverlight solution to IIS with your own batch script, read my answer in this post:
Is there a Management Service (WMSVC) UI in IIS 7 on Windows 7?
I did this, because there was no way, the in-bulit webdeploy feature of VS 2010 was working. The batch script makes it possible, that you can run and debug on IIS.
I know, this is not the explicit answer to this question, but it is a very similar question.
I think you would only use FactoryEx if you extended the Factory as described here. Also, according to my help files, the full name is System.Web.Ria.Services.DomainServiceHostFactory, but the parser can't create that type either, although I have System.Web.Ria in the GAC.
I agree - deploying WCF RIA over https is a challenge - I have yet to get it to work.