Does a version control database storage engine exist? - sql

I was just wondering if a storage engine type existed that allowed you to do version control on row level contents. For instance, if I have a simple table with ID, name, value, and ID is the PK, I could see that row 354 started as (354, "zak", "test")v1 then was updated to be (354, "zak", "this is version 2 of the value")v2 , and could see a change history on the row with something like select history (value) where ID = 354.
It's kind of an esoteric thing, but it would beat having to keep writing these separate history tables and functions every time a change is made...

It seems you are looking more for auditing features. Oracle and several other DBMS have full auditing features. But many DBAs still end up implementing trigger based row auditing. It all depends on your needs.
Oracle supports several granularities of auditing that are easy to configure from the command line.
I see you tagged as MySQL, but asked about any storage engine. Anyway, other answers are saying the same thing, so I'm going delete this post as originally it was about the flashback features.

Obviously you are really after a MySQL solution, so this probably won't help you much, but Oracle has a feature called Total Recall (more formally Flashback Archive) which automates the process you are currently hand-rolling. The Archive is a set of compressed tables which are populated with changes automatically, and queryable with a simple AS OF syntax.
Naturally being Oracle they charge for it: it needs an additional license on top of the Enterprise Edition, alas. Find out more (PDF).

Oracle and Sql Server both call this feature Change Data Capture. There is no equivalent for MySql at this time.

You can achieve similar behavior with triggers (search for "triggers to catch all database changes") - particularly if they implement SQL92 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
Otherwise I'd agree with mrjoltcola
Edit: The only gotcha I'd mention with MySQL and triggers is that (as of the latest community version I downloaded) it requires the user account have the SUPER privilege, which can make things a little ugly

CouchDB has full versioning for every change made, but it is part of the NOSQL world, so would probably be a pretty crazy shift from what you are currently doing.

The wikipedia article on google's bigtable mentions that it allows versioning by adding a time dimension to the tables:
Each table has multiple dimensions
(one of which is a field for time,
allowing versioning).
There are also links there to several non-google implementations of a bigtable-type dbms.

I think Big table, the Google DB engine, does something like that : it associate a timestamp with every update of a row.
Maybe you can try Google App Engine.
There is a Google paper explaining how Big Table works.

The book Refactoring Databases has some insights on the matter.
But it also points out there is no real solution currently, other then carefully making changes and managing them manually.

One approximation to this is a temporal database - which allows you to see the status of the whole database at different times in the past. I'm not sure that wholly answers your question though; it would not allow you to see the contents of Row 1 at time t1 while simultaneously letting you look at the contents of Row 2 at a separate time t2.

"It's kind of an esoteric thing, but it would beat having to keep writing these separate history tables and functions every time a change is made..."
I wouldn't call audit trails (which is obviously what you're talking of) an "esoteric thing" ...
And : there is still a difference between the history of database updates, and the history of reality. Historical database tables should really be used to reflect the history of reality, NOT the history of database updates.
The history of database updates is already kept by the DBMS in its logs and journals. If someone needs to inquire the history of database upates, then he/she should really resort to the logs and journals, not to any kind of application-level construct that can NEVER provide sufficient guarantee that it reflects ALL updates.


Change detection in complex system

This might seem like a fairly specific question but I'm wondering if there is any technology/pattern out there that might help me in a current project. I have a hugely complex database which is updated by multiple systems. I now need to do change tracking on various bits of data that is spread across multiple tables so that I can send it to a third party system.
I've considered a number of options but unfortunately I can't seem to come to any other conclusion than using database triggers. I'm thinking of storing a flag in a table (or queue) to identify the rows that have changed and then building an xml diff containing the changed data to send to a web service. This feels a little dirty so I was wondering if anyone could think of a better alternative.
Depending on the database platform you're using, you might look into Change Data Capture. Since you mention .NET, here's some info about it:
Other database systems may offer something similar.
Another option would be insert/update/delete triggers on the tables, however triggers should be approached carefully as they can cause some significant performance problems if not done right.
And yet another option still would be what you describe - some sort of flag to monitor for changes. A simple CREATED and MODIFIED timestamp fields can go a long way here, as rather than just a bit indicator suggesting that the row may need attention, you'll know when the update happened, and your export process can be programmed accordingly (e.g., select * from table where modified > getdate()-1).

Transferring data from one SQL table layout to a 'new & improved' one

The project I work on has undergone a transformation at the database level. For the better, about 40% of the SQL layout has been changed. Some columns were eliminated, others moved. I am now tasked with developing a data migration strategy.
What migration methods, even tools are available so that I don't have to figure out each every individual dependency and manually script a key change when their IDs (for instance) change.
I realize this question is a bit obtuse and open ended, but I assume others have had to do this before and I would appreciate any advice.
I'm on MS SQL Server 2008
#OMG Ponies Not obtuse but vague:
Great point. I guess this helps me reconsider what I am asking, at least make it more specific. How do you insert from multiple tables to multiple tables keeping the relationships established by the foreign keys intact? I now realize I could drop the ID key constraint during the insert and re-enable it after, but I guess I have to figure out what depends on what myself and make sure it goes smoothly.
I'll start there, but will leave this open in case anyone else has other recommendation.
You should create an upgrade script that morphs the current schema into the v. next schema, applying appropriate operations (alter table, select into, update, delete etc). While this may seem tedious, is the only process that will be testable: start from a backup of the current db, apply the upgrade script, test the result db for conformance with the desired schema. You can test and debug your upgrade script until is hammered into correctness. You can test it on a real data size so that you get a correct estimate of downtime due to size-of-data operations.
While there are out there tools that can copy data or transforms schema(s) (like SQL Compare) I believe approaching this as a development project, with a script deliverable that can be tested repeatedly and validated, is a much saner approach.
In future you can account for this upgrade step in your development and start with it, rather than try to squeeze it in at the end.
there are tons of commercial tools around that claim to solve this -> i wouldn't buy that...
I think your best bet is to model domain classes that represent your data and write adapters that read in/serialize to the old/new schemas.
If you haven't got a model of your domain, you should build one now.
ID's will change, so ideally they should not carry any meaning to user's of your database.

Database schemas WAY out of sync - need to get up to date without losing data

The problem: we have one application that has a portion which is used by a very small subset of the total users, and that part of the application is running off of a separate database as well. In a perfect world, the schemas of the two databases would be synced up, but such is not the case. Some migrations have been run on the smaller database, most haven't; and furthermore, there is nothing such as revision number to be able to easily identify which have and which haven't. We would like to solve this quandary for future projects. During a discussion we've come up with the following possible plan of action, and I am wondering if anyone knows of any project which has already solved this problem:
What we would like to do is create an empty database from the schema of the large fully-migrated database, and then move all of the data from the smaller non-migrated database into that empty one. If it makes things easier, it can probably be assumed for the sake of this problem specifically that no migrations have ever removed anything, only added.
Else, if there are other known solutions, I'd like to hear them as well.
You could use a schema comparison tool like Red-Gate's SQL Compare. You can synchronize the changes and not lose any data. I wrote about this and many alternative tools ranging widely in price here:
The nice thing is that most tools have trial versions. So, you can try them our for 14 days (fully functional) and only buy it if it meets your expectations. I can't speak for the other tools, but I've been using RG for years and it is a very capable and reliable tool.
(Updated 2012-06-23 to help prevent link-rot.)
Red-Gate's SQL Compare as Aaron Bertrand mentions in his answer is a very good option. However, if you are not permitted to purchase something, an option is to try something like:
1) For each database, script out all the tables, constraints, indexes, views, procedures, etc.
2) run a DIFF, and go through all the differences and make sure that the small DB can accept them. If not implement any changes (including data) necessary onto the small DB so it can accept the changes.
3) create a new empty database from the schema of the large DB
4) import the data from the small DB into the nee DB.
You could also reverse engineer your database into Visual Studio as a database project. Visual Studio Team Suite Database Edition GDR R2 (I know long name) has the capability to do a schema comparison and data comparison, but the beauty of this approach is that you get all of your database into a nice database project where you can manage change and integrate with source control. This would allow you to build from a common source and deploy consistent changes.

Dynamic patching of databases

Please forgive my long question. I have an idea for a design that I could use some comments on. Is it a good idea to do this? And what are the pit falls I should be aware of? Are there other similar implementations that are better?
My situation is as follows:
I am working on a rewrite of a windows forms application that connects to a SQL 2008 (earlier it was SQL 2005) server. The application is an "expert-system" for an engineering company where we store structured data about constructions. We have control of all installations of the client software, we have no external customers or users, they are all internal to the company, and they are all be trusted not to do anything malicious to the software or database.
The current design doesn't have too many tables (about 10 - 20) but some of them have millions of records that belong to several hundred constructions. The systems performance has been ok so far, but it is starting to degrade as we are pushing the limits of the design.
As part of the rewrite I am considering splitting the database into one master database and several "child" databases where each describes one construction. Each child database should be of identical design. This should eliminate the performance problems we are seeing today since the data stored in each database would be less than one percent of the total data amount.
My concern is that instead of maintaining one database we will now get hundreds of databases that must be kept up to date. The system is constantly evolving as the companys requirements change (you know how it is), and while we try to look forward to reduce the number of changes the changes will come. So we will need a system where we keep track of all database changes done to the system so they can be applied to the child databases. Updating the client application won't be a problem, we have good control of that aspect.
I am thinking of a change tracing system where we store database scripts for all changes in a table in the master database. We can then give each change a version number and we can store a current version number in each child database. When the client program connects to a child database we can then check the version number of the database against the current version number of the master database and if there are patches with version numbers greater than the version number of the child database we run these and update the child database to the latest version.
As I see it this should work well. Any changes to the system will first be tested and validated before committed as a new version of the database. The change will then be applied to the database the first time a user opens it. I suppose we would open the database in exclusive mode while applying the changes, but as long as the changes aren't too frequent this should not be a problem.
So what do you think? Will this work? Have any of you done something similar? Should we scrap the solution and go for the monolithic system instead?
Have you considered partitioning your large tables by 'construction'? This could alleviate some of the growing pains by splitting the storage for the tables across files/physical devices without needing to change your application.
Adding spindles (more drives) and performing a few hours of DBA work can often be cheaper than modifying/adapting software.
Otherwise, I'd agree with #heikogerlach and these similar posts:
How do I version my ms sql database
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes
How do you manage databases in development, test and production?
I have a similar situation here, though I use MySQL. Every database has a versions table that contains the version (simply an integer) and a short comment of what has changed in this version. I use a script to update the databases. Every database change can be in one function or sometimes one change is made by multiple functions. Functions contain the version number in the function name. The script looks up the highest version number in a database and applies only the functions that have a higher version number in order.
This makes it easy to update databases (just add new change functions) and allows me to quickly upgrade a recovered database if necessary (just run the script again).
Even when testing the changes before this allows for defensive changes. If you make some heavy changes on a table and you want to play it safe:
def change103(...):
"Create new table."
def change104(...):
"""Transfer data from old table to new table and make
complicated changes in the process.
def change105(...):
"Drop old table"
def change106(...):
"Rename new table to old table"
if in change104() is something going wrong (and throws an exception) you can simply delete the already converted data from the new table, fix your change function and run the script again.
But I don't think that changing a database dynamically when a client connects is a good idea. Sometimes changes can take some time. And the software that accesses a database should match the schema of the database. You have somehow to keep them in sync. Maybe you could distribute a new software version and then you want to upgrade the database when a client is actually starting to use this new software. But I haven't tried that.
Better don't create additional databases. At first glance you may think that you'll get some performance gain, but actually you get support nightmare. Remember - what can break, does break sooner or later.
It is way simpler to perform and optimize queries in single database. It is much easier manage user permissions in single database. It is much easier to make consistent backups for single database.
Like KenG said, if you need break your large tables - consider partitioning them. And add some drives :)
But at first run SQL profiler on your database and optimize indexes and queries. Several million rows is usually not a big problem to handle (unless your customer needs live totaling over half of these, in which case no partitioning can help).
I know that this is a crazy answer but here it goes...
I currently have a similar scenario where I need to keep control of database versions in multiple locations for a system using MS SQL Server.
What I am doing now is using Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Migrations to keep control of database versions. Yes I know that we are talking about Windows systems but this works fine for me. (By the way, my system is programmed in VB and .NET)
I have installed Rails on each server, when I need to update the database schema I copy the migration files to the server and run rake db:migrate which updates the database to the latest version or rollbacks it to a desired version.
As a side effect you will have a set of migration files for your database schema in an database independent language (in this case ruby) that you can apply to other database engines and that you can put under source control too.
I know that this is a strange solution in which a totally different technology is used but it does not hurt to learn new approaches. You can find additional information here.
I have become a better .Net programmer since I learned Ruby on Rails. I asked here before a question about this approach.

Effectively transforming data from one SQL database to another in live environment

We have a bit of a messy database situation.
Our main back-office system is written in Visual Fox Pro with local data (yes, I know!)
In order to effectively work with the data in our websites, we have chosen to regularly export data to a SQL database. However the process that does this basically clears out the tables each time and does a re-insert.
This means we have two SQL databases - one that our FoxPro export process writes to, and another that our websites read from.
This question is concerned with the transform from one SQL database to the other (SqlFoxProData -> SqlWebData).
For a particular table (one of our main application tables), because various data transformations take places during this process, it's not a straightforward UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements using self-joins, but we're having to use cursors instead (I know!)
This has been working fine for many months but now we are starting to hit upon performance problems when an update is taking place (this can happen regularly during the day)
Basically when we are updating SqlWebData.ImportantTable from SqlFoxProData.ImportantTable, it's causing occasional connection timeouts/deadlocks/other problems on the live websites.
I've worked hard at optimising queries, caching etc etc, but it's come to a point where I'm looking for another strategy to update the data.
One idea that has come to mind is to have two copies of ImportantTable (A and B), some concept of which table is currently 'active', updating the non-active table, then switching the currenly actice table
i.e. websites read from ImportantTableA whilst we're updating ImportantTableB, then we switch websites to read from ImportantTableB.
Question is, is this feasible and a good idea? I have done something like it before but I'm not convinced it's necessarily good for optimisation/indexing etc.
Any suggestions welcome, I know this is a messy situation... and the long term goal would be to get our FoxPro application pointing to SQL.
(We're using SQL 2005 if it helps)
I should add that data consistency isn't particularly important in the instance, seeing as the data is always slightly out of date
There are a lot of ways to skin this cat.
I would attack the locking issues first. It is extremely rare that I would use CURSORS, and I think improving the performance and locking behavior there might resolve a lot of your issues.
I expect that I would solve it by using two separate staging tables. One for the FoxPro export in SQL and one transformed into the final format in SQL side-by-side. Then either swapping the final for production using sp_rename, or simply using 3 INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE transactions to apply all changes from the final table to production. Either way, there is going to be some locking there, but how big are we talking about?
You should be able to maintain one db for the website and just replicate to that table from the other sql db table.
This is assuming that you do not update any data from the website itself.
"For a particular table (one of our main application tables), because various data transformations take places during this process, it's not a straightforward UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements using self-joins, but we're having to use cursors instead (I know!)"
I cannot think of a case where I would ever need to perform an insert, update or delete using a cursor. If you can write the select for the cursor, you can convert it into an insert, update or delete. You can join to other tables in these statements and use the case stament for conditional processing. Taking the time to do this in a set -based fashion may solve your problem.
One thing you may consider if you have lots of data to move. We occassionally create a view to the data we want and then have two tables - one active and one that data will be loaded into. When the data is finsihed loading, as part of your process run a simple command to switch the table the view uses to the one you just finshed loading to. That way the users are only down for a couple of seconds at most. You won't create locking issues where they are trying to access data as you are loading.
You might also look at using SSIS to move the data.
Do you have the option of making the updates more atomic, rather than the stated 'clear out and re-insert'? I think Visual Fox Pro supports triggers, right? For your key tables, can you add a trigger to the update/insert/delete to capture the ID of records that change, then move (or delete) just those records?
Or how about writing all changes to an offline database, and letting SQL Server replication take care of the sync?
[sorry, this would have been a comment, if I had enough reputation!]
Based on your response to Ernie above, you asked how you replicate databases. Here is Microsoft's how-to about replication in SQL2005.
However, if you're asking about replication and how to do it, it indicates to me that you are a little light in experience for SQL server. That being said, it's fairly easy to muck things up and while I'm all for learning by experience, if this is mission critical data, you might be better off hiring a DBA or at the very least, testing the #$##$% out of this before you actually implement it.