How to check if NSString begins with a certain character - objective-c

How do you check if an NSString begins with a certain character (the character *).
The * is an indicator for the type of the cell, so I need the contents of this NSString without the *, but need to know if the * exists.

You can use the -hasPrefix: method of NSString:
NSString* output = nil;
if([string hasPrefix:#"*"]) {
output = [string substringFromIndex:1];
var output:String?
if string.hasPrefix("*") {
output = string.substringFromIndex(string.startIndex.advancedBy(1))

You can use:
NSString *newString;
if ( [[myString characterAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:#"*"] ) {
newString = [myString substringFromIndex:1];

hasPrefix works especially well.
for example if you were looking for a http url in a NSString, you would use componentsSeparatedByString to create an NSArray and the iterate the array using hasPrefix to find the elements that begin with http.
NSArray *allStringsArray =
[myStringThatHasHttpUrls componentsSeparatedByString:#" "]
for (id myArrayElement in allStringsArray) {
NSString *theString = [myArrayElement description];
if ([theString hasPrefix:#"http"]) {
NSLog(#"The URL is %#", [myArrayElement description]);
hasPrefix returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a given string matches the beginning characters of the receiver.
- (BOOL)hasPrefix:(NSString *)aString,
parameter aString is a string that you are looking for
Return Value is YES if aString matches the beginning characters of the receiver, otherwise NO. Returns NO if aString is empty.

As a more general answer, try using the hasPrefix method. For example, the code below checks to see if a string begins with 10, which is the error code used to identify a certain problem.
NSString* myString = #"10:Username taken";
if([myString hasPrefix:#"10"]) {
//display more elegant error message

Use characterAtIndex:. If the first character is an asterisk, use substringFromIndex: to get the string sans '*'.

NSString *stringWithoutAsterisk(NSString *string) {
NSRange asterisk = [string rangeOfString:#"*"];
return asterisk.location == 0 ? [string substringFromIndex:1] : string;

Another approach to do it..
May it help someone...
if ([[temp substringToIndex:4] isEqualToString:#"http"]) {
//starts with http

This might help? :)
Just search for the character at index 0 and compare it against the value you're looking for!

This nice little bit of code I found by chance, and I have yet to see it suggested on Stack. It only works if the characters you want to remove or alter exist, which is convenient in many scenarios. If the character/s does not exist, it won't alter your NSString:
NSString = [yourString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"YOUR CHARACTERS YOU WANT TO REMOVE" withString:#"CAN either be EMPTY or WITH TEXT REPLACEMENT"];
This is how I use it:
//declare what to look for
NSString * suffixTorRemove = #"</p>";
NSString * prefixToRemove = #"<p>";
NSString * randomCharacter = #"</strong>";
NSString * moreRandom = #"<strong>";
NSString * makeAndSign = #"&amp;";
returnStr = [returnStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:suffixTorRemove withString:#""];
returnStr = [returnStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:prefixToRemove withString:#""];
returnStr = [returnStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:randomCharacter withString:#""];
returnStr = [returnStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:moreRandom withString:#""];
returnStr = [returnStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:makeAndSign withString:#"&"];
//check the output
NSLog(#"returnStr IS NOW: %#", returnStr);
This one line is super easy to perform three actions in one:
Checks your string for the character/s you do not want
Can replaces them with whatever you like
Does not affect surrounding code

NSString* expectedString = nil;
if([givenString hasPrefix:#"*"])
expectedString = [givenString substringFromIndex:1];


Comparing string to a character of another string?

Here's my program so far. My intention is to have it so the if statement compares the letter in the string letterGuessed to a character in the string userInputPhraseString. Here's what I have. While coding in xCode, I get an "expected '['"error. I have no idea why.
NSString *letterGuessed = userInputGuessedLetter.text;
NSString *userInputPhraseString = userInputPhraseString.text;
int loopCounter = 0;
int stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
//if statement true
You are missing enclosing square brackets on this line:
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
It should be:
if ([guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo]])
Edit that won’t fix your problem, though, because characterAtIndex: returns a unichar, not an NSString.
It's not clear what you are trying to do.. But I suppose that letterGuessed has one character... And that userInputPhraseString has many characters. So you want to know if letterGuessed is inside userInputPhraseString correct?
This is one solution without loops involved.. I replaced the input with fixed values for testing and tested the code.. It works.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSCharacterSet *cset = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:letterGuessed];
NSRange range = [userInputPhraseString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:cset];
if (range.location != NSNotFound) { //Does letterGuessed is in UserInputPhraseString?
NSLog(#"YES"); //userInput Does contain A...
} else {
In regards to your code... I fixed a couple of errors, first you are trying to get a UniChar (Integer) value for the character and want to compare it to a NSString which is an Object. Also fixed a couple of issues with syntax you had and used the right approach which is to return a range of characters. Again for doing what you want to accomplish the example above is the best approach I know, but for the sake of learning, here is your code fixed.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSInteger loopCounter = 0; //Use NSInteger instead of int.
NSInteger stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
BOOL foundChar = NO; //Just for the sake of returning NOT FOUND in NSLOG
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
//Here we will get a letter for each iteration.
NSString *scannedLetter = [userInputPhraseString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(loopCounter, 1)]; // Removed loopCounterTwo
if ([scannedLetter isEqualToString:letterGuessed])
foundChar = YES;
if (!foundChar) NSLog(#"NOT FOUND");
NSRange holds the position, length.. So we move to a new position on every iteration and then get 1 character.
Also if this approach is what you want, I would strongly suggest a for-loop.

NSString search for substring/ csv File IO

This has given me quite a big headache. For whatever reason, when I use this code, the if statement always evaluates to false:
NSString *line = [self readNSString:file];
NSLog(#"%#", line);
NSLog(#"%#", search);
NSRange textRange;
textRange =[line rangeOfString:search];
if(textRange.location != NSNotFound)
NSString *result = [line substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange([line rangeOfString:search])];
resultView.text = result;
resultView.text = #"Not found";
When the functions execute, the two NSLogs tell me that the "line" and "search" strings are what they should be, so then why does the if statement always evaluate to false? I must be missing something simple, having another set of eyes would be great. Thanks
edit: (function "readNSString")
- (NSString*)readNSString:(FILE*) file
char buffer[300];
NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];
int read;
if(fscanf(file, "%299[^\n]%n%*c", buffer, &read) == 1)
[result appendFormat:#"%s", buffer];
} while(r == 299);
return result;
edit 2:
search is set with a call to the first function, with an NSString* variable as a parameter, like this:
NSString *textFieldText = [[NSString alloc]
initWithFormat:#"%#", textField.text];
[self readFile:textFieldText];
edit 3 (NSLogs output)
line: Germany Italy France
search: Italy
I think that you are using the rangeOfString and the NSNotFound etc. correctly, so the problem is possibly to do with the creation of the string from the data read from the file using the appendFormat:#"%s".
I suspect there may be an encoding issue between your two string formats - I would investigate whether the "%s" encodes the null terminated C string properly into the same format as a unicode NSString with the appropriate encoding.
Try hard coding the value you are getting from the readNSString function as a string literal in code just for testing and see if that comparison works, if so this would tend to indicate it probably is something to do with the encoding of the string created from the file.

OBjective C: check the beginning of a string

I must verify the beginning of a string: my example string is
NSString *string1 = #"Hello World";
then I must do an if, example:
if (string1 startwith "Hello")
How can I do this in objective c?
if ([string1 hasPrefix:#"Hello"])
Read the documentation for the NSString class. You'll find all kinds of surprises.
How about doing it this way:
NSRange aRange = [myString rangeOfString:#"Hello"];
if (aRange.location ==NSNotFound) {
NSLog(#"string not found");
} else {
NSLog(#"string was at index %d ",aRange.location);
Based on the range, you can determine where in the string the item occurs

Finding a substring in a NSString object

I have an NSString object and I want to make a substring from it, by locating a word.
For example, my string is: "The dog ate the cat", I want the program to locate the word "ate" and make a substring that will be "the cat".
Can someone help me out or give me an example?
NSRange range = [string rangeOfString:#"ate"];
NSString *substring = [[string substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange(range)] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
NSString *str = #"The dog ate the cat";
NSString *search = #"ate";
NSString *sub = [str substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange([str rangeOfString:search])];
If you want to trim whitespace you can do that separately.
What about this way?
It's nearly the same.
But maybe meaning of NSRange easier to understand for beginners, if it's written this way.
At last, it's the same solution of jtbandes
NSString *szHaystack= #"The dog ate the cat";
NSString *szNeedle= #"ate";
NSRange range = [szHaystack rangeOfString:szNeedle];
NSInteger idx = range.location + range.length;
NSString *szResult = [szHaystack substringFromIndex:idx];
Try this one..
BOOL isValid=[yourString containsString:#"X"];
This method return true or false. If your string contains this character it return true, and otherwise it returns false.
NSString *theNewString = [receivedString substringFromIndex:[receivedString rangeOfString:#"Ur String"].location];
You can search for a string and then get the searched string into another string...
-(BOOL)Contains:(NSString *)StrSearchTerm on:(NSString *)StrText
return [StrText rangeOfString:StrSearchTerm options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location==NSNotFound?FALSE:TRUE;
You can use any of the two methods provided in NSString class, like substringToIndex: and substringFromIndex:. Pass a NSRange to it as your length and location, and you will have the desired output.

Possible to use variables and/or parameters with NSLocalizedString?

I have tried using a variable as an input parameter to NSLocalizedString, but all I am getting back is the input parameter. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to use a variable string value as an index for NSLocalized string?
For example, I have some strings that I want localized versions to be displayed. However, I would like to use a variable as a parameter to NSLocalizedString, instead of a constant string. Likewise, I would like to include formatting elements in the parameter for NSLocalizedString, so I would be able to retrieved a localized version of the string with the same formatting parameters. Can I do the following:
Case 1: Variable NSLocalizedstring:
NSString *varStr = #"Index1";
NSString *string1 = NSLocalizedString(varStr,#"");
Case 2: Formatted NSLocalizedString:
NSString *string1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"This is an %#",#""),#"Apple"];
(Please note that the variable can contain anything, not just a fixed set of strings.)
If what you want is to return the localized version of "This is an Apple/Orange/whatever", you'd want:
NSString *localizedVersion = NSLocalizedString(([NSString stringWithFormat:#"This is an %#", #"Apple"]), nil);
(I.e., the nesting of NSLocalizedString() and [NSString stringWithFormat:] are reversed.)
If what you want is the format to be localized, but not the substituted-in value, do this:
NSString *finalString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"SomeFormat", nil), #"Apple"];
And in your Localizable.strings:
SomeFormat = "This is an %#";
I just want to add one very helpful definition which I use in many of my projects.
Inspired by androids possibility, I've added this function to my header prefix file:
#define NSLocalizedFormatString(fmt, ...) [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(fmt, nil), __VA_ARGS__]
This allows you to define a localized string like the following:
"ExampleScreenAuthorizationDescriptionLbl"= "I authorize the payment of %# to %#.";
and it can be used via:
self.labelAuthorizationText.text = NSLocalizedFormatString(#"ExampleScreenAuthorizationDescriptionLbl", self.formattedAmount, self.companyQualifier);
For swift :
let myString = String(format: NSLocalizedString("I authorize the payment of %d ", comment: ""), amount)
extension String {
public var localizedString: String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, comment: "")
public func localizedString(with arguments: [CVarArg]) -> String {
return String(format: localizedString, arguments: arguments)
"Alarm:Popup:DismissOperation:DeviceMessage" = "\"%#\" will send position updates on a regular basis again.";
"Global:Text:Ok" = "OK";
let message = "Alarm:Popup:DismissOperation:DeviceMessage".localizedString(with: [name])
let title = "Global:Text:Ok".localizedString
It turns out that a missing target entry is to blame. Just checking that my current build target includes the Localizable.string file solved the problem!
If you have more than one variable in your localized string can you use this solution:
In Localizable.strings
"winpopup" = "#name# wins a #type# and get #points# points(s)";
And use stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString to insert the values
NSString *string = NSLocalizedString(#"winpopup", nil); //"#name# wins a #type# and get #points# points(s)"
NSString *foo = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#name#" withString:gameLayer.turn];
NSString *fooo = [foo stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#type#" withString:winMode];
NSString *msg = [fooo stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#points#" withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", pkt]];
NSLog(#"%#", msg);
Your ideas should work. But if you are getting back the input parameter, that means that the input parameter was not found as a key in your Localizable.strings file. Check the syntax and location of that file.
This works for me:
NSMutableString *testMessage = [NSMutableString stringWithString:NSLocalizedString(#"Some localized text", #"")];
testMessage = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[testMessage stringByAppendingString:someStringVariable]];