.hgignore for VB.Net (Express)? - vb.net

I didn't see a question on this subject in the archives, so here goes: For those of you experienced Mercurial users, is this a correct .hgignore file to tell VB.Net Express to ignore files/sub-dirs when adding items in a new repository?
Thank you.

well you either need to start each line with glob: or have the first line
mine (for C#) has Thumbs.db as well.
edit: you can also set up a global ignore list using your global hgrc


working with registry in VBA

I am very new to VBA programming , I have a VBA code that reads data from the INI file, the function is like this now my Boss asked me to go with registry ! Can somebody guide me what he meant ? I mean I give the input file,output file in INI file kept in some folder, but what's this registry ? How'd read put input,output file from registry?
I believe he's asking to migrate the INI to a collection of registry strings which can populate your program configuration directly from the registry rather than the INI file. To do this, read this article on creating New Registry Keys -> Here
But before you dive into messing with the registry, verify that is what your boss wants. Because messing with the registry can be a destructive end.
Steve McMahon wrote a great registry class for vb6. You can find it here. http://www.vbaccelerator.com/codelib/inireg/registry.htm
If you intend on using it with MS Access, you'll need to replace all occurrences of App.EXEName with CurrentProject.Name.
You'll want your app to have it's own node under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software.
Good luck, and be careful not to mess with any other registry keys.

Visual Studio 2010 Setup does not create added file

My problem should be plain and simple to solve, but google is not helping me today.
I need to read/write a configuration file (config.xml) and, as i see so much problems with permissions with special folders, i decided for myDocuments.
Now, from File system (Setup), I added a custom special folder (myDocuments)
added a subfolder (g1OKweb) inside myDocuments
added the file (config.xml) inside g1OKweb
What I expect, reading around, is that during the installation g1OKweb should be created if not existing or older, and the same for config.xml, but it isn't.
Does someone have any clue?
Thanks in advance
Use Directory.CreateDirectory to create the directory before attempting to access the file. This will automatically create all parts of the path that do not yet exist. If the full path already exists, it will do nothing.
When opening the file, use a FileStream constructor overload that allows you to specify FileMode.OpenOrCreate. This will succeed regardless of whether the file already exists or not.
When you have opened the file, check to see if it is empty before parsing it. If it is empty, insert your XML root element first.

Intellij 11.1.5 - Project specific path variable

I am using the Intellij 11.1.5. We are a large team, and have a pretty complex project setup. so we've made a template and when someone needs a new project set up, we just clone it and she is pretty much ready to go. One other thing i would like to automate is the creation of run configurations. One such configuration starts a custom bat file that requires a parameter representing a path that is user specific. I wanted to know if can store that value as a path variable specific to each project. Maybe somewhere in the .idea folder in my project. I know that Intellij stores it in its .IntelliJIdea11\config\options\path.macros.xml file, but is there a way to tweak that?
Any other idea that would allow me to locally store a parameter passed to the run config script would be usefull.
I'm afraid you can't do it in IDEA, but you can use some environment variable directly in the .bat file instead of using the parameter (or rewrite the batch script to detect this value automatically, if possible). Instruct your users to define this environment variable.
IDEA Path variables are global and cannot be made project specific.

VB.NET - Is there a way to get file info from a file on a subversion repository? (Toriose svn)

I have a utility that checks various file info (size, date, location, etc) against a manifest to see that it all matches. Would anyone know if there's a way to get the last write date of a file in a svn repository, using VB.NET. The equivalent of using FileInfo.LastWriteDate.
Any thoughts?
I think you can call svn from the command line with the appropiate parameters to get this information. If that is possible, you can write a class which does that for a given file.
Other than that, there might be some library out there which does this and more things, but if what you asked for is the only thing you need from svn, using a library might be overkill

Property replacement in IntelliJ IML file

I recently migrated to IntelliJ 10. My .IML file has several properties such as $MODULE_DIR$ which set up the build environment. These are designed to be checked in so each user can configure his/her own local settings.
But everytime I checkin, IDEA replaces these some of these properties with the actual environment value, for example replacing every occurrence $MODULE_DIR$ in the iml file with my configured value "C:/Modules". This does not seem to happen for other properties, nor for other developers on the team using the same project. Am I missing some setting??
You should probably read about Path Variables in the Idea help.
I know that $MODULE_DIR$, $PROJECT_DIR$, ard $APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$ are used by Idea to determine where to find Module/Project/Idea stuff (jars etc). So I would guess not using these exact variable names will solve your problem.