gDatabase Optimization: Need a really big database to test some of the features of sql server - sql

I have done database optimization for dbs upto 3GB size. Need a really large database to test optimization.

Simply generating a lot of data and throwing it into a table proves nothing about the DBMS, the database itself, the queries being issued against it, or the applications interacting with them, all of which factor into the performance of a database-dependent system.
The phrase "I have done database optimization for [databases] up to 3 GB" is highly suspect. What databases? On what platform? Using what hardware? For what purposes? For what scale? What was the model? What were you optimizing? What was your budget?
These same questions apply to any database, regardless of size. I can tell you first-hand that "optimizing" a 250 GB database is not the same as optimizing a 25 GB database, which is certainly not the same as optimizing a 3 GB database. But that is not merely on account of the database size, it is because databases that contain 250 GB of data invariably deal with requirements that are vastly different from those addressed by a 3 GB database.
There is no magic size barrier at which you need to change your optimization strategy; every optimization requires in-depth knowledge of the specific data model and its usage requirements. Maybe you just need to add a few indexes. Maybe you need to remove a few indexes. Maybe you need to normalize, denormalize, rewrite a couple of bad queries, change locking semantics, create a data warehouse, implement caching at the application layer, or look into the various kinds of vertical scaling available for your particular database platform.
I submit that you are wasting your time attempting to create a "really big" database for the purposes of trying to "optimize" it with no specific requirements in mind. Various data-generation tools are available for when you need to generate data fitting specific patterns for testing against a specific set of scenarios, but until you have that information on hand, you won't accomplish very much with a database full of unorganized test data.

The best way to do this is to create your schema and write a script to populate it with lots of random(ish) dummy data. Random, meaning that your text-fields don't necessarily have to make sense. 'ish', meaning that the data distribution and patterns should generally reflect your real-world DB usage.
Edit: a quick Google search reveals a number of commercial tools that will do this for you if you don't want to write your own populate scripts: DB Data Generator, DTM Data Generator. Disclaimer: I've never used either of these and can't really speak to their quality or usefulness.

Here is a free procedure I wrote to generate Random person names. Quick and dirty, but it works and might help.

I use Red-Gate's Data Generator regularly to test out problems as well as loads on real systems and it works quite well. That said, I would agree with Aaronnaught's sentiment in that the overall size of the database isn't nearly as important as the usage patterns and the business model. For example, generating 10 GB of data on a table that will eventually get no traffic will not provide any insight into optimization. The goal is to replicate the expected transaction and storage loads you anticipate to occur in order to identify bottlenecks before they occur.


Are there any REAL advantages to NoSQL over RDBMS for structured data on one machine?

So I've been trying hard to figure out if NoSQL is really bringing that much value outside of auto-sharding and handling UNSTRUCTURED data.
Assuming I can fit my STRUCTURED data on a single machine OR have an effective 'auto-sharding' feature for SQL, what advantages do any NoSQL options offer? I've determined the following:
Document-based (MongoDB, Couchbase, etc) - Outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities, I'm having a hard time understanding where the benefit is. Linked objects are quite similar to SQL joins, while Embedded objects significantly bloat doc size and causes a challenge regarding to replication (a comment could belong to both a post AND a user, and therefore the data would be redundant). Also, loss of ACID and transactions are a big disadvantage.
Key-value based (Redis, Memcached, etc) - Serves a different use case, ideal for caching but not complex queries
Columnar (Cassandra, HBase, etc ) - Seems that the big advantage here is more how the data is stored on disk, and mostly useful for aggregations rather than general use
Graph (Neo4j, OrientDB, etc) - The most intriguing, the use of both edges and nodes makes for an interesting value-proposition, but mostly useful for highly complex relational data rather than general use.
I can see the advantages of Key-value, Columnar and Graph DBs for specific use cases (Caching, social network relationship mapping, aggregations), but can't see any reason to use something like MongoDB for STRUCTURED data outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities.
If SQL has a similar 'auto-sharding' ability, would SQL be a no-brainer for structured data? Seems to me it would be, but I would like the communities opinion...
NOTE: This is in regards to a typical CRUD application like a Social Network, E-Commerce site, CMS etc.
If you're starting off on a single server, then many advantages of NoSQL go out the window. The biggest advantages to the most popular NoSQL are high availability with less down time. Eventual consistency requirements can lead to performance improvements as well. It really depends on your needs.
Document-based - If your data fits well into a handful of small buckets of data, then a document oriented database. For example, on a classifieds site we have Users, Accounts and Listings as the core data. The bulk of search and display operations are against the Listings alone. With the legacy database we have to do nearly 40 join operations to get the data for a single listing. With NoSQL it's a single query. With NoSQL we can also create indexes against nested data, again with results queried without Joins. In this case, we're actually mirroring data from SQL to MongoDB for purposes of search and display (there are other reasons), with a longer-term migration strategy being worked on now. ElasticSearch, RethinkDB and others are great databases as well. RethinkDB actually takes a very conservative approach to the data, and ElasticSearch's out of the box indexing is second to none.
Key-value store - Caching is an excellent use case here, when you are running a medium to high volume website where data is mostly read, a good caching strategy alone can get you 4-5 times the users handled by a single server. Key-value stores (RocksDB, LevelDB, Redis, etc) are also very good options for Graph data, as individual mapping can be held with subject-predicate-target values which can be very fast for graphing options over the top.
Columnar - Cassandra in particular can be used to distribute significant amounts of load for even single-value lookups. Cassandra's scaling is very linear to the number of servers in use. Great for heavy read and write scenarios. I find this less valuable for live searches, but very good when you have a VERY high load and need to distribute. It takes a lot more planning, and may well not fit your needs. You can tweak settings to suite your CAP needs, and even handle distribution to multiple data centers in the box. NOTE: Most applications do emphatically NOT need this level of use. ElasticSearch may be a better fit in most scenarios you would consider HBase/Hadoop or Cassandra for.
Graph - I'm not as familiar with graph databases, so can't comment here (beyond using a key-value store as underlying option).
Given that you then comment on MongoDB specifically vs SQL ... even if both auto-shard. PostgreSQL in particular has made a lot of strides in terms of getting unstrictured data usable (JSON/JSONB types) not to mention the power you can get from something like PLV8, it's probably the most suited to handling the types of loads you might throw at a document store with the advantages of NoSQL. Where it happens to fall down is that replication, sharding and failover are bolted on solutions not really in the box.
For small to medium loads sharding really isn't the best approach. Most scenarios are mostly read so having a replica-set where you have additional read nodes is usually better when you have 3-5 servers. MongoDB is great in this scenario, the master node is automagically elected, and failover is pretty fast. The only weirdness I've seen is when Azure went down in late 2014, and only one of the servers came up first, the other two were almost 40 minutes later. With replication any given read request can be handled in whole by a single server. Your data structures become simpler, and your chances of data loss are reduced.
Again in my own example above, for a mediums sized classifieds site, the vast majority of data belongs to a single collection... it is searched against, and displayed from that collection. With this use case a document store works much better than structured/normalized data. The way the objects are stored are much closer to their representation in the application. There's less of a cognitive disconnect and it simply works.
The fact is that SQL JOIN operations kill performance, especially when aggregating data across those joins. For a single query for a single user it's fine, even with a dozen of them. When you get to dozens of joins with thousands of simultaneous users, it starts to fall apart. At this point you have several choices...
Caching - caching is always a great approach, and the less often your data changes, the better the approach. This can be anything from a set of memcache/redis instances to using something like MongoDB, RethinkDB or ElasticSearch to hold composite records. The challenge here comes down to updating or invalidating your cached data.
Migrating - migrating your data to a data store that better represents your needs can be a good idea as well. If you need to handle massive writes, or very massive read scenarios no SQL database can keep up. You could NEVER handle the likes of Facebook or Twitter on SQL.
Something in between - As you need to scale it depends on what you are doing and where your pain points are as to what will be the best solution for a given situation. Many developers and administrators fear having data broken up into multiple places, but this is often the best answer. Does your analytical data really need to be in the same place as your core operational data? For that matter do your logins need to be tightly coupled? Are you doing a lot of correlated queries? It really depends.
Personal Opinions Ahead
For me, I like the safety net that SQL provides. Having it as the central store for core data it's my first choice. I tend to treat RDBMS's as dumb storage, I don't like being tied to a given platform. I feel that many people try to over-normalize their data. Often I will add an XML or JSON field to a table so additional pieces of data can be stored without bloating the scheme, specifically if it's unlikely to ever be queried... I'll then have properties in my objects in the application code that store in those fields. A good example may be a payment... if you are currently using one system, or multiple systems (one for CC along with Paypal, Google, Amazon etc) then the details of the transaction really don't affect your records, why create 5+ tables to store this detailed data. You can even use JSON for primary storage and have computed columns derived and persisted from that JSON for broader query capability and indexing where needed. Databases like postgresql and mysql (iirc) offer direct indexing against JSON data as well.
When data is a natural fit for a document store, I say go for it... if the vast majority of your queries are for something that fits better to a single record or collection, denormalize away. Having this as a mirror to your primary data is great.
For write-heavy data you want multiple systems in play... It depends heavily on your needs here... Do you need fast hot-query performance? Go with ElasticSearch. Do you need absolute massive horizontal scale, HBase or Cassandra.
The key take away here is not to be afraid to mix it up... there really isn't a one size fits all. As an aside, I feel that if PostgreSQL comes up with a good in the box (for the open-source version) solution for even just replication and automated fail-over they're in a much better position than most at that point.
I didn't really get into, but feel I should mention that there are a number of SaaS solutions and other providers that offer hybrid SQL systems. You can develop against MySQL/MariaDB locally and deploy to a system with SQL on top of a distributed storage cluster. I still feel that HBase or ElasticSearch are better for logging and analitical data, but the SQL on top solutions are also compelling.
Schema-less storage (or schema-free). Ability to modify the storage (basically add new fields to records) without having to modify the storage 'declared' schema. RDBMSs require the explicit declaration of said 'fields' and require explicit modifications to the schema before a new 'field' is saved. A schema-free storage engine allows for fast application changes, just modify the app code to save the extra fields, or rename the fields, or drop fields and be done.
Traditional RDBMS folk consider the schema-free a disadvantage because they argue that on the long run one needs to query the storage and handling the heterogeneous records (some have some fields, some have other fields) makes it difficult to handle. But for a start-up the schema-free is overwhelmingly alluring, as fast iteration and time-to-market is all that matter (and often rightly so).
You asked us to assume that either the data can fit on a single machine, OR your database has an effective auto-sharding feature.
Going with the assumption that your SQL data has an auto-sharding feature, that means you're talking about running a cluster. Any time you're running a cluster of machines you have to worry about fault-tolerance.
For example, let's say you're using the simplest approach of sharding your data by application function, and are storing all of your user account data on server A and your product catalog on server B.
Is it acceptable to your business if server A goes down and none of your users can login?
Is it acceptable to your business if server B goes down and no one can buy things?
If not, you need to worry about setting up data replication and high-availability failover. Doable, but not pleasant or easy for SQL databases. Other types of sharding strategies (key, lookup service, etc) have the same challenges.
Many NoSQL databases will automatically handle replication and failovers. Some will do it out of the box, with very little configuration. That's a huge benefit from an operational point of view.
Full disclosure: I'm an engineer at FoundationDB, a NoSQL database that automatically handles sharding, replication, and fail-over with very little configuration. It also has a SQL layer so you you don't have to give up structured data.

How to store 15 x 100 million 32-byte records for sequential access?

Me got 15 x 100 million 32-byte records. Only sequential access and appends needed. The key is a Long. The value is a tuple - (Date, Double, Double). Is there something in this universe which can do this? I am willing to have 15 seperate databases (sql/nosql) or files for each of those 100 million records. I only have a i7 core and 8 GB RAM and 2 TB hard disk.
I have tried PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kyoto Cabinet (with fine tuning) with Protostuff encoding.
SQL DBs (with indices) take forever to do the silliest query.
Kyoto Cabinet's B-Tree can handle upto 15-18 million records beyond which appends take forever.
I am fed up so much that I am thinking of falling back on awk + CSV which I remember used to work for this type of data.
If you scenario means always going through all records in sequence then it may be an overkill to use a database. If you start to need random lookups, replacing/deleting records or checking if a new record is not a duplicate of an older one, a database engine would make more sense.
For the sequential access, a couple of text files or hand-crafted binary files will be easier to handle. You sound like a developer - I would probably go for an own binary format and access it with help of memory-mapped files to improve the sequential read/append speed. No caching, just a sliding window to read the data. I think that it would perform better and even on usual hardware than any DB would; I did such data analysis once. It would also be faster than awking CSV files; however, I am not sure how much and if it satisfied the effort to develop the binary storage, first of all.
As soon as the database becomes interesting, you can have a look at MongoDB and CouchDB. They are used for storing and serving very large amounts of data. (There is a flattering evaluation that compares one of them to traditional DBs.). Databases usually need a reasonable hardware power to perform better; maybe you could check out how those two would do with your data.
--- Ferda
Ferdinand Prantl's answer is very good. Two points:
By your requirements I recommend that you create a very tight binary format. This will be easy to do because your records are fixed size.
If you understand your data well you might be able to compress it. For example, if your key is an increasing log value you don't need to store it entirely. Instead, store the difference to the previous value (which is almost always going to be one). Then, use a standard compression algorithm/library to save on data size big time.
For sequential reads and writes, leveldb will handle your dataset pretty well.
I think that's about 48 gigs of data in one table.
When you get into large databases, you have to look at things a little differently. With an ordinary database (say, tables less than a couple million rows), you can do just about anything as a proof of concept. Even if you're stone ignorant about SQL databases, server tuning, and hardware tuning, the answer you come up with will probably be right. (Although sometimes you might be right for the wrong reason.)
That's not usually the case for large databases.
Unfortunately, you can't just throw 1.5 billion rows straight at an untuned PostgreSQL server, run a couple of queries, and say, "PostgreSQL can't handle this." Most SQL dbms have ways of dealing with lots of data, and most people don't know that much about them.
Here are some of the things that I have to think about when I have to process a lot of data over the long term. (Short-term or one-off processing, it's usually not worth caring a lot about speed. A lot of companies won't invest in more RAM or a dozen high-speed disks--or even a couple of SSDs--for even a long-term solution, let alone a one-time job.)
Server CPU.
Server RAM.
Server disks.
RAID configuration. (RAID 3 might be worth looking at for you.)
Choice of operating system. (64-bit vs 32-bit, BSD v. AT&T derivatives)
Choice of DBMS. (Oracle will usually outperform PostgreSQL, but it costs.)
DBMS tuning. (Shared buffers, sort memory, cache size, etc.)
Choice of index and clustering. (Lots of different kinds nowadays.)
Normalization. (You'd be surprised how often 5NF outperforms lower NFs. Ditto for natural keys.)
Tablespaces. (Maybe putting an index on its own SSD.)
I'm sure there are others, but I haven't had coffee yet.
But the point is that you can't determine whether, say, PostgreSQL can handle a 48 gig table unless you've accounted for the effect of all those optimizations. With large databases, you come to rely on the cumulative effect of small improvements. You have to do a lot of testing before you can defensibly conclude that a given dbms can't handle a 48 gig table.
Now, whether you can implement those optimizations is a different question--most companies won't invest in a new 64-bit server running Oracle and a dozen of the newest "I'm the fastest hard disk" hard drives to solve your problem.
But someone is going to pay either for optimal hardware and software, for dba tuning expertise, or for programmer time and waiting on suboptimal hardware. I've seen problems like this take months to solve. If it's going to take months, money on hardware is probably a wise investment.

Design a database with a lot of new data

Im new to database design and need some guidance.
A lot of new data is inserted to my database throughout the day. (100k rows per day)
The data is never modified or deleted once it has been inserted.
How can I optimize this database for retrieval speed?
My ideas
Create two databases (and possible on different hard drives) and merge the two at night when traffic is low
Create some special indexes...
Your recommendation is highly appreciated.
My database only has a single table.
100k/day is actually fairly low. 3M/month, 40M/year. You can store 10 years archive and not reach 1B rows.
The most important thing to choose in your design will be the clustered key(s). You need to make sure that they are narrow and can serve all the queries your application will normally use. Any query that will end up in table scan will completely trash your memory by fetching in the entire table. So, no surprises there, your driving factor in your design is the actual load you'll have: exactly what queries will you be running.
A common problem (more often neglected than not) with any high insert rate is that eventually every row inserted will have to be deleted. Not acknowledging this is a pipe dream. The proper strategy depends on many factors, but probably the best bet is on a sliding window partitioning scheme. See How to Implement an Automatic Sliding Window in a Partitioned Table. This cannot be some afterthought, the choice for how to remove data will permeate every aspect of your design and you better start making a strategy now.
The best tip I can give which all big sites use to speed up there website is:
use redis/memcached to cache your data! Because memory is (blazingly)fast and disc I/O is expensive.
Queue writes
Also for extra performance you could queue up the writes in memory for a little while before flushing them to disc -> writting them to SQL database. Off course then you have the risk off losing data if you keep it in memory and your computer crashes or has power failure or something
Context missing
Also I don't think you gave us much context!
What I think is missing is:
What kind of server are you having VPS/shared hosting.
What kind of Operating system does it have linux/windows/macosx
computer specifics like how much memory available, cpu etc.
a find your definition of data a bit vague. Could you not attach a diagram or something which explains your domain a little bit. For example something like
this using
Your requirements are way to general. For MS SQL server 100k (more or less "normal") records per days should not be a problem, if you have decent hardware. Obviously you want to write fast to the database, but you ask for optimization for retrieval performance. That does not match very well! ;-) Tuning a database is a special skill on its own. So you will never get the general answer you would like to have.

Scalability of Using MySQL as a Key/Value Database

I am interested to know the performance impacts of using MySQL as a key-value database vs. say Redis/MongoDB/CouchDB. I have used both Redis and CouchDB in the past so I'm very familiar with their use cases, and know that it's better to store key/value pairs in say NoSQL vs. MySQL.
But here's the situation:
the bulk of our applications already have lots of MySQL tables
We host everything on Heroku (which only has MongoDB and MySQL, and is basically 1-db-type per app)
we don't want to be using multiple different databases in this case.
So basically, I'm looking for some info on the scalability of having a key/value table in MySQL. Maybe at three different arbitrary tiers:
1000 writes per day
1000 writes per hour
1000 writes per second
1000 reads per hour
1000 reads per second
A practical example is in building something like MixPanel's Real-time Web Analytics Tracker, which would require writing very often depending on traffic.
Wordpress and other popular software use this all the time: Post has "Meta" model which is just key/value, so you can add arbitrary properties to an object which can be searched over.
Another option is to store a serializable hash in a blob but that seems worse.
What is your take?
I'd say that you'll have to run your own benchmark because it is only you that knows the following important aspects:
the size of the data to be stored in this KV table
the level of parallelism you want to achieve
the number of existing queries reaching your MySQL instance
I'd also say that depending on the durability requirements for this data, you'll also want to test multiple engines: InnoDB, MyISAM.
While I do expect some NoSQL solutions to be faster, based on your constraints you may find out that MySQL will perform good enough for your requirements.
SQL databases are more and more used as a persistance layer, with computations and delivery cached in Key-Value repositories.
With this in mind, those guys have done quite a test here:
InnoDB inserts 43,000 records per second AT ITS PEAK*;
TokuDB inserts 34,000 records per second AT ITS PEAK*;
This KV inserts 100 millions of records per second (2,000+ times more).
To answer your question, a Key-Value repository is more than likely to outdo MySQL by several orders of magnitude:
Processing 100,000,000 items:
kv_add()....time:....978.32 ms
kv_get().....time:....297.07 ms
kv_free()....time:........0.00 ms
OK, your test was 1,000 ops per second, but it can't hurt to be able to do 1,000 times more!
See this for further details (they also compare it with Tokyo Cabinet).
There is no doubt that using a NOSQL solution is going to be faster, since it is simpler.
NOSQL and Relational do not compete with each other, they are different tools that can solve different problems.
That being said for 1000 writes/day or per hour, MySQL will have no problem.
For 1000 per second you will need some fancy hardware to get there. For the NOSQL solution you will probably still need some distributed file system.
It also depends on what you are storing.
Check out the series of blog posts here where the author runs tests comparing MongoDB and MySQL performance, and fights through the MySQL performance tuning mess. MongoDB was doing ~100K row reads per second, MySQL in c/s mode was doing 43K max, but with the embedded library he managed to get it up to 172K row reads per second.
It sounds a little complicated to get that high on a single node, so ymmv.
The writes/second question is a little harder, but this still might give you some ideas on configs to try.
You should first implement it in the simplest way then compare that. Always test things. This means:
Create a schema that's representative of your use case.
Create queries representative of your use case.
Create significant amounts of dummy data representive of your use case.
In a variety of loops, including both random access and sequential, bench mark it.
Ensure you use concurrency (run many processes randomly hammering the server with all kinds of queries representative of your use cases).
Once you have that, measure, test. There are different ways you can go about it. Some tests can be simple but might be less realistic. Measure throughput and latency.
Then try to optimise it.
MySQL has one particular limitation for KV which is the standard Engines with persistence use indexes optimised for range lookups, not for KV, which might introduce some overhead, though it's also difficult to have things such as hash work with persistent storage due to rehashing. Memory tables support a hash index.
Many people associate certain things with being slow such as SQL, RELATIONAL, JOINS, ACID, etc.
When using an ACID capable relational database, you don't have to necessarily use ACID or relations.
While joins have a bad reputation for being slow this is usually down to misconceptions about joins. Often people simply write bad queries. This is made more difficult as SQL is declarative, it can get things wrong, especially with JOINs where there are often multiple ways to perform the join. What people are actually getting out of NoSQL in this case is imperative. NoDeclaritive would be more accurate as that's the problem with SQL a lot of people are having. Quite often people simply lack indexes. That's not an argument in favour of joins but rather to illuminate where people can get it wrong on speed.
Traditional databases can be extremely fast if you do certain special things for that such as ignoring data integrity or handling it elsewhere. You don't have to wait for the harddrive to flush writes, you don't have to enforce relations, you don't have to enforce unique constraints, you don't have to use transactions but if you do replace safety with speed then you need to know what you're doing.
NoSQL solutions by comparison first and foremost tend to be designed to support various modes of scaling out of the box. The performance of an individual node might not be quite what you expect. NoSQL solutions also struggle for general use with many having quite unusual performance characteristics or limited feature sets.

How would I implement separate databases for reading and writing operations?

I am interested in implementing an architecture that has two databases one for read operations and the other for writes. I have never implemented something like this and have always built single database, highly normalised systems so I am not quite sure where to begin. I have a few parts to this question.
1. What would be a good resource to find out more about this architecture?
2. Is it just a question of replicating between two identical schemas, or would your schemas differ depending on the operations, would normalisation vary too?
3. How do you insure that data written to one database is immediately available for reading from the second?
Any further help, tips, resources would be appreciated. Thanks.
After some research I have found this article which I found very informative for those interested..
I found this highscalability article very informative
I'm not a specialist but the read/write master database and read-only slaves pattern is a "common" pattern, especially for big applications doing mostly read accesses or data warehouses:
it allows to scale (you add more read-only slaves if required)
it allows to tune the databases differently (for either efficient reads or efficient writes)
What would be a good resource to find out more about this architecture?
There are good resources available on the Internet. For example: has good examples (e.g. Wikimedia architecture, the master-slave category,...)
Handling Data in Mega Scale Systems (starting from slide 29)
MySQL Scale-Out approach for better performance and scalability as a key factor for Wikipedia’s growth
Chapter 24. High Availability and Load Balancing in PostgreSQL documentation
Chapter 16. Replication in MySQL documentation
Is it just a question of replicating between two identical schemas, or would your schemas differ depending on the operations, would normalisation vary too?
I'm not sure - I'm eager to read answers from experts - but I think the schemas are identical in traditional replication scenari (the tuning may be different though). Maybe people are doing more exotic things but I wonder if they rely on database replication in that case, it sounds more like "real-time ETL".
How do you insure that data written to one database is immediately available for reading from the second?
I guess you would need synchronous replication for that (which is of course slower than asynchronous). While some databases do support this mode, not all do AFAIK. But have a look at this answer or this one for SQL Server.
You might look up data warehouses.
These serve as 'normalized for reporting' type databases, while you can keep a normalized OLTP style instance for the data maintenance.
I don't think the idea of 'immediate' equivalence will be a reality. There will be some delay while the new data and changes are migrated in to the other system. The schedule and scope will be your big decisions here.
In regards to questions 2:
It really depends on what you are trying to achieve by having two databases. If it is for performance reasons (which i suspect it may be) i would suggest you look into denormalizing the read-only database as needed for performance. If performance isn't an issue then I wouldn't mess with the read-only schema.
I've worked on similar systems where there would be a read/write database that was only lightly used by administrative users. That database would then be replicated to the read only database during a nightly process.
Question 3:
How immediate are we talking here? Less than a second? 10 seconds? Minutes?