"unrecognized selector sent to instance" error in Objective-C - objective-c

I created a button and added an action for it, but as soon as it invoked, I got this error:
-[NSCFDictionary numberButtonClick:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
0x3d03ac0 2010-03-16 22:23:58.811
Money[8056:207] *** Terminating app
due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:'*** -[NSCFDictionary numberButtonClick:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3d03ac0'
This is my code:
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
if (self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) {
UIButton *numberButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
numberButton.frame = CGRectMake(10, 435, 46, 38);
[numberButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"one.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[numberButton addTarget:self action:#selector(numberButtonClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.view addSubview: numberButton];
return self;

It looks like you're not memory managing the view controller properly and it is being deallocated at some point - which causes the numberButtonClicked: method to be sent to another object that is now occupying the memory that the view controller was previously occupying...
Make sure you're properly retaining/releasing your view controller.

For those getting here via Google like I did, which probably pertains more to Xcode 4.2+/iOS 5+ more, what with ARC. I had the same error "unrecognized selector sent to instance". In my case I had a UIButton's target action set up to pass itself as the sender parameter, but later realised I didn't need it and removed that in code. So, something like:
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
Was changed to:
- (IBAction)buttonPressed {
Right clicking the UIButton in question showed that the Touch Up Inside event was associated with the view controllers buttonPressed: method. Removing this and reassigning it to the modified method worked a treat.

This was the top Google answer for this issue, but I had a different cause/result - I thought I'd add in my two cents in case others stumble across this problem.
I had a similar issue just this morning. I found that if you right click the UI item giving you the issue, you can see what connections have been created. In my case I had a button wired up to two actions. I deleted the actions from the right-click menu and rewired them up and my problem was fixed.
So make sure you actions are wired up right.

OK, I have to chip in here. The OP dynamically created the button. I had a similar issue and the answer (after hours of hunting) is so simple it made me sick.
When using:
or (as in my case)
action:NSSelectorFromString([[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#BtnTui:", name.lowercaseString])
If you place a colon at the end of the string - it will pass the sender. If you do not place the colon at the end of the string it will not, and the receiver will get an error if it expects one. It is easy to miss the colon if you are dynamically creating the event name.
The receiver code options look like this:
- (void)doneBtnTui:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"Done Button - with sender");
- (void)doneBtnTui {
NSLog(#"Done Button - no sender");
As usual, it is always the obvious answer that gets missed.

In my case the function was not expecting an argument but the button was configured to send one causing the error. To fix this I had to rewire the event handler.
Here is my function:
Notice it contains no arguments.
Here is an image of my button configuration (right click on the button to view it):
Notice there are 3 event handlers.
To fix this I had to remove each of the event items since one of them was sending a reference to itself to the enterPressed function. To remove these items I clicked on the little x icon next to the name of each item until there were no items shown.
Next I had to reconnect the button to the event. To do this hold down the Control key and then drag a line from the button to the action. It should say "Connect Action". Note: I had to restart XCode for this to work for some reason; otherwise it only let me insert actions (aka create a new action) above or below the function.
You should now have a single event handler wired to the button event that passes no arguments:
This answer compliments the answer by #Leonard Challis which you should read as well.

This can also happen if you don't set the "Class" of the view in interface builder.

In my case, I was using NSNotificationCenter and was attempting to use a selector that took no arguments, but was adding a colon. Removing the colon fixed the problem.
When using a selector name, don't use a trailing colon if there are no arguments. If there's one argument, use one trailing colon. If there are more than one argument, you must name them along with a trailing colon for each argument.
See Adam Rosenfield's answer here: Selectors in Objective-C?

I had this problem with a Swift project where I'm creating the buttons dynamically. Problem code:
var trashBarButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem {
return UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add, target: self, action: "newButtonClicked")
func newButtonClicked(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
NSLog("A bar button item on the default toolbar was clicked: \(barButtonItem).")
The solution was to add a full colon ':' after the action: e.g.
var trashBarButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem {
return UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add, target: self, action: "newButtonClicked:")
func newButtonClicked(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) {
NSLog("A bar button item on the default toolbar was clicked: \(barButtonItem).")
Full example here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/UICatalog/Listings/Swift_UIKitCatalog_DefaultToolbarViewController_swift.html

The most obvious cause of this (included for completeness) is improperly casting a pointer and calling a method of the wrong class.
NSArray* array = [[NSArray alloc] init];
[(NSDictionary*)array objectForKey: key]; // array is not a dictionary, hence exception

I also had the same issue.
I deleted my uibutton in my storyboard and recreated it .. now everything works fine.

How to debug ‘unrecognized selector send to instance’
In most of the cases Xcode do not take us to the exact line where this issue happen. When app crash you won’t see the line of code that caused this, rather you will be taken to App delegate class, in which the error output may look like:
[UITableViewCellContentView image]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
[__NSDictionaryI objectAtIndex:] unrecognized selector sent to instance
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[TestApp.MyViewController viewDidLoad:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xDABCDD'
How to find line of code causing this:
Go to breakpoint navigator. Click ‘+’ option. click ‘Exception Breakpoint’. An new widget like following will apear.
Add following condition block:
-[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:]
You can also put breakpoint for all exception.
Now run your code again. this time, breakpoint will trigger when this exception occurs.
WRITTEN BY: Prafulla Singh
Full explanition: https://prafullkumar77.medium.com/how-to-debug-unrecognized-selector-send-to-instance-402473bc23d

I had a similar problem, but for me the solution was slightly different. In my case, I used a Category to extend an existing class (UIImage for some resizing capabilities - see this howto in case you're interested) and forgot to add the *.m file to the build target. Stupid error, but not always obvious when it happens where to look. I thought it's worth sharing...

Another possible solution: Add '-ObjC' to your linker arguments.
Full explanation is here: Objective-C categories in static library
I think the gist is: if the category is defined in a library you are statically linking with, the linker isn't smart enough to link in category methods. The flag above makes the linker link in all objective C classes and categories, not just ones it thinks it needs to based on analyzing your source. (Please feel free to tune or correct that answer. I'm knew to linked languages, so I'm just parroting here).

This happened to my because accidentally erase the " #IBAction func... " inside my UIViewcontroller class code, so in the Storyboard was created the Reference Outlet, but at runtime there was any function to process it.
The solution was to delete the Outlet reference inside the property inspector and then recreate it dragging with command key to the class code.
Hope it helps!

I think you should use the void, instead of the IBAction in return type. because you defined a button programmatically.

I had the same error and I discovered the following:
When you use the code
[self.refreshControl addTarget:self action:#selector(yourRefreshMethod:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
You may think it's looking for the selector:
- (void)yourRefreshMethod{
(your code here)
But it's actually looking for the selector:
- (void)yourRefreshMethod:(id)sender{
(your code here)
That selector doesn't exist, so you get the crash.
You can change the selector to receive (id)sender in order to solve the error.
But what if you have other functions that call the refresh function without providing a sender? You need one function that works for both. Easy solution is to add another function:
- (void)yourRefreshMethodWithSender:(id)sender{
[self yourRefreshMethod];
And then modify the refresh pulldown code to call that selector instead:
[self.refreshControl addTarget:self action:#selector(yourRefreshMethodWithSender:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
I'm also doing the Stanford iOS course on an older Mac that can't be upgraded to the newest version of Mac OSX. So I'm still building for iOS 6.1, and this solved the problem for me.

On my case I solved the problem after 2 hours :
The sender (a tabBar item) wasn't having any Referencing Outlet. So it was pointing nowhere.
Juste create a referencing outlet corresponding to your function.
Hope this could help you guys.

I'm currently learning iOS development and going through the "Beginning iOS6 Development" book by aPress. I was getting the same error in Chapter 10:Storyboards.
It took me two days to figure it out but found out I accidentally set the TableView cell's tag to 1 when I shouldn't have. For anyone else doing this book and receive a similar error I hope this helps.
I really hope future errors in my code are easier to find! hahaha. The debug error did nothing to push me in the right direction to figuring it out (or at least I'm too new to understand the debugger, lol).

In my case I was using a UIWebView and I passed a NSString in the second parameter instead of a NSURL. So I suspect that wrong class types passed to a functions can cause this error.

..And now mine
I had the button linked to a method which accessed another button's parameter and that worked great BUT as soon I tried to do something with the button itself, I got a crash. While compiling, no error has been displayed.. Solution?
I failed to link the button to the file's owner. So if anyone here is as stupid as me, try this :)

Yet another slightly different solution/case.
I am using Xamarin and MvvmCross and I was trying to bind the UIButton to a ViewModel. I had the UIButton wired up to an Outlet and a TouchUpInside.
When Binding I only use the Outlet:
set.Bind (somethingOutlet).For ("TouchUpInside").To(vm => vm.Something);
All I had to do was remove the action (TouchUpInside) connection in XCode and that solved it.
I guess this is in its base all related to the previous answers and to #Chris Kaminski in particular, but I hope this helps someone...

I had the same issue. The problem for me was that one button had two Action methods. What I did was create a first action method for my button and then deleted it in the view controller, but forgot to disconnect the connection in the main storyboard in the connection inspector. So when I added a second action method, there were now two action methods for one button, which caused the error.

For me, it was a leftover connection created in interfacebuilder bij ctrl-dragging. The name of the broken connection was in the error-log
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException',
reason: '-[NameOfYourApp.NameOfYourClass nameOfCorruptConnection:]:
unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f97a48bb000'
I had an action linked to a button. Pressing the button crashed the app because the Outlet no longer existed in my code.
Searching for the name in the log led me to it in the storyboard. Deleted it, and the crash was gone!

I'm replying to Leonard Challis, since I was also taking the Stanford iOS class C193P, as was user "oli206"
"Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:"
The problem was that I had the "Enter" button on the calculator connected twice,and a friend pointed out that doing an inspection of the button in the Storyboard showed that 2 entries were on the "Touch Up Inside" attributes when I right clicked on the "Enter" button. Erasing one of the two "Touch Up Inside" "Sent Events" solved the problem.
This showed that the problem is triggered (for the C193P video class on the Calculator Walkthrough on Assignment 1) as 2 sent events, one of which was causing the exception.

It can happen when you do not assign the ViewController to the ViewControllerScene in
the InterfaceBuilder. So the ViewController.m is not connected to any scene.

Including my share. I got stuck on this for a while, until I realized I've created a project with ARC(Automatic counting reference) disabled. A quick set to YES on that option solved my issue.

Another really silly cause of this is having the selector defined in the interface(.h) but not in the implementation(.m) (p.e. typo)

Another reason/solution to add to the list. This one is caused by iOS6.0 (and/or bad programming). In older versions the selector would match if the parameter types matched, but in iOS 6.0 I got crashes in previously working code where the name of the parameter wasn't correct.
I was doing something like
[objectName methodName:#"somestring" lat:latValue lng:lngValue];
but in the definition (both .h and .m) I had
(viod) methodName:(NSString *) latitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude;
This worked fine on iOS5 but not on 6, even the exact same build deployed to different devices.
I don't get why the compiler coudn't tell me this, anyway - problem soled.

This also might happen when you want to set a property from a ControllerA to a public property inside a custom ControllerB class and you haven't set the "Custom Class" inside the identity inspector in storyboards yet.

My problem and solution was different and I thought I should post it here so that future readers can save their head from banging to the wall.
I was allocating different xib to same UIVIewController and even after searching everywhere I couldn't find how to correct it. Then I checked my AppDelegate where I was calling initWithNibName and can see that while copying the code, I changed the xib name, but forgot to change UIViewController class. So if none of the solution works for you, check your initWithNibName method.


UIButton error with SKPayment

I used this tutorial How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application? for SKPayment (verbatim) and I am having trouble linking the purchase buttons on my storyboard to my code.
- (IBAction)purchase:(SKProduct *)product{
I keep getting the following error.
[UIButton productIdentifier]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7ffa08cfbe90
I understand that the tutorial uses a xib file but I am using a storyboard file for my game to link the buttons. Can somebody please tell me how I would link my purchase button in my storyboard to the
- (IBAction)purchase:(SKProduct *)product{
code without getting an unrecognized selector error?
It's because IBAction expects a sender as its first parameter.
And when it's "linked" to a UIButton, that UIButton is the sender (it's automatically sent).
That why you get the error, UIButton doesn't know the selector productIdentifier.
If you look carefully to the answer your linked on SO, the methods linked to IB aren't this one. This one is called with [self purchase:someSKProduct], that's why it's not causing the crash on his/her code.
Well, I haven't played with StoreKitFramework, but it seems that this method shouldn't be an IBAction (either here on on the answer, it's confusing, proof: your current issue.).
It should be just -(void)purchase:(SKProduct *)product.
You should link your purchase button to (IBAction)tapsRemoveAds.
And like what Larme said, you should change:
(IBAction)purchase:(SKProduct *)product
(void)purchase:(SKProduct *)product

Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance; selector doesn't exist?

So I'm new to objective c, practically new to programming in general.
Anyway, in my simple program, I control-dragged my UITextField from the storyboard into my ViewController.m thinking it was a way to create a method to be invoked when the field was entered/tapped on. It wasn't long until I deleted the method.
When running the simulator, the keyboard would come up and the text field would already be focused on. If I tapped anywhere else on the screen, it resulted in a crash giving me the unrecognized selector error for the selector I already deleted.
There's nothing in my ViewController.h and the rest of the code seems fine. If I re-add the selector with no instructions, it behaves as intended and the keyboard resigns. My question is, why am I getting this error?
It would be more helpful to have the output of the crash. With that said I suspect your storyboard still has an outlet hooked up, referencing the function or outlet you created. From your storyboard click on your textfield and then navigate to the connections inspector (view -> utilities -> connections inspector). From there you should be able to see any connections you have made. Click the x to get rid of it.
The connection inspector is the icon in the upper right with the right facing arrow inside of a circle.
I realized you asked why this is happening and not how to fix it. Unrecognized selector means just what it sounds like. Your code, in this case the storyboard is trying to call a method or access a variable on an object that doesn't implement that method. Normally the compiler catches these types of errors in your code but there are cases it can't catch, like the one your experiencing. For example it is ok to assign an NSArray object to a variable declared as something else, say an NSString as follows
id object = #[#"hello", #"world"];
NSString *notAString = object;
[notAString length];
Try running this and it will crash with a similar error because NSArray implement the length method, or in Objective-c speak, it doesn't respond to the selector "length".
Most typically it's this:
Select your UITextField in IB, go to the Connections inspector and remove the ghost connection to the removed method.

Define a controller for NSDocument for document-based application

I'm not very sure how Document-Based Applications works.
I've created some actions for NSObject in the Mainmenu.xib. One of this is called when the user click on "File>new":
-(IBAction) newDocument:(id)sender{
Document* newDoc =[[Document alloc] init];
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController]addDocument:newDoc];
[newDoc addWindowController: [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:[newDoc windowNibName] owner:newDoc]];
[newDoc showWindows];
I've also this code inside the openDocument:(id) sender action that does the same but of course loading data to define the application workspace.
If I run the application it show a blank document without to call newDocument action. I don't know how to stop default blank document and to set newDocument: to be called.
Then if i do openDocument: too (so I've two documents, one blank and one not) and I do some operation on the second document it also replicate in the first blank one.
I've double check delegates, file owners, and also if the - (void)windowDidBecomeMain:(NSNotification *)notification return different pointers and all seem to be ok.
Probably I've not understood document based application work flow but I've read the Apple guide and other istructions. What do I miss?
An IBAction method is called, when the user did something. So this is not called from the system at app launch.
You can customize the behavior at app launch with -applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: (NSApplicationDelegate) and – this is probably your next question – -applicationShouldHandleReopen:hasVisibleWindows: (NSApplicationDelegate). Changing the behavior in both cases is not recommended.
Looking to your action method, I see no reason, why you want to customize it.
A instance of your document class is created automatically.
You can create a window controller for it in your document subclass. This is documented.
Just let NSDocumentController do the work for you. What is the problem of the default behavior?
No. I thought to be confused instead the only problem was about releasing observer notification. When you call the close message for a NSDocument notification observers still persist. Working in ARC I miss this point.
So This is the solution at my issue. Thank you anyway.

Using NSProgressIndicator inside an NSMenuItem

I'm trying to use a NSProgressIndicator (indeterminate) inside of a statusbar-menu. I'm using an NSView-object as view for the menuitem, and then subviews the progress indicator to display it. But whenever i try to call the startAnimation: for the progress, nothing happens. When i try do the very same thing on a normal NSWindow it works perfectly, just not when inside a menuitem.
I'm new to both cocoa and objective-c so I might've overlooked something "obvious" but I've searched quite a bit for a workaround but without success. I found something about menuitems cant be updated while shown and that you need to use a bordeless window instead. But I have not been able to confirm this in any documentation.
Ok, almost works now. When using the setUsesThreadedAnimation: and from a MenuDelegate's menuWillOpen and creating a new thread. This thread runs a local method:
-(void) doWork(NSProgressIndicator*) p{
[p startAnimation:self];
This will start the progressindicator on a random(?) basis when opening the menu. If I call startAnimation: directly without going through doWork: (still using a new thread), it never works. Doesn't setUsesThreadedAnimation: make the progress-bar create it's own thread for the animation?
Solved it by using:
[progressIndicator performSelector:#selector(startAnimation:)
Inside the menuWillOpen:, the problem seems to have been calling startAnimation: before the progressbar was finished drawing itself.
How are you referencing the NSProgressIndicator that is in the view (and the one in the window, for that matter)? For example, do you have a controller class that has IBOutlet's hooked up to the progress indicators? If you are using an IBOutlet, are you sure it's hooked up properly in the nib file?
Also, where and when are you calling startAnimation:? (We need to see some code).
One thing that can sometimes happen is that you forget to hook up an IBOutlet in the nib. Then, when you attempt to tell the object to do something in code at runtime, the IBOutlet is nil, and so what you think is a message being sent to your object is in fact, a message being sent to nil. In other words, it's just ignored, and effectively looks like it's not working.
Provided you do have a (potentially) valid reference to the UI object, the other common issue you'll see is when a developer is trying to send a message to the object at "too early" of a time. In general, init methods are too early in the controller object's lifetime to be able to send messages to user interface objects—those IBOutlet's are still nil. By the time -awakeFromNib is called, IBOutlet's should be valid (provided you hooked them up in IB) and you can then send the message to the UI object.
Have you told it to use threaded animation via -setUsesThreadedAnimation:?

NSCFString or UIViewController?

I am using UIViewController (a subclass of course) with a text field which sends an action when the contents changed (to the contentsChanged: selector of the ViewController). It is done by sending contentsChanged: to file's owner in IB.
But when I test it, it says : "-[NSCFString contentsChanged:] : unrecognised selector sent to instance " and the instance pointer in hex.
I am guessing that for some reason the view controller gets moved to another pointer and a string gets allocated there, but I cannot figure why.
Any ideas ?
Sounds like a classic case. Read up on NSZombieEnabled for how to track this sort of problem down.
I have the exact same problem with a subclass of UIViewController and this piece of innocuous code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
NSLog(#"%# %s %#", [self class], _cmd, answerButton);
[self.answerButton addTarget:self
Yes, answerButton is connected (it's an IBOutlet), yes, - (IBAction)getAnswerToQuestion:(id)sender; is a proper method, but no joy. When I commented out the viewDidLoad and made the connection in IB, it showed in the crash report that the failure happens on [UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] resulting in
objc_msgSend() selector name: performSelector:withObject:withObject:
I can't prove it, but I suspect there's a bug somewhere in the UIKit that translates the bindings and addTarget to a call to performSelector. I'm planning to upgrade to iOS 4.01 first to see if that won't solve the problem.
I'm not sure anymore that my problem really is similar to Alexandre Cassagne's but in the interest of sharing information I will not delete it just yet. I solved my problem, as so often, when I started to make an example project in order to file a bug report. Yes, clicking made answerButton call getAnswerToQuestion: like a good little object and all was fine.
The difference between the subclassed UIViewController of the example project and that of my real project was that the first also functioned as the xib's File's Owner while the second was just one of several view controller. When I moved getAnswerToQuestion: to the File's Owner in my real project, clicking answerButton worked as expected. So, my hunch that the problem lay somewhere in the translation from binding to performSelector wasn't that far off: the problem lies in the Responder Chain. I would think that establishing the Action-Target link either programmatically or in IB would bypass the Responder Chain, but apparently not.
The problem now, of course, is that Alexandre states in his question that his contentsChanged: method already is part of the File's Owner, which makes my answer irrelevant to the question.
without looking at the code, it looks like you are calling contentsChanged: on the text field's text, instead of the UIViewController subclass.
you should consider using the UITextFieldDelegate protocol to get called back when the text of a UITextField changes. I have not looked, but this is the thing I would do off the top of my head.