Opera Mobile for Windows + Reported Screen Size - opera

I know this isn't a direct programming question, but's it's kinda relevant as I'm trying to get a good testing environment set up before I embark on my latest project.
I'm trying to set up Opera Mobile for Windows to allow me to test a new website. The UserAgent I get is a fairly generic one, so my workaround is to tweak my mobile.browser file to have the correct screen width and height of the target device.
Is it possible to add to the list of "fake" user agents that Opera Mobile for Windows can pretend to be? It currently supports S60, Android and Windows Mobile.

You can modify headers using Fiddler scripts. From the examples at http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler/dev/scriptsamples.asp, here's a line that might be of particular interest:
Pretend your browser is the GoogleBot webcrawler
oSession.oRequest["User-Agent"]="Googlebot/2.X (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)";


Does Microsoft UI Automation Framework work with Chrome, Python and Java Apps?

I am working on an automation project, in which I need to capture the activities [ application launched, data entered, input type etc.] user performs on a desktop. I came across Microsoft UI Automation framework which so far works well for native windows based applications like MS Office, .NET apps etc. However I did not find any useful information / samples of capturing the information from different web browsers [Chrome is a must], Python apps, Java Apps etc. Can someone please confirm whether MS UI Automation Framework supports such apps. Any working example to extract user activities from these apps would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Chrome only supports UI Automation for toolbars, tabs, menu, buttons around the web page. Everything that's rendered as a web page is not seen by UIA.
For the web page content, the easiest way is to use Selenium (driven by the ChromeDriver), which is kind of a de facto standard for browsers, and has nothing to do with UIA.
To test if an app supports UIA, and how far it does, it's very easy, just run UIA's Inspect tool and check the UI tree over that application.
Some additions to Simon's answer...
Chrome page content can be seen by UIA if you run chrome --force-renderer-accessibility. Only for existing Chrome process it won't work. Though user can create a new tab chrome://accessibility manually and enable UIA for all or some chosen pages. This method also works for AT-SPI accessibility technology on Linux. Of course, Selenium WebDriver is an industry standard here. But another way exists. Both Mozilla and IE support UIA by default.
Inspect.exe can be simply downloaded from this GitHub repo.
Regarding Java apps it depends on the app type. Your chances is about 50/50.
WxPython or PyQt5 are good for UIA. TkInter or Kivy apps are not.
P.S. There is an example how to drag a file from explorer.exe and drop to Google Drive in Chrome using Python library pywinauto.
I'm a bit late to the party..
But Chromes accessibility features are only activated once something tries to access it's accessibility.
If you call AccessibleObjectFromWindow ([DllImport("oleacc.dll")]) with the window handle an existing chrome window will have its accessibility activated (and you'll see the actual web page content in UIA!).
If the chrome window is opened after your app is running - Chrome pings open processes for any open accessibility apps... for that you use AccessibleObjectFromEvent and the event you're responding to comes from the windows pipeline: EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT = 0x0002 .
The bottom line is - you have to tell chrome that there's something installed that wants to access it's web page content.
Oh! and your application has to be signed!! Unsigned apps won't be able to access web content - I think that's the same in firefox too.
I hope this helps someone in the future.

Inconsistent rendering results with Mobile site in IE10

I'm in the process of developing a Mobile version of some websites using the MVC4 *.mobile.cshtml system.
Everything is working great except when I try and view the sites on my HTC 8x. I get an outrageously large viewport, no javascript executing, offline touch regions and all-around incomplete pageload such that it doesn't function at all. I'm trying to diagnose/debug and not having any luck.
Using IE10 locally with a User Agent string for Windows Phone 8 doesn't show the same behavior. Further, using my exact UA string in any browser locally does not replicate the behavior. I've tried the various viewport workarounds posted on the internet and those have had no impact either.
I'm not on a Windows 8 machine, so I can't install the SDK/Emulator, but I suppose I could upgrade if no other options present themselves.
Anyone have any additional ideas as to how to test/diagnose/replicate this? I've been Googling for days and haven't been able to find any significant resource about this sort of thing.
This was a combination issue with Output Caching and the MVC DisplayModes bug.

Switch webpage from IE Metro to IE10 Desktop Version

I need to create a way so that when users load our webpage inside IEmetro it switches them to IE10 Desktop automatically. Reason behind this is our website features won't work in IEmetro. our site is built in Aspx and cs code, java script and uses some jquery at times.
Does anyone have an idea how we can achieve this?
You don't have any control over what browser the user is using; and there is no reason why your site should not work in Internet Explorer in the Modern UI (formerly 'Metro'). The two browsers are nearly identical in just about every way.
If you're having problems working with Internet Explorer 10, please ask a more specific question here and/or work through the Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers.
I would also be interested in this.
IEMetro unfortunately has a number of features disabled, and shows javascript alerts differently drastically altering the user experience.

Change Internet Explorer tile to another browser programmatically

It seems to me that if the user installs another browser on Windows 8, the default tile for Internet Explorer should change to that new browser. However, it doesn't seem like Chrome or Firefox currently does this. Is it even possible to replace the IE tile with the tile for another app programmatically?
You can't do that.
All Windows store applications work in a sandbox environment and doesn't have access to core OS api's. App's are restricted to core OS api's so that malicious applications cannot change system setting without user knowing about it.
Start Screen is OS level, and Apps do not have acces to the order of tiles. If they had, user would loose all personalization made as every App would move itself to the first row and column, as Raymond Chen stated.

test mobile website in desktop browser

I'm developing a mobile website for iPhone, Android, etc. using jQuery Mobile. I'd like to be able to test this in my desktop browser and was wondering what the best approach is. I guess I could use a plugin to change the User-Agent header to the appropriate value and manually resize the browser to the device's width, but is there a simpler/more reliable way?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the only hardware available is a Windows laptop
Well if you have a Mac and xCode is installed you can use the Simulator. Open Mobile Safari and point to you web page on all Apple devices
You can also use the Android Emulator ( But I've not tested that it can access the web from the browser )
Alternatively you could use a plugin ( as you have suggested ).
I personally use Chrome with this plugin:
with pretty good results.
I've used Device Anywhere before
you access the device through a web portal/site and control it, but this costs $$$
Actual device testing in going to be the most reliable
http://sixrevisions.com/tools/10-excellent-tools-for-testing-your-site-on-mobile-devices/ ( other suggestions )
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator
In Chrome hit F12 to open the Developer Toolbar. Then click 'Toggle device toolbar' (tablet icon, top left next to select element). You can then choose the device at the top to test.
There's also PerfectoMobile for testing on devices remotely...though it can be painfully slow. I'd really recommend at least getting some 'base' testing devices, if possible.
There is also http://www.browserstack.com/responsive that can be used to get a screenshot of what your site would look like on a number of given devices.
There is however a limitation of how many screenshots you can get in the free version I have linked to here.
I got nice results, visualy, by using Chrome add-on called Ripple Beta. Bad thing is that there is no ability to add some custom device, like tablets of 8" or 9" or bigger... but works. I'm not sure is it able to show some errors visible on real device but seems nice.
Manymo should work very well simulating Android for you. It shows me exactly what my cell phone shows, even though my desktop browsers don't. Manymo is a website with a lot of Android phones pictured. Just click one and enter your URL. There are options such as Android versions and screen sizes.
Look for the Chrome plugin Responsive Web Design Tester - you'll be able to emulate mobile browsers for different device sizes on all platforms.