Serving images from Amazon S3 in PHP application - amazon-s3

So it just occurred to me that once I upload profile pics to S3, I have to figure out a way to keep track of the files. For example, if "susan" uploads 3 profile pics, I need to recall those 3 pictures and display it on her profile page if someone views her page. With that said, would the following work?
User uploads picture from form
Save file information (filename, user info, etc...) into DB and reference URL from S3
Upload photos to S3
When displaying pictures, I'll query the DB for the info and display the images from S3 accordingly.

You should not store the full URLs in the database, just the file names. The URLs will all be consistent with this pattern:
So you just need your constant bucket name and file name.
This way you can change how you serve the files and only change your app, not the data in the database (for example, if you start using CloudFront instead of direct S3 access).

ended up using GridFS from MongoDB.


How to add the date to file name while uploading a file to s3 bucket using alteryx

I have a workflow in alteryx where I am downloading two files from two different urls. After making the required modifications I want to upload them to the s3 bucket as well as save a copy locally. I want to add the current date while saving the file in both cases. I was successful in using a formula tool to rename the file saved locally. But unable to do for the copy being uploaded to s3. Can anyone help me with this? PS: Since it's the company data I cant share the screenshot of the workflow.

Exporting data over an api from s3 using lambda

I have some data stored in dynamo db and some highres images of each user stored in S3. The requirement is to be able to export a users data on demand. So by an api endpoint, collate all data and send it as a response. We are using aws lambda using node.js for business logic, s3 for storing images and sql db for storing relational data
I had set up a mechanism to connect api gateway to receive requests and put them in a sqs. The sqs would trigger a lambda which would run queries to gather all the data and image paths. We would copy all the images and data into a new bucket with custId as a folder name. Now heres where Im stuck. How to stream this data from our new aws bucket. All collected data is about 4gb. I have tried to stream via aws-lambda but keep failing. I am able to stream sigle files but not all data as zip. Hv done this in node, but would not want to set up an EC2 is possible and try to solve it directly with s3 and lambdas
CAnt seem to find a way to stream an entire folder from aws to the client as a response to an http request
Okay found the answer. Instead of trying to return a zip stream, Im now just zipping and saving the folder on the bucket itself and returning a signed url for it. Many node modules help us zip s3 folders without loading entire files in memory. Using that we have zipped our folder and returned a signed url. How it will behave under actual load remains to be seen. Will do that soon

S3 — Auto generate folder structure?

I need to store user uploaded files in Amazon S3. I'm new to S3, but as I got from docs, S3 requires of me to specify file upload path in PUT method.
I'm wondering if there is a way to send file to S3, and simply get link for http(s) access? I wish Amazon to handle all headache related to file/folder structure itself. For example, I just pipe from node.js file to S3, and on callback I get http link with no expiration date. And Amazon itself creates smth like /2014/12/01/.../$hash.jpg and just returns me the final link? Such use case looks to be quite common.
Is it possible? If no, could you suggest any options to simplify file storage/filesystem tree structure in S3?
Many thanks.
S3 doesnt' have folders, actually. In a normal filesystem, 2014/12/01/blah.jpg would mean you've got a 2014 folder with a folder called 12 inside it and so on, but in S3 the entire 2014/12/01/blah.jpg it the key - essentially a single long filename. You don't have to create any folders.

query regarding cloud file storage services- can i append data to an existing file

I am working to create an application where some files will be stored in Amazon S3/Rackspace Cloud Files/other similar cloud file storage providers.
There are a couple of scenarios where it would be easier for me, if I could append data to an existing file... Is this possible? Or do I have to download the file from Amazon S3, then append data to it, and finally upload the modified file back to Amazon S3?
There is no way to append anything to existing files in S3.
You will have to download it and upload it again after modifying.
If you wish though, you can always upload the new data with a tag (a timestamp or a counter), e.g. file_201201011344. So when reading files, you get all files mactching your pattern and append them on the client side.

File permissions on a web server?

I'm new at writing code for websites. The website allows users to upload files, such as profile pictures or other pictures. The files are saved in the unix file system and the URLs to find those images are stored in a MySQL database.
It seems like the only way I can let the user upload files is to give write access to anybody using chmod. Otherwise it complains that it doesn't have write permissions. But they shouldn't be able to write whatever they want or overwrite other users stuff. Similarly, to allow users to see images that they have rightful access to, they need read permissions on the file system. But now that means that anybody with the url to that picture can see the image too, correct? That's not what I want.
Is there a solution to this contradiction? Or am I thinking about the problem incorrectly? Thanks for any help.
You need to manage the permissions in your application and not expose arbitrary parts of your local filesystem directly to the clients. Your application should decide what files someone can see or where to write data. You should not trust data (filenames, etc) from your clients...ideally, store files on disk using systematically generated names and store human-readable names in the database.
Since you are already using a MySQL database to store the URL of the image on the file system, why not just store the image itself as a BLOB (binary large object)?
This is generally a well-accepted design practice for allowing users to upload binary data to a website.
Are you using PHP, Java, Ruby/Rails, or something other to develop your website? Depending on what you are using, there could be file upload/management plugins or modules that will help you develop what you are trying to do if you are certain you want to use the files ystem for storing the image data.