Sql 2000 database to Sql 2005 express db - sql

I have a database that is on a SQL 2000 server, and I would like to make it a Sql 2005 express edition database.
What is needed to do in order to make that work?

The cleanest way would be to create a new database in SQL 2005 and import all the objects in.
You can also backup and restore into the SQL 2005 environment. That will work as well


How can I make an SQL Server 2008 procedure get data from SQL Server Compact?

How can I transfer a SQL Server Compact database to SQL Server 2008 by using
a SQL Server 2008 procedure?
Yes, you can create a SQLCLR procedure using the SQL Server Compact OLEDB provider. I have some sample code here: http://erikej.blogspot.dk/2008/10/accessing-sql-compact-from-sql-server.html
If you want to do a one off transfer from SQL Server Compact to SQL Server 2008, you can use my ExportSqlCe command line to in combination with sqlcmd to transfer the entire database

How to export SQL Server 2005 tables to SQL Server Compact database

I don't know if this is a newbie question or not, I want to export some tables from "full" SQL Server 2005 database to a SQL Server Compact Edition database through a CLR stored procedure.
I know it is possible through SSIS.
This article shows how to migrate between sql server and sql server compact using SQL Server Compact Toolbox. so you can use the sql server compact script generated from your database to create CLR stored procdure

SQL Server 2005, export table into inserts query

I'm not able to find in SQL Server 2005 the utility that phpmyadmin has for exporting tables.
I need a way to dump all info a table contains in a query with all the instert into in it.
How can I do that with SQL Server 2005?
Use the Database publishing wizard tool you can find it under the SQL Server install directory

Copy SQL Server 2005 data to 2008 but not collation

I want to copy a SQL Server 2005 database to SQL Server 2008 but I don't want to pickup the collation from the 2005 db. I want to use the default collation in 2008.
If you backup/restore or detach/attach a database from one system to the other, you'll always have that database's collation come with it - there's no option to disable that.
So you can basically do one of two things:
use one of those methods to move the database from SQL Server 2005 to 2008, and then change the collation after you've restored/attached the database
generate a ton of INSERT scripts from the old database and re-create its structure on 2008 with that server's default collation, and run those insert scripts on your new database
Try DBSourceTools.
It will script all database objects to disk, and then through a "Target Database", re-create the database, with all objects and data.
It has been tested on SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008.
It uses BulkCopy to insert data, so can import thousands of rows of data.
I ended up using the OSQL command line utility to run the script and it worked fine.

How can I transform database from sql server 2005 to 2000

how can I transform database from sql server 2005 to 2000
Use SSIS to export the database directly to SQL Server 2000.
First make sure that you aren't using any native 2005 features like included columns on indexes, XML features, etc. Then you can script the schema out using SSMS, and export the data using BCP or SSIS to SQL 2000. Some vendor tools exist like RedGate SQL Compare and Data Compare that make doing this a whole lot easier if you have primary keys defined on your tables.