How can I get nexus to proxy springsource maven repository on s3? - maven-2

I have nexus 1.5.0 setup to proxy springsource repositories but it's not working. The repositories are on s3 that nexus doesn't seem to understand how to deal with that.
What's the right pattern?
Here are the repositories I'm told I need, but I cannot access the maven paths with in them
Do, I need to mirror these locally?

According to NEXUS-1121, your version of Nexus knows how to deal with S3 based repositories. Below, Eugene's comment:
Here is Nexus setup that works for me:
Configured "proxy" repository for
Configured "proxy" repository for
Added both of those repositories into default "Public Repositories" group
After that I am able to download
artifacts from those repositories as
if they are in Maven Central
The only issue is that you can only
search trough artifacts that been
proxied, because there is no Nexus
index published on those repositories.
It should be easy to publish index and
instructions for using standalone
indexer can be found at

It works for me with this configuration and with another repository.
I have a Sonatype Nexus repository version I wanted to configure the repositories to download artifacts from
I have created a new proxy repository with this configuration:
id: repository.springframework.maven.milestone
Name: Spring Maven Milestone Repository
Rep. Type: proxy
Provider: Maven2
Format: Maven2
Rep Policy: Release
Remote storage:
Down. Remote indexes: false
Auto blocking: true
File validation: False
Checksum: warm.
I saved the data and the repository was created.
The strange thing is that when i try to use the "browse Remote" tab I can't list anything.
Important: After that I clicked on Public Repositories / Configuration and added the Spring Maven Milestone Repository to the ordered group repositories.
And finally, I wrote the dependency in my POM archive:
And it was downloaded without problems.
I hope it will be useful.


How to publish libraries from Ivy cache to artifactory Ivy repos

We lost our ivy repository for 3rd party libraries (a lot of them). The only thing we have is the ivy cache sitting on a build agent. Now we decide to move to Artifactory, ivy:install can copy dependencies from a repo to another, but ivy cache is not a repo. In addition, the ivy cache keeps all versions of a jar file under the same directory (ivy cache default pattern) - [organization]/[module]/[type]s/ (no revision). But we'd like to sort them out into different directories - [organization]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/.
After doing this, should the new repo in artifactory function the same as any other repository? In other words, do I miss anything by creating a repository in this way?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can create a new repository layout in Artifactory that will match the Ivy cache layout:
Then create a new local repository configured with the Ivy cache layout and import the content of your Ivy cache into the new local repository.
Finally create a new virtual repository configured with the default Ivy layout and include the local repository you created. The virtual repository will perform the transformation between the Ivy cache layout and the Ivy default layout. You will need to configure Ivy to resolve artifacts from the virtual repository. In addition you will be able to include other Ivy repositories in this virtual.

Nexus : proxy and virtualize maven1 repositories

I installed nexus and I'm trying to proxy a maven 1 repository:
To do so, I created the maven1 proxy and then, created a virtual repository (M1->M2).
My server settings seems to be ok since I'm able to browse the repo in the "Browse Remote" tab, but I'm not able to find artifacts using the "Artifact Search" or with maven dependencies:
Others maven2 artifacts are retrieved successfully and I don't understand why m1 artifacts are not found. How should I fetch artifacts from a maven1 proxied repository?
This wont work because the repository URL you are mentioning is a Maven 2 repository and NOT a Maven 1 repository. So you have to configure it as a Maven 2 repo and turn virtual repository from m2 to m1.

Nexus: Configure jarvana as a remote repository -- what's the URL?

I'm converting an Ant build system to use a local Nexus mirror (1.3.6), and can't seem to get Nexus to proxy Jarvana repository. One of our dependencies is jython 2.5, which is available only on Jarvana.
I had no problem configuring other repository proxies, such as at
For Jarvana I've tried
In all cases, the browse pane shows .index and .meta folders, and the .index is populated with nexus-maven-repository-index-* files, but searching for jython returns only the earlier (2.2 and prior) versions from Maven Central.
Am I using the wrong URL, and if so what URL should I be using?
Jarvana offers maven repository search capabilities and maven repository browse capabilities, but it does not offer a direct URL for its repository files. This is because all Jarvana files come from the maven central repository, so every file in Jarvana should be available in the maven central repository.
As an example, Jython 2.5 is available in the central repository at:
Update: I did a bit more digging and it looks like the repository URL for Jarvana is I've just added Jarvana as a proxy repository with that URL and successfully downloaded Jython 2.5.

Maven repository for Google Code project

I'm hosting a small open source project on Google Code, and I have been asked to submit the jar to a publicly accessible Maven repository. I have almost no practical knowledge of Maven. What would be the best way to do this?
Is there some central repository that I can submit to, or can I host my own? What would I need to do when I want to release a new version of the jar?
I've been Googling and found this, which looks nice and simple, but it seems a bit ... contrary to the spirit of Maven, to commit jar files to SVN :).
Also, would there be a way to still keep track of the download count, as Google Code does?
I've been getting some answers, some of which containing hints on what to add to my pom.xml. Thanks guys! But obviously I forgot to mention one important thing: my build script is in ANT, and to put it bluntly, I intend to keep it that way :). I just want to make it easier for Maven users to include my jar in their projects.
The solution I went with in the end
In the end, I did use the solution I referenced before, where I simply commit a Maven repo to SVN. I have the ANT script call Maven to set up the local repo, and then call SVN to commit it to Google Code. For those interested: look at my build script here, in the publish-maven target.
There is a guide to the central repository that has a section on uploading projects that may help. If nothing else you can check the naming conventions and minimal information requirements against your project.
Sonatype also do OSS Repository hosting, see their guide for details.
Update: I'm not saying you should change your build process - if Ant works for you stick with it. It's worth following the Maven conventions in your POM regardless of your build method. As the point of putting your jar in a Maven repository is to make it accessible to Maven users, you will therefore need to define a POM for your published artifact. Following the naming conventions will help your users so you might as well do it. For example adding the SCM details to the pom will (amongst other things) allow your users to import the project into their workspace using the IDE integrations for Maven.
Basically, you have 4 options:
Perform a standard Maven build against a Maven repository (already ruled out)
Set up a Maven repository, do your builds with Ant, and use Maven to deploy the jar and POM.
Set up a Maven repository, ad use an Ant HTTP task to publish the artifacts
Use a Subversion "repository", and use the SvnAnt task to publish the artifacts
Option 1
Use Maven to build and deploy the artifacts (see the Maven book and the above links for details).
Option 2
Assuming you have a build process that creates your jar, and you've defined the POM, your best bet is to publish it to the Sonatype OSS repository as above.
Deploying an existing jar to a standard Maven repository is simple with the Maven deploy plugin's deploy-file goal:
Set up your repository (e.g on the Sonatype servers by raising a Jira request)
Build your jar with Ant.
If you have defined a POM, put it in the same directory as the jar.
Run the deploy-file goal:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=http://path/to/your/repository\ \
-Dfile=path-to-your-artifact-jar \
Note that the Maven deploy goal will automatically translate the pom.xml to [project-name]-[version].pom. If you are doing either of the other two alternatives, you will need to ensure you commit the POM with the final name, i.e. [project-name]-[version].pom. You'll also need to ensure you compose the relative paths for the artifacts following the Maven conventions.
E.g. for, artifactId=my-project version=1.0.0, the path to the files will be:
Option 3
If you want to use Ant to deploy to a Maven repository, you can use an Ant HTTP library (Note I've not tried this myself) . You would compose two HTTP put tasks, one for the jar and one for the POM.
<httpput url="http://path/to/your/repository" putFile="/path/to/yourproject.pom">
<userCredentials username="user" password="password"/>
<httpput url="http://path/to/your/repository" putFile="/path/to/yourproject.jar">
<userCredentials username="user" password="password"/>
Option 4
If you want to avoid Maven completely and use Ant to deploy to an SVN-backed repository, you can use the SvnAnt Subversion library. you would simply need to do configure the Svn import task to add your artifacts to the Remote Subversion repository.
<import path ="/dir/containing/the/jar/and/pom"
Check wagon-svn. It will allow you to 'deploy' to a Subversion repository. It's a little convoluted, but it's better than nothing. I know of a few projects that use it at, and I also came across some projects using it at
If you want to use it, then you first need to load wagon-svn as an extension:
Next, you need to set your deployment targets using the svn: protocol identifier. Here's an example I copied from the Internet.
<name>Maven Repository for Config Processor Plugin (releases)</name>
<name>Maven Repository for Config Processor Plugin (snapshots)</name>
Check if the Maven repository support maven deploy plugin. This would be the easiest approach.
Most repositories uses ssh as the transport. See this for details.
Once it's setup, all you have to do is:
mvn deploy:deploy
You can submit your jar to
In your pom.xml:

How do I set up the JBoss Maven repository in NetBeans 6.5?

I tried to configure the Maven plug in (version 4) to add the JBoss Maven repository at following the guide at
The new repository appears in the list of Maven repositories, but I can not see any items (artifacts), updating the index does not help.
It looks like a problem with the Maven plug in. Maybe it requires an ".index" subdirectory which is not available on the JBoss server.
The JBoss repository has a Nexus index at I think the problem is that Netbeans might not be making use of this index. I would recommend installing Nexus, adding the JBoss repo to a public group and then pointing your Netbeans instance at a local instance of Nexus.
Download Nexus from
Install it by unpacking the tar.gz or zip on your machine
Fire it up by running bin/jsw//nexus start
Go to http://localhost:8081/nexus
Log in as the default admin user: admin/admin123 is the username/password
Click on Repositories
Click the Add... button
Add a new repository for the JBoss repositorywith a remote location of:
Save the new repository. (You will also want to make sure that Download remote index is selected)
Add the repository to your public group by clicking on the public group and dragging the new JBoss repository to the selected repositories.
Configure your ~/.m2/settings.xml file to have the same contents as:
At that point, all of your repository requests are going to flow through Nexus. Nexus already ships with proxy repositories for Central. So all you did was to add in the JBoss repository and then add it to the public group. Once you do this, you'll find that your builds are going to be much, much faster.