property qualified-name in method getContentReader - api

I first apologize for my poor english level and maybe for the stupidity of my question ;)
I am on an alfresco project to learn how it works.
I have to browse programatically my content repository and gather datas all along. In order to do that I guessed I had to use a ContentReader (I get from my ContentService) but the method getReader wants a nodeRef and a propertyQualifiedName.
I am ok with the nodeRef, I get what it's needed for.
But the propertyQualifiedName puzzles me, I barely get what it is but I frankly don't get how it is used.
Reading some alfresco forum threads I get more and more scared that I dont even get how a reader works, I somewhere saw that a reader can read only one node and only one time per instance.
If anyone knows a bit about the Java API for Alfresco Content Repository use I am all hears !
Cheers all !

ContentReader is a wrapper class for the content of a given property of a node. So, in order to get an instance of ContentReader you'll have to give the node from which you the property from and the property qualified name.
As for the qualified name, every node property is identified by the conjunction of two string values:
The property namespace. Usually an uri like ""
The property local name. Usually a simple string like "created".
These two values put together constitute the property qualified name. There are constants defined for most standard properties of the alfresco model in the org.alfresco.model.ContentModel interface. For example, to get the creator of a node you would do something like:
contentService.getReader(myNode, ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR).getContentString();


How to implement IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler in Orchard CMS?

I have difficulties with the implementation of IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler in Orchard CMS.
The issue here is that i want to check for specific permissions (permissions defined by my module) but the parameters of the handler methods (type Orchard.Security.CheckAccessContext) do not provide the feature name of the permission being checked.
Why is that so or is this a bug?
Surely i can name my permission like MyModuleName.PermissionName or use another type of name encoding but i think this is not practical as we already have the feature name linked to the permission in the DB for example.
Hmm, after reconsidering my approach and watching the call stack the issue is no more an issue.
My question was based on the thinking that i need to compare aContext.Permission.Name provided by e.g. IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler.Complete() with the permission names of my module.
But since the instance aContext.Permission provided by by e.g. IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler.Complete() is the instance passed to the related IAuthorizationService.TryCheckAccess() call i can do a simple comparison like
if (aContext.Permission == MyModule.Permission.PermissionA) { ... }
and it works because both instances have the same pointer address.

FactoryImpl to set atts via props for bound inputs

First, thanks for any advice. I am new to all of this and apologize for any obvious blunders.
Second, the question:
In an interface for entering clients that often possess a number of roles, it seemed efficient to create a set of inputs which possessed both visual characteristics and associated data binding based simply on the inputs name.
For example, inquirerfirstname would be any caller or emailer who contacted our company.
The name would dictate a label, placeholder, and the location in firebase where the data would be stored.
The single name could be used--I thought--with a relational table (state machine or series of nested ifs) to define the properties of the input and change its outward appearance and inner bindings through property manipulation.
I created a set of nested iffs, and console logged the property changes in the inputs, but their representation in the host element (a collection of inputs that generated messages to clients as well as messages to sales staff) remained unaffected.
I attempted using the ready callback. I forced the state change with a button.
I was unable to use the var name = new MyInput( name). I believe using this method would be most effective but am unsure how to "stamp" the JavaScript into a heavyweight stamped parent element.
An example of a more complicated and dynamic use of a constructor and a factory implementation that can read database (J-son) objects and respond to generate HTML elements would be awesome.
In vanilla a for each would seem to do the trick but definitions and structure as well as binding would not be organic--read it might be easier just to HTML stamp the inputs in polymer by hand.
I would be really greatful for any help. I have looked for a week and failed to find one example that took data binding, physical appearance, attribute swapping, property binding and object reading into account.
I guess it's a lot, but each piece independently (save the use of the constructor) I think I get.
Thanks again.
Ps: I am aware that the stamping of the element seems to preclude dynamic property attribute and binding assignments. I was hoping a compute attribute mixed with a factoryimpl would be an option (With a nice example).

Ember: global mapping from typekey to model name coming and going

The server API changed from using type keys of "foo" to "bar". My Ember app uses foo everywhere, and I don't want to change them all to bar. I see I can use typeForRoot to map root-level hash keys to a model name, but that appears only to apply to downloading. When I do a save on my Foo model, I want the PUT to be generated with a hash key of boo as well. Is there any simple way to completely map type keys to models, both coming and going?
The answer I posted on another stack overflow question might help you..
Basically the function you need to look at is the stores _normalizeTypeKey.
You can override the stores _normalizeTypeKey then alter the camelCase behaviour to become what you want (e.g. dasherized or just fix this one case).
You can also override the serialisers typeForRoot when going the other way - this lets you tell ember what the model key is (e.g. tellMeAStory) for a particular key in your data (e.g. tell_me_a_story).
It appears there is work underway to make everything work like the container does (which is dasherized)

Using Documentum DQL to get contents of all users' worklows

I know almost nothing about Documentum, so there are probably omissions in the information you need to answer my questions. But I'm going to try, anyway...
We use Documentum (obviously). Within Documentum, users can create workflows. These workflows contain ordered lists of services that are used to process data. So, we may have ServiceA, ServiceB, ServiceC, ServiceD, and ServiceE, and a user can create a workflow that says to process the data using, in order: ServiceC, ServiceA, and ServiceB. Another user's list might be: ServiceA, ServiceD, ServiceE.
I've been asked to find a way to get a list containing the id/name of each user, the user's workflow id (name?), and items within the workflow. From what I've read here on StackOverflow and elsewhere, it looks like this is possible via DQL.
And, if I have the DQL, it turns out that this will be simple to do using interfaces we've already built. If it's too complex, I'll need to write Java and use the API. I'd prefer the DQL.. :-)
So, can someone here provide me with a pointer to a reference on DQL, and perhaps some pointers on what to look at/for?
Maybe you need more than one DQL-Query. However, I would strongly recommend writing some DFC code and iterating over the results.
I would suggest to have a look in the Documentum Content Server Object Reference to find out more about the attributes of type dm_workflow (and, of course, related types like dmi_workitem, dmc_workqueue, etc.).
These types should provide the information you are looking for and where you might start best.

How to structure my objects to clean up my controller code

I am trying to build an object to represent a ridiculously large form for a project I am working on.
I didnt want to build all the fields into one large object as I didnt think this was a good way to do things, so I have structured the model as so -
One contact object.
One work object - linked to the contact one to one.
One travel object - linked to the contact one to one.
One address object - linked to the contact one to many.
One emergency contact object - linked to the contact one to many.
Here is the sample code for one of these relationships - written in CF9 ORM
property name="work"
The issue here is that it causes the saveContact function in my controller to be large and code smelly due to all the possible options you can choose in the form. Here is a rough translation of the code = contactService.getContact(form.iContactId);
contact =;
VARIABLES.emergencyContact = _emergencyContactService.getEmergencyContact(contact);
if(! contact.hasEmergencyContact()){
// Repeat this logic to check if work object, travel object or address object have been selected in the form also, get and set accordingly.
I then repeat the if statement shown above for emergency contact, to check whether the work object, travel object or address object have been selected in the form also. If so, get and set the object, then link the contact object where necessary.
This doesnt seem efficient to me, especially as I need to repeat all this logic on another controller method as well. Is there a better way to structure my objects, or a better way to handle my controller code?
My initial thoughts are to move any repeating logic from your controller to a service object that you can call from many places.
Bringing that along: you could break up the form into sub-forms - each represented by a 'sub-form' object. Each of these objects should be able to deal with information related to it's part of the form, and it should know what to save to the database. You could compose these form objects into a service object that you call from your controller.
One other thing I noticed is the way you actually pass your entire FORM scope into some functions. I tend to avoid this as you really are not describing what the function needs to do the job, and of course this scope can change when you don't expect it. I would suggest you specify the arguments required by each sub-form object and pass them to the service.
Example psuedocode:
// Controller code
travelSubFrm = new TravelForm(name, dob, address ...); // etc
workSubFrm = new WorkForm(position, dept ...); // etc
// Create service and save details - the service knows the logic
Just some quick thoughts.
Hope that helps!
EDIT: If you want to start looking into how to architect object-orientated code then I suggest you check out Head First Design Patterns. It's a great introduction to the topic and will help you organise code problem like the one you posted.