how can we integrate myspace in my website myspace api - api

I want open Myspace profile, friendslist and inbox messages from myspace to my website by using Myspace api.
I registered in developer.Myspace and I got applicationkey and consumer key.
I gave callback url also but I am getting 401 error.

Error 401 means unauthorized so what ever you are doing you are not sending the right credentials.


Hangout chat api (chat.spaces().messages().create) throws Permission error (403)

I have created a service account in Google Api console to use Hangout apis. The api calls are authorized with the service account credentials. But when I call
chat.spaces().messages().create(parent='spaces/myroomid', body={'text': 'Test message'}).execute()
googleapiclient throws the following error:
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: returned "The caller does not have permission">
In the above code I am using the actual chat room id in place of myroomid.
I solved it. I did not associate the bot to the room. Working now.

Spotify API authentication doesn't redirect with access token

I'm using the Spotipy library, which uses the Spotify API. When I attempt to get my access token using the 'Authorization Code Flow', I get sent to a spotify web page that asks for me authenticate the access of the app to my user's data. When I click the Okay button, that's supposed to redirect me to my redirect_uri with the access token, it simply does nothing. I get no error message or anything. When I click the Cancel button, I do get redirected to my redirect_uri page, but I don't receive the access token. Is this a bug with the API? Am I doing anything wrong?
I added the redirect_uri to the whitelist of redirect pages in my app's page by the way.
The answer for this for future readers: Make sure your redirect_uri is EXACTLY the same as the one you have saved in the developer dashboard, right down to the http and the trailing slash.

instagram api OAuthPermissionsException live mode

I'm having an issues with the new API policy of Instagram
I already got my app approved and got basic permissions
IG API Permissions
When using the app on sandbox mode I can get API response only for my own user, however when I move to Live Mode and try using the API all I receive is error 400 code
For example
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthPermissionsException",
code: 400,
error_message: "This client has not been approved to access this resource."
Even using the same API with my own username still getting the same error
I was trying to search on it but all I can find is the same error happens to unauthorized users
Any idea ?
I have fixed the This client has not been approved to access this resource Issue by Authorizing the Instagram public_content scope by visiting the following URL and clicking Authorize.[YOUR_CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[YOUR_REDIRECT_URI]&scope=public_content&response_type=token
I found the reason, I can't use that endpoint because I have only permission for basic. for more information

using google js api to authenticate the user and get the google id of the user

I'm using this as a reference:
I'm trying to authenticate a user and then fetch his/her google_id after auth.
I have a button called "login with google" and when the user clicks on it, it launches a popup that asks if he/she wants to give authorization to the app. After that
it throws an error saying "bad request" and "400 not found" when it tries to do a GET on this**/*** 400 (Bad Request)
I'm using the same code as described in the above mentioned api.
I also crosschecked the api key and client id, but everything seems fine.
Any help on this?
Your best bet is to move to Google+ Sign-In. It uses the same JS client but does a lot of the hard work for you.

authenticated referral not working but oauth url works

I have two methods of authenticating users. One is the normal oauth way from my website:
This returns a code which I can then use to request an auth_token. No problems there!
However, when I click on a link internal to Facebook which is configured for authenticated referral, I get a code that Facebook rejects and therefore, I get no auth_token.
The error I get with authenticated referall is:
{"error":{"message":"Error validating verification code.","type":"OAuthException"}}
Any ideas?
Get the current URL from the authenticated referral request and use it up to the '&code=..'. as redirect_uri when exchanging access token.