Create class diagram from already existent iphone code - objective-c

does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.

Yes, you can use Doxygen:
Install Doxygen (with MacPorts: sudo port install doxygen).
Get a script like this and change the first lines to match your configuration.
Download these files and edit the Doxygen file so it says HAVE_DOT=YES and UML_LOOK=YES.
It will then generate and install a docset that you can read from the documentation browser, or just right click and show contents from Finder.
Or, if you want a graph of dependencies check: It uses graphviz.

See also OmniGraffle of all things. If you open an Xcode project with it, it will generate a full class diagram. It can be fairly overwhelming for a large project.


How to make erlang application?

i'm trying to build the example to run an erlang websocket server.
I created all that files and put them into one folder, add the rebar file and ran
./rebar get-deps
inside the folder direction.
But there is no
make runconsole
and nothing's happening.
Is there also a possibility to create that websocket server using IntelliJ? I tried to put that 3 .erl files into IntelliJ and want to Build the project but I receive
erlc: 2: Warning: behaviour cowboy_http_handler undefined
The make command reads something called a Makefile, which is a file written in a certain format, which tells the make command what it is supposed to do, e.g. compile some files with the listed names using the listed commands. Because there is no Makefile listed in that tutorial, you should have gotten an error something like this:
No targets specified and no makefile found.
You can contact the author of the tutorial at his github account and ask him where the Makefile is. Actually, the Makefile for the tutorial is here:
I created all that files and put them into one folder
The instructions in the Makefile depend on the exact directory structure that the author has here:
I tried using rebar3 and changing some stuff in the Makefile, but I still got errors. The problem is that rel directory: I don't know how to create all the stuff in there. You need to use rebar and reltool for that:
Here is a cowboy websockets example that I came up with last year, see if it helps:
How to Connect Cowboy (Erlang) websocket to generated webpage
It uses the build system as described in the cowboy docs here:

how can i create project by chromium gn tools?

install depot_tool then following the gn guide and standalone guide, but i always get error " Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path."
so my problem is :
how to create the gn project which is not using chromium sub project, eg: only one function like helloword?
how to create the gn project which is using chromium sub project like v8/pdfium, eg: one console project is using pdfium to read pdf page count.?
I'm not completely sure from the error you describe but it sounds like you don't have a .gn file in the root.
I recently started getting into gn and made a simple starter project:
The first thing I didn't expect was the need to have a root .gn file, and that the file needs to point to the root config:
The second thing I didn't expect was the need to provide an entire toolchain. I kind of like this now as it gives me full power. I used this one here, by making it a git submodule as the author suggests:
Then building a trivial Hello World console program was straightforward.

iOS UI Test Project 'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found

I did a
git clone
I open the
iOS UI Test.xcodeproj
I run the Build
I get the error
'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found
I cannot understand why that is happening.
What should I do to get this to build?
Some other sources I have found and followed their instructions are below. None of which fixed this problem.
I also was able to open the
and successfully build each of the targets. Which is interesting that I can do that but cannot build the test project independently.
I also followed the video and read me instructions to add to an existing project and was able to build until I added the
#import <MailCore/MailCore.h>
to one of my files.
The above process I initiated on my iMac.
On my MacBook Pro after I cloned mailcore2 I opened
first then did the build on each of the targets.
Then I closed that project.
Opened the iOS UI Test.xcodeproj and did a build on that.
This was successful.
However, I still want to know what would cause the problem with the "file not found"
I removed to trash all mailcore2 code from my iMac.
I created different locations in Finder for doing another clone of mailcore2.
I did the git clone.
I opened mailcore2.xcodeproj
I followed the exact same process of building each target like I did on my MacBook
I then opened the iOS UI Test.xcodeproj and did a build.
I get the same problem of
'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found
Makes no sense to me how it works on macbook but not on iMac.
You can add in target dependency static mailcore ios(mailcore2).
and add the framework libmailcore-ios.a
Its working.
What I finally did was drop mailcore2 into an existing app I already had started.
To do this I did the following:
I removed all traces of mailcore2
I again followed the instructions in the README and the video help.
This time I followed some instructions from
The instructions in that link says to add the following to Library Search Path:
And the Header Search Path to
$(PROJECT_DIR)/mailcore2/build-mac/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include - recursively
But, that did not work for me. I had to add the HARD CODED PATH to each of those 3 folders.
After doing a clean and build I was then able to add the
#import <MailCore/MailCore.h>
Now it BUILDs completely without error for me.
I will go back and try to add proper relative paths to each of those Search Paths.
Hopefully this helps somebody else with same issue.
Had same problem, spend hours trying - nothing worked, not ever hardcoding paths.
Then I stumbled on one issue:
if in XCode\Preferences\Locations I go to Derived Data - Advanced and set it to different locations it always reverts it to Unique, when I go back and check it.
Then I went in File\Project Setting to Derived Data - Advanced and there it was set to Unique. I changed it there to Default and now it does not have that issue anymore!
I delete Derived data, clean project and Start build (Ctrl+B) and I can see now how Build is being created in derived data w/o problems. And that what mailcore needs to function.
And, I checked - no need for hardcoded paths either!
Hope it helps somebody.
PS Another feature maybe useful too - XCode\Preferences\Continue building after error though it did not matter in my case

header file not display in xcode project

I'am a newcomer to cocoa developement and i have not yet got used to.
When use eclipse for java development, we can see all the added jars source file if we attached the source files.
But in xcode, we add a framework such as "Cocoa.framework",there is only one Cocoa.h file we can see.
I clone the 'Sonora' source code from github for study.
there is one line
#import "SNRFileCopyManager.h"
exist in SNRFileImportOperation.h file
Both the SNRFileImportOperation.h and SNRFileCopyManager.h can be found in Sonora/Classes directory.
But, i can see the SNRFileImportOperation.h file in xcode project only and they get work fine together, Why this non third party header file not display in it's own project?
I know something about the dependency setting adn header search paths.
Any one give me a guidance or some references of the code management|organization?
Thanks a lot.
The file SNRFileCopyManager.h is found because it is in one of the include search paths. If you select a header file in Xcode and look at the info panel on the right side you can see that it doesn't actually belong to any target, they are shown more or less regardless. Though, building a framework you can select header files to be included into the framework when building. So, you can just pull in your header files into Xcode.

symfony1.4-like symfony2 installation

symfony1.x followed a good standart that the whole framework lies somewhere outside and is available to any project. Today I started to read symfony2 documentation and actually downloaded the 'with vendors' 2.0.1 package which is presented on download page. After opening the package I was a bit surprised of what I've seen. But after looking around the package I found that the only folder I need is 'vendors' one - so I copied its content to my '...\lib\vendor\symfony2' folder (near '...\lib\vendor\symfony' and '...\lib\vendor\ext'). I added it to include path and proceed reading documentation. And then I found a problem - a command listed 'php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/HelloBundle --format=yml' produced simple questions. Did they miss to explain how to generate a project (structure, preconfiguration, command-line files, etc)? And what about '.bat' and '.sh' files?
Symfony2 is very, very different than symfony 1 - especially when it comes to the directory structure. You can't simply drop in the vendors dir and expect it to work. This page explains how to setup a new Symfony2 project.
I recommend you to forget Symfony... and to think with Symfony2 about another think completely different than S1.
Installation is really simple and you will need some advanced PHP knowledge just to understand how it works... But if you have worked with S1, I expect you will have not much problems :)