Should I write a whole procedure for each database table.column I update separately? - sql

I have an application that uses AJAX liberally. I have several places where a single database column is being updated for the record the user is actively editing.
So far I've been creating separate stored procedures for each AJAX action... so I've got UPDATE_NAME, UPDATE_ADDRESS, UPDATE_PHONE stored procedures.
I was just wondering if there's a better way to continue utilizing stored procedures, but without creating one for each column.
I'd like to avoid reflecting upon a string parameter which specifies the column, if possible. I.e. I know I could have an UPDATE_COLUMN procedure which takes as one of its parameters the column name. This kind of gives me the willies, but if that's the only way to do it then I may give it some more considering. But not all columns are of the same data type, so that doesn't seem like a silver bullet.

Consider writing a single update procedure that accepts several columns and uses DEFAULT NULL for all columns that are not mandatory (as suggested by others).
Using NVL in the update will then only update the columns you provided. the only problem with this approach is, that you can't set a value to NULL.
PROCEDURE update_record (
in_id IN,
in_address IN your_table.address%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
) AS
UPDATE your_table
SET name = NVL( in_name, name ),
address = NVL( in_address, address),
phone = NVL( in_phone, phone ),
WHERE id = in_id;
END update_record;
You can call it with named parameters then:
update_record( in_id => 123, in_address => 'New address' );
This allows you to update several columns at once when necessary.

I would say to stop using stored procedures for activities that simple, there is no justification to create so many small procedures for every single column in the database. You are much better off with dynamic sql (with parameters) for that.

Create a procedure that can update every column, but only updates columns for which you pass a non-null parameter
CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdateFoo (#fooId INT, #colA INT, #colB VARCHAR(32), #colC float)
update Foo set colA = ISNULL(#colA, colA),
colB = ISNULL(#colB, colB),
colC = ISNULL(#colC, colC)
where fooId = #fooId
Note that this doesn't work if you want to be able to explicitly set null values through your procedure, but you could choose a different value to specify a non-change (-1, etc) with a little more complexity.

It doesn't hurt to do what you are doing, but it could get a little crazy if you continue that path. One thing you can do is create one stored procedure and assign NULL values as default parameters to all your fields that you are updating. So when you call the sproc from your app, if a parameter is given a value that value will be used in the update, otherwise the parameter will take a null value.
Then you can do a check in the sproc IF #Parameter IS NOT NULL ...
If you find yourself ever only needing to update just one field and you do not want to create one central sproc and pass nulls, then use Octavia's solution right below mine and write a simple update procedure.


Postgres ATOMIC stored procedure INSERT INTO . . . SELECT with one parameter and one set of rows from a table

I am trying to write a stored procedure to let a dev assign new user identities to a specified group when they don't already have one (i.e. insert a parameter and the output of a select statement into a joining table) without hand-writing every pair of foreign keys as values to do so. I know how I'd do it in T-SQL/SQL Server but I'm working with a preexisting/unfamiliar Postgres database. I would strongly prefer to keep my stored procedures as LANGUAGE SQL/BEGIN ATOMIC and this + online examples being simplified and/or using constants has made it difficult for me to get my bearings.
Apologies in advance for length, this is me trying to articulate why I do not believe this question is a duplicate based on what I've been able to find searching on my own but I may have overcorrected.
Schema (abstracted from the most identifying parts; these are not the original table names and I am not in a position to change what anything is called; I am also leaving out indexing for simplicity's sake) is like:
create table IF NOT EXISTS user_identities (
[more columns not relevant to this query)
create table IF NOT EXISTS user_groups (
create table IF NOT EXISTS group_identities (
Expected dev behavior:
Add all predetermined identities intended to belong to a group in a single batch
Add identifying information for the new group (it is going to take a lot of convincing to bring the people involved around to using nested stored procedures for this if I ever can)
Bring the joining table up to date accordingly (what I've been asked to streamline).
If this were SQL Server I would do (error handling omitted for time and putting aside whether EXCEPT or NOT IN would be best for now, please)
create OR alter proc add_identities_to_group
#group_name varchar(50) NULL
declare #use_group_id int
if #group_name is NULL
set #use_group_id = (select Top 1 id from user_groups where id not in (select group_id from group_identities) order by id asc)
ELSE set #use_group_id = (select id from user_groups where name = #group_name)
insert into group_identities (user_id, group_id)
select #use_group_id, id from user_identities
where id not in (select user_id from group_identities)
Obviously this is not going to fly in Postgres; part of why I want to stick with atomic stored procedures is staying in "neutral" SQL, both to be closer to my comfort zone and because I don't know what other languages the database is currently set up for, but my existing education has played kind of fast and loose with differentiating what was T-SQL specific at any point.
I am aware that this is not going to run for a wide variety of reasons because I'm still trying to internalize the syntax, but the bad/conceptual draft I have written so that I have anything to stare at is:
create OR replace procedure add_identities_to_groups(
group_name text default NULL ) language SQL
declare use_group_id integer
if group_name is NULL
set use_group_id = (select Top 1 id from user_groups
where id not in (select user_id from group_identities)
order by id asc)
ELSE set use_group_id = (select id from user_groups where name = group_name) ;
insert into group_identities (group_id, user_id)
select use_group_id, id from user_identities
where id not in (select user_id from group_identities)
GO ;
Have not found either answers for how to do this with the combination of a single variable and a column with BEGIN ATOMIC or hard confirmation that it wouldn't work (e.g. can atomic stored procedures just not accept parameters? I cannot find an answer to this on my own). (This is part of why existing answers that I can find here and elsewhere haven't been clarifying for me.)
~~Don't know how to compensate for Postgres's not differentiating variables and parameters from column names at all. (This is why examples using a hardcoded constant haven't helped, and they make up virtually all of what I can find off StackOverflow itself.)~~ Not a problem if Postgres will handle that intelligently within the atomic block but that's one of the things I hadn't been able to confirm on my own.
Google results for "vanilla" SQL unpredictably saturated with SQL Server anyway, while my lack of familiarity with Postgres is not doing me any favors but I don't know anyone personally who has more experience than I do.
because I don't know what other languages the database is currently set up for
All supported Postgres versions always include PL/pgSQL.
If you want to use procedural elements like variables or conditional statements like IF you need PL/pgSQL. So your procedure has to be defined with language plpgsql - that removes the possibility to use the ANSI standard BEGIN ATOMIC syntax.
Don't know how to compensate for Postgres's not differentiating variables and parameters from column names at all.
You don't. Most people simply using naming conventions to do that. In my environment we use p_ for parameters and l_ for "local" variables. Use whatever you prefer.
Quote from the manual
By default, PL/pgSQL will report an error if a name in an SQL statement could refer to either a variable or a table column. You can fix such a problem by renaming the variable or column, or by qualifying the ambiguous reference, or by telling PL/pgSQL which interpretation to prefer.
The simplest solution is to rename the variable or column. A common coding rule is to use a different naming convention for PL/pgSQL variables than you use for column names. For example, if you consistently name function variables v_something while none of your column names start with v_, no conflicts will occur.
As documented in the manual the body for a procedure written in PL/pgSQL (or any other language that is not SQL) must be provided as a string. This is typically done using dollar quoting to make writing the source easier.
As documented in the manual, if you want to store the result of a single row query in a variable, use select ... into from ....
As documented in the manual an IF statement needs a THEN
As documented in the manual there is no TOP clause in Postgres (or standard SQL). Use limit or the standard compliant fetch first 1 rows only instead.
To avoid a clash between names of variables and column names, most people use some kind of prefix for parameters and variables. This also helps to identify them in the code.
In Postgres it's usually faster to use NOT EXISTS instead of NOT IN.
In Postgres statements are terminated with ;. GO isn't a SQL command in SQL Server either - it's a client side thing supported by SSMS. To my knowledge, there is no SQL tool that works with Postgres that supports the GO "batch terminator" the same way SSMS does.
So a direct translation of your T-SQL code to PL/pgSQL could look like this:
create or replace procedure add_identities_to_groups(p_group_name text default NULL)
language plpgsql
$$ --<< start of PL/pgSQL code
declare --<< start a block for all variables
l_use_group_id integer;
begin --<< start the actual code
if p_group_name is NULL THEN --<< then required
select id
into l_use_group_id
from user_groups ug
where not exists (select * from group_identities gi where = ug.user_id)
order by asc
limit 1;
select id
into l_use_group_id
from user_groups
where name = p_group_name;
end if;
insert into group_identities (group_id, user_id)
select l_use_group_id, id
from user_identities ui
where not exists (select * from group_identities gi where gi.user_id =;

PL SQL select count(*) giving wrong answer

I have I table consisting of 3 columns: system, module and block. Table is filled in a procedure which accepts system, module and block and then it checks if the trio is in the table:
select count(*) into any_rows_found from logs_table llt
where system=llt.system and module=llt.module and block=llt.block;
If the table already has a row containing those three values, then don't write them into the table and if it doesn't have them, write them in. The problem is, if the table has values 'system=a module=b block=c' and I query for values 'does the table have system=a module=d block=e' it returns yes, or, to be precise, any_rows_found=1. Value 1 is only not presented when I send a trio that doesn't have one of it's values in the table, for example: 'system=g module=h and block=i'. What is the problem in my query?
Problem is in this:
where system = llt.system
Both systems are the same, it is as if you put where 1 = 1, so Oracle is kind of confused (thanks to you).
What to do? Rename procedure's parameters to e.g. par_system so that query becomes
where llt.system = par_system
Another option (worse, in my opinion) is to precede parameter's name with the procedure name. If procedure's name was e.g. p_test, then you'd have
where llt.system = p_test.system
From the documentation:
If a SQL statement references a name that belongs to both a column and either a local variable or formal parameter, then the column name takes precedence.
So when you do
where system=llt.system
that is interpreted as
where llt.system=llt.system
which is always true (unless it's null). It is common to prefix parameters and local variables (e.g. with p_ or l_) to avoid confusion.
So as #Littlefoot said, either change the procedure definition to make the parameter names different to the column names, or qualify the parameter names with the procedure name - which some people prefer but I find more cumbersome, and it's easier to forget and accidentally use the wrong reference.
Root cause is alias used for table name.
where system=llt.system and module=llt.module and block=llt.block;
Table name alias in select query and input to procedure having the same name(i.e. llt
). You should consider either renaming one of them.

Calling stored procedure to insert multiple values

In our application we have a multiline grids which have many records. For inserting or updating we are calling a stored procedure.
As per the current implementation the stored procedure is calling for each line in the grid. For each line it checks the existence in the table. If data is already there, it will update the table else insert new data into the table.
Instead of calling the procedure for each line, we thought create a table value parameter and pass all the grid values at the same time.
My questions are:
Is it a good approach?
How to handle the existence check (for insert or update) if I pass the values as table-valued parameter? Do I need to loop through the table and check it?
Is it better to have separate stored procedures for insert and update?
Please provide your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
1) TVP is a good approach. And a single stored proc call is more efficient with fewer calls to the Database.
2) You haven't made it clear if each row in the grid has some kind of ID column that determines if the data exists in the Table, however assuming there is, make sure that it is indexed then use INSERT INTO and UPDATE statements like this:
To add new rows:
INSERT INTO [grid_table]
SELECT * FROM [table_valued_parameter]
WHERE [id_column] NOT IN (SELECT [id_column] FROM [grid_table])
To update existing rows:
SET gt.col_A = tvp.col_A,
gt.col_B = tvp.col_B,
gt.col_C = tvp.col_C,
gt.col_Z = tvp.col_Z
FROM [grid_table] gt
INNER JOIN [table_valued_parameter] tvp ON gt.id_column = tvp.id_column
No need to do an IF EXISTS() or anything as the WHERE and JOIN
clauses will run the same checks,so no need to do a 'pre-check'
before running each statement.
This assumes the TVP data isthe same structure as the Table in the
YOU MUST make sure the id_column is indexed.
I've use 'INNER JOIN' instead of just 'JOIN' to make the point it is an inner join
3) Using the approach above you just new one stored proc, simple and effective
It's a good approach
Any way try to put the logic through object level for iterating and checking and finally insert/update in T-SQL. This reduces overhead for RDMS as object level functionality is faster than operations in RDBMS.
Dont put too may stored procedures for each type of operation have a minimised procedures with multiple operations based on parameters you send to it.
Hope it helps!
Yes, it is a good approach. Calling procedure for each row is bad for performance. TVPs make life easier.
Yes, you can do that check in stored procedure, which should be a simple SELECT on uniqueId in most of the cases.
With this approach, yes, it is better to have both in same stored procedure.
1) Using TVP is good approach, but send only new or updated rows as TVP, no need to send entire datagrid.
2) For INSERT/UPDATE use MERGE example:
MERGE [dbo].[Contact] AS [Target]
USING #Contact AS [Source] ON [Target].[Email] = [Source].[Email]
UPDATE SET [FirstName] = [Source].[FirstName],
[LastName] = [Source].[LastName]
INSERT ( [Email], [FirstName], [LastName] )
VALUES ( [Source].[Email], [Source].[FirstName], [Source].[LastName] );
3) For your case one stored procedure is enough.

Optional where clause / parameter in a SQL 2008 stored proc?

I'm writing some code that updates a table. Depending on what the user wants to do, it either updates a large set of records, or a smaller one. The delineating factor is a group ID.
The user can choose whether to update the table for all records, or just those with that groupID. I'd like to use the same stored procedure for both instances, with maybe a little logic in there to differentiate between the scenarios. (I'd prefer not to write two stored procs with 90% identical code.)
I'm no expert at stored procedures and am not sure if I can pass in optional parameters, or how to dynamically generate part of a where clause, depending on whether the groupID is there or not. Any suggestions are welcome.
You can use this or an "OR" contsruct
... WHERE GroupID = ISNULL(#GroupdID, GroupID)
... WHERE GroupID = #GroupdID OR #GroupdID IS NULL
create procedure MyProc (#GroupID int = null)
update MyTable set ....
where #GroupID is null or GroupID = #GroupID

MySQL - Set default value for field as a string concatenation function

I have a table that looks a bit like this actors(forename, surname, stage_name);
I want to update stage_name to have a default value of
forename." ".surname
So that
insert into actors(forename, surname) values ('Stack', 'Overflow');
would produce the record
'Stack' 'Overflow' 'Stack Overflow'
Is this possible?
Thanks :)
MySQL does not support computed columns or expressions in the DEFAULT option of a column definition.
You can do this in a trigger (MySQL 5.0 or greater required):
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
You may also want to create a similar trigger BEFORE UPDATE.
Watch out for NULL in forename and surname, because concat of a NULL with any other string produces a NULL. Use COALESCE() on each column or on the concatenated string as appropriate.
edit: The following example sets stage_name only if it's NULL. Otherwise you can specify the stage_name in your INSERT statement, and it'll be preserved.
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
IF (NEW.stage_name IS NULL) THEN
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
According to 10.1.4. Data Type Default Values no, you can't do that. You can only use a constant or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
OTOH if you're pretty up-to-date, you could probably use a trigger to accomplish the same thing.
My first thought is if you have the two values in other fields what is the compelling need for redundantly storing them in a third field? It flies in the face of normalization and efficiency.
If you simply want to store the concatenated value then you can simply create a view (or IMSNHO even better a stored procedure) that concatenates the values into a pseudo actor field and perform your reads from the view/sproc instead of the table directly.
If you absolutely must store the concatenated value you could handle this in two ways:
1) Use a stored procedure to do your inserts instead of straight SQL. This way you can receive the values and construct a value for the field you wish to populate then build the insert statement including a concatenated value for the actors field.
2) So I don't draw too many flames, treat this suggestion with kid gloves. Use only as a last resort. You could hack this behavior by adding a trigger to build the value if it is left null. Generally, triggers are not good. They add unseen cost and interactions to fairly simple interactions. You can, though, use the CREATE TRIGGER to update the actors field after a record is inserted or updated. Here is the reference page.
As of MySQL 8.0.13, you can use DEFAULT clause for a column which can be a literal constant or an expression.
If you want to use an expression then, simply enclose the required expression within parentheses.
(concat(forename," ",surname))
There are two ways to accomplish what you are trying to do as per my knowledge:
(important: consider backing up your table first before running below queries)
1- Drop the column "stage_name" all together and create a new one with DEFAULT constraint.
ALTER TABLE actors ADD COLUMN stage_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname))
2- This will update newer entries in the column "stage_name" but not the old ones.
ALTER TABLE actors alter stage_name set DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname));
After that, if you need to update the previous values in the column "stage_name" then simply run:
UPDATE actors SET stage_name=(concat(forename," ",surname));
I believe this should solve your problem.