How to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? [closed] -

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Closed 5 years ago.
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what tools do you use to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? There are absolutely no comments/documentation at present. I am a beginner, i.e. I tried Sandcastle but it is way over my head and could not get it going, not even with GUI.
Fatesoft's CodeVisual To Flowchart is OK but it is almost the same as the code and I still don't understand the code.

Convert VB.NET to Csharp using
Use Code Rocket to both generate documentation and flowchart

You can use the built-in XML documentation, described here

I have always enjoyed the output of doxygen
And now I read that you need it for VB .... sigh
I guess you can look at it and think about how awesome it would have been to use ;)


How to get entire source code of FileSystemObject? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am studying myself some Script Object with looking at reference from MSDN or googling. As skipped the whole properties, methods which object has, I can roughly imagine that how the object was constructed. But, If i can look at entire source code of each object such as FileSystemObject, I gonna much more understand the structure it has.
Is there someone who know how to get the entire source code of each Script's object?
You're a few decades off. Check out JavaScript or PowerShell. Even the latest version of Office supports scripting in JavaScript.
To directly answer your question, you can't. Microsoft only very very recently started making things open source.

What are the spell correct api's available? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I wanted to know the spell correct api's available for commercial/non commercial usage other than google/bing.
First of all you can write your own spell corrector with this tutorial. In addition there are some Python packages that may help you with that, such as TextBlob (which I highly recommend). Another option is Gingerit which Iv'e never tried but looks promising. Another DIY spell correct tutorial might interest you as well.
I just launched this, so it's still beta, but it's not bad. It has a dictionary of over 600,000,000 entries covering most non-Asian languages.

How do documentation generators work? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand how documentation generators like Doxygen, JavaDocs etc. work. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking how to use them, but how they do it. I tried to find information about the topic but only found 1 article which is really old, so I'm kinda frustrated.
Does someone know any articles or literature about this?
For doxygen there is a manual page about the internals of Doxygen.
Some small document generators just use regular expressions to extract the documentation. The more flexible and complicated way is to develop a parser for the language and a parser for the documentation syntax just like doxygen and Javadoc do.

clojure.lang, etc. api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are the JavaDocs for clojure.lang, etc. available online? Do I need to build it myself from the Clojure source?
if you want descriptions for functions and even examples, visit ClojureDocs
you can even contribute ;)
Javadocs don't exist, per se. If you look at the Java source code, it's very sparsely documented. Certainly you could generate a skeleton yourself, but it probably wouldn't be all that useful anyway as much of the language is self-implemented (in clojure), using Java mostly for bootstrapping the core functionality. I don't think clojure.lang package is really intended to be used directly.
To learn about Clojure functions you can:
Use (doc) and (find-doc) from a repl
Use the API reference at
See ClojureDocs, per #Belun's answer

JavaDoc to (Doku)Wiki conversion / doclet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Our company has a very large public Java API which is currently being released standalone and online using (of course) JavaDoc. It is surrounded by product documentation which links into the API.
We are moving our static documentation to DokuWiki - which works pretty good - and want to keep the links.
Now it would be good to have a method (or doclet) that exports the JavaDoc directly into DokuWiki - or a very near alternative.
Question: Is there something like this or do you know a method to do just that?
Here's a Doclet which writes to JSON.
It might help get you started writing a custom Doclet.
You need to write doclet yourself, its not hard - its just html generation from very nice meta-model.
this might help
P.S. doclet api is in lib/tools.jar of your sdk.