FLVPlayback not showing skin on exe - flash-cs4

I have a problem exporting a flash exe which contains flvplayback with external skin file.
Works fine on swf but on exe, it's not showing the skin controls
I am using Flash CS4.
Any help will be appreciated.

I think the issue is that, as you said in your question, the skin used by Flash CS4 is stored in an external file.
You just have to put the skin file (SteelExternalPlaySeekMute.swf for instance) in the same directory than your .exe file, and it will work (just tested right now).


JAR does not work when opened from a file

I´m trying to create JAR from IntelliJ project including some external libraries. Finally, I´ve managed to get JAR working in IntelliJ - the whole application loads and works perfectly. When I try to open it from the file, I get only a blank window opening.
I´ve tried every manual and tutorial I found here, on youtube and all over the internet but noone seems to have the same issue.
Any help will be much appreciated!
This is how the Project Structure section looks like
Project Structure
SOLVED with InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("clock.png");
the only way textures will load in JAR.

Gamemaker Game EXE file won't load (game made 11years ago)

So I made a few gamemaker games about 11 years ago and tried to run the exe file.
When I run the exe file, nothing really happens just an error box pops up saying you can find out more here. And it points to 3 .tmp files located in the Temp folder on my computer.
Anyone know how to get these exe files working again?
The older versions of game maker games use an old runner that does not work with the newer versions of window (from Vista and up).
Using compatibilty mode does not fix this.
There is however a fix available that replaces the runner in the EXE with an updated one.
The tool was posted by Mark Overmars (the original creator of Game Maker) but the link in his topic is no longer active (the .zip does download but its an HTML page, not the actual tool).
It did work for me and using this program I was able to run a lot of older gm4 + games that I have played before on windows XP.
If its a must - you can always try to run it on an XP machine.
There is a tool to make them work, I will upload it tonight.
EDIT: Turns out YoYoGames has the tool posted themselves;
More information: http://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/216753218-Troubleshooting-Legacy-GameMaker
You can extract all the files to a directory, then drag your old .exe file onto the converter exe. It will then create a game_old.exe and game.exe and then you should be able to run the game.exe one.

Packing into executable with Instantiations VA Smalltalk™?

I wonder if is possible to package into an executable in VA Smalltalk. Posts on this subject seem to have contradictory or old information. The README from Instantiations comments about splash screen and other resource tweaks for client installs, but is not clear about making an executable application for distribution.
In that case:
Does generating an exe file implies stripping an image?
Is the image bootstrapped, i.e. built from scratch?
so here is my attempt to give a short answer.
You do ship several components when you deploy your application as a runtime:
Your stripped down image (VA ST has a very powerful tool called Packaged Image Browser for this task)
The Virtual Machine (a .exe on Windows). You can customize this exe to display your splash screen or your window icon.
A number of additional files that are needed by the VM and/or your image. These are pictures, message catalogs, additional DLLs etc. VAST has an exhaustive list of which files you have to ship if you use some feature of the product in the VAST documentation
So there is no mechanism to bundle VM and Image together and turn them into a single .exe file, like in Dolphin Smalltalk and maybe more. What you ship is usually a Directory with a few subfolders in it.
There's no way to embed the image (.icx file) into the executable (.exe file) with VA Smalltalk. The best you can do is have an exe file for the VM and your own custom icx file for the image plus a .ini file for configuration. The "Make Executable" option in the organizer creates these files for you but you still have several files.
Here is a good resource for starting out making runtimes.
Although, as mentioned, you can "Make Executable" from the option menu, my experience is based on the runtime packaging.

XCode Project not saving all my files?

Alright. This is utterly puzzling.
I am developing a game project with Xcode 4.1.
The project files are always with me in an USB stick, because I am constantly developing the project on many different Macs.
So I come to a workstation, paste a copy of the project in the USB stick to the desktop, and start working on that copy. When I am done developing, I delete the project in the USB stick, and then copy the one in the workstation's desktop back to the USB stick.
For some reason, my file GameData.h and GameData.m are not properly updated. But everything else in the project is. Basically, I made some edits to GameData, and when I got back home, I noticed that GameData is not the same as the one I was editing a while back. In fact, it only has code I wrote yesterday.
What could be wrong? Why is that file the only thing that never gets copied properly?
Check to make sure your GameData.m/.h files are where you think they are. Select one of them in the navigator tree, right click, select Show in Finder. Examine the file it points to - is it in the same directory as it's project peers, does it have correct (writable) permissions, is it an alias to another file, etc.?
Sometimes you can get into trouble (usually with libs) by adding them to the project, but not checking the box that says "copy into destination group's folder if necessary". In this case, XCode tries to find the file in that other directory (which may not be on all of your Mac machines) rather than the directory where all the other project files are.
I have noticed that occasionally xCode either fails to save a file or fails to rebuild after a file has been changed. It seems to happen on some projects and not others (I've noticed it mostly on a desktop app, but never on phone apps). I have no idea why this happens.

Preventing Caching of swf files in Adobe AIR

I'm trying to prevent caching of swf files in Adobe AIR application.
The situation is like this, I've my AIR application running and i'm dragging and dropping swf files from external (flex builder) onto AIR application. The swf files are loading. But if i recompile the swf files with some changes and drop the swf file onto already running AIR app, the changes are not reflected instead if i restart the application, the changes are reflected. Here the swf files are loading from the cache and i want to prevent this from happening.
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.
Add an unique string to avoid caching:
file.swf?nocache=" + new Date().getTime());