How should I handle this Optimistic Concurrency error in this Entity Framework code, I have? - .net-4.0

I have the following pseduo code in some Repository Pattern project that uses EF4.
public void Delete(int someId)
// 1. Load the entity for that Id. If there is none, then null.
// 2. If entity != null, then DeleteObject(..);
Pretty simple but I'm getting a run-time error:-
ConcurrencyException: Store, Update,
Insert or Delete statement affected an
unexpected number of rows (0).
Now, this is what is happening :-
Two instances of EF4 are running inthe app at the same time.
Instance A calls delete.
Instance B calls delete a nano second later.
Instance A loads the entity.
Instance B also loads the entity.
Instance A now deletes that entity - cool bananas.
Instance B tries to delete the entity, but it's already gone. As such, the no-count or what not is 0, when it expected 1 .. or something like that. Basically, it figured out that the item it is suppose to delete, didn't delete (because it happened a split sec ago).
I'm not sure if this is like a race-condition or something.
Anyways, is there any tricks I can do here so the 2nd call doesn't crash? I could make it into a stored procedure.. but I'm hoping to avoid that right now.
Any ideas? I'm wondering If it's possible to lock that row (and that row only) when the select is called ... forcing Instance B to wait until the row lock has been relased. By that time, the row is deleted, so when Instance B does it's select, the data is not there .. so it will never delete.

Normally you would catch the OptimisticConcurrencyException and then handle the problem in a manner that makes sense for your business model - then call SaveChanges again.
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException e)
if (e.StateEntries.FirstOrDefault() is DeletingObject)
Give that a whirl and see how you get on - not tested/compiled or anything - I've used DeletingObject as the type of the entity you're trying to delete. Substitute for your entity type.


Using the DoctrineObjectConstructor, how are new entities created?

I am attempting to use JMSSerializerBundle to consume JSON into Doctrine entities. I need to both create new entities where they do not already exist in the database, and update existing entities when they do already exist. I am using the DoctrineObjectConstructor included in the JMSSerializer package to help with this. When I consume JSON which contains a property designated as an identifier, such as:
"id": 1,
"some_other_attribute": "stuff"
by attempting to deserialize it, JMSSerializer causes warnings and eventually dies with an exception for attempting to utilize reflection to set properties on a null value. The warnings all look like this:
PHP Warning: ReflectionProperty::setValue() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in /Users/cdonadeo/Repos/Ubertester/vendor/jms/serializer/src/JMS/Serializer/GenericDeserializationVisitor.php on line 176
If I manually insert an entity with ID 1 in my database and make another attempt then I receive no errors and everything appears to be working correctly, but I'm now short half my functionality. I looked at the code for the DoctrineObjectConstructor class, and at the top is a comment:
* Doctrine object constructor for new (or existing) objects during deserialization.
But I don't see how it could possibly create a new a new entity because after the construct() function has done all of its checks, at the end it calls:
$object = $objectManager->find($metadata->name, $identifierList);
And since the identifier does not exist in the database the result is null which is ultimately what gets returned from the function. This explains why inserting a row in the database with the appropriate ID makes things work: find() now returns a proper Entity object, which is what the rest of the library expects.
Am I using the library wrong or is it broken? I forked the Git repo and made an edit, and trying it out everything seems to work more or less the way I expected. That edit does have some drawbacks that make me wonder if I'm not just making this more difficult than it has to be. The biggest issue I see is that it will cause persisted and unpersisted entities to be mixed together with no way to tell which ones are which, but I don't know if that's even a big deal.
For Doctrine entities use configuration:
fallback_strategy: "fallback" # possible values ("null" | "exception" | "fallback")
see configuration reference

NHibernate Session.Flush & Evict vs Clear

In a test where I want to persist an object and then prove it was persisted by fetching it from the db (and not the session), I notice no difference between the following:
// save it
// fetch it
// save it
// fetch it
The lazy programmer in me leans towards one line over two. Is there some reason I am missing to favor the two lines more?
session.Clear actually cancels all pending saves/updates/etc.
If it doesn't, it's because you're using identity so the entity is persisted without flushing.

Ensuring inserts after a call to a custom NHibernate IIdentifierGenerator

The setup
Some of the "old old old" tables of our database use an exotic primary key generation scheme [1] and I'm trying to overlay this part of the database with NHibernate. This generation scheme is mostly hidden away in a stored procedure called, say, 'ShootMeInTheFace.GetNextSeededId'.
I have written an IIdentifierGenerator that calls this stored proc:
public class LegacyIdentityGenerator : IIdentifierGenerator, IConfigurable
// ... snip ...
public object Generate(ISessionImplementor session, object obj)
var connection = session.Connection;
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
SqlParameter param;
command.CommandText = "ShootMeInTheFace.GetNextSeededId";
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
param = command.CreateParameter() as SqlParameter;
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.ParameterName = "#sTableName";
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
param.Value = this.table;
// ... snip ...
// ... snip ...
return ((IDataParameter)command
.Parameters["#sTrimmedNewId"]).Value as string);
The problem
I can map this in the XML mapping files and it works great, BUT....
It doesn't work when NHibernate tries to batch inserts, such as in a cascade, or when the session is not Flush()ed after every call to Save() on a transient entity that depends on this generator.
That's because NHibernate seems to be doing something like
for (each thing that I need to save)
[generate its id]
[add it to the batch]
[execute the sql in one big batch]
This doesn't work because, since the generator is asking the database every time, NHibernate just ends up getting the same ID generated multiple times, since it hasn't actually saved anything yet.
The other NHibernate generators like IncrementGenerator seem to get around this by asking the database for the seed value once and then incrementing the value in memory during subsequent calls in the same session. I would rather not do this in my implementation if I have to, since all of the code that I need is sitting in the database already, just waiting for me to call it correctly.
Is there a way to make NHibernate actually issue the INSERT after each call to generating an ID for entities of a certain type? Fiddling with the batch size settings don't seem to help.
Do you have any suggestions/other workarounds besides re-implementing the generation code in memory or bolting on some triggers to the legacy database? I guess I could always treat these as "assigned" generators and try to hide that fact somehow within the guts of the domain model....
Thanks for any advice.
The update: 2 months later
It was suggested in the answers below that I use an IPreInsertEventListener to implement this functionality. While this sounds reasonable, there were a few problems with this.
The first problem was that setting the id of an entity to the AssignedGenerator and then not actually assigning anything in code (since I was expecting my new IPreInsertEventListener implementation to do the work) resulted in an exception being thrown by the AssignedGenerator, since its Generate() method essentially does nothing but check to make sure that the id is not null, throwing an exception otherwise. This is worked around easily enough by creating my own IIdentifierGenerator that is like AssignedGenerator without the exception.
The second problem was that returning null from my new IIdentifierGenerator (the one I wrote to overcome the problems with the AssignedGenerator resulted in the innards of NHibernate throwing an exception, complaining that a null id was generated. Okay, fine, I changed my IIdentifierGenerator to return a sentinel string value, say, "NOT-REALLY-THE-REAL-ID", knowing that my IPreInsertEventListener would replace it with the correct value.
The third problem, and the ultimate deal-breaker, was that IPreInsertEventListener runs so late in the process that you need to update both the actual entity object as well as an array of state values that NHibernate uses. Typically this is not a problem and you can just follow Ayende's example. But there are three issues with the id field relating to the IPreInsertEventListeners:
The property is not in the #event.State array but instead in its own Id property.
The Id property does not have a public set accessor.
Updating only the entity but not the Id property results in the "NOT-REALLY-THE-REAL-ID" sentinel value being passed through to the database since the IPreInsertEventListener was unable to insert in the right places.
So my choice at this point was to use reflection to get at that NHibernate property, or to really sit down and say "look, the tool just wasn't meant to be used this way."
So I went back to my original IIdentifierGenreator and made it work for lazy flushes: it got the high value from the database on the first call, and then I re-implemented that ID generation function in C# for subsequent calls, modeling this after the Increment generator:
private string lastGenerated;
public object Generate(ISessionImplementor session, object obj)
string identity;
if (this.lastGenerated == null)
identity = GetTheValueFromTheDatabase();
identity = GenerateTheNextValueInCode();
this.lastGenerated = identity;
return identity;
This seems to work fine for a while, but like the increment generator, we might as well call it the TimeBombGenerator. If there are multiple worker processes executing this code in non-serializable transactions, or if there are multiple entities mapped to the same database table (it's an old database, it happened), then we will get multiple instances of this generator with the same lastGenerated seed value, resulting in duplicate identities.
My solution at this point was to make the generator cache a dictionary of WeakReferences to ISessions and their lastGenerated values. This way, the lastGenerated is effectively local to the lifetime of a particular ISession, not the lifetime of the IIdentifierGenerator, and because I'm holding WeakReferences and culling them out at the beginning of each Generate() call, this won't explode in memory consumption. And since each ISession is going to hit the database table on its first call, we'll get the necessary row locks (assuming we're in a transaction) we need to prevent duplicate identities from happening (and if they do, such as from a phantom row, only the ISession needs to be thrown away, not the entire process).
It is ugly, but more feasible than changing the primary key scheme of a 10-year-old database. FWIW.
[1] If you care to know about the ID generation, you take a substring(len - 2) of all of the values currently in the PK column, cast them to integers and find the max, add one to that number, add all of that number's digits, and append the sum of those digits as a checksum. (If the database has one row containing "1000001", then we would get max 10000, +1 equals 10001, checksum is 02, resulting new PK is "1000102". Don't ask me why.
A potential workaround is to generate and assign the ID in an event listener rather than using an IIdentifierGenerator implementation. The listener should implement IPreInsertEventListener and assign the ID in OnPreInsert.
Why dont you just make private string lastGenerated; static?

Why does NHibernate pass default values to an insert if Save is called before the object is populated?

If I call Save on a new object, then populate its properties, NHibernate generates and insert statement that contains only the default values for the properties. For example (session is an open ISession):
var homer = new Person();
homer.Name = "Homer J. Simpson";
I thought that calling Save would make homer persistent and that NH would track any changes and include them in the insert. Instead, it issues an insert with the name property parameter set to null. If I put the Save call after the assignment then it works. This object has a GUID id assigned by NH so it's not doing a premature insert to get an identity.
ETA I'm using session-per-request in an ASP.NET app and the pattern I want to follow is:
MyObject myObject;
if (id == null)
myObject = new MyObject();
myObject = repository.GetMyObject(id);
// populate myObject's properties
// NH magic happens here when the HTTP request ends
I think your assumption in this case is simply incorrect.
Reading the code sample you provided, you could just as well expect NHibernate to insert the object, and then subsequently change the Name and then issue an Update. That, however, would assume that Flush implicitly saves the changed state.
I also wonder why this happens. NH should really wait to insert the object to the database.
Reasons why could do this:
the id, you already said that you are using guids, so this shouldn't be the reason.
there is a query. To ensure that it is performed on actual data, the session is flushed.
there are calculated columns, which need to be read back from the database
there might be other reasons I don't remember.
Is this really the code you are running to reproduce the test?
How does the mapping file look like?
You just mentioned it in the answer to my (perhaps rather naive) comment. You have set session FlushMode to Auto. Change that to Manual and you're more likely to see the behavior you are seeking.
It's still a rather wild guess, simply because so many other properties of your configuration can be at play.

Determine if an entity field changed in NHibernate

I have a call that needs to determine if a field has changed. But calling get using that entities id returns the same entity not the prior version.
Entity e = Dao.Get(id);
//At this point e.Field is X
e.Field = y;
Entity Dao.Get(Guid id)
return Session.Get(id);
Entity Dao.Save(Entity e)
Entity olde = Session.Get(e.Id);
if (e.Field != olde.Field) <--- e.Field == olde.Field so it does not run.
return e;
How do I handle this situation without adding an onChange method to the Entity class.
You only know one "version" of the entity: the current one. There is actually only one version of the entity. You have it in memory and you already changed it and forgot the previous state.
Call get to see the previous database state is dangerous. If changes are already flushed (NHibernate flushes before queries for instance), you get your changes. If you open another session, you see changes from other transactions.
Are you only interested in one single field? Then you can cache the old value somewhere.
If this wouldn't work, you need to tell me more about the reason why you need to know the previous value of this field.
Some more ideas:
cache the previous state of the field when you get the object, in DAO.Get
implement this property that it sets a flag if it changed.
consider to make this change an explicit operation called by the client, instead of an implicit operation that is called when the flag changes. For instance, if this flag is called "Activated", implement a "Activate" and "Deactivate" method. This methods change that flag and perform the "large set of code". The flag is read-only for the rest of the world.