Dynamic sql vs stored procedures - pros and cons? - sql

I have read many strong views (both for and against) SPs or DS.
I am writing a query engine in C++ (mySQL backend for now, though I may decide to go with a C++ ORM). I cant decide whether to write a SP, or to dynamically creat the SQL and send the query to the db engine.#
Any tips on how to decide?

Here's the simple answer:
If your programmers do both database and coding work, keep the SQL with the app. It's easier to maintain that way. Otherwise, let the DB guys handle it in SPs.

You have more control over the mechanisms outside the database. The biggest win for taking care of this outside the database is simply maintenance (in my mind). It'd be slightly hard to version control the SP vs the code you generate outside the database. One more thing to keep track of.
While we're on the topic, it's similar to handling data/schema migrations. It's annoyingly complex to version/handle schema migrations, if you don't already have a mechanism for this, you will have yet another thing you'll need to manage. It comes down to simply being easier to manage/version these things outside the database.
Consider the scenario where you have a bug in your SP. Now it needs to be changed, but then you hop over to another developers database/sandbox. What version is the sandbox and the SP? Now you have to track multiple versions.

One of the main differentiators is whether you are writing the "one true front end" or whether the database is the central piece of your application.
If you are going to have multiple front ends stored procedures make a lot of sense because you reduce your maintenance overhead. If you are writing only one interface, stored procedures are a pain, because you lose a lot of flexibility in changing your data set as your front end needs change, plus you now have to do code maintenance, version control, etc. in two places. Databases are a real pain to keep in sync with code repositories.
Finally, if you are coding for multiple databases (Oracle and SQL compatible code, for example), I'd avoid stored procedures completely.
You may in certain rare circumstances, after profiling, determine that some limited stored procedures are useful to you. This situation comes up way less than people think it does.

The main scenarios when you MUST have the SP is:
1) When you have very complex set of queries with heavy compile overhead and data drift low enough that recompiling is not needed on a regular basis.
2) When the "Only True" logic for accessing the specific data set is VERY complicated, needs to be accessed from several different codebases on different platforms (so writing multiple APIs in code is much more expensive).
Any other scenario, it's debatable, and can be decided one way or another.
I must also say that the other posters' arguments about versioning are not really such a big deal in my experience - having your SPs in version control is as easy as creating a "sql/db_name" directory structure and having easy basic "database release" script which releases the SP code from the version control location to the database. Every company I worked for had some kind of setup like this, central one run by DBAs or departmental one run by developers.

The one thing you want to avoid is to have your business logic spread across multiple tiers of your application. Database DDL and DML are difficult enough to keep in sync with an application code base as it is.
My recommendation is to create a good relational schema, but all your constraints and triggers so that the data retains integrity even if somebody goes to the database and tries to do something through some command line SQL.
Put all your business logic in an application or service that calls (static/dynamic) SQL then wraps the business functionality you are are trying to expose.
Stored-procedures have two purposes that I can think of.
An aid to simplifying data access.
The Stored Procedure does not have
any business logic in it, it just
knows about the structure of the
data and exposes an interface to
isolate accessing three tables and a
view just to get a single piece of
Mapping the Domain Model to the Data
Model, Stored Procedures can assist
in making the Data Model look like a
given Domain Model.
After the program has been completed and has been profiled there are often performance issues with the pre 1.0 release. Stored procedures do offer batching of SQL without traffic needing to go back and forth between the DBMS and the Application. That being said in rare and extreme cases due to performance a few business rules might need to be migrated to the Stored-Procedure side. Make sure to document any exceptions to the architectural philosophy in multiple prominent places.

Stored Procedures are ideal for:
Creating reusable abstractions over complex queries;
Enforcing specific types of insertions/updates to tables (if you also deny permissions to the table);
Performing privileged operations that the logged-in user wouldn't normally be allowed to do;
Guaranteeing a consistent execution plan;
Extending the capabilities of an ORM (batch updates, hierarchy queries, etc.)
Dynamic SQL is ideal for:
Variable search arguments or output columns:
Optional search conditions
Pivot tables
IN clauses with user-specified values
ORM implementations (most can use SPs, but can't be built entirely on them);
DDL and administrative scripts.
They solve different problems, really. Use whichever one is more appropriate to the task at hand, and don't restrict yourself to just one or the other. After you work on database code for a while you'll start to get a more intuitive feel for these things; you'll find yourself banging together some rat's nest of strings for a query and think, "this should really go in a stored procedure."
Final note: Because this question implies a certain level of inexperience with SQL, I feel obliged to say, don't forget that you still need to parameterize your queries when you write dynamic SQL. Parameters aren't just for stored procedures.

DS is more flexible. SP approach makes your system more manageable.


How to avoid SQL statements spreading everywhere in your app?

I have a medium-sized app written in Ruby, which makes pretty heavy use of a RDBMS. As our code grows, I found the ugly SQL statements are spreading to all modules and methods in my app and embedded in many application logic. I am not sure if this is bad, however, my gut tells me this is quite ugly...
So generally in any languages, how do you manage your SQL statements? Or do you think it is harmful for maintainibility to let many SQL statements embedded in the application logic? Why or why not?
SQL is a language for accessing databases. Often, it gets confused as being the API into the data store for a larger application. In fact, you should design a real API between the data store and the app.
The means several things.
For accessing data stored in tables, you want to go through views in the database, rather than directly access the tables.
For data modification steps, you want to wrap insert/update/delete in stored procedures. This has secondary benefits, where you can handle constraints and triggers in the stored procedure and better log what is happening.
For security, you want to include database security as part of your security architecture. Giving all users full access may not be the best approach.
Unfortunately, it is easy to write a simple app that uses a database directly, whether in java or ruby or VBA or whatever. This grows into a bigger app, and then the maintenance problems arise.
I would suggest an incremental approach to fixing this. Go through the code and create views where you have nasty select statements. You'll probably find you need many fewer views than selects (the views can be re-used -- a good thing).
Find places where code is being modified, and change these to stored procedures. I always return status from the stored procedure for error checking and put log information into a table called someting like splog or _spcalls.
If you want to limit permissions for different users of your app, then you might be interested in this.
Leaving the raw SQL statements in the code is a problem. Just wait until you want to rename a column and you have to find all the places where this breaks the code.
Yes, this is not optimal - maintenance becomes a nightmare; it's hard to forecast and determine which code must change when underlying DB changes occur. This is why it is good practice to create a data access layer (DAL) to encapsulate CRUD operations from the application logic. There is often an business logic layer (BLL) between the application logic and DAL to enforce business rules/logic.
Google "data access layer" "business logic layer" and even "n-tier architecture" to learn more.
If you are concerned about the SQL statements littered around your application logic, maybe consider implementing them as Stored Procedures?
That way you will only be including the procedure name and any parameters that need to be passed to it in your code.
It has other benefits too, a common one being easier to re-use in multiple files.
There is much debate about speed and security of Stored Procedure and you will never get a definitive answer about that so I won't even open that can of worms.
Here is how you do this with Java: Create a class that encapsulates all access to the database. Add a method to the class for each query you need to run.
The answer for ruby will be similar to this.
It depends on the architecture of your application but a simple solution is to keep each sql in a file, qry.sql. For each Ruby module (or whatever is used in Ruby to aggregate related code) you can keep a folder SQL with these files. So, the collection of SQL folder/files form the data access layer of your application. The Ruby code provides the business layer. If your data model changes (field names, etc), you can do greps to identify the sql files that need changes. Anyway, definitely separate SQL from your logic code.

Benefits of stored procedures vs. other forms of grabbing data from a database [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code
Just curious on the advantages and disadvantages of using a stored procedure vs. other forms of getting data from a database. What is the preferred method to ensure speed, accuracy, and security (we don't want sql injections!).
(should I post this question to another stack exchange site?)
As per the answer to all database questions 'it depends'. However, stored procedures definitely help in terms of speed because of plan caching (although properly parameterized SQL will benefit from that too). Accuracy is no different - an incorrect query is incorrect whether it's in a stored procedure or not. And in terms of security, they can offer a useful way of limiting access for users - seeing as you don't need to give them direct access to the underlying tables - you can just allow them to execute the stored procedures that you want. There are, however, many many questions on this topic and I'd advise you to search a bit and find out some more.
There are several questions on Stackoverflow about this problem. I really don't think you'll get a "right" answer here, both can work out very well, and both can work horribly. I think if you are using Java then the general pattern is to use an ORM framework like Hibernate/JPA. This can be completely safe from SQL injection attacks as long as you use the framework correctly. My experience with .Net developers is that they are more likely to use stored procedure backed persistence, but that seems to be more open than it was before. Both NHibernate and other MS technologies seem to be gaining popularity.
My personal view is that in general an ORM will save you some time from lots of verbose coding since it can automatically generate much of the SQL you use in a typical CRUD type system. To gain this you will likely give up a little performance and some flexibility. If your system is low to medium volume (10's of thousands of requests per day) then an ORM will be just fine for you. If you start getting in to the millions of requests per day then you may need something a little more bare metal like straight SQL or stored procedures. Note than an ORM doesn't prevent you from going more direct to the DB, it's just not normally what you would use.
One final note, is that I think ORM persistence makes an application much more testable. If you use stored procedures for much of your persistence then you are almost bound to start getting a bunch of business logic in these. To test them you have to actually persist data and interact with the DB, this makes testing slow and brittle. Using an ORM framework you can either avoid most of this testing or use an in memory DB when you really want to test persistence.
Stored Procedures and ORM's
Manual DAL & BLL vs. ORM
This may be better on the Programmers SE, but I'll answer here.
CRUD stored procedures used to be, and sometimes still are, the best practice for data persistence and retrieval on a SQL DBMS. Every such DBMS has stored procedures, so you're practically guaranteed to be able to use this solution regardless of the coding language and DBMS, and code which uses the solution can be pointed to any DB that has the proper stored procs and it'll work with minimal code changes (there are some syntax changes required when calling SPs in different DBMSes; often these are integrated into a language's library support for accessing SPs on a particular DBMS). Perhaps the biggest advantage is centralized access to the table data; you can lock the tables themselves down like Fort Knox, and dispense access rights for the SPs as necessary to more limited user accounts.
However, they have some drawbacks. First off, SPs are difficult to TDD, because the tools don't really exist within database IDEs; you have to create tests in other code that exercise the SPs (and so the test must set up the DB with the test data that is expected). From a technical standpoint, such a test is not and cannot be a "unit test", which is a small, narrow test of a small, narrow area of functionality, which has no side effects (such as reading/writing to the file system). Also, SPs are one more layer that has to be changed when making a needed change to functionality. Adding a new field to a query result requires changing the table, the retrieval source code, and the SP. Adding a new way to search for records of a particular type requires the statement to be created and tested, then encapsulated in a SP, and the corresponding method created on the DAO.
The new best practice where available, IMO, is a library called an object-relational mapper or ORM. An ORM abstracts the actual data layer, so what you're asking for becomes the code objects themselves, and you query for them based on properties of those objects, not based on table data. These queries are almost always code-configurable, and are translated into the DBMS's flavor of SQL based on one or more "mappings" that you define between the object model and the data model (objects of type A are persisted as records in table B, where this property C is written to field D).
The advantages are more flexibility within the code actually looking for data in the form of these code objects. The criteria of a query is usually able to be customized in-code; if a new query is needed that has a different WHERE clause, you just write the query, and the ORM will translate it into the new SQL statement. Because the ORM is the only place where SQL is actually used (and most ORMs use system stored procs to execute parameterized query strings where available) injection attacks are virtually impossible. Lastly, depending on the language and the ORM, queries can be compiler-checked; in .NET, a library called Linq is available that provides a SQL-ish keyword syntax, that is then converted into method calls that are given to a "query provider" that can translate those method calls into the data store's native query language. This also allows queries to be tested in-code; you can verify that the query used will produce the desired results given an in-memory collection of objects that stands in for the actual DBMS.
The disadvantages of an ORM is that the ORM library is usually language-specific; Hibernate is available in Java, NHibernate (and L2E and L2SQL) in .NET, and a few similar libraries like Pork in PHP, but if you're coding in an older or more esoteric language there's simply nothing of the sort available. Another one is that security becomes a little trickier; most ORMs require direct access to the tables in order to query and update them. A few will tolerate being pointed to a view for retrieval and SPs for updating (allowing segregation of view/SP and table security and the ability to restrict the retrievable fields), but now you're mixing the worst of both worlds; you still have to define mappings, but now you also have code in the data layer. The easiest way to overcome this is to implement your security elsewhere; force applications to get data using a web service, which provides the data using the ORM and has specific, limited "front doors". Also, many ORMs have some performance problems when used in certain ways; most are designed to "lazy-load" data, where data is retrieved the moment it's actually needed and not before, which increases up-front performance when you don't need every record you asked for. However, when you DO need every record you asked for, this creates extra round trips. You have to structure queries in specific ways to get around this expected use-case behavior.
Which is better? You have to decide. I can tell you now that using an ORM is MUCH easier to set up and get working correctly than SPs, and it's much easier to make (and limit the scope of) changes to the schema and to queries. In the modern development house, where the priority is to make it work first, and then make it perform well and/or be secure against intrusion, that's a HUGE plus. In most cases where you think security is an issue, it really isn't, and when security really is an issue, putting the solution in the DB layer is usually the wrong place, because the DBMS is the very last line of defense against intrusion; if the DBMS itself has to be counted on to stop something unwanted from happening, you have failed to do so (or even encouraged it to happen) in many layers of software and firmware above it.

Convincing a die hard DBA to use an ORM for the majority of CRUD vs Stored Procedures, View, and Functions

I have been working with NHibernate, LINQ to SQL, and Entity Framework for quite some time. And while I see the benefits to using an ORM to keep the development effort moving quickly, the code simple, and the object relational impedance mismatch to a minimum, I still find it very difficult to convince a die hard SQL dba of an ORM's strengths. From my point of view an ORM can be used for at least 90-95% of all of your data access leaving those really hairy things to be done in procedures or functions where appropriate. I am by no means the guy that says we must do everything in the ORM!
Question: What are some of the better arguments for convincing an old school dba that the use of an ORM is not the absolute worst idea ever conceived by a programmer!
If you want to convince him, first you need to understand what his problem is with use of an ORM. Giving you a list of generic benefits is unlikely to help if it does not address the issues he has.
However, my first guess as to his issue would be that it prevents him from doing any optimisation because you're accessing tables directly so he has no layer of abstraction behind which to work, so if a table needs altering or (de)normalizing then he can't do it without breaking your application.
If you're wondering why a DBA would feel like this, and how to respond to it, then it's roughly the same as him coming up to you and saying he wants you to make all the private fields in your classes public, and that you can't change any of them without asking him first. Imagine what it would take for him to convince you that's a good idea, and then use the same argument on him.
Explain to them that creating a stored procedure for every action taken by an application is unmaintainable on several levels.
If the schema changes it's difficult
to track down all the stored
procedures that are affected.
It's impossible ensure that multiple
stored procedures aren't created to
do the same thing, or if slightly
altering an existing stored
procedure is going to have serious
It's difficult to make sure that the
application and database are in
sync after a deploy.
Dynamic SQL has all these issues and more.
I guess, my first question to "Convincing a die hard DBA to use an ORM" would be: Is the DBA also a programmer that also works outside the DB so that he/she would "use an ORM"? If not then why would the DBA give up a major part of their job to someone else and thereby significantly reduce their overall usefulness to the company? They wouldn't.
In any case, the best way to convince any engineer of anything is with empirical data. Setup a prototype with a few parts of the real application ported to ORM for the purpose of your demonstration and actually prove your points.
On another point I think you don't get the object relational impedance dilemma if you're trying to use that as an argument to use an Object-Relation-Mapper. The DBA could quote from that link you posted where where it says "Mapping such private object representation to database tables makes such databases fragile according to OOP philosophy" and that the issue is further pronounced "particularly when objects or class definitions are mapped (ORM) in a straightforward way to database tables or relational schemata" So according to your own link, by promoting ORM you are promoting the problem.
By using sprocs the DBA is free to make changes to the underlying schema, so long as the sproc still returns the same columns with the same types. Thusly with this abstraction that sprocs add, the direct schema mapping issues become nought. This does not mean however that you need to give up your beloved EF since EF can now be used quite happily with sprocs.
Procedures used to be more efficient because of predictable caching mechanisms. However, many DBA's overkill the procedures, introducing lots of branching logic with IF commands, resulting in an scenarios where they become uncacheable.
Next, procedures are only useful if you plan to span data logic across multiple platforms; a website and separate client application, for example. If you're only making a web application, the procedures introduce an unnecessary level of abstraction and more things to juggle. Having to adjust a table, then a procedure, then a data model is a lot of work when adjusting a single model via the ORM would suffice.
Lastly, procedures couple your code to your database very tightly. If you want to migrate to a different database you have to migrate all the procedures, some of which may need to be heavily rewritten. This sort of migration is significantly easier with an ORM since you can yank out the backend and install a new one without the frontend application knowing the difference.

When should I use stored procedures?

When should I be using stored procedures instead of just writing the logic directly in my application? I'd like to reap the benefits of stored procedures, but I'd also like to not have my application logic spread out over the database and the application.
Are there any rules of thumb that you can think of in reference to this?
Wow... I'm going to swim directly against the current here and say, "almost always". There are a laundry list of reasons - some/many of which I'm sure others would argue. But I've developed apps both with and without the use of stored procs as a data access layer, and it has been my experience that well written stored procedures make it so much easier to write your application. Then there's the well-documented performance and security benefits.
This depends entirely on your environment. The answer to the question really isn't a coding problem, or even an analysis issue, but a business decision.
If your database supports just one application, and is reasonably tightly integrated with it, then it's better, for reasons of flexibility, to place your logic inside your application program. Under these circumstances handling the database simply as a plain data repository using common functionality looses you little and gains flexibility - with vendors, implementation, deployment and much else - and many of the purist arguments that the 'databases are for data' crowd make are demonstratively true.
On the other hand if your are handling a corporate database, which can generally be identified by having multiple access paths into it, then it is highly advisable to screw down the security as far as you can. At the very least all appropriate constraints should enabled, and if possible access to the data should be through views and procedures only. Whining programmers should be ignored in these cases as...
With a corporate database the asset is valuable and invalid data or actions can have business-threatening consequences. Your primary concern is safeguarding the business, not how convenient access is for your coders.
Such databases are by definition accessed by more than one application. You need to use the abstraction that stored procedures offer so the database can be changed when application A is upgraded and you don't have the resource to upgrade application B.
Similarly the encapsulation of business logic in SPs rather than in application code allows changes to such logic to be implemented across the business more easily and reliably than if such logic is embedded in application code. For example if a tax calculation changes it's less work, and more robust, if the calculation has to be changed in one SP than multiple applications. The rule of thumb here is that the business rule should be implemented at the closest point to the data where it is unique - so if you have a specialist application then the logic for that app can be implemented in that app, but logic more widely applicable to the business should be implemented in SPs.
Coders who dive into religious wars over the use or not of SPs generally have worked in only one environment or the other so they extrapolate their limited experience into a cast-iron position - which indeed will be perfectly defensible and correct in the context from which they come but misses the big picture. As always, you should make you decision on the needs of the business/customers/users and not on the which type of coding methodology you prefer.
I tend to avoid stored procedures. The debugging tools tend to be more primitive. Error reporting can be harder (vs your server's log file) and, to me at least, it just seems to add another language for no real gain.
There are cases where it can be useful, particularly when processing large amounts of data on the server and of course for database triggers that you can't do in code.
Other than that though, I tend to do everything in code and treat the database as a big dump of data rather than something I run code on.
Consider Who Needs Stored Procedures, Anyways?:
For modern databases and real world
usage scenarios, I believe a Stored
Procedure architecture has serious
downsides and little practical
benefit. Stored Procedures should be
considered database assembly language:
for use in only the most performance
critical situations.
and Why I do not use Stored Procedures:
The absolute worst thing you can do,
and it's horrifyingly common in the
Microsoft development world, is to
split related functionality between
sproc's and middle tier code.
Grrrrrrrr. You just make the code
brittle and you increase the
intellectual overhead of understanding
a system.
I said this in a comment, but I'm going to say it again here.
Security, Security, SECURITY.
When sql code is embedded in your application, you have to expose the underlying tables to direct access. This might sound okay at first. Until you get hit with some sql injection that scrambles all the varchar fields in your database.
Some people might say that they get around this by using magic quotes or some other way of properly escaping their embedded sql. The problem, though, is the one query a dev didn't escape correctly. Or, the dev that forgot to not allow code to be uploaded. Or, the web server that was cracked which allowed the attacker to upload code. Or,... you get the point. It's hard to cover all your bases.
My point is, all modern databases have security built in. You can simply deny direct table access (select, insert, update, and deletes) and force everything to go through your s'procs. By doing so generic attacks will no longer work. Instead the attacker would have to take the time to learn the intimate details of your system. This increases their "cost" in terms of time spent and stops drive by and worm attacks.
I know we can't secure ourselves against everything, but if you take the time to architect your apps so that the cost to crack it far outweighs the benefits then you are going to serious reduce your potential of data loss. That means taking advantage of all the security tools available to you.
Finally, as to the idea of not using s'procs because you might have to port to a different rdbms: First, most apps don't change database servers. Second, in the event that it's a real possibility, you have to code using ANSI sql anyway; which you can do in your procs. Third, you would have to reevaluate all of your sql code no matter what and it's a whole lot easier when that code is in one place. Fourth, all modern databases now support s'procs. Fifth, when using s'proc's you can custom tune your sql for the database it's running under to take advantage of that particular database's sql extensions.
Basically when you have to perform operations involving data that do not need to get out of the database. For example, you want to update one table with data from another, it makes little sense to get the data out and then back in if you can do it all in one single shot to the db.
Another situation where it may be acceptable to use stored procedures is when you are 100% sure you will never deploy your application to another database vendor. If you are an Oracle shop and you have lots of applications talking to the same database it may make sense to have stored procedures to make sure all of them talk to the db in a consistent manner.
Complicated database queries for me tend to end up as stored procs. Another thought to consider is that your database might be completely separate and distinct from the application. Lets say you run an Oracle DB and you essentially are building an API for other application developers at your organization to call into. You can hide the complicated stuff from them and provide a stored proc in its place.
A very simple example:
registerUser(username, password)
might end up running a few different queries (check if it exists, create entries in a preference table, etc) and you might want to encapsulate them.
Of course, different people will have different perspectives (a DBA versus a Programmer).
I used stored procs in 1 of 3 scenarios:
When speed is of the utmost importance, stored procedures provide an excellent method
When I'm updating several tables and the code logic might change down the road, I can update the stored proc and avoid a recompile. Stored procedures are an excellent black box method for updating lots of data in a single stroke.
When I'm working an insert, delete or update that spans multiple tables. I wrap the whole thing in a transaction. If there is an error, it's very easy to roll back the transaction and throw an error to avoid data corruption.
The bottom 2 are very do-able in code. However, stored procedures provide an black-box method of working when complex and transaction level operations are important. Otherwise, stick with code level database operations.
Security used to be one of the reasons. However, with LINQ and other ORMs out there, code level DAL operations are much more secure than they've been in the past. Stored procs ARE secure but so are ORMs like LINQ.
We use stored procedures for all of our reporting needs. They can usually retrieve the data faster and in a way that the report can just spit out directly instead of having to do any kind of calculations or similar.
We also will use stored procedures for complex or complicated queries we need to do that would be difficult to read if they were otherwise inside of our codebase.
It can also be very useful as a matter of encapsulation and in the philosophy of DRY. For instance I use stored functions for calculations inside a table that I need for several queries inside the code. This way I use the better performance as well as the ensuring that the calculation is always done the same way.
I would not use it for higher functionality or logic the should be in the business logic layer of an architecture, but focused on the model layer, where the functionality is clearly focused on the database design and possible flexibility of changing the database design without breaking the API to the other layers.
I tend to always use stored procedures. Personally, I find it makes everything easier to maintain. Then there is the security and performance considerations.
Just make sure you write clean, well laid out and well documented stored procedures.
When all the code is in a stored proc, it is far easier to refactor the database when needed. Changes to logic are far easier to push as well. It is also far far easier to performance tune and sooner or later performance tuning becomes necessary for most database applications.
From my experience, stored procedures can be very useful for building reporting databases/pipelines, however, I'd argue that you should avoid using stored procedures within applications as they can impede a team's velocity and any security risks of building queries within an application can be mitigated by the use of modern tooling/frameworks.
Why might we avoid it?
To avoid tight-coupling between applications and databases. If we use stored procedures, we won't be able to easily change our underlying database in the future because we'd have to either:
Migrate stored procedures from one database (e.g. DB2) to another (e.g. SQL Server) which could be painstakingly time-consuming or...
Migrate all the queries to the applications themselves (or potentially in a shared library)
Because code-first is a thing. There a several ORMs which can enable us to target any database and even manage the table schemas without ever needing to touch the database. ORMs such as Entity Framework or Dapper allow developers to focus on building features instead of writing stored procedures and wiring them up in the application.
It's yet another thing that developers need to learn in order to be productive. Instead, they can write the queries as part of the applications which makes the queries far simpler to understand, maintain, and modify by the developers who are building new features and/or fixing bugs.
Ultimately, it depends on what developers are most comfortable with.
If a developer has a heavy SQL background, they might go with Stored Procs.
If a developer has lots of app development experience, they might prefer queries in code. Personally, I think having queries in code can enable developers to move much faster and security concerns can be mitigated by ensuring teams are following best practices (e.g. parameterized queries, ORM). Stored procs aren't a "silver bullet" for system security.
Does the use of procedures still make sense in 202X?
Maybe in low level and rare scenarios or if we write code for a legacy companies with unfounded restrictions, stored procedure should be an option.
If entire logic is in the database, should I need a dba to change it?
No. In modern platforms, the requirement of a DBA to change the business logic is not an option.
Hot modification of stored procedures without dev or staging phases, area a crazy idea.
How easy is to maintain a procedure with dozens of lines, cursors and other low level database features vs a OOP objects in any modern language in which a junior developer is able to maintain?
This answers itself
Hide tables from my development team for security reasons sounds very crazy for me, in these times in which agility and well documentation are everything.
Modern development team with a modern database, should not worry about security. What's more, they need access to sandbox version of database to reduce the time of its deliverables.
With modern ORMs, ESBs, ETLs and the constant increase of cpu power, stored procedures are not an option anymore. Should I invest time and money in these tools, to create at final: one big stored procedure?
Of course, not.
On top of the speed and security considerations, I tend to stick as much in Stored Procedures as possible for ease of maintenance and alterations. If you put the logic in your application, and find later that sql logic has an error or needs to work differently in some manner, you have to recompile and redeploy the whole app in many cases (especially if it's a client side app such as WPF, Win-Forms, etc). If you keep the logic in the stored proc, all you have to do is update the proc and you never have to touch the application.
I agree that they should be used often and well.
The use case I think is extremely compelling and extremely useful is if you are taking in a lot of raw information that should be separated out into several tables, where the some of the data may have records that already exist and need to be connected by foreign key id, then you can just IF EXISTS checks and insert if it doesn't or return key if it does, which makes everything more uniform, succinct, and maintainable in the long run.
The only case where I would suggest against using them is if you are doing a lot of logic or number crunching between queries which is best done in the app server OR if you are working for a company where keeping all of the logic in the code is important for maintainability/understanding what is happening. If you have a git repository full of everything anyone would need and is easily understandable, that can be very valuable.
The stored procedures are a method of collecting operations that should be done together on database side, while still keeping them on database side.
This includes:
Populating several tables from one rowsource
Checking several tables against different business rules
Performing operations that cannot be efficiently performed using set-based approach
The main problem with stored procedures is that they are hard to maintain.
You, therefore, should make stored procedures as easy to maintain as all your other code.
I have an article on this in my blog:
Schema junk
I've had some very bad experiences with this.
I'm not opposed to stored procedures in their place, but gratuitous use of stored procedures can be very expensive.
First, stored procedures run on the database server. That means that if you have a multi-server environment with 50 webservers and one database server, instead of spreading workloads over 50 cheap machines, you load up one expensive one (since the database server is commonly built as a heavyweight server). And you're risking creating a single-point-of-failure.
Secondly, it's not very easy to write an application solely in stored procedures, although I ran into one that made a superhuman effort to try to. So you end up with something that's expensive to maintain: It's implemented in 2 different programming languages, and the source code is often not all in one place either, since stored procedures are definitively stored in the DBMS and not in a source archive. Assuming that someone ever managed/bothered o pull them out of the database server and source-archive them at all.
So aside from a fairly messy app architecture, you also limit the set of qualified chimpanzees who can maintain it, as multiple skills are required.
On the other hand, stored procedures are extremely useful, IF:
You need to maintain some sort of data integrity across multiple systems. That is, the stored logic doesn't belong to any single app, but you need consistent behavior from all participating apps. A certain amount of this is almost inevitable in modern-day apps in the form of foreign keys and triggers, but occasionally, major editing and validation may be warranted as well.
You need performance that can only be achieved by running logic on the database server itself and not as a client. But, as I said, when you do that, you're eating into the total system resources of the DBMS server. So it behooves you to ensure that if there are significant bits of the offending operation that CAN be offloaded onto clients, you can separate them out and leave the most critical stuff for the DBMS server.
A particular scenario you're likely to benefit involves the situation around the "(n+1)" scalability problem. Any kind of multidimensional/hierarchical situation is likely to involve this scenario.
Another scenario would involve use cases where it does some protocol when handling the tables (hint: defined steps which transactions are likely to be involved), this could benefit from locality of reference: Being in the server, queries might benefit. OTOH, you could supply a batch of statements directly into the server. Specially when you're on a XA environment and you have to access federated databases.
If you are talking business logic rather than just "Should I use sprocs in general" I would say you should put business logic in sprocs when you are carrying out large set based operations or any other time executing the logic would require a large number of calls to the db from the app.
It also depends on your audience. Is ease of installation and portability across DBMSs important to you?
If your program should be easy to install and easy to run on different database systems then you should stay away from stored procedures and also look out for non-portable SQL in your code.

Where should database queries live?

Should queries live inside the classes that need the data? Should queries live in stored procedures in the database so that they are reusable?
In the first situation, changing your queries won't affect other people (either other code or people generating reports, etc). In the second, the queries are reusable by many and only exist in one place, but if someone breaks them, they're broken for everyone.
I used to be big on the stored proc solution but have changed my tune in the last year as databases have gotten faster and ORMs have entered the main stream. There is certainly a place for stored procs. But when it comes to simple CRUD sql: one liner insert/update/select/delete, using an ORM to handle this is the most elegant solution in my opinion, but I'm sure many will argue the other way. An ORM will take the SQL and DB connection building plumbing out of your code and make the persistence logic much more fluidly integrated with your app.
I suggest placing them as stored procedures in the database. Not only will you have the re-use advantage but also you'll make sure the same query (being a select, update, insert, etc...) it is the same because you are using the same stored procedure. If you need to change it, you'll only change it in one place. Also, you'll be taking advantage of the database server's processing power instead of the server/computer where your application resides. That is my suggestion.
Good luck!
It depends / it's situational. There are very strong arguments for and against either option. Personally, I really don't like seeing business logic get split between the database (in stored procedures) and in code, so I usually want all the queries in code to the maximum extent possible.
In the Microsoft world, there are things like Reporting Services that can retrieve data from classes/objects instead of (and in addition to) a database / stored procedures. Also, there are things like Linq that give you more strongly typed queries in code. There are also strong, mature ORMs like NHibernate that allow for writing pretty much all types of queries from code.
That said, there are still times when you are doing "rowset" types of things with your queries that work much better in a stored procedure than they work from code.
In the majority of situations, either/both options work just fine.
From my perspective, I think that stored procs are the the way to go. First, they are easier to maintain as a quick change to one means just running the script not recompiling the application. Second they are far better for security. You can set permissions at the sp level and not directly on the tables and views. This helps prevent fraud because the users cannot do anything directly to the datbase that isn't specified in a stored proc. They are easier to performance tune. When you use stored procs, you can use the database dependency metadata to help determine the affect of database changes on the code base. In many systems, not all data access or or even CRUD operations will take place through the application, having the code there seems to me to be counterproductive. If all the data access is in one place (an idea I support), it should be in the database where it is accessible to all applications or processes that might need to use it.
I've found that application programmers often don't consider the best way for a database to process information as they are focused on the application not the backend. By putting the code for the database in the database where it belongs, it is more likely to be seen and reviewed by database specialists who do consider the database and it's perfomance. We support hundreds of databases and applications here. I can look in any database and find the code that I need to find when something is slow. I don't have to upload the application code for each of hundreds of different applications just to see the part I need to do my job.